Farmville Enterprise I'ubliiknl by Tbe Knterprue Publishing Company G. A. ROUSE. Editor and A ait. Mgr. B. A. JOYNER. Aiso Editor. One Dollar the ytafr ? In mdv.xct. Kolcrcd la the Post Office at Farm ville, N. C.. at accoud claaaiAail matter. FRIDAY. AUGUST 6. 1915. MelhodiiSt Services. At Land's Sunday 11:00 a. oi. At l-arinville Sunday 8:30' p. m. A series of services will be held every night during the week, preaching by Rev. J. P. Bross. Po&pone your olher engage ments and attend the services.? Rev. N. M. Wright, Pastor. \ Birthday Parly. (Communicated) Little Miss Sibyl McGowan.of Greenville, entertained a num ber of little friends in honor of her 7th birthday given by. her aunt Mrs. T. H. Smith on Thurs day July 28 from 4 to 6 a. m. The little ones gathered together about 4 o'clock and were met by Misses Ruth Edwards and Louise Mashburn, and soon began to play the games that each little heart wished for. About 4:30 they were ushered to Jhe dainty table by Misses Sallie Mae Smith and Louise Hinton, where many different kind of dainty cakes, with chocolate ice cream and iced drinks, were served. They then enjoyed outdoor games of various kind until 5:30, when all were served with a fruit course, iced drinks, candies uad canta loupes. At 6 o'clock they began to leave, declaring they never had a better time and wishing little Sibyl many more just such happy birthdays. Those present were Misses Sibyl McGowan, of Greenville, Ruth Edwards, Louise Mash burn, Mary'Alice Beaman, Sallie Mac Smith, Christine Wilkinson, Louise Hinson, and Masters Jul ian and Vernon Edwards and C. 15. Mashburn, Jr. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general ?trcngtbcnin* to&k. l.KOVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC/Jrlre* out Malaria, enriches the blood. bail *1 want to teO you what wonderful benefit I hive re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Mis. Sylvania. Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad cokta, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl* life, When she had the measles, they went in oo her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without In my home." For constipation, indigestion, bead&che, dirti ness, ?s^arta, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments.' Thedford's Black-Draught has proved ttseB a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you sutler from any of these' complaints, fry Blade Draught. It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five yean of Meodid success proves Its value. Good for nnnnfi nM/I -f J ? ? ? ? MtAnmrltArA OR mahIq young ami okl rof sue cveiywnctt. race cenn, ? . ' THERE'S NO TIRED FEEUKC after a bath to a room properly equipped with porcelain tab aod opca Maltary planting. . EverylbUf la ? lalnly elcaa thai jroo (eel loo per coal Nrfler than yow woald In (be fv.hic-oed balb. Do**! build your new home or tfwt your old one wltbbt# learn lag ?? about the lateO Improve menu In pfcaatblav from P. M. Johnson who ha* real aaatetr; ffombera and they . FARMV1LLE LODGE, No. 218 K. of P. Meets Ever) Tuesday Night to their Hall in Horton Bldg. Visiting Brothers Welcome rpHE PROVERBIAL "rainy day" holds no ter JL row for the family circle whose birfwark of X| . ^ ^ protection is a Batik Book. Sad, pinched faces and haunted looks have no place there? comfort arid happiness reign su jpreme. " :-r -4 -v ' " ' -V:V Yon can well nllord to deposit a little In tills bank every pay day? all that's need ed Is the determination to begin. When the let Is once broken. It's easy sailing nnd you'll be astonished athow rapidly yonr savings will grow. THE BANK OF FARMVltLE FARMVILLE. N. C. Send Us Your Order for Job Printing Groceries of Quality" OUR MOTTO. j ~ /> as = Our line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries is now the freshed to be had and is complete in every way. We carry only the bed and can supply your every want. ' Ji ? ' 1 , ?' - r'' \ ? . '? v *'? Remember friends our-terms are cash, and for you to get our prompt attention and be& prices, as you expert, your accounts mult be paid promptly. Rasberry & Thome, vllle, .... n. Carolina -j .v. thing you may e or House Fu !; . SPECIAL? -We have 'Exterminators." We are it to you as the beit Rat Y sWp of wjiat ?vertd. It's S