El '?? 27. ' J Recently Appointed Nurse for County Pleased With Re Pitt county instead of employ ing a nurse. The peace pro grain tot thf JJRed Cross is an educational and health proiram. It advocates that we Reveal dis ^Dutbcrn Division /and ask?d if 'the- charter might help endow a hospital for Pitt county. The answer came that it could not h^P the hospital but the chap ter's funds might be used in em ploying a county nurse and in this way carry out the educa tions? and health program. We believe that when the people of the county realize the value of the iurse that they will find the need for a- hospital and that in side of a year work on a hospital in Pitt county wiH "be in pro gress. : ; ' ' ? " SUNSHINE ANP GLOO^. | 1 his is a story of sunshine and gloom seen at the same time, and the same place but by ditfejft^ eye*. Two-farmers frain the same place in the same work, report on the crop conditions as tows. One says that the outlet is very poor? crops are a poor - - A. " - , . ? grumblers, always kicking and knocking everything that we may prcgos&o? do After all, $ it not a plain way And i*bat i^B^>econie fellow who is so unfortunate or dishonest as to fail to render up his" thanks afrd bestow honor. ( 'M b farbettertobethefeUow that can smile a little, that knows .ttit^loudsajl haveftiverSfciiizk' that Jhe ? prom# oifcod >'.$? and is willing to trust the com ing day for blessings to sustain. I How sad to beagrouchP^^ r Jame* Superintendent of School E. C. Brooks, the latter asking that th| school authorities in all the counties bear ip^mind this ap prove! by the commissioner of insurance is required. Commis sioner Young tells the school authorities that he will require one^story school houses to have staocbrd flues and urges that T "7 . . * > n *"* >r one-story, as well as two-stony building have at least fire-resist ing roofs. He will not require fireproof two-story school JjuUd ing, but he will require th& they jbe oefede safe for the children. Her will see that all plan! solv mittedaad passed upon and re-' turned without delay. He wants to cooperate with vthe school authorities to theiullest extent. ihe use of tht inability x>i ?brat'.pa,ai afouferem the celebration being K.^C>owtoer or _im features of t5?f Ce tton, etrongly nrg6d.i pictures in the ad* tigioos work. H?. s under Made to carry a religious mee further Chan any known Tonn of ' munication.-^ , Dr. S. Earl TayHf. direct* goi of the Centenary Celebration, i the statement that "we want pld that- talk the universal languagi before the message. jof peace food will should he preached to VorK through picture*.'* * ? ,v~^ v 'am glad to tagw they^e j s&jpe of the Entire scheme a*'* h&8 tAn. regaled me by Dr. icilcr, Df. Crowtfaer. Dr. Reisner and others. i^lWeratand the Methodist Church his >140,000,000 and ts going to cele brate Us success With something more Bearij^fwembStog-* World ftStfwtban anything else to which It can be co*p Ipared. one would think that %-jprMt; nation at least is behind the move than, the greatest nation is b?hipd It -Hi reawakened Ideal and faith In spired to bind nip the wounds Iff1" a Mttend plebration will BMjnt. ColtraitiM. accorHUH la MW 0"f? Karb, who h.. ??cal^ ?n. iy.tfcgu#Bd rtad|^|H Confident, Columbus can take care to understand the p sis appendage. Prop* [delinking if the owner inaugiM. stipulated that the vehicle should be sold at public auction and the fines and the costs should be re* funded to the owner. The com flu* tthich shOutofc, amn to the State. ? & The committee also tentative of thjpfcw; for first offense! J? permit the judge to use hif.oWn discretion in sentencing the ' of ip m gg g y tfatti fbrierifes 6T pea*e asim practicable and lhat then signa ? roWHTi'.iiSy ?J9rM: .'TSSm?*! lure is given under duress, pro tests were made against the clauses concerning repration, the forfeiture of colonists and btfaen. r Asserting that the terms can* not be carried out and that tfe Gerimra government can not be held responsible for what may occur* the note concluded by saying tbat the Germans will sign, with reservations relative to the turning over of those al leged to be guilty of crimes and also th^admissionlot the guilt bt Germany iu causing the war. In replying. th? Council of ^?The "Allied and 'Associated powers have considered the note of the German- delegation of even date and in view of tl}& shortness of time remain^ }eei ft a* at once. Of the pv&rftbm vjhiehtbe its fintu decision as to the signa ture 6f the 'treaty* less thai* 24 houre remains. The Allied and associated^ governments have given fullest consideration tp all representation hitherto made by the German- government with Sheriff Dudley anA 'vQtffctals I ^ Begin Campaif& Fridajf With Good Results ? WE SITLLS $AfcEN ? 5 WITH BEEI^MSIRtfJpD late Cokwjed Men, Bringing to City, Captwed Yester* day Morning. m ? Commencing with activities te Ffiday evening which; con tinued through Sunday, Step# Dudley and Deputies pafbett and Catonmade a persjstenf and effective campaign against the "monkey rum" traffic of fak section, which resulted in the capture of three stills, three lien and the deatroyiog^ef several hundred gallons of beer ready for distillation. The campaign consisted of five separate distinct raids- into Various ties, and while an appteb of all offenders connected^ the stills was sot accc this, may occutrat any de'r the . vigilant .sum weomcers. The raid Friday eveniifcwas -*14' . aS- ^ JT. > JMk, On ? ' ?" in the Georgej tolas, each pLr ^ proximity to one another, _.T whiskey wasibund in life vicin ity* but muck beer was pooled our, and a barrell of . molasses taken. Sunday morning, fhfce negroes, Tom Jdyner, George Joyner and Henry Nesbitt, with automobile, were captured while entering the city on Dickinson avenue. Three gallons of Mm6n? key turn" tvete ^tonad car, while one of ihe armed with a pistol. :,m Sunday evening^ final ? vities of the campaign came j to a couclusiy. a rpid near Pact in whjc* over one thousand; of beer were Sheriff Dudley and of eclipsed all records ? established by any other officials in this section ^ tb^ coun^ and defiuate statements P&|iumbe^ of jstjUs captured will be given later. Ne^YprkJun^WAssertj that several soldiers on furlot in New York hatf been renei iiQcoasciou&by means!of *do ed" cigarettes, and then strip? of the valuables, Lieut. Jfohn ton&hT vimrt