If The MHion Doiar Mystery By HAROLD MAC cftATH Illustrated from &?wi tn th ? P/iofo Drama of th* Sam ? Nam* lot th ? Thanhouser Film Company (Oopjricbt, 1911, V/ Harold MMQraUt) CHAPTER VI. "Did you got tbo range?" asked the countess, when lato that night Bralno recounted .his adventure. "Range!" he snarled. "Mr girl, haven't I Just told you that I had to Cght tor my life? My boat was In flames. We had to swim for It till wo were picked up by a Long Island barge tug. I don't know what becamo of the motorman. He must have headed straight for shore. And I'm glad he did. Otherwise he'd be howl ing for the price of another boat. Olga, for tho first tlmo I've had to let one of Ilia boyo have a look at my face. Doesn't know the name; but ono of theao days he'll stumble ccrois it, nnd ibe result will be black mull, unless I push him off Into tho dark. It was accidental." Tha countess leaned forward, her hands tightly clinched. "But the box!" Bralno made a grsturo of despair. "Leo, aro you using any drug these days?" "Don't make fun of me, Olga," Im patiently. "Did you over see me drink more than a pint of wine or rrooke more than two cigars in an evening? Poor fools! What! let my brain go Into the wastebasket for the sake of ah hour or so of exhilaration? No. and never will I! I'm keen about the gray matter I're got. and by the Lord Harry, I'm going to keep it. There's only one nope fierj In the Hundred, and he's one of the best decoy* we have; so we let him have bit coke whenever ho really needs It. But this man rfclton has seen my face. Some day tell see It again, ask questions, and then , ? . .n "Then what?" "A burial at sea." he laughed. TLe laughter died swiftly as It came. Threw it Into eight hundred feet of water, on a bar where the sands are always shifting. Holl never find It. even if bo took tho range. Ho could not have got. a decent one. The sun I was dropping and the shadows were I long. He threw the chest into tho miter and then began pegging away at us, cool as you please, and flrod I our tank." ' vi l00ka 10 ?3U 88 lf ho had wasted his time." That depends. Between you and I ?ne and the gate-post, I've a anoaklng idea that this man Jones, whom no body has given any particular attcn tlon. Is a deep, clever man. Ho may ?a_ve honestly attempting to And a new hiding place; the advertisement VC"paper majr hnTe <>?wn ? . n? have thrown tho box ?ver. In pnro rage at seeing himself checkmated Ageln, the whole thing may have been worked op for our benefit, a blind. But If that's tho case, Jones has na on tha hip, for we Drehshn?;. *Ut W? c#n do what >? ?">? probability ho expeeti well cease to I before^'Ch h'm " ahrav<1,7 ?? Olga caught his Jmnd and drew him d?w? be*l4<1, ??? " I wasn't going to you?onl*ht. but I' -nay mean something rltal." "What?" alertly. tn'ThV^.'v? *nd walked over to tho light button. She pressed It and the apartment became dark. "Come over to the window, quick'" hlm "*>?? tha room, f; tba way. the house with the I niarblo frontage." A man emerged. Jit > cigarotte, and "No?" i""** <,0wn Nol She cried, as Blaine turned to mako for tbo door, doubtless with tile intention of finding cut xrbo this ?aa? was. "Every night altar you leave he appears." m I^Does he follow mar "No. And that's what bothered me at first, l believed he wis watehlnr I come apartment above. But rsJSSrt? when I turn ont the lights he comes forth So there's no^ubt tUt matches you enter and takes note of your departure*" " or ?But dpestft follow me. That's odd. What the devil 1* his Idea?" "I'd give a good deal toW." Tho shadow and the *iA?fi?. I ?"e dl-PPear^ J^nS X 'c^ ? In the apartment vera turned on again.' ware Tt" "*"7 Utok W. Wt^tCeh."* <hU I And eren it that moment thA ??(,.), I "ftiaplclouif- km murmured tha cigarette Into tb? mtit ? JTTJ* watching m. for . .C' <?t I know what I kwow^r*! - WWld. Il's floe to JTSL *?? 22 on tap of ft" hS w?f ? 2^5! mZZ*00* tha ?w ^tSd'Sa^,eorf4i-t?-'| "Tomorrow night you might leave by tlie Janitor's entrance. I'll keep the lights on till you're outside. Then I'll turn thom off and you can follow and learn who he Is," "It's mighty Important" ? "Don't scowl. At your age a wrinkle Is apt to remain If you once get It started." He laughed. "Wrinkles!" She could talk of wrinkles! "They are more Important thus you think. Every morning { rub out the wrinkle I go to bed with." "I wish you could nib out the gen* ernl stupidity which Is wrinkling my brain. I've made three moves and failed In each. What's come over mo?" "Perhaps you've had too many suc cesses. The wheel of chance la al ways turning around." "May I smoke?" "Thanks. At least it proves you still have come consideration for mc. You wouid smolto whether it was agreeable or not. But I like the odor of a good cigar; And it always helps you to think." lira ine lit the cigar and began bis customary pacing. At length he paused. "Suppose we have a real old-fash lened coaching party out to the old mansion wo know about?" "And what shall we do there?" "Make the mansion an enchanted castle where sometimes people who enter can't get out. Do you titlsk you could get her to go?" "I can try." "Olga. I must have that girl; and 1 must have her soon. Sometimes I And myself mightily puxtled over the whole thing. If Hargreave is alive, why doesn't he turn up now that It's rractlcally known that his daughter presides over bis household? I might understand It It I didn't know that llargr^ave Is really afraid of nothing. Whero is the man with the Ore thou sand, picked up at sea? What was tho reason for Jones carrying that box out In broad daylight? Who la the chap watching acroaa the street? Sometimes I believe hi my soul ? if I hare one!*? that Hargreave Is playing with us, playing! Welt" flinging the half consumed cigar Into the grate, "the Black Hundred always goea for ward. win or lose, and never forgets." "We are a fine pair!" said the wo man bitterly, "We are exactly what fate Intended us to be. They wroto you down In the book as a beautiful body with a crooked mind. They wrote mo down es the devl), doomed to roam earth's top till I'm killed." "Killed?" "Why, yea. I'm not the kind ot shap who dies In bed, surrounded by the weeping members of tho family, doctor, nurse, and priest. I'm a scoundrel; but it has this saving urace. I enjoy being a scoundrel. Now, I'm going up to the club. There's nothing like a game ot billiards or cbess to smooth that wrinkle which seems to worry you." In the great newspaper office there was a mighty racket. Midnight al ways means pandemonium In the city room of a metropolitan daily. Copy boys were rushing to and fro, messengers and printers with sticky galleys in their hands; reporters were banging away at their typewriters, end intermingling you could hear the ceaseless ellckety-cllck from the tele graph room. The managing editor came out of hla office and approached the desk of the night city editor. "Editorial page gone down?" "Twenty minutes ago," said the night city editor. "I wanted a stick on that Panama rumpus." "Tori late." "Wlw.e'a Jim Norton?? . "At the chamber ot cramerce twa quet. The major Is gofrjg to throw a bomb into the enemy's ta mp." "Nothing on the Hargreavs stuff?" Dues* I'd better put that In the cubbyhole. He's dead." "No win found yet?" ? "Not a piece aa big aa a postage stamp." "That will leave the girt In a tough place. No will, no birth certificate; and. worn of all, bo photograph ot the old >oat> himself. 1 don't see why Jim sidestepped this affair. Be the only man In town who knew anything about StrgtaaTa." "Be hasn't given It up; out he waste to oover it oe hla own, tare the yarn over when he's got It, ao falsi alarms," ?o B?tji the gamer "Tee; and JUa Is the sort every pa per needs. When the time eomea the story turns up. If there to one. Hare he Is now. look* like an actor In the fourth act of k drama. Good looking , chap, though.- . ? r}. Norton came In through the ?<Mer ??tee. Be was in evening clothee, top hat. 4:le*d clpirctte dangled be tween his llpt* ?reffp "Column and a halt." ";-' , " Any thlq'E good?" Kilted tho uixBS^ IOC "Tto lid tu boan jammed on tight No win* to any resUm*nt altar on* o'clock. Thero'll bo a roundup of ??? ery gunman In town." V -tj "flood work! Qo to It." It waa one o'clock when Norton turned In hU laat sheet or copy and started tor home. Just outside the eutrance to the building a man with * slouch hat drawn down over hla eyes stepped forward. . "Mr. NortonT" "Yes." Norton stepped back sus piciously. Tin' other chuckVtd, raised and low ered his hat swiftly. 'XJood Lord!" murmured the re porter. "Will you take a ride with me In a taxi?" "All the way to Syracuse, If you ssy so. Well, I'll be tinker d? d!l "No names, please!" What took place In that taxlcab waa never generally known. But at ten o'clock the next morning Norton sur prised the elerator boy by going out. Norton proceeded downtown to the national bank, where be depoelted $5,000 In bills of larfe denominations. The teller hed some difficulty In count? Ing them. They stuck together and re tained the aoddeo appearance ol money recently submerged In water. ? * ? Florence was delighted at the Idea of a coaching party. Often during b?r echoolgltl days she had seen the Ush lonablo coaches go careening along the road, with the sharp, dear note of the buglo rising about the thunder of hoof? and rattling of wheela. Jones was not enthusiastic; neither was he a killjoy "But you aro to go slong, too," salt! Florence. "I, Miss Florence?" "The countess Invited yon especially. You will go with a hamper." "Ah. In my capacity as butler; very good. Miss Florence." . To her he gave no sign of his secret satisfaction. The hour arrived, and the gar party bowled away. They v:ound In and out of the streets toward the country to the crack of the whip and the blare ol the horn. Florence's enjoyment would r" I Florence Wh Chatting With the Count. have been perfect bad It not been for the absence of Norton. Why hadn't he been Invited? she dtd not aak be cause aba did not care to disclose to the countess her Interest In the re porter. They vera n caring the limits of the city, when the coach ires forced to take a sharp tarn to avoid an auto mobile In trouble. The man puttering at the endue raised his head. It was Norton, and Florence wsved her band vigorously. "A coaching party ."he murmured; "and your Uncle Jamee was not Invit ed! Oh, vary well 1 " He laughed, and suddenly crew serloua. It would not hurt to find out Where that coach waa lolng. He act to work savagely, located the trouble, righted It. and set off lor the HargTeave home Ha found Susan and bombarded, bar with questions which to Susan cam* with the rapidity of rain upon the root "Bo Jones went along!" "In his capacity of butler only." Norton smiled. "Well, HI take a Jaunt oat there myself. Ton are sore of the location r* "Tea." "Wall, good-by. Ill go as a wa?w. since they wouldn't invito me. I'm one of the beat little waiters you ever heard of: and an tilings come to him who walta." . What a pleasant, affable yang man be waa) thought Soaan as she watched all bat Ml upoo hla nedk "But ?what ere T?" dalng here, flTMinfl muk waiter T" -lt'? a MUe "Kftt, I waa?t inrlted, and the truth Is I'm Tsry desperately Jo Io?? with the young lady In wboee honor thle coaching party U being glTen. And ... maybe ahe't la danger." "Danger? What abowt?" "Dit Lord only know*. But ahow ma aboxt the house. I're not been here In to long I>e forgotten the nut of It I remember ona room with tba secret panel and another with a painting ?hit turned. Hare thay changed them?" ??No;' It It fust the aama b? "It used to be. Come along and 111 ahow ?OUl." Norton Inspected the rooma oar? folly. ato+lng away In hit mind JTary detail. He might ba worrying a*wrt nothing: b?t'?o many ****** * bad happened that H wea better to he on the aide of caution than oo toe tide ot carelessness. He bouse and ran across Jonaa csrryMn! ? banket of wine. _ ?Here. Norton; take thlt to the party. I want to reconnotter. "All right, mind! Say. Jones, how much do yon think I'd earn at UOa job?" comically. .. "Oct along With you. Mr. Norton. U may bo the time to laugb. and then W may not." . "I'm going t)tck into, tho houM w? hide behind a .ecret panel, l're got my revolver. You go to the ataWea and take a try at my car; aee If ahe works smoothly. We may hare to do, bo mo biking. Where la the counteer In thl?r ti "Leave that to me, Mr. Norton, bwo i tho butler with hie grtm emUe. "'Be off; they are moving back toward tba h08o#Norton carried tho baiket around to thb lawn, where It waa taken from bis handa by the regular servant He ?tghed aa ho saw Florence, laughing and chatting with a man who waa a stranger and whom h. beard ad; dressed aa count. Some friend of toe countess, no doubt. Where ws. sllthlt tangle going to end? He wished he knew. And what a yarn he waa going to write eome day! It would be read like one of Qaboriaue talee. He turned away to wander l?ly grounda. when beyond a clump of ce dars he aaw three or four men convert lng alowly. He got as near aa posalble, for when three or four men pot the?; heads together and whisper animated ly, it uaually meant a poker game < ? something worse. He caught a Pk>*se i or two aa It came down the wind, ano then he knew that the ragao tatpl. don that had brought him out her^ had been *et In motion by ?? heard "Florence" and "the <fld draw log room;" anh that waa enough. V, He scurried ahont for Jonea. ^ ]' *** pare luck that he had had old Meg show him through the hooea ottsr wlse he wculd have forgotten an ghejti the aecret panel In thewaBandtoe parntlng. Jonea ah rugged resignedly. Were these men of the counties' party? Norton couldn't aay. Norton mad. his hiding pUce In safety; and by and by he coo'* V", the gussts moring about in 'he root^ Then all eounds ceased for a while. A door closed sharply. ,nnBf "No; hero yen must itajr. young i lady." said a man's voice. "What do you mean, sir?" demanded the beloyed voice. "it meant that no one will return to this room and that you wtn not be missed until It la too late/ . The tound of voices stopped ab niptly, and something lllto scuffling ensued. Later Norton beard the tart of a chair ttrike the peael and one uit heavily upon ft. "? watted perhaps Are minutes; then he gently cild back the panel Florence V;. I bound and gagged under his very ey*^? , It waa but tba work of a raoment to Do not apeak or maka the least noise. Follow Greatly aetonlshed?l^lorenc<|oWe4$ i and the peaU sli p ped back Into ptaee. | peered to be a real prison. "How did yop get here?" ahe asked breathleaaly. "Something told me to follow yoo. And something la always going tp tall me to foUow you, Florence." ? : , She preaeed hU hand. It waa to her aa If one of thoee book heroen had atepped out ?tf .a book; only book h* roff always tremendous fortune# and did got bare to, work for a l!t tor^Odfly enough, the waa not "WhowaSthe man?" be asM. "The Oount Norfeldt Some one has tmpoaefl upon the rmirteeS" l'. 'vv ^Do^you think so?" with a strange "What do you mnaafiv... '* "Nothing lost now. The Idea la to get out of here fast aa qulekty aa we Thar*'* a lane back of IB* stable, and a ellght detour bring! us back Into ihe mala road." Tba tbraa mounted and clattered away. To Florence u had the air of a prank. She waa beginning to hare such confidence In theae two tare* tire ?an that aba felt aa If aba was narer going to be afraid an? more. When the Countess Olga a?w tba three horses It *u an effort not lo fly Into a rage. But secretly aha warned her people, who presently garo chase la the limousine, while ahe prattled and jeated and laughed with her company, who ware quite unaware that a drama waa being enacted rtgM coder their very noaea. The counteaa. while aha acted auperbly, tore her handkerchief Into ehreua. There waa aomethlng sinister in the way all their plana fell through at the very Moment of oonauramatlcn; and that night rhe determined to aak Uralne to withdraw from thla warfare, which gradually decimated their numbera without Getting anywhere toward the coal. Jonea shouted that the Umoaalaa waa tearing down the road. Some thing must be done to stop It. Ha suggested that he drop behind, tear* bla horse, and take a chance at pot ting a tire from the ahrnbbery at tha roadside. "Keep going. Don't atop, Norton, till yon are back In town. Ill manage to take good care of myself." (To be oontlnued) Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will ct irth*-civ ' or Knoll ea?l completely whole system when ?ntcn (M mucous curfacco. Such never be uac4 csvspt on fmro reputable p!;y-J tbsy will do la irn toll l? can po*J1bl/ dcr-'ve frcn Catarrh Curt, pianutactn: Cheney A Co.. TcV:4% (\ mercury, tml it hiter?uy. . aeilnjr Olrsctly trp-rn the tJooa rs3 rr.uccuajraf faees of tht* wystv-i. I* buying Jtatra Catarrh Curo bo rrrtf y?-? r~t it\c Ktmi tas. It li tc>n ta'cmniiv cr-1 ta |gjj - . J. <r. icr.cy C. C-. TcpN ?Ud by T>ru ta. Pxlco TScper botUa. Taks BaU'o Vzjaiij PUla fcr ccz^tipaUaa. ?Wri&rss n* it through Wtlcttt frhoul-1 pt ^rtrkions r.r 1 ho damajro then. Hall's xa bv ;r. j. . contains ho THIS? Altlf Five cms\ 1 Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose five cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive ii\ return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, oolds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar tic Tablets.? j G. E. Moore, suc cessor to S. M. Pollard. YOUR attention is in VITED to the quality, variety, and prices BEST GROCERIES IN TOWN Coffees, Teas, Flour, fruits, etc Trade winning prices. We're \ tagging the goods, showing the t brands, and selling in rapid tran sit time. Don't delay? buy our * GROCERIES TO-DAY. You'll need 'em all to morrow. J. A. MIZZELL & CO Farmville, N. C. 1 ' ? .... - ? T ADY DEPOSITORS receive especially courteous atten tion it this bank. We are always pleated to have an opportunity to el plain our banking, methods, and give you the benefit of oar experience and knowledge of financial matters. . Consult us freely concerning bcsheaa or inveft mtnts. It will toft job notbiiig and your dealings will be held in the Arideft confidence. ' THE BANK OF FARMVILLE FARMVILLE, N C. ' ? ? atsS -'?! > u-. ,r ; 5 it ? . ' ? ; OUR MOTTO; aaasssssssas j ,.. now the freshest to be

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