andire'H op?i yo m INCREASED ^ubscriptioq Sl.OO a Year iji Advaii^ Appeals o# the German Envoys j Had Little Effect on MarsfeaJ Foch v\ f * Washington, Nov, 13? Appeals of the German armistice envoys to Marshal Foch for modifica tion of the terms of surrender were of little avail. This is in dicated by the amended terms, which were - published today. Close survey of the amendments show few deviations in essential details from the original drirft which was announced Monday. The* amended terms qi some respects favor the defeated enemy but other pro visions com pletely offset the slight favors craned. Chief among the chang ] tS iiia.Ie 1)5' Marshal Koch was (be icciftMiip of a provision un der which Germany is forced to give'- up her entice fleet of sub : murines Ihe Qii^mal term as turning over to the Allies and the United States of only 160 U boats. The amendment fur ther provides that the German saWarine fleet must be surren dered within fifteen days. Another of the eighteen terms which we: ^ amended provides thai the designated units of the German fleet which are. to bef suiT0kz X must be prepared to leave their ports within seven days after the signing of the armistice. N<5 time limit was fixed in 4lie original draft, la stead of 50#00 Germans are requ dei?^0riM|^ of machine guns to be turned over to the associated govern ments is reduced from 30,000 to 25,400. Germain I troops in East Africa are requested' td evacuate] that territory i ering. in fte ame of German; of situation of these - territories, shall decide that the timgfor this come," instead of immediate ly. Provision also is made in the amended tends for an armis tice commission. ' v. * Don't get the idea that because the terms of armistice have been accept ed, by the beaten German army that there's no need to help in the United War Work drive aow on lie boys i(re stilf "over there-" and. will be for months yet to come; and tfcey need the help given by the United War Workers just to badly now as when ihe war was on, because thousands of them are wounded, ill "and far from home and loved ones. Give all you cm wfien the solicitor cornea. - - : * AMERICAN ARMY WASTE NOTHING Pershing aid the Boys are Savin* Over $100; 900 Each Day. Are Helping Ancrici>i People to Save. The salvage service, something en tirely new in the American Army, is effecting a saving to the Govern ment considerable in excess of $100, 000 each day. This service was started last January and there are already several salvage plants'in operation on the battle fusd-of jFrance, while sev erer? more are Seiag^ organized- The pxtivity of the salvag^ corps operating thorn extend frtpn the front lines back through the training camps and lines of communication to every bsqe port. repair of other rctietes. Even tin cans are collected tod the tin. and solder salvaged. k;i _ ' General Pershing has sent the A merican people, through Secretary McAdoo, the following cablegram: "The soldiers of the American Ex peditionary Forces are deeply inter ested in the campaign for economy and avoidance of waste carried on- In he Un{ted States. Ton, agd those serv ing .under yon, will doubtless be inter fed in i&e similar work being done the battle field-of France aid the areas back of'the battle fc^fcia ser-j vice is effecting a" saving to the Gov ernment of 6veT$100jQ00 each dagr. But the saving in money while of great hn M&fice ls poTthe vjtal part of the #%in#?^ vrf* pe^atfv# need at thefront, material that no great expenditure of money can imcdiotely replace. "The American Expeditionary For - AV';.' V* LAST CALL FOR WAR SAVINGS PLEDGES House-to-House Canvass .JTorember 27? Becember 6. $11,500,000 : More to be Pledged* The last coll to s?cur?the balance of the State's allctment in War Sav ings will be made in a house-to-house canvass to & between 27 and December 6. The State stSl lacks $11,600,000 having pledged its War Savings allotment At d meeting of War Savings work era to be held on Thanksgiving Day, every township and ward will be di vided into sections and each section will be assigned to a group uf canvas sers. Between Thanksgiving Day and, Friday, December 0, every head of a family and other persons with air in dependent income- will be asked to pledge his part, of the IlliWO, 0*0 de ficit. Another reason why the house-to house canvass has been found to be. aeeessary Is that citizens may per?$t their Wor Savings records. It has friphi found thaH thousands of families have bought Stamp# for which they would not get any credit for the reason that no member af the fcsnily haa signed any pledge-card, and thousand iaor? ?NEW GIFT REGULATIONS A new regulation has been issued for sending Christmas gifts to ths Fetfinand ftf Balfc the rnlera M the M tidn, Ium fled fron? Mohammad V of T joined inrthe?att?i to dominate the wor itjpeafcl^tfce han Whila the >rta down on the matt i of CaMda. combat - BiSS!!! Belgian and American forces were rapidly poshing the last German Fjranoe and Belgium. Rilili: attacked over ? W of 71 miles from the Meuse ?ouShwestward into Loraine. This drive the - last to be recorded in the war, jg^ed ait average of two or -three milSr and-iujproached within ten mile* of the fortewa of Met*.. It is suggested thai William Ho henzollern is not Bafe from conse quences of his deed, ev6n though he has fled to Holland. After the sink ing of the Lusjtania and during the early day* of aerial raids, on London was three times indicted for mur der in England. Under- international law, it is said, requisition 'fot his ex tradition may be made by England n _ " ~i _ of AC Germany. placdB in Eftrope. Ik /i*,> fitting place from which to' dictate Unu to the Huns, for hero daring the *efgu of Fitris VOIton* I, King of Prus sia, was proclaimed Eraeror of un ited Germany. What a fortunate thing for France aad the whole world that the Hunedid not get nearer to Vevaaillc3 than they . did. The beautiful place,, with its pplaces, gard(#sf fountain*; Btataea and shady. groves would have bees destroyed aa so fnany in Fiance h?a*een. rf Versailles ;W?s^ founded by Louis XIV, cod afterwards throughly re tch* byKfcg ton!* Philippvwh* .Wcoutitp # a whdol of hittarr; Its splendid rSro from the lorates on deeds of all her great ruleri, poets, warriors and statesmen, front Charle fcngne down to the unfortunate Em press Eugenie, who is still living and will rejoi bo ..drastic, so ovsrwhetamg that Vn time the Allies will be disposed \o re lent and take back some of them. ? ? - .*s.. jitot, teaches us, that there Is ?athing as and justice still tt has always dena, nadthwt r triumpj| Whatse and Miiiiiiyi seldom fallen to the let ... tfefl Weak With the Ameijican Armies on the Meuae and Moselle, Tuesday, "November 12 (By The Associa ted Press.)? The relaxation re sulting from the cessation of hostilities resolved itself today into speculation among the men as to several questions: They asked: "What will become of the army now. What part will Amer icans take as an army of occupa tion? When will we start for home?" / Along the fro it there Was an absence of Germans today. Hundreds came to the American lines yesterday afternoon to ex change greethra but according to reports most of them have started "for hpme. Anafcriccn made them the Aciion wilt dt cision of the . a?a ?ard 'Jpwaitiog'- direc4 '! Hons from Marclioi Poch. Both V: the first and second armies are awaiting the word to carry out orders. All dispatches in every branch of the service ire being kept up to war time efficiency against order to move forward as patf of the army ot occupation. When orders arrive the Americans must be prepared to fill the. bill in every psrtuputar. WORK ON SUNDAY IN NAVY YARDS STOPPED ? - . Washington, Nov 9.? The Novy de partment this i lorning issued an or der diwontinuirg until father notice all Sunday woijk in Navy yards and at shdte^BtotiorJis. The order becomes effective tomorrow. Secretary Daniels ttated that the! action was taken to ?ave the lhen'ffrom the Btrcin of a wven day week now tiaHTthc produc tion is meetfnt ^ flfr requirements. If increased prod Jctron Becomes neces sary tfce ordei will becountemand iNMg ^ R ? ? ? -I. v fft '* i" ?????