m m J ? ' ? 1 ? ? (day, recommented i war time prohibi ts tO er oaly^aniwuDced it the railroad sys elegraph and tele would be returned ownership; urged a war taxes, parttcu ishthe manufactur I sales excises, and nerally a program terns ac phone li to priys revision larly to i ers and i outlined shipping and W Lane's program Of the Paris peac* conference ttpd the league bf nations the President merely said it would be premature to discuss them or express a judgment. He also avoided discussion of domestic legislation at length because of his long absenfce from Washings f&L ' 4 , Congress heard a unique docu ment; the only one of its kind ever transmitted across the ocean from a President on a foreign shore. For the first time in six years it heard a presidential mes sage read by a reading clerk, in stead of assembling to bear the President deliver an address in pefaoa. r The recommendation for the repeal of war-time prohibition and for return of the rail and Involved. > Demobiinptiob, pie when it v ? | PHUL METRICK IT KILL- \ ED ON TRAIN IN WELDON ?- City Acddeatly v. m \.m A. C. L. Traio. in Faffing From m - [ Greenville, May 19?r- The re maias of Mr. Paul Mitrick were | afternoon _ I &*0 Atlantic Coast Line] ttain from Weldon, at whii that accompanied the that could be teat^ were^thal ' 10 ingmfo Weidonfrom -v ? i asffc *33 lie falling"; many years located it this city in the tailoring business gid' moved to He returned ^ ?eof liter 1 point that it seems to t sale .now ,to. rertov upoiilhe manufacture Ot wines ?tibe?rsM. laid several months a come effective on Ju l?nly be removed, tfce said, by CongressiOi ment. ,v T r His recommendatior return of the railways iines^ was - the direct tive declaration by . ih many members contrary, the di President's declf pint left no doubt Pit! county v( inR ot hard surfacetoeSs, means with State and I aid, liiat practically 200 a the town of Faimvilie, 191 for bonds and 46 aganst bonds, a bonds. " The bond advocates are jubi lant today in all parts 61 the countyand those wfco opposed (hem not saying much. Some of the roadlopponents are saying that shey were sed tonfls. There whfl Ihe m&x. Earmville Falkland^ Fountain. BelvoiS Carolina CT . :iVV; ?' ("iifei Mothers ot Comity Urged * Send Children in Tkne 4 for Treatment The county health department is now trying in every way to get in dose personal touch whir the parents vOf children in th? twelve districts in this township 40 that that be fully adpjed as to the ag?gigftge& that have been openwHBijre children throush thejjggahgept o( tfae I free dental which has among the children in t^^^ mediately locality. It is the purpose of the depart ment^ health to get eveiy jpfaf ent impressed with the fact ihat the direct supervision Of the county and state, and is un^r Alfred Schultz, who lias chare their children to the dinic for examinations without delay, as Dr. Schultz will very soon be coin;? from one sectioo of the county to another in pursuit ot his fcorisv Every child can take ed vantage ^oflheopportunily, it deserves. g' 1 30 March. 1419. - ? 'w . My dear Major:? E It has given me great pleasure to receive from Malor General Helmick, Commanding General, Base Section No. 5, S. O. &, the American Exp. Forces a 79!, France, April 24, 19i9. I have reveived several letters from Farmville friends recently who write me that it is persist int!i ir?^ P FarmviUe that lam not some back there to practice, but ex pect to locate elsewhere, Lam anxious to Jiave this ru mor discontinued. I have never even MfconsHlered jocatLo&:; any wherrefs*, anil I can't imagine how, nor by whom this frflse ru mor was originated. With best Wishes, I anu Yoursveifrpw - H. f. MOSEL-E ? ? : ? A* period of fcveo grace has been exteftdc maay by represeti the allied and associate! W t*e various clauses as they Tte extension of time, wtwcb originally wa, *et Arw? Vice will be highly inspirational! Be cm time for all services. Bible School at 10, preaching Come and- worship with lis, gg | uttooHad Gear Majority 14 Ofer AH, Tbe^Two sary, and Potted More Votes Than Was were ifecorde# ? i .House feadera of ia the brief debate day's vote urged