It Pays To Advertise Through Tbe Columns of The Farmvile Enterprise 11 REACHES ? THE PEOPLE mmmm our eyes BUSINI SS on $1 a Year ip Advance VOI* VIII NCI , 21 mmtmrn IRK MAPPED OUI it EASED UPON SIXTEEN WKIKl] OF INTEN8E TRAINING WORK. sgkduus juie item i W*rk Will Be Varied With Lecturee by American and Allied Officers 1 Who Are ?x parte in Modern War fare Tactics. Washiggton. ? Tr&iDing work map - ^?d out by the war department for actional guard and national army <U riaions before tbey wifl be retarded aa ready for daty abroad la based OS a 15- week coarse of the most in (onalre kind of work in" the open, Wtffec with lectures by American and aBifr officer*, . who.: are experts in modern warfare. . he schedules have been announced. Great stress is laid upon tha ne cessity for night training. Trench raiding, scouting, trench building and operations of all kinds which may be called for in actual combat will be duplicated at the campe through the ? night hours. To gtre tha men some respite, their Wednesday and Satur day afternoons will be kept free, ez> mpl in the case of backward indlTi duais or units. Target. praactice runs; through the entire course and the schedules call for 40. hours' training aach week. '?-,*1 A striking feature of tha program la tha fact that practically the entire M weeks will be devoted to training indiriduale. platoons and companies. [ Brigade, di>ia|eaal and eran rag* tal exercises are reserved for a .v. of each company tha re sponsibility for training of Mas than company units, so that they may get in close toach with their men. lUgid requirement is made that of ficers be present with their commands at all drflls. Hie whole system it to be prepared in advance so that aach ofieer and mail will know Just the work to be done during the day aad night before him. Mew .elements wilt be injected irfto the training each week. The lecture program with graphic illustrations will show all that three years of war hare brought of gas attack, of bomb ing aad ?f bayonet work. First aid instrwtino holds a high place for wounded soldiers today must depend largely on themselves. : At regular intervals review courses will be given and a program of test courses to determine the. proficiency of each man tn each phase of his work has been devised which will give a perfect line npon every sol dier's ability and be the stepping atone of promotion. COAL MINERS WIN FIGHT FOR INCREASE IN WAQE8 " ? Jrr.. I Operator*' and Miners' Represent* three Reach Agreement on Terms of New Contract Washington. ? Bituminous coal min ers of the central competitive field who their light for a general wage in crease when, operators' and miners' I repfcaentathres in conference here reached a compromise- agreement on the terms of a new contract ' The agreement pressagns a wage raise! throughont the industry sine* the cen tral field scale serves aa a basis for all other districts and a consequent advance in the government's fixed price for coal. * Operators' representatives agreed to the new wagee no condttioh that I they be absorbed in higher coal prsceeJ After the agreement drawn by a sub committee, is ratified by the foil con- 1 ference, they will go to the fuel ad ministration and ask a revision up ward of present coal prices to meet -the raise. The wage increase, accord-] ing to operators' estimates, will add from W to CO cents a'ton to the cost of producing coal in thick vein mines REVOLT AGAINST MEXICAN GOVERNMENT IS STARTED Brownsville, Texas. ? A revolt againafthe Mexictn government has been started by Gen. Porflrio Gonzales, former Ceiranza commander, 7ho has mobilized *00 folocren at Aldamas, | near the Nuevo Leon-TeTmauHpas . line, 150 miles west of Matamoras, j cording to resorts reaching harei Akh>i mas is 100 miles south- of Roma, Tex. &n trains out of Matamoras, ad April it has placed at the disposal of I the administration seventeen billions of dollars and has authorized con tracts fOr almost two and a half bfl lions more. Most of the money was for war purposes, including seven bH Oeos for loans to the Allies. The ap propriations committees, through chairmen, Senator Martin and Repre sentative Fitzgerald, made the figures ??Nic. " - - ? ' ? Hm QsHas Hut Dees Kot Affect the toad Because ol its tonic and laxative effect. LAX A TiVB aROMCM0PXK?B is better than ordinary riaytoc ta head: BemcaSn^fhiU^ me and Mt&tti sigMtar* oi E. W. GKOVK. 30c. stcary of the logw to Uie Ca^utiH: ent ctuir*<*tenL In ''Rlp Van W ab!? vagabond In tbe master!/ que what Joe Jefferson wu to ? : _ With The LAST DAY OCCUPIED IN D|nM and criticism of ua . follctte. mildly censoring Mb o t Alabama .tor sembers In connec ts 'BgrastortTrlte !> furttoh tandf to any claim that m ja' -^r ? mm& Month, pa Largest of Kind In History of t the immedl^e Ut meet R^Wiihln lesf thto/three rahinteg the senile 'StWp&d ' the conference ' re >t?, hf J ,,,i proprtatk&'biH caffi^^- $7,767,434,410 in cash and authorised contTacis. To morrow the house is expeted to adopt It |fc? sen(?W ^ Preeldsht Wilson, r The measure la said to be the great est of the kind In the hiatory of any JtS i^S and Mfe through the senate in record breaking time without the formality for which the Wse had voted $35, 006,000 and th? senate $413,000,000, the conference substituted $875,000, 000. For regular quartermaster sop. plies, $116,000,000 was agreed to after the house had voted for $100,000,000 and, the Mnate $168,000, 000.:.;- ^ "; Probably the largest appropriation in -the* bill Is for the ordnance depart ment of the *rmy, which gets $095; 100,000 for purchase, manufacture and teat of mountain, siege and field cannon, and $225,000,000 more, or con tract obligations authorisation, to . ' = ; T^ct? obligations > autlwrtsed for amiwtalfcicifc : Provision f? Inserted Whloh Raises Major General Pershing and Major General Qiies t& the Rank of Gsn. szntt* , ^rrve^apiiiv^ ? ? -- ' '.. - ' ? ' * .fwf: Washington.? With the 110,000 max imum insurance plan restored, as urged fiyihe adn^nistrationand'with an addition provision raising Major General-. Pershing, commanding, the American forces- to France, and Major -General Bliss, chief of staff; to the ctnk ofi. general, the soldiers' ft*}** sail o.-siilnsurance bili/joarrying-air appro priation of $176,000,000^ was passed By the senate by a vote of 71 to 0. An amendment by Senator Smoot, adopted, 37 to 33, provides that- $25 a nxwth shall bepaid widows of Civil War and BpaniSh-Amettcan war vet erans as welTgSrto 4he widows of men who may bo killed in the present war. *fei*. w31 mean-aa increased cost to the government of $3,500,000 annually and an advance t?$16 a month to 4,141 Spanish war wldowa Uhd. $5 a month" to <3,644 Civil War widows. * Other ^amendments offlared by the Utah annate? atrtfioristog thebureau the army and niavy nurse corps. Un*l Ser the bai aait howjtjmds a Tfldow ! woold;. Receive $26 a month, compared fa $si\>3*ed by the house, while; a* widow with two , children would re calve $47.69, a reduction of $6. . The other auctions ?f the house bill were accented with only minor changes with the exception of the Insurance section ?which permits * soldier norr not. later than five" years after the war ends to convert his life insurance without med ical examination Into any other form of insurance he may request L' ' < ; -J- i 'j II-..; ? -?;.== REPRESENTATIVES FROM TSN SOUTH KRN STAT 18 FIX PRiCI FOR STAPLE. Meeting of Thoee Interested In Grew ln? and Marketing Held in New 0* leaner-Many Delegates Advocated Prioea of 88 to 42 CentK New Orleans.? A price of 80 cents * pound to the farmer was agreed tipon at a meeting here late of men in terested In marketing and growing ot cotton in 10 Soathern states as bein;t ? Justified by the present selling prices . of mafiufatcured cotton products. The price was suggested in an amendment to a resolution adopted itfTprerlouaif which declared against price regula tion of cotton by Congress or delegat ing of this authority to any olher body. Although the amendment, intro duced by L. B. Jackson, director ol the Georgia bureau of markets, met with some opposition, It was recog nised as a compromise and was al most unanimously adopted. Unsuc cessful efforts to have the amendment read 35 instead of 30 cents were made by B. W. Da'jbs of tfayesville, S. C., and other leaders is the morement to secure a 30-cent minimum. Resolutions also were .adopted en- . dorsing the movement f?\ have baleu of cotton standardised throughout the cotton -belt' by mating them of the; ^ uniform size of 54 inches long >y 27 inches wlds. ? ?Yi'-f&i While many of Old delegates advo^, cated holding of cotton for mini- . mum prices ranging from 80 jo 42 cents, gennal' sentiment -Was against such acWtafci Addressee by Senator-*' Ransdell, State Food AdmlniftS^H Earke^ and WiHiam JB-J?ompwn Petrograd.? Eight thousand soldfc at Gomel/in the province of Mobile after a meeting, refused to go to tJ front, says a telegram from Com Whenever You Need a General Tonic ^ Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tastelew chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains t'.ic well known tonic propertieeof QUININE -and IRON. It sets on the Liver, Dri res . > oot Malaria, Enriches the Blood end Builds np the Whole System. 60 cents. '

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