IT REACHES NO. '22 (Signed) "WOODROW W1LSOX. t ' "By the President, (Stgsod) "ROBERT LANSING, ? "Secretary o ? State.'' i, i TTtADINQ WITH THE ENEMSY ACT ? IS TOT WTO OPERATION APPEAL COMES FROM WHITS HOUSE FOR LIBERTY LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS. URGE PEOPLE 1 ASSEMBLE | * - - . * ? f -* ; ' ? ,"V President Makes Stirring Appeal for People to Pledge to Support Govern ment ? Special Word to Subscrip tion Workers. Washington. behalf of the liberty proclamation setting as liberty day and oi the nation In their "pledge to one ernment est The lows: "By the Preeident of the Vnlted States of America, a proelm&tioa: "The second liberty loan gives the people of the United Staets another opportunty to lend theier funds to their, government to sustain their . country at war. The might of the United States 1b being mobilized and organis ed to strike a mortal blow at autocra cy in defense ef outraged American rights and of Che cause of liberty. Billions of dollars are required to arm, feed and clothe the brave men who are going forth to light oar coun try's, battles and to assist the nstions with whom we are maktng common cause against a common foe. To sub scribe to the liberty loan is to perform a service of patriotism. "Now. therefore, I, Woodrow Wil son. Pitsident of the United States of America, do appoint Wednesday, the twenty-fourth of October, as liberty day, and urge and advise the people to assemble in their the empire of our of what America bring this war to a victorious conclu j sien. Tor the purpose of participating in liberty, day celebrations all employee of the federal government through out the country whos* services eait be spared, may be excused .at U o'clock. Wednesday, the twenty-fourth of Oc tober. "In witness whereof. I have here-] unto set my hand sad caused the seal of the United States to. ha affixed, i "Done in the District oT Columbia, this 12th day oC October In t&A year of our Lord, one thousand nine hun dred and seventeen and ef the inde pendence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty u. PRODUCERS' -NAVE CON* THEfR BEST, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ANNOUNCES* ? - ? 3 Due to Inerease In Manufacturing and T ransportatlon Activity.? Coal ~ Being Mined at Rate Never Equaled Before. coal shortage wae admitted by the geo logical survey*; which attribute* the situation, not to the iailure at produc ers, to do their beat, but to the unprec edented demand. G .. "The tremendous increase Jn manu facturing and ; transportation activity this year," said * statement issued today, "has created a demand tor soft coal in excess of any in the past, an increase ia demand tha^. is difficult to measure in terms bt ions, but that is certainly more than tlie. 10 per cent by which the production has increased. To meet this demand the operators hare been mining coal at a late never before equalled." A serious "coal shortage exists in Ohio, fuel administration' officials' were told by a delegation of consumers headed by Attorney General McGhee, who" came to Washington to protest against lifting the embargo on coal shipments to Canada, of 200 towns in the state reporting oof? than 100, tile delegation declared, are entirely without coal and are unable to obtain supplies because virtually all coal min ed in the state is going thruogh lake ports in the northwest and Canada. The people of the state, spokesmen for the delegation said, are suffering and cannot watt until the northwest Is supplied under the fuel administra tion's priority order befcre ,5*ying In winter stocks. Mayors of some towns have seized carloads of coal en route to the lakes afid have apportioned ft ota or roans wtu oe supplied m me same fashion the final intention is to distribute coal amour domestic users and industries where It Is most essential. r. Ooa! prices in some districts ol Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia were raised by the fuel adminlstr* tion after it was shown operators could not mine coal at a profit at the prices fixed recently. LEGAL OBSTACLE OF AERIAL PROGRAM 18 CLEARED AWAY - ~ .. .. . ... r Washington. ? Legal approval has beep given the agreement between the aircraft production board and the Air>' plane - Manufacturers' * Association, clearing away a possible serious ob stacle to the government 4640,000,000 ?'? ???** wum'Mi. 4 Attorney' General] Scnora (vork of her gifted husband, Senor Jose AiMfcmi ? - ." ' "" ? - i. ~ 7" " : - With The Chautauqua Coming to Fi FEW DISPATCHES HAVE ? CftEAT ED MORE INTBRE8T IN QFFI ? -i ? fffPMswfe&s? 'tz- *?- ' CIAL WA8HIN0T0N. . ... W^iaiSaffifc ???"?V- ' Indicate* That Iron Diacipilip* oT-Ger man Military System Might Be Los ing rta Hold^-Oec?ninfl Morale'-to Noted by AHUf* & WaaMiigtoii<-^^i*pRtdwi the war began have wore In iaai^^^E iMiP. ? 1 powers have >ct the purposes . of said act to the" Importation, manufacture, and distribution of: necessa the extant htteteafter.ipitf: and associations engaged in the busl ness either of - operating cold storage-warehouses <?3pcold storage n^ho^ae, for the purpose' of ^gp; s sd- to -.or below a temperature "of 48 degrees. Fahrenheit, In ' which food tfptocts are placed and held : far j? Saya Or fuww; ?). operating ekrra : tors, warehouses or otter places , for 3 torage of oats, bailey, bbans, cice* cottonseed, cottonseed cake, cot tonseed meal or peanut meal-- or (3) ^manufacturing (Including ^WP^pfi^D?^>.or packl??fc or dis ^tribuilng ^iFKfl'Jdlng buying or selling) *ns~# <th?, following commodities: ?Vn*** rye or rye floury oats, 'oatmeal or rolled- oats; i^PiiCom grits,*#*** meal, hominy, <cora flour, starch from com,- corn- oil, corn syrup or glucose; rice, Tice flour ; dried beans; pea seed or dried peas; cottonseed, " cottonseed oil, cottonseed cake" or cottonseed meal: peanut oil or peanut meal; soya beim oil; soya bean itoeal, pahn oil or copra oil; oleomargarine, lard, lard substitutes, oleo oils or cookingfatj; milk, butter or- cheese; condenaec, powderetJ>pr evaporated mii} .'fireah, . .canned or cured. beef, pork or mutton; poultry or eggs; freah or frozen fish; fresh fruits or vegetable; canned peas; dried- -beans, tomatoes, corn, salmon, or safdlnes; dried prunes, apples, peaches or raisins; sugar, syrups or molasses." ' .. ? - ? "? COLONEL HOUSE IS A VI8ITOE AT WHITE HOU8B ? ~ Washington? Systematic collection * of economic,, historical, political and other Information on European cOfr !igIborC.d ; toamy?top ;t?. -mre -!8 quite ir's houses, stables, tract will hayc# ere and wholesale dealers and retail ere doing a baseness of more thin $100,000 annually In the commodities to-be named. V ''A ? Mr. McAdoo is now speaking dally ] In the interest of second Liberty loan. ? V. " - ' . * ' " *J' ? ? ! ' l ? ? CONTROL ALL THE FOOD ADMINISTRATION AN N0UNCE8 PRESIDENT WILL l& 8UE EXECUTIVE ORDER. ' Wilson's Order Will Prescribe Redo lation* Under Which Some 80 Fun damental Foods Will Be Manufsc tured and Sold. Washington.? Virtually all the sta ple food consumed %by the American people will be put under government control November 1. . The food administration announced that wlthia a few days President Wil MB will issue an executive order re quiring that mani* ' * " mental 20' Issuance of /he President's procla mation has be?& delayed, tbe^ an nouncement said, that the food ad ministration might complete confer ences with representatives of trades and producers and Consumers. "It has been the desire ol' the food administration," the announcement continued, "to secure the co-operation of all patriotic men in the various trades so as to eliminate speculation, hoarding, unreasonable profits, waste ful practices, etc., in the great distri bution system of" the oountry. "The feod administration has se lected about 20 basic commodities, and .their products as forming the prime basis of life, and has limited its licensing control to the commodities, ?OA -also, in so far as practicable, eliminated the smallest units ofTrasi ness in these staples. "It is the purpose of the tpod ad ministration to effect conservation In the commercial use of these commod ities, and to keep tfiem owing to ward the .consumer In dlr*# lines through the channels of trade in as economical a manners possible, Toe administration does not wish to di* turb the .noraal artivities, of business and no business factor.;pe.*fonning a oselS^fcinctioa ^.'wlll Je 'expetced to surrender that function. : V "The proclamation will require ail of those handling the commodities concerned to apply for license before jfcnrember .1, upon .forms whi$h will ^supplied on>p*iication to the food ?flmfatfsttmtjton. *. > GERMANY'S MILITARY STRENGTH SHOWS MARKEDDECREASE ? ? ? any's .military blear^Bcreaae . the war began >ased upon data ?taff maffepub strength now. sb< for the 'first time according to .of,the:Ffench ge> Ing heavily in the -east IILDJNG PROGRAM -B* FIXED OR 616 DEFICIENCY IS EXISTINB National Army Divisions Formed Out Of First. Increment Are All Short of > Quota? Doom for Regiment at Each Cantonment. Washington. ? Discussion of the ad visability of expediting the call for the second increment of the draft army now is In progress at *he war depart ment and it appears likely that the date may be fixed 'lor some time in De cember or January. Mobilization of the first increment -of 687,000 men is now ear .enough ad vanced to show dearly that there will be a big deficiency for the 17 national army divisions. More than 250,000 ol the first Increment Are stiL to be as sembled, bat it already is evident thai there will be available at the 16 can tonmeuttf quarters for an additional regiment at each. post and at some for a full brlgadeof two regiments. The strength of the new regimental organization is 8,600 men. With a regiment lacking at each cantonment, t^is alone would mean a shortage of nearly 60,000 men. In addition, there has been authorised a separate divi sion of negro troops, which means nearly 30,000 men withdrawn from the original number assigned to the 16 cantonments. { The shortage la due partially to the necessity of taking out of the national army men to fill up national guard di visions. .Two complete national divi sions of southern troops have been absorbed In this way. The remnants of three other southern national army . divisions will be consolidated to form a single divisional unit, and the sur plus men from other camps will be sent south to make up tiie missing . dirteioqp;- . , ? . f Drafts on th** national* army fOWft ? cal service will tdn nearly as many more though not aS of them will be taken from the national army. ' HAIG'S ATTACK CHCCKIO BY DELUaC OP RAIN Already 8wampy Region Converted into Quagmire. For the first time since' he started his series of attacks against the Ger man positions in Flanders, Field Mar shal Halg has had to cease an opera tion before all the objectives were at tained. It was not the German guns" however, that stopped the British. It was a mora than usually heavy rainfall which started during the battle and turned the already swamp region over wfaieh the. men ware supposed* to pass into a veritable quagmire from which they couM not untrack themselves for a forward move. The drive, as. has been customry in HaJg'o strategy waa started In the early hours of Friday morning and extended from near the Houtholst wood to Mow the - Yprea-Menln road. At several points the British troops sncceeded in gaining ground over fronts ranging up to a thousand yards but here the rain lntevened and the fighting ceased for the day. The struggle was particularly bit te rto the north of PoelcapeUe and arpund Fass&chendaele. In the lat ter region the Germans apparently have massed their strongest array of troops, hopeful of being able to stay * further press forward by the British toward the Ostend-Llle railroad. , The Germans were expecting the battle for several hours prior to the signal for the British to attack they laid down a heavy barrage fire all along the line. Interspersing the "Tain of steel and explosive sheela wlt? as phyxiating gaa . bombe. ik''Sr ( m* iniy .iji'.'ui ii.l i , ' ? iAST St. LOUIS MEMBERS CONVICTED Belleville, 111.? Herbert Wood and Leo Kerne were fotm^ fullty of the mnrder Of Scott Clark, a negro, who died as a result of Injuries received In the recent race Hots In East St Louis, ^and the penalty was fixed at 14 years* .imprisonment. Wood and Keene were the first white men to be tried on charges growing out of the face riot Ten negroid? were found guilty last Sunday, and each wtfc POLITICAL SPEAKERS ; $flMK Washington. ? Citizen soldlert In the national arm^ training cantonments w?l not hare to fowgo the privilege

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