FARMYBLLE ENTERPRISE Published by the Souse Printery Entered ia the Poet Office at Farm vilie, N. C? ?s second class mail FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1M8 Land Company Organized. The North Americas Land COmpaoy, organised ia Farm vilte N. G, is composed of aome of the best and most progressive young men in our city. This company desires your entire confidence and any busi ness placed with same will be handled to entire satisfaction to all concerned. They are handling a great deal of property in all parts of the State, and are in a position in every way, to handle your real estate as good if not better than any company doing busi ness. If. you want results see them. - - Let all pull together to make Farmville a bigger and better town and give your support to local people. ? "United We Stand, Divided We Fall.** If you are not for Farmville we do not want you, and there are i L'ven passenger trains going out from here daily, a;id you don't have to buy a re turn ticket. With the war about" over "over there1' let's brush up oor civic pride and begin now to get everything in appiepie order by the time the boys begin to return home. It's . a . man-size job? but the women can help materially? but the sooner we start the quicker we'll reach the high standard of sanitation. MR. W. B. LASSTTER MAD Mr. W. B. Lassiter, an old Confederate veteran, died at his home here Wednesday night. He had been out at work during the day and was on bis way ? ? ? ? ?? > ~ " SODS. NOTICB OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in the decree of the Superior Court of Pitt County and that certain special proceed ings entitled, "J. R. Lewis and others vs Blanche Lewis Brake and others'1 dated the Sth fay of October, 1918, the undersigned commissioner will on Saturday, the 9th day of November, 1913, at 11:30 o'clock Ar M^ in the town of Parmville, North Caro lina, on the premise* hereinafter described in said town, sell at public auction to the highest being in Farm' Pitt County, Carolina, descri to- wit First Pared: in the toin of ? NOTICE W SAtE, fa lrf" ?"?*< ? V..;' ^ By virtue of the power of sale contained in that decree oi the Superior Court of Pitt Coqnty and in that certain special pro ceeding entitled "Andrew Moore vs. Zeno Moore and others" j dated The 8lh day of October, 1918, the undersigned commis sioner will on Friday, the 15th day of N"ovem6ert?l?18? at U o'clock A. M. on tie premises hereinafter described, expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash* the following tracts cr par eels of land situate lying and being in Farmville Township, | Pitt County, State of North Caro lina, 6nd described as follows, tc-wte >- * ? v v* First parcel: Lying on the Northwest side of Little Con tenfrea Creek m Farm ville Township: beginning at a point on old Plank Road,uow County Road, and runs South8S degrees East 74 poles tea^Wackgum Supposed to be Jones and Baker's corner; thence a>ith said Baker's line North $1-4 degrees East 50 1-2 poles to a light wood stale, thence with '-a line of marked trees, agreed upon by said par ties, 42 poies to a lightwood stake in PhHlip's line: 4hence to the beginning, containing by estimation 19 1 4 acres more or less, being the same tjract of land conveyed to W. H. Moore, de ceased, bv Alice HarperT and husband, Luby Harper, by deed dated February 16, 189iT which deed is recorded in Book H 5. page 405, of the Pitt County Registry. Said lands being later conveyed to the said Mary E. Moore by J. L Fleming, com roisaoner which deed ?s record ed in the office of the Register 1 of Deeds of Pitt County. chafo* to ? corn^rw ditcfa in ten steps of A. H, Hangans . Second parcel: Lying upon [ the old Plank Hoad leading from Greenville to Wilson, and bound as follows: Beginning at the ditch across said Pfcink Road Henry Moore and A. H. Flana jan's corner; thence by said road 11 65 100 chains to a ditch in A. tt. FlanaeanV George Joy aer tract: thence witlr sjid ditch ?nd A. II Flanagan's lir>e 1912 chains; th.eacc \\i h said Flana ! gaa's line 2 49 100 ch iins~to cana'; tbcnce down said canals U 12 chctas to a marl hole;J t hence South ?2 degrees . East j one chaia; thence North 79 de grees East five chains to a ditch HMIIklk*g|g You ere ccidially inutcd to attend our 'Tractor" Demon t ration Thursday, November 14th, on the farm of Mr. Jno. T. Thorne near town- Hub Hard *areCo. branch;, t windings of said branch to the ^beginning containing thir ^ acies ttore a* less;r bein same land conveyed to Moore, deceased, by Eli yfiP | l tms, mortgagee, by deed dttcd; February 2, lw5i which deed is recorded id Book M. 4, page 7J of the Pitt lands being lal, iipisE SHE? ins: com missioned' which deed is recorded in the office of Reg ister of. Deeds of Pitt County State of North Carolina. Third parcelr Alt that tract or parcel of laiui king in Farm- . ville Township, Pitt County, arid Stated North Carolina, bouftd on the North by the Robert) E. Turnage land; on the Westby the Wainright heirs: on the South by William Williams and A. H. Flanagan; and on the East by W. G Lang land; containing by estimation eighty acres, more or less; it being that same land con veyed to William H. Moore, de ceased, J>y E S. dated October 17, 1874, which deed is recorded in Book. GG, page 395,. of the Pitt County Registry, said lands being Jater conveyed by.J.L. Fleming, com missioner, to the said Mary E Moore,, which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pitt County. Sale made for partition. Terms of sale cash. This Oct. 8th, 1918. J. LOYD HORTON, ? ; J'"; CommtsaSboet - member ijgg with prices winner. *'r '?t&M acres cleared and in ? - r- ..." ? V ?7?Vi there is

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