It Pays To Advertise Through The Columns of The FarioviUe Enterprise IT REACHES THE PEOPLE Merchants I Get Wise Let Ua Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS The Enterprise Publishing Co.. Pufcfehen. i o ?.?>.?' : VOL. VI jAi^^^^^^Subecriptiqin $1 * Yeaf In Advance. ? II II I ? II*. Ill f Jjl >1 ??? ?! ? ? 11 11 lllp>?l ??!??? I .1 ? I ? FABMVULLE. PITT OOUNTY. NORTH OAUOL1NA. AUGUST 0, 1916 G. A. ROUSE, Editor. tow**. CHAPTER XX. Brain* Trlee Another Wiipon. v "What I want now," Mid Brains u he paced the living room ot tlx apartment of the countess. "Is re Tens*. I'Te been checkmated enough Oiga; they're playing with u?." "That U nothing new." ahe replied shrugging. "At the beginning 'Warned you. ' I never liked thie attal after the first two or three failure* Bat you would hare your war. *o? wanted revenue at that early date but I cannot aee that you're gone Mt ward. Has It ever occurred . to yoi ' that the organlxatlon may be gettlni tiled, toot They depend eolety upoi your Invention, and each time yon Invention - haa resulted In touehlnj nothing bat *ero." * -Thanki!" "O. I'm not chiding you. rvo failed V?." "Are yon turning against me?" h> demanded Utterly. "Do my actions point that wayf aha countered. "No. But the more view what haa paaaed, the more dls heartened I grow. It haa been a eerlei of blind alleys, and all we have sue oaaded In Aoing Is knocking oar heaill I can eee now that an onr fallnrei are dne to one mistake." "And what the devil 1s thatT" hi asked, irritably. -wo were la too ttneh of a hum ?t the bediming. Hargreare prepared hlmaelf tor quick action on your part.' I "And it I had net acted quickly hi would have atarted successfully on ou of Ms world loots again, sad tha would hare been the last of him. ant we ahonld never hare learned of th< glri's existence. Bo there's your arru ?at" "Perhaps yon sre right. But (01 all that ws bars not played thn gam? with any degree of Unease." "Bah!" Brains lit a cigarette an* ?moked nervounly. "I can't even ge< >ld of that moddllnR reporter. Us ha> been as much to blams for onr fall urss as either Jones or Hargreave I admit ttat . U his casa I Judged hastily. I believed him to'ia Joai sa orOlnsry newspaper msn. and he wai clever enough to lull my suspicions But I'm KOlng to get him, Olgs; ores If I hare to resort to ordlnsry gun man tricks. If there's any final reck onlng, by the tC-^ Herry. bo shan't get a chance In the witness MaM." "And I begin to think thst that lit tls shit of a girl has been hoodwink Ins me sll along. By the way, did you And oat what that letter saldJT aha asksd after ? pause. ^LsttorT What letter?" She spring from her chair. "Do you Mfh to aay that they have not toU yon about thatr* Olga became great ly smiled. "SgptoJn." he said. "Why. I was at the garden day b? fora yesterday, tfnd a man approached and aakod tf I was Miss Hargrsav* nsywulng at once aasploloua thai ?omsthing rery Important waa stout to hap pas. I signified that 1 waa MIm Hargreave. The man allpped a pap? into my hand and hurried o ft. I took K quick glance at It and waa dum fbuadsd to And It utterly blank Of writing. At flrat I thought some Jokt h-\d been played on me, *-ien 11 chanced to remember the lnvlslblo Ink lottan yon alwaya wrote mo.;.TOi#*< standing that you wero to visit th< oars In the morning. I had one man it the garden take the note. And yon paver got It!" "So "no one shall pay fo* this car* lc*m*ss. I'll call up Viuon and Jack ?on st ones. Walt Just a moment." Ho %?snt to tha tolephone. A low muttering conversation took place. Olga could hear little or none of It When Florence Beard mem returning she jumped Into the well. And lived throngh that tunnel! The devil Is In It!" "Or out ot It, since we consider him oar friend.*' "And I had her In my hands, sot* and alll" ? "Bat with all that water there will not be any writing left on the letter.' "Invisible Ink Is generally tndsllU< and lmperrloos to the action Of wat mif: at least the Mn4 I use Is. I'd (Ire a thousand for a sight ot thai letter." "And It might be worth a million.' Oliut suKKested. "Not tto; IMK doubt ot it In mj Bind. Olga. old girl. It do?a look as 1) my star was growing dim. WsTl neve) get oar ?**!? oo that . million, it^ln my bone*. Bo let's settle dowi tb ? campaign of revenge, without M} furbelows. 1 want to twbt Hsr greave's heart before the gam* wfndi up." "You Wish really to Injure hwrtT "I do not wtah to Injore bar. Tai from It" he replied, smiling evilly. "Yo? want her . . . deadT" NOTICE ? Nolicc of registration pod elec tion upon the proposition to is sue Fifty Thousand Dollars worth of Road Bonds by Farmville township, Pitt County, North Carolina. . /- : ' North Carolina, Pitt County. Notice is hereby given that the I Board of Commissioners of Pitt | County in regular session assem bled on, the 5(h day of July, 1915. it being the regular meeting held do the first Monday of July, 1915, ordered nil eledion to be held in Farmville township, Pitt county, North Carolina, on Tuesday the 21s5l day of September, 1915, at the regular polling place in the town of Farmville for said town ship on the queAion or proposi tion of issuing Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars worth of Road Bonds, to bear Five per cent rntere& per annum, payable semi-annually, p.nd to run tor a period of Thirty (30) years, the funds received for the same to be used for the purpose of laying out, establishing, repairing, grad ing concluding and improving in any wqy the Public Roads in Farmville iownship as provided by an Ad of the Legislature of North Carolina, Session of 1913, | its ChaptcrOne Hun and twenty- nvo (122) of the Public l*ws of North Carolina. Add notice is further hereby giVtp2$?t an entirely pew reg*j tratioo for said election was or dercdand called and that B. O. Turnage' was and is appointed Rcajstrar ioi- said Election, and that the Books for Registration will be opened on Monday. Aug^ u& 16, 1915, and closed at sunset on Saturday, September II, 19 that on each Saturday during | . ?a?d Registration period the Reg istration Books'^pi ho open at place in the of Farmville, North Caro< FME ENJOYING ? BOOM OF PROSPERITY . Regardless of tbe bowl of depressed conditions all a round us Farmville continues to progress along many lines. During the pail few months several new brick busi ness houses have been erected on Wilson Areet and there are now three more u-*.der eredion. ^ Some of the residential actions have put on a new look recently by each property owner having their side . walks paved, and entire premises put in a thorough sani tary and neat condition. ? ? s Many nety and attractive homes have been eteded of late and there are four or five now nearing completion, yet not a vacant hquse is to be found on any flreet. This shows the great demand for hooies by qew comers, many of whom are here bow boarding, awaiting the oppor , tunily of gettibg a house later. At a mass meeting of the citizens recently the Board of Town Coipmissiotfers were intruded to issue boods of $40,000 to impro/e our water and litht systems and to in flail sewerage, which matter has received their prompt attention, and there is already a man here from the J. E> McCrary Co., of Atlanta, to install the sewer system; and he Aates the work will begin in a few days/ Two new large brick tobacco warehouses have been added to the Farmville market this season, which have . ju& been completed by thecontradors, and several large and roomy tobacco &orage houses have also been recent . ly built. - In fad, someting like $250,000 has been (pent in new buildings and town improvements during the pail twelve or eighteen months, to say nothing of the rapid &njdes made here up to thit li-nc. Without fear of contradidioni we dure say that Farm ville, though yet small as compared to some towns in the date, is the "BigcetO. Little Town," of any to be found - any where* and that wc are proud? in particular? of the fad that it is becoming one of the moil sanitary towns to be found in this old U. S. A. . ? r .'l ?, ? ... v - ? ? whispered Olga, p?l!hg. ' , "Exactly. I want her dead. And ?a If all ay efforts here eon* to aotk log. bo iball Hargraave's. Bla mtV lions will become waste paper to him That's reTsnge. The Persian peac* method." "Poison T Tom shall not! T? shal' not kill her!" vehemently. ' "Tender hearted?" "Hn If I must In the and go t* prison, so ba It; but I rafnsa to die lr "Very wall. than. Wo shan't kU bar, but wall make bar wish aha wai dead. I waa only trying Lh saa how tor yon would go. Th?lw*?t!6i puachea la In the hallway. Ersn peach Is poisoned. No man In tm ?Til plans. "Very wall." .ho uld Anally. "But listen; ?? shall bo found out. Nerer docbt that Tour revenge will cost US hotii our ttrw. I teel M~ " "Bah! The tow will hsro no \and tn my sod. I alwsrs carry ? pellet; and that rlnt of roars would sufflce a reclment^ She will-not die. She will ir.*rely become a kind of paralytic; the tdnd that can mora a little but not enough ; always wheeled about la ft chair, ru brinj In the peaches; rosy and ihw*r. One Ute. after ? ?iren time, win #? the trie*. Irthsy ? n,iuvl IV..> X3SH . ... V... lowered the peach. Jim turned to UK mild. "Who- lent It?" "I. don't knoV, sir. A meaaengai brought ft, saying It >u tor Mist HtroMtt." "Let me tee If then .la a cud.' But Jim searched In vein for the card of the donor. At once ell his suspi cions arose. "Don't touch them. Bet ter let .Ornill throw tlfem oat. Fruit from'1 unknown persons might not bm the healthiest thing In the world." "What do yoa think?" "That In all probability they are poi soned. But there'* no need trying to prove my theory right or wrong. Ash Jones. Hell tell yon to throw tnem away." ? "Horrible!" Florence shuddered. "But they do not want to poison ma I'm too raluable. They want m? allre." "Who can saj ?" returned Jim gloomily. "They may hare learned that they cannot beat as, no matter what card they turn up. I may b* wrong, but take my adrioe and throw tbemawajr, . . . Good Lord, what's that?" startled. "Soma one cried!" "O. Miss Florence!" exclaimed the maid, terror stricken as she recalled Susan's act. . "Miss Susan took ? 'peach from the basket and waa eating It on the way to her room!" "Good heavens!" gasped Jim. "I wss right The fruit was poisoned " Jim hadhead enough to eehd tor a specialist be knew. The specialist ar rived about tweaty minutes attar Sus an's first cry. Tp his keen eye It looked like a certain poison which had for Its basis the venom of the cobra. "Will abe liver "O, yea. Bat shell be m wreck for some months. Send her to the hos pital where 1 can visit -her frequently. And IH take Oat Mch along t&r analysis. No police aftUr.r* NOTICE! Notjceef registration and elec tion upon* the proposition to is sue FiftyjThousand Dollars worth of Road Bonds by Falkland town ship, Pitt county, North Carolina. North Carolina, Pitt County. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Pitt County in regular session assem bled on the 5th day of July 1915, it being the regular meeting held the lit Monday of July, 1915, or dered an eledion to be held in Falkland township, Pitt county, North Carolina, on Tuesday the 21$ day Qf September, 1915, at the regular polling place in the town of Falkland for said town ship, on'the question or proposi tion of issuing Fifty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars worth of Road Bonds, to bear Five per cent interetft per annum, payable semi-annually, and to run for a period' of thirty (30) years, the funds received from the same to he used for the purpose bf laying abd repairing, grading, conducting and im provin* in any my ?%? I*L Roods in Falkland township as provided by an Ad of the Legis lature of North Carolina, Session of 1913, designated as Chapter One Hundred and twenty-two <122) of the Public Laws of North Carolina. And Jiotice is farther hereby given that an entirely new regis tration for saidVleAion was or dered tev&?4lled, and that J. H. the Books for Registration will be open o? Monday, Aogu# 16, 1915, end closed at sunset on Sat urday, September lltb, WIS, that on each Saturday during the said time the said Registration books will be open at the regular poU ! ing place in (he town o( Falkland, fifd at nil other times at ihe rcsi 'dencc or the said ]. H. Smith in the said Ttt*vof Falkland, North to "No. We dare not call them to," ?aid Jim, "That's your affair. IU aend down the ambulance. Keep her quiet She'll have a species of paralysis; but that'll work off under the treatment- A ?trance business." "So It la," agreed Jim grimly. Florence knelt beilde her friend's bed and cried aottly. "You called me just In time. An. hour later, nothing would' have saved her. Bhe would have been paralysed for life." : Jim accompanied the doctor to the 'door and weint in search of Jonea. He foun^ 'he taciturn butler eying the fruit basket, his face gray and drawn, thoygh his eyes blazed with fury. "PoUonl" "A pretty bad poison, too," said Jim. "We can't do anything. We've just Sot to alt still. But In the end well get them. That abe devil . .. ." "No, my friend; that he devlL The woman la mad over him and would commit any crime at hla bidding. But thla ta his wprk. We want him. He wasn't without courage to send this fruit, knowing that I would instantly Suspect the fender. Yet, 1 have no definite prool. 1 ronid not hold him in court In law. He will have bought the fruit piece by piece, the basket In a basket shop. Ha will have Injected the poison himself when alone. Poor Buoan! That meseeLger was without donht some oae over who^i he holds 6e threat of the death chair1. Tbat'a e way he works." j Jim tramped the room while Jones Carried the fruit to the kitchen. The hatter returned after a while. ! "What about that blank aheet of pa ?Bert" 1 "It hafi to be dipped Into a solution; after that yon can road It by beating. I have already dipped it into the solu tion. The mbment the heat leaves the aheet the writing disappear* again. The ink la waterproof.' I ll ahow you." Jones got a candle from the mantle, lit It, and held the aheet of paper very close to the tame. Gradually, almost Imperceptibly, letters began to form on Ihe blank sheet. At length the mes sage was complete. "Dear Hargreave ? The Russian min ister of police is at the Blank hotel under the name of Henri Servan. He la Investigating the work of the Black Hundred In this country and can free you from their vengeance if you sup ply the evidence needed." "No#, what evidence can .he wontf asked Jim. "Such an will prove Bralnc an unde ajrublo cltlien." "And then.*, "Quietly peck htm off to Russia, where he Is badly wanted." "Who sent this message?" ' "One of our mysterious friends. We have a few, as you already know. But 111 go and make" this man Bervan a visit. 1 have seen the real minister, and If this man Is the same one, some thing of Importancu mar turn up. I shall want yon somewhere about. Here, 111 let > M have this letter. Re member, heat brings It out and cold air makes It vanish. Now IH go up tor a moment lo see how that poor girl Is geUlng along. We are lucky; there's no gainsaying that." "Yoij're a cleter man, Jones," said . Jim. v. ? " Jonis turned upon him, his face grave. The tw6 men looked steadily Into each other's eyes. Jones was first to turn aslda his glance, as he v had something to conceal and Jim had nothing. ?' When tho ambntapce took the tor ' tared Susan away, Jones addressed Florence gravely. "1 am going oat and so la Mr. Nor ton. Da not I save the house; not eves If you have a telephone call from me or Norton. Both of us win return; so don't tot anything bother or con fuse ycfo.* \ ' "I promise," said Florence, strug gllng with a sob. ' Jones weal downstairs again, paused by a window as If cogitating, -and sud denly threw It up and looked abroad. A rustle atapeg tb? lllaca caused a smile to flit qcrosa his faco. Bo they had sent soneose to learn the effcct of the polsoaf Or to follow hlrn should he leave the house? He re tired to the kitchen and gave some explicit order* to the chef, orders which did MM In sky way rofer to cooking. Then Jones and the reporter I the house, each .Quit* aware that they Wire being followedr Near the Blank hotel they taferated la order to oonfusc the stalker. He might dod der and toUow tho wnjhg man. Rut It was ivldent that this time he had bee* directed to follow Jones; for b? entered the hota) a. inmate eftet a second spy, whom Jones msb. had ohagryed the trans Invisible writing sad had >, '.who ;."yn ??l _lr!ck?n down i w^-an.