be made of our tax maintained in Raleiehi N.C., Jan. 1, 1914. The Annual Report of tbe Stale Tax Commission lof fee year 1915, which has ju& been issued, isof unusual interest on account of its discussion of the by the Com~ims?i&* summer. taoa to the Gpvernor tfae^ Com discussion of this subied: /IP There has been for a number of years a sub&antial demand in the State for the exercise of the received and analyzed, evidences were accumulating that agricul tural and business depression was a temporary condition that should not be permitted to pro jetft itself ioto four years of the v future jof the State's finances^ M 1 Three courses were available: 1. To permit die valuations to i Sand and iorce the State to bor- .< row mosey to meet feebly its ? needs for four years of ruaning 5 expense. a il To make a uniform raise in ? the vahie ot real eSate all . counties adding stiff further to 1 the Irorden of those counties that had already assessed their pro- i perty on a fair basis and made a < ities as between coun? ttehave State tained in keeping fl gressive sentiment of the we have r approached a so months school. term fo modern scboolbuildings, and are con structing improved roads as rapidly a?. any State of compar able wealth and develo lars and cents, for all purposes, less per capita than that of any other State in the Union, as < j cluiyely shown by the Ur will be mailelfree of charge to any address upon request mail ed'toSB preparedness now is the mo? talked thing in the United States, the lesson that the European war has brought home to us writes in flaming words the pafamount need of a more adequatejfightingr force for the United States of America, if we are to preserve our independence and not be ll so dead ?? Who never to himself hath rhii is. my own? my native A ?? a those few lines, written years Vdepkft the paramount need a . greater army and navy, ey tell true the real thoughts tha| they are right Who are ft^r%re S^up, ^nwffly, ing the teaching of Bryan, the pacifift. they are working out the ultimate ademption of the which will open uj According to ?a> by local merchants sales this year wei ever recorded in t Farmville. This outtherad that < nancially, are not b European War is c Merchants expe clearing this year the heavier in the man?pf them are paring foritf^ ^four Hew Year Re I: WE BELIEVE in; resolutions. All ovi right low the tfocld diredors of business meeting in annuafse view the work of tbe take inventories, and for the New Year, working along righ the question being i asked, "h. our inv money and time and ing the results it ou: And if not, why not? take have we made tl be remedied? Are Business houses do have these annual me?; there were no set time ing such reckonings, if