THE first Methodist Centenary Cel ebration dromedary has arrived in Columbus, 0., and has consented to an interview-. In fact, so softened wa* his disposition by the familiar scenes which greeted him in the North Africa exhibit section at the exposition grounds that .he smilingly consented to pose fbr a picture with the reporter perched- precariously on his hump. *Tve come a long distance to attend the Centenary celebration," he started, "and I doat regret a mile of it now i that I have seen Nhe preparations I being made for it at the exposition grounds. This world's missionary ex position is going to beat anything 1 have ever seen, and I -have seen many things in my travels." The dromedary is one of a number of animals who. are arriving to take part in the greate Centenary celebra tion in Columhua. They will appear in the exhibitions of- foreign coun 1 tries, and some absolutely -safe cam els and elephants will be ridden by children who come to the exposition. Associate Director of Mask at Medbaiiilf niwrjCelefaratioB - I ? ? Mg? .ij y *?;. v .. L.i choir of -100 piece3, lectures by Lowell Thomas, distinguished traveler and writer from the Holy Land, and other events equally notable. The architecture c-i the Coliseum Is Buch- that every person will have an unobstructed view of what goes on upon the stage, and ??? - V r" * ? Dealers. Yoh Do More | Yoaare more ambitigas and yott get more . enjoyment out of everything when yeor Wood is in good coriBition. Impurities In the blood have a very depressing effect on < the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC , restores ? Energy Vitality by Purifying J and Enriching the BkxxL When you feet j its strengthening, invigorating ' effect, see t how it brings color to (he cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its truo tonic value. * ? anH(^,TASTELESS Chili TONIC is riot a patent medicino, it is simply ? IRON and QUININE suspended in Spttp. So pleasant even children like it. . The > Hood. needs Quinlno to Pwriftrit Snd IRON j to Enrich it These reliable tonic prop- ' rn'firtft fftr/trfupfi ai ? ^ irntKii4fiM in v . v ; member of their family had Malaria <* needed a body-building, streqgth-giving tonic. The formula, is Just the sameto day.And you can get it from any drug 60c per bottle.. Two Sides to Dream. "That man says heVgoing- to wak# everybody up when he gets f o the leg islature." vY*b," replied Farqjer fJoltt tossel "But in politics, when a man talks too much , about wakin' othe? people up it'a likely as not a aVC that ke's djaamin* hls8elt" . 111 ??' - ' i ' fcmjjg * ? ? ? * .. ... - Duty to the Children. Children are travel era newly arrived to a strange country; we should there tore make eonecienoe apt to tolelead theto-? Look?. ' | : ? ' Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Dayfl 3mj?Ist? re food money if PAZO OINT?ENTJ*ils o cure Itching, Blind, Bicediui or Protruding PllM. nxtactly relieves JtchintJ Files.- and you caa get tawiiileeD after the first apcUeattyo. Pricswte r\ . : ; ' . $ sj Hq ? Her CHtMeie. ; 1 wish Frits would write hlfl figures jrlalcer. I can't posaibljr tell from hie etter whether it li 1*000 or 10,000 liases that he tends me. ? FUegende Maetter. ' ~ ?' ? ? n. ? ??? ? iniiiniiiiwi iTi ri mmf^maBSSSi -m&m Fresh Groceries ? | 3$, ' V ' i"/,. . >' : Vjr ? . J ? - . Yes, we have just received those nice new Fresh Groceries that would please you, and at living prices, consisting ot both heavy and fancy Groceries, Canned Goods^ candies, smoke Ygoodsi and Fruits in season. ? Let us serve you once and we'U continue to seryeyou iwell R- T- Jr ,W?!!fiBBV Telephone No. 86 Wilson Street. FanmvlHe, N.- C. _ "> i. . \ Sjrfi ? * ' 1 km auction. W9?tj$k