THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS hold no ter* A rors for the family circle whose bulwark of protection in a Bank Book. . Sad, pinched faces and haunted looks have no place there? comfort and happiness reign sapreme, * You can well afford to deposit a tittle in this bank every payday? ill that's needed is the determination to begin. When the ice is once broken, ifs easy saiiing and you'll be astonished kow rapidly your savings will grow. THE BANK OF FARMVILLE J. A. MEWBORN, Cashier Farmvitle, N. C. 1& Fanner Receives More Than Rye Thousand Dollars a Minute From Swift & (mm * * i " \"* ' t * - ? ??'? -? ? ?""? * ? ?<*? 7. >:.> % A '"' Jt' ?*.''???'/ ?" -''A' ? '?"'* This amount Is paid to the former for live stock, by Swift ft Companyalooe, during til* trading boors of every business day. ?ff. vSi-Tv-'*"/ .:? _???? *., '? '"&%' ? i*-" Altl* money is paid totbe termer through ids open market in competition witn large ana small packers, shippers, speculators ftftd dealers. ? ? '* -. V ?' The farmer, feeder, or stripper receives every cent of this money ($300,000 an hoqr, nearly $2.000000 a day, $11,500,000 a week) In casta, on the spot, as soon as the fetock be has jost sold is weighed opr. v >v / ^ ? _ a - v ?. - "v ^ '-> ?.'< v ?. ^ .vft Swift & Company, U.S. A. pftm 9m pniii Having qualified as administrators de bonis nan oftheeaiate of Mary ?. Moore, deceased, late of Pitt coun ty, this is to notify all persons lmv ing claims against >ie said" estate t present them to the undersigned administrators on Or before the 30th day of November, 1919, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons owing said estate will please make immmediate payment. This 80th day of November, 1918. , T. C. Turnage and B. R Moore, XSMSHKSP* *** 4. LjOjq Morton, Aitorn?y^ v" ? Decemb of?xam Wewfeh to announce that we have a full sup ~ * ? . !S ply -of Xmas Confectioneries, Nuts, Candies, Oranges, Apples, Grapes,' etc. and it will pay you to see us before buying. We will also have a full supply of Gardner's Famous Pound Cakes, Raisin Cakes, Ugtit and Dark Frail Cakes, at prices much cheaper than you can make them. For the benefit of otfr customers we will have a Free Delivery Service for Holiday trade, be ^ ^ a ^ _ - - - trip to each Sji- r& 5 <-5 V *E. 3: r = - ? . ? ? ??P!H m AndSM M Auction M. FARM 8AIJ? d^iPlCISM?* Com* B Hiftttnat Any BM in Grnw. ETBMMUIMLVA.-?- ? OFFII Bttmi i-~*Y?t'~ ,^5f; [.?>&% j2 *?S?3^4d , ?* . t ?.,Lr-v.^-*i4 W :?: ?vv/A^v;: :). ' - ? * ? - ?? ^ v" i' w!*1 ' -?? ?* Tt? i' - r. ;^V%rS " n' * ? ' ??? . .* "' ."** *'?'?' v U-^iwn: :;>.? - ? ?.. > V'v- :; ^ ^ bjy?* '*?'.? ^ "vvA- ? ^ ,-1" "C. ?' ij*j? ', ? - -'4.Y ???*?? : ???'? A" C- if- . C. U- A^ ? .?.:???? -.:. ?.. ?.. ? : -;. :.;. #r ?:'? .? ' r" ?" '.f ^3 'CA i ? aa '? ~ . - *"V * ?;?? . ?'. j- '; "'i? .?;? .; ' " ? "' \ * ? ? '?"'; ?'?;? it has ever before been your -? v >?*.< '/A- A -'{: ' A**,'. ?' > ' II *'.T i. 7, 1910. ? -/". ? * j?~ :i'? ^WBb . to continue to serve you fr i: V yi * . * - ? * ( * COMPANY Immediate and thorough preparation in school and. college for the great tasks of the next decade is the