voi* vi The proposition to conac the lour schools in Beaver | township and to levy a 9 | tax for the support of a i central school lacked ioi votes of carrying in the% s | eledtoo ye^erday. Witt voters regfe&ered and 65 1 sary to carry the propositio advocates were al>le to pol 60 votes; there were 67 ca& asain& the propositkw two legi&ered who did nd thereby counting again# tablished territory with provi portation of chfid beyond walking d would have displc teacher schools an cher school. All oi have small enrplio of them has more 1 lar county term. 1 oqe of the three to county in which 1 special school tax of the nkffi arsons in the ?A "f "v ' s "*V commend the i government mor for thfc One of the United State plant to n navy, was after he got tiie Navy I tzed that Ui > inside, of jt be real was beui& snds of dol lar makers reasint&l He the? tmenf plant ?v t. emy at Am ed by a stai The other equipping New York vote. Mr. Dao sympathy tab. He that be will be at young and piomising < ability, will locate h aear luture. He ;? went to fcer prings ? few ?unt of illness, ties here Ia^ as soon as our t sufficient for aence, M*S&