Farmville Shoe and Suit Company Farmville, - North Carolina. LOCALS AND PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO Farmviile and Surrounding Sections Viss Amanda Tinmen of Hen-| dei?f>rt, is visitin g sV.6? C?! ! ; Mr. Jack Lan * ceme in today to spend a short while with his moth or. Mr. \Y. L. Joynsr, of Wilson spent Thursday and Friday in the City. Miss Elizabeth Whitehead left Thursday for her home in Rich mond, Ya. Mr?. Banerman, of Wilming ton, is the guest of Mrs. T. L. Tumage 'tnsjvae*^ ^ of South Boston, Va. are visiting relatives here this week. Mrs L. M. Gainor returned Sunday from a visit to relatives and friends in Richmond, Va. Mrs. J. V. Edge, of Rocky Mount, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr-.W. C. Joyner, this week. Mesdames R. A. Field?, John Harris, Myrtle Bynum, B. O. Tumage, and Misses Williams, Lela Newell and Beatrice Don kle motored over to Greenville Thursday. - * Several from Farmville motor ed over to Greenville Thursday evening to attend the dance given in honor of the young men to leave soon for Camp Jackson, S. C. Among the young men from Farmville and community who went to Greenville today under the Selective Draft order and who left that place this afternoon for Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C., for training were Messrs. Harvey W. Turnage, Lee Roy Rollins, W. Chester Harris and Arthur Holloman. These young men go forth for & great and noble cau;e, and although we wish for them good healtV I .. T . V , # i I 'K^xt u | OllJj. iwiUi. [ home to their parents, lovec ones and friends. Mr. Eugean Lane spent Wed nesday in Greenville on busi ness. RUB-MY-TISM - Antiseptu Relieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. Misses Nell Savage and Janii Hadley, of Greenville, are visit iag Mrs. Ed Warren, ? v.\," c-/' rvV. af;" ?: " " Mrs. J. Eugean Lane add chil dren returned home Wednesday ra* Misses Douglas and Nancy j^rthur, of Greenville, attendet the dance here Tuesday even ing. We are glad to note that Mr. S. G. Gardner successfully pass ed the Certified Public Account ant's examination recently held .it Greensboro, N^~C. .The Famville market is crow ed almost every day with the golden weed and the farmers art all highly pleased with the price} paid. Bring it to Farmville, tht market is prepared to handle bij. sales every day. The Odd Fellows Orphan class will appear in Farmville Tues day night, September 18th, with the best attraction every present to an ordinance here. Togethei with the singing class will be a Japaneese Chrysanthemun, which is well worth the price oJ admission. ' Remember the date of their coming and make youi plans now to be here. . Lets give them the biggest house they ever had. Piles Cared In 6 to 14 Days Your drozsrist -will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in 6 to 14 day* ***** >nA soc Nuxated Iron Makes Strong, Vigorous, Iron Men and Beautiful Health)' Rosy Cheeked Women ^ ^ ^igi|gg After spending about two weeks in We?ern Carolina^ Mrs. R, Lang, Miss Annie Laura and Robert Lang and Mrs. G. M. Shirley have returned home, rbey made the trip cross coun try in autQ. Buggies, Wagons, Hasness, Mower Machines and Rakes, cheaper at Hub Hdw. Ca Mr. G, M. Holden, a member! of the firm of Holden & Rouse, local salesmen of Overland and Willys Knight automobiles; left j Sunday morning for Toledo, Ohio, to attend the salesmen's congress which is in session at the factory this week. SENSE IN SENTENCES Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors. ? Emerson. Beware of a silent man and a dog that does not bark.-? Proverb. Every man to db almanac of sell, %' living record Of bis own deeds. s The man who never in his life was fooUsh was neve> a wise man.? Heine. Imrnm Men who make money rarely saun ter; men who save money rarely swagger. Every man haa^ust as much vanity'| as he wants understanding? Alexan der Pope. . A man who Is young in years may be old In hours, if he have lost no time? Bacon. When a man thinks himself good for everything he is usually good tot nothing. ? Picar*. X \ _ - * Wnat men usually ask for when they pray to Qod Is that two and two make not four.? Proverb. Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact. ? Eliot. | The presence of a wise man is like pure gold, which is of the same price and value wherever It is found.? Sadl. True manliness Is net solely out side. I dare say you could find uiany a fool and a coward sixfeet high, ? D. Muloch. "?* i "-f A man with knowledge, but without . energy, is a house furnished, but not WAIUNGS OF A WIDOWER ? -? * ? Nearlyevery married manthinks he has theboss wife. Some women believe all they hear j and only half they say. All marriages are due to a maiden j effort or a widow's might Bachelors are the only men whoj have any illusions about women. Matrimony is less likely to promote j longevity than premature baldness. ? A woman never fusses with the dressmaker who Is ra*irtng her shroud* Unless a man is a good listener he should stay out of the matrimonial game. A woman is always glad when, her husband has a holiday , so he can put in eighteen hours doing odd jobs around the house. ALLTRUE ? It is easy for a man to be pop ular if he is easy. x A bluff is usually more of a necessity than a luxury. - - People who suffer in silence always like to boast about it later. -n. - Life is mostly a joke to the girl with dimples and perfect teeth.' The man who really knows himself doesn't tell . all he knows. The bouquets yon throw at yourstolf may -turn Into boom erangs. Did anyone else ever tell you that tf>ur troubles were of any consequence? GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN | WITH LEMON JUICE aosJLJ | ? '.v '?Ksy Makoatoautylotloaforafeweontatei remove tan, freckles, saliownsss. f| Your grocer has the lemons and any Intg store er toilet counter will supply . yon with three ounces of ordkfttd Aiie ~ for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put ia ;the orchard' white and shafev$mll& ? . *? wn ThlBSboul I want it Wl worship with church? M 11:15; Evenii Come, a you. To Cur? ? i rfco: ?8 8 o'clock. Icome a\yaits IsmI ;*li^v'rv One Day. Inine. It stop* the ark* off the Cold. it-Jails to col*. g$* each box. 30c.;1 Entertained in Honor of Guest. Miss Delaa ? *r- ? was delightfully entertained on Monday night at &> pound barty given at the Old Mill by Messrs M. W. Laxton and A. J. Flani |5arr. The ere; Misses Bessie and J Morton, of and Jessie ?rton, Thelma irtha ]. Carr. Lee Spivey, ird and Sam gan and Miss guests present Sarah Carrie P< Kattie Casena, Greenville. Gei Smith Kathetine Flanigan, and Messrs Cason, Harvey Wane, iJ?VIU UUU UUUJ Morrill Flanigan,' S. W. Purvis, Jennis Allen, G. ft Ballew, Claud Barrett, Lester an ? 7 <4 * ? *fl not be denied, we are ". %"' A- W ' ?L paying more dollars for ^ ^ 1 ?*-* ."v J2JQJ0 other new more every THERE'S A ;./? '.;? . ?; ? ? ?? ?*-. : ?."? ; ? . - \ m. ? Now; if it's more money you want .? ?*'*? ? ?' . ~ - . " * ? - ? ? ?% *, 4n~ the same tobacco, then bring your next load to JLkJjl r."? >>^V: Farmville, North Carolina For we are still the leaders in pounds and " 'A ? * ? For the most ^ - "r ? \ fastidious as well as with the plain ap # S- r ' i-:' ?' . :-J ?->. . ? - r"- ? ? ? space each - _ the com season for special jbE ' - ? ? ? ? ri-:lSM