eat but one or two visitors trom body. Due man responded i when asked wanted to join, j ? "YeaTm from Tarboro, but put \ me down any.wayi Tm interest^ i ed inlbe railroad." 3 Next day further efforts were made to get additional members j and by night about a hundred ? . townspeople and farmers had Joined the body, with prospects v of still more as they could be seen. To make Ihe matter :v. ?? . - .? \T;?v unanimous the women on hear ing what *had been done isdued a call for a meeting to organize a civic dob to wcofc in harmony with the Chamber of Commerce, and now ihe whole of the Fanu ville community, town and coun try, has joined hands to work -lor the community welfare. The town has a live newspaper, The Enterprise, where G. A. Ronse announces that he prints things "The Rouse Way --and that is a good thing. A live newspaper what the leaders are doing, and . to let the world bear the place on every occasion,