B. A. JOYNER, Mgr. LOCALS AND . OF INTEREST TO V" Or. Farmville and Surrounding Sections ^Messrs. McD. Horfdn and J. f L Baker were Greenville visitors Thursday. : Seveifl from Farm^ille? espec ially Maisoos, attended th^ burial services of Rev. Mr. Purant at Sribw'Hill Thursday afternoon; The FarmViHe Lodge Odd ?Fellows are today r"i ~ Om. t*H. UUsfciiis* house, who has recently ed from France byjjfri^ojGf rowwbw ?^e cow sale at the) stables of the Davis Live Stock Co, Saturday afternoon af 1:30 o'clock. See the* big advertise ment headed "Auction Sale* elsewhere in this issue for full particulars. Rev. W. P. Jordan left Thurs day night- for Blue Rid;e, M. C., to attend the Y. M. C. A. Community Service Conference which will be in session there for ten days or more. Mr. Jor dan 'went as a delegate from Farmviile. V ? ? - //. Little George, Jr., son of Mr. and Geocee Windham, dieff Monday and waa buried Tees cfay ' afternoon to F^RiB tinuation of" same the season.? Mrs. J. jffci Periling D ware 60. ? : V*'\ %V ^ - V Corn For Sale?Apply to J. L. Flanagan a! Farm vUl? Furniture v k1 ? Cole and Jno. D6ere Com -& Cotton Planters. Ttj^jfiy best on the Market.? HubH^w. Co. Just received another ship ment Of pretty Capes for Ladies ?and Misses. I invite you to see my-Jime before you by.? E. L. Barrett. John Deere Corn Planters at ?Hicks Hardware. Corn For Sale?Shelled out or in the Sfruek? W. D.. Fields. r ^ We wish to call your attention to special lowing or Millinery,, *~? - T-V . f , Don't fait to attend our Spring opening of Millinery, Novelties, and Pattern Hats, Wednesday and Thursday, March 19ih and 20tb, as we will have many ex clusive designs on display.? E. L. Barrett. Re*- Fertilizer Distributers at Hicks Bard ware. - Does y^ur soil need . Lime? 1180,866.506 ^ut, the- famous BUQUO Biraind.-Jno. T. Tborne FaTmville, N. C. . -v-v poultry MpWfWi Pwp Wire, newlioe ? A A BAPTIST ? ? This simple announcemi pes- not convey, as I ,uiifcbfc;t?Se about I which aWafts all lend next Saadify/^ ; ;^ To the friends who knpW we desire (o jreiievv our ccme; to the straioger we ex tend it most sincerely, and to the . those, who, in love aad loyalty [to Jesus,, arc seeking a church home we waul !o assure you that you will find Christian fel lowship and a place of wttict jfith us. - > v ?}M Sunday School 9:45, preaching tat 11 o'clock, subject, "Are The^ [Few Tha^lBe' Saved?" laike ?G&. At 7:30, "Who Can Be Saved?" Mark. 10:26. - * T : i; figg Svtot. > V. - > JOYNER-ELLIS. Sunday afteru&on, at the [Christian cbiirch parsonage, .M Ronald J.oyqer. and T Wiss I.ydia O. Ellis were married in the presence o?&ily a ^ ?lrien^c Re v. W. P. Jordan e(ficia The groom was just rec# honorably, discharged from navy, and is.a sp^wf? iycii man. The' bride is a (laugh M MW Antfe Ellis Johnson;* is a young lady of many admii ble lrahs.| ; t- ? CBRISTfAN ' ? .s. . ?? ? ' 7 "* " . - 'J Having been selected as a delegate from this towq to ittenc tfce Blue Ridge Y, &L G &1CP ference, I Will be away ten da There W services ai each Sunday I am Away. IjFtxt. Sunday? Alfred Flanagan w? have charge of the * service and onSundajrrmoming*' Nfifdi .23, Hebrew Jones will conduct the service. Remember Bible Sch^af Communion and Endeavor will, srt tte^fiie mm; " ' x ' - ^ v ~? ? -St * 1 SS2S- 'kSMU Hardware les. Alsdacar load of 1,2 3 Rubber Roofing and B ing paper.^W* money. 1 Ply Roofing It. Ply 12.00 and UP.? Hob' t John Deere Corn Plant? Hicks Hardware. - jno. Deere Sulky iMowf Cultivators, also! II. C | vato? S Thete are the be Hub Hardware Co. Afejj -7. it Amount salt There's no guessing th Baking becomes easier and ;; Lif'- : U-: .s: :.,M- -fe ?; t.'--" ' ?' ?? ffSV* conomical because it saves you from buying extra owder, soda and salt Make your family Happy, em some goMffebrofi biscuits IromOptO r the Indian 'i^ad ail grocers. SiSwSli Thereto Belonging Farmvllle, North tap Atw i car load of % 2 3$|# Rubber Roofio? ?fife# BMW B-. ware v^u. ^ -,_u. ^ . ... ?. 1; 4 ft | Rex Fertiliser Distributers at nice new *''?amied finds' m w was? smoke'r ooce aod we'll ? . Wnt,noe 'o serve itir ? ? ?