*3 a 0 <8 a C8 3 a a JS P O fa 0) X5 H imM. ?i \V 5 y+'- V. iV^v j ?WZ ?; ' ? V!?v-" ?? ? i& ? sS: &lfcqfl Free Attractions Every Our races and, our "? * I W1 ' fc# 47f A M - I f?rAmr IlAVr J have more Ufe am^S?mon, fen, the Patriotic ft PRODUCTION America"; The , -A* ?' ?, ?-? VII VM^ ; ??- ? . -^T ">?? ??' . . .: ,vv ? *,'? ; 7 ? J_P*i ? ... 1 ? 1 1 ' ? ^T? ? ? ? ?? Make your plans at ? n.., TnncHair AotnhoP IS and speed the week, once to be hcfc on ? ? day will feature $ome oew and splendid attraction. We are working night and day to secure exhibits that are interesting, educational and patriotic ~ * 1 For information and entry blanks, write i-v - , Secretary KINSTON, N. C, " * - ? ? . ^ - ... * . -f' ? -ji" - * >" ? v' ? - * - - FARMYILLE ENTERPRISE Published by the Rouse Printery Entered is the Pott Office at Farm ville. N. C., a3 second class msfl ' St. OCTOBERi *? ' UP TO KAISER BEG . FOR PEACE, ASSERT London, Sept 21.? The Kaiser will have to ask for peace on the Allies' terms, and will nave- to be humble about it, say the Americans fighting on the French and Belgian lines.1 Newspapermen who have been seek - ing ue opinions of Samndes on the-, Austrian peace conference have found them strongly opposed to anything less than complete submission on the part of Germany, v THE DAY OP PEACE The war will end mom Messed day, some dsythA strife will .-tings, will pat their guns away, aid boost the boon of peace. The captain* then will drop their tools which mad* the world forlorn, and drive thafr teams of sorrel moles along the row* of corn. While still the tide of battle rolls, white still we hear the din, it seems to yMtt? wesrv sools that they say, u>e*?frlfo la?_T?tsd^ aerosa of ingratitude would outlive every persona bow living in the towns&p. The bulletin says further that when a person invests iff" War Savings Cer tificate* he 9erves^L^j)art^^of^the ? - -! KU ?%. - 1.. Winston-Salem, September 211 ? As regard s the approaching: Liberty Bond campaign. CoL " -F. H. Fries, State Director o I War Savings, says that his altitude on-this is the same as before except that he ? is convinced that all must vcrk harder - if the State's qoota of bonds as well as Stamps is raised in the allotted time for each. Active Systematic pledge taking for War Savings Stamps will be suspended "oat ctf deference-to, and in a spirit of co-operation with, the Fourth Liberty ?'jiond ?- Campaign. Daring the period of the bond dnve the -War Savings woi'k of the State wiH be confined to tM redemption of ? a - ? ? 1. -* . ? - _ J _ pieag?* ?ireaajr maae. "As to the two campaigns conflict ing, I repeat that they are as much in harmony and "working to the ' same end as the aimv and navy or as the brave American soldiers and those of our gallant Allies. They are both of ab solute importance to the winning jrf the war,' and failure to raise th? State's allotment of both would be a serious disappointment to ourselves aifjd^M to jattrjjrtdiM^at^^^oyU mast ha made b^sw^y one if th? ligUW AW ***** Mvyv-v ih* terrors of war, one of. which ? the rigors of winter, we must -stand back of them even though it *?? severe hardrt^ips, tffl the confli$? % j An army cannot march nor fight without' its home support Think of what the army is doing in France. Remember that we at nome are its support, and asbacribe to your limit ? for the Fourth Liberty Loan. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. deceaj^ a^ptt coun typhis is deceased to present them to the undersigned administrator t ' 7 p-v?: th High Prices. Below we give you some r this week Rasben^. S k>tiJ, 798 pounds at an average of $44.60 -?I-;: ??i' * ? *ii. .i 'i i i~?. iufl tu ... urn in, 5- Ibis, 916 pounas ? in average otwwt ; ? 2LTpSS?y1 ? ? ? av.; 43.16. Berret. & Shirley, 5 600 " av. 47.00. WEFalkner5 543" av. 45.80. JTRedick, 3