? 1.1 I ... It Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of The FaravUIe Enterprise IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE -* 1 I ' 1 V ' ? I I I The Enterprise Publishing CoJ Publishers. '? '?!** ? ? vol. !fcg -,-i Merchants! Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS Subscription ti a Year In Advance. FARMVILLK, PITT COUNTY, KOBTH ('AROUKA, MAY 14, 1915 G. A. ROUSE. Editor. ' Two Torpedoes Strike Vessel Sending Her to Bottom in FHteen Minutes. Stories Of Survivers. I' :dlt' ; ? &?': , ' About i20 Americans Are Loft? Many Vidtims are Women. Bodies Brought to Land. i**'- >? ?- '-'t ; PRESIDENT WILSON MAKES DEMAND ON GERMANY FOR LOSS OK AMERICAN LIVES. London.? The Cunard liner I.uiitanin, which sailed oat of New York with more than 2,000 people aboard, lies at the bottom of the occan off the Irish coail. She was iunk by a German sab marine, which rent two torpe does crashing into her side while the passengers were at luncheon. The Lusitania was gleaming alone about 10 miles off Old Head Kinsalc on the laA leg of her voyage to Liverpool when about 2 o'clock in the afternoon "r X* submarine suddenly appeared pc-i and SO far as nil reports uo, fired two torpedoes without warning at the dteamer, Oae struck her near the bows and the other in r 'vv^fe engine . The powerful agents of de? truclion tore through the vessel's side, causing terrific explosiohs. Almost immediately great vol r^."A '1, umes of water poured through ' the openings and the Lusitania lifted. . ^ Boats which were olready ? ? swung out on the davits were dropped overboard anil were S-'vijS speedily filled with passengers who had bepn appalled by the desperate attack, A wireless call for help was seat out, and immediately rescue boat) of all kinds were sent both from the 'The fir A torpedo struck us between the firft nad second funnels. ? The . Lusitaoia shook ?and settled down a bit. Another torpedo quickly followed and soon finished our ship. Four or live of our lifeboats went- down with her and the tremendous sutflion as the liner was engulfed dragged many down. "The firil torpedo bur& with a big thud. acd' we knew we were doomed. "When we were struck I was in the saloon. Lifebelts were handed around but the people y , To all the children's crying?! How, then: can rulers piay Amid the widows' tithing? To all the Carving millions - What answer can they give, Who've wailed untold billions, The iUy ol those who live? Who've slain the fondest lathers Ju3 (or tlic sake of greed? Who've borne away the brothers And left the homes in need How, then, can rulers live Amid the children's crying?! What answer can they give| For all the fathers' dying? To nations now are coming The balm ci sweet release, When hill and dale are blooming And yield theMruits of peace; TolancU, war-torn and blecdior, A better day has conae, And fields with crops arc seeding To sate the needs o i home. How, then, can rulers bear . To think of all Iho. sighing In homes of deep despair?? The "sighing and the crying! ?James Monroe Downum. $M$sSSp. 1 P Mr. I. B. Oakley asked me to explain to the publid through the columns of the Enterprise, the manner by which his family contracted small pox. it was not contracted from his house as some seem to bellev* to* I personally fumigated the house thoroughly after the small pox epidemic of the winter of 1914. The smtfl pox th* he has was hand ? Ulo, who been exposed to small pox Mr. Oakley's, was taken rick and returned after THE COUNTY FAIR By Pster Radford lArturr-r Nstloosl Farmer*' Union The farmer gets more out of the fair than anyono elm. The fair to a city man is an entertainment; to a farmer It la education. Let us take a stroll through the fair groundB and linger a moment at a few of the points of greatest Interest. We will first visit the mechanical department and hold communion with the world's greatest thinkers. You are now attending a congress of the mental giants In mechanical sci ence ol all ages. They are addressing yon in tongues of Iron and steol and in language mute and powerful tell an eloquent story of tho world's progress. The inventive geniuses are the most valuable farm hands we have and they perform on enduring service to mankind. Wo can all help others for ? brief period while we live, but it takes a master mind to tower Into the realm of science and light a torch of progress that will lllumlnato the path w*y of vlvlllntlon for future genera tions. The men who gave us the sickle, the binder, the cotton gin and hundreds of other valuable inventions work In every field on earth and will continue their labors as long as time. Their bright Intellects have conquered death and? they will live and serve mankind on and on forever, without money and without price. They have shown os how grand and noble it Is to work for others: they have also taught us lessons In economy and effi ciency, how to mako ono hour do tho work of two o? more'; have length ened our Uvea, multiplied our opportunities and taken toll off the baek of humanity. / TtW* ?re the most practical men the world ever produced. Their ln vAUons have stood the acid test of utility and efficiency . like all usoful men, they do not seek publicity, yet amiooa of machines sing their praises from every harvest Held on earth and as many plows tarn the soil In ante applause of their marvelous achieve ments ? RURAL SOCIAL CENTERS We need social centers where oat young people can be entertained, amused art Instructed under the di rection of cultured, clean and com petent leadership, where aesrtheUo aurrovndlngs stir the love for the beautiful, where art charges the at-' moaphere with Inspiration and power, and Innocent ? amusements Instruct and brighten their Uvea. hold oar young people on the farm we must make farm life more attractive as weli aa the taslneaa of taming more remunerative. Tbe school hoase should be the social unit, properly equipped for nourishing oi building character, eo that the llvaa of out people can property function ?round tt and brcomo supplied wtth the Mmur elements of human thought and actlv7tJ7 t.'.V n 1 1 .1 \ co?t?nt. -Well, Juan, are yots content about your examination t" -S-'-i -'i . Miirid *11 the "And how did you answer them f 1 ariwered that I didn't know." mmk TEN GOOD COMMANDMENTS 1. Thou shall have 110 other food than nt meal time. 2. Thou shall not make unto thee any pies or put into pa&ry the likeness of anything; that is in the heaven above or in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not fall to eating il or try ing to digeil it For the dyspep sia will.be visited upon the chil dren to the third aqd fourth gen eration of them that eat pie, and long life and vigor upon those that live prudently and keep the laws of health. 3. Remember thy bread to bake it well, for he will not be kept well that cateth his bread as dough. 4. Thou shalt not indulge sor- 1 row or borrow anxiety in vain. 5. Six days thou shalt wash and keep thyself clean, and the seventh day thou shall lake n great bath, thou, and thy son and thy maid servant nnd the stran ger that is within thy gates. For in lix days man sweats nnd gath ers filth and bntferin enough for disease; wherefore the Lord has blessed the bath tub and hal lowed it. 6. Remember thy silting room and bed chamber to keep them ventilated, that thy dnys may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, - 7. Thou shall not eat hot bis- 1 cuits., 8. Thou shalt not cat tby | meat fried. 9. Thou shalt not swallow thy food unrhewed or highly spiced or just before hard work or just after it, , , ' 10. Thou shall not keep late houfvin .?hy neighbor's house, nor.wilh,4by nciabbpr's wife, nor his man servant, nor his maid servant, nor his cards, nor hit glass, nor anything that is thy neighbors. A single s.hot laid an Austrian Archduke low and plunged Europe into the bloodied war of ?11 hiilory. And connlless mil lions .of shots have been unable to restore peace. To Drive Out Malaria .v Aad BuM Up Tto SjrstMB Teke the 614 Standard OROVB'8 TASTVUtSS chill TONIC. Yo? know w are laktolr. aa the fanuala U 1 Von every label, ?howln? ? la e and Iron la ? MdHt form, ?(nine JrirCT oat ?M| " op the syates*. EARLY TUBERCU LOSIS SYMPTOM I''. ' v . '? ' ? ? V ; How to Know if You Have the Disease.? Ask Your self the Following Few Questions. Aciop'ancs have proved of incalculable benefit to the Trench anj German armie3 in ?! ? prompt information of the whereabouts of the enemy' A foe discovered quickly enougTI can often be destroyed. * wortf of !?' ,Ubcrculos". the i. Cerm diseases io Which man u subj.-d. If it Cdn Jedtagnosed early it can bo hc L Very ODC S,,puld ,mP?r'ant early signs of this disease, not that they are o be a cause of terror, but tha* sueLT/ b? Wgrnin? si&nals to suggest treatment. The records of Bellevue hoc Pital 10 New York City show that out of 980 patients treated dunnK the years 1910, 1911 and - 7o. W cent of the early wm a tuberculosis admitted were discharged cured or im Sr? anl?Qly 2 Percent died. Of the moderately advanced cases 55 per cent were discharg- ' r noon? Am I loosing weight? ..r?I,cxpfrien