FARMVUXE ENTERPRISE Published by the Souse Printery l.j ,? \ ? i Enteie^ in the Post Office at Farm ville, N. C., as second class mail xa- * s- . - ? FRIDAY. JUNE 27, 1919 ? i ISSUES STATEMENT GIV ING TOTAL EXPENDI TURE IN THE WAR t -* 1 - ? Washington, June 24. ? War department expenditures from tbe time war was declared' until June 1^1919, totaled $14,544,610, 213, Secretary Baker today ad vised lbs special house commit tee investigating the depart ment activities. Of tbe total $1,839,787^989 was spent by the American expenditonary forces ior supplies purchased overseas. On Wednesday afternoon June 18th. at 4 o'clock Miss Minnie Lee Thome and Mr. Carl A. Tyson were united in ihe holy bonds of \ matrimony. Rev. T. B. Sanscaster 6t Goldsboro, offi ciating. ? /. The quiet but beautiful mar riage took place at the home of the bride'* pare n is, Mr. and Mr?. J. D. Thorne* The entire ar langemen? and procedure was . characteritic of the bride's sub stantiality and good taste, sim ple yet effective, nature supply ing tbe decorations which con | sisted of ivy, ferns, and a few pink roses. k ? At the appointed hour, the friends and relatives present as sembled ih the'parlor, and the happy couple entered. The bride was dress in a "going away" suit of dark blue, carry ing a bqquet yf brides roses, ferns and orange , blossoms. While-Mrs. J. W.Rasbeny rend ered the wcd4ing march. At last tbe worthy goom had won the prize for which he long had wa .v* , baggigc bedecked with old shoes etCy. etc. etc.? boarded the. train for Asheyillc, where they will spend the first happy days of their honey moon. Then they wiH return to Farmvilie where they expect to make their future home. matter. THORNE-TYSON. witfr (be though i p&Mook happy tbe love of tongue ca& Germany is finding it difficult to get any one to go to Versailles and sig^i the peace treaty. Where are all the two hundred or iwore members of the National Assedvi>fy who voted to sign? And. altc^tt, isn't this reluctance about signing the peace treaty manufactured? ^fnnany has no record lor taJuog^H? lignings seriously.^ . - v> ? ? -.The fellow .who complains that be Mtads a dag's life doesn't have to Wait till do? days. 2?l' ? 7 ' ' y ? ? - Any m*o wUo has plenty of pusb can get along without a WHY NOT HAVE YOUR DRINK ING WATER ANALYZED ? , ? > V Why not have your drinking water analyzed, especially those who ha ve typhoid fever in their homes. As was published a few days ago that thefe were three princi pal sources or ways in which typhoid fever spreads first by water, second by personal con tact and third by flies. Now it might be possible that your source of infection is through your drinking water. It is pos* sible for you to find out free of charge whether or not your water is pure. / The germs form a case of ty phoid fever, when discharged openly or :n an open back privy are frequently carried by chick ens, domestic animals, or even on the shoes of people them selves to or near well platforms, so as you see, that -the wjste water spilled around the well washes this fttihy dangerous ma teria* down into the well Again, it may be that the drainage around your well may be such that rains may wash the mater ial along on the suJace of the ground directly into the tops of wells or springs or. the buckeis and- chains may become soiled by dirty hands and thereby pol ?? lute the water, so, naturally, with such conditions existing, it would very easy for the Water of a well or spring to become polluted. You have often beard a man speak of his, water being the best in the country, now, be cause your water is clear and cold is not saying that it is pure and free from germs. There is but one way to determine wheth er or not your water is pure and this is for you to have it analyz ed, and one desiring this can confer with your health officer, who w?'l be more than glad to !try and help you in finding out where your typhoid fever is coding from and make ij possi ble for you not to ; bapthld* ease. AU free of cbrige; u" L.-L-- WlLtiAMSSN- D.. ? AciingHeaUfa Officer. NOTICE. Siate of North Carolina, County of Pitt. Charlie Morgan, In the vs. , Superior Annie Moran. Couii The defendant above named j will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been com menced in the Superior Court of Pitt county for the puspose of securing an absolute divorce; *nd the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of Superior Court of Pitt County to be held ,po the 18th .day of August 1919, at the Cou.i house in said coun ty, Greenvi'le, Noah Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint fed in seid action or ^e.nlainti'{ will apply to the Cou* . refief demanded in said compIfit??* - This the 23 day\jun? J?19. J. F. HARRINGTON, Clerk ol Superior Court By E. F. Tucker, D.(X f Ma. in At Yon must have! durance to fight Colds, When your blood is not ?i a healthy .condirionand doe* not circulate properly, fyour system Is unabk to vithstand the I Winter cold. ,?v;- -? GROVE'S TASTELESSChflJ TONIC Fortifies- the System Against Odds. G rip niyi Tnftwopfq jw Purifying and Enriching the Rood - ?? It contains tbe.welWfcnawn tonic prop erties- of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to^ the most delicate stomach. And is pleasant to take. Yoo can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effcct " 60c. - ' y w ??? - ? ? ? ? JUST MILLS nashviule, TEN" V rv'M balance for k1 -TTfatzv*'' ? ? * MILK B. A. JOYNER & CO. Distribi'ors Farmvllle. 1M.C. Without Once Shifting Gears' 4370 Miles , In 7 d?yi *nd-7 , nights In High Gear ? '? ? yt Breaks High Gear Non-Stop Record ^ ^ Seven days of pounding over country lanes ajad through1 i , blocked, city streets in Oklahoma ? always in sealed high gear each day showing an average of: 624 mUes and an average of 20.66 ntites to the giilon of gasoline. ;* * , . Not once did the motor miss an explosion. * Not ?*en a spark plug was changed. , rm** " 4 a Let us snpw you an exact duplieaie of this remarkable}-* . Model 90 car. ~ G. M. HOLDEN, Dealer i FARMVILLE, N. C. k TiwT^' 0*?rfu4 MoM Niaoty K?? PMte&ger Towtaf Cu. fMI tfcfc. ^ 1 Cocoe to our (tote Sty* $5 year OU Keotackj ifi-j r** ftp - ij ? ?&*.*% c ? ? ? ; Wbo TcQs How She Wat Ke&evtd k.:V# ttfe/'ffvU. \f. . i* ?'? -;o V s '.^'v >' 7 : MeadorsviHe, Ky.?Mrs. ^ulttla Higginbotham, of tills town, says: "At my age, which la 65, the liver does not &ct so well as when. roimg.'A fov years ago, my stomach was all oat Of fix. I was constipated, my liter didn't act My digestion was fcafl, and It took so little to upset me. My ap petite was gone. I - was very weak. . . I\ decided I would give Black Draught a thorough trial as I knew It was highly recommended &r this trouble: i began taking vL * r &t better after a few doses. \ My appetite improved and Z became stronger. My bowels acted naturally and the least ? ? ? ?*5s ? ? ? V-fc,- ??r . _ *?..y jj' W'' - 1 trouble was soon .righted with a few ? .yi 11 ii?/ ? ^ mi 11 ] 1 !'? '|.I|I [Mil. If I ! doses of Black-Draught* Seventy years of successful ?M Ktf made Thedford's Black-Draught a standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, at tlmea, need the help that Black-Draught can gift in cleansing the system and re lieving the troubles that come ffiom. constipation, Indigestion, lazy liver, etc. Yon cannot keep well unless your stomach, liver. and bowels am In good working order. Keep them that way. Try Black-Draught It acta promptly," gently and in a natural way. If yon fort jfogtr*11^) tftkft * a dose ionlght Ton will feel fresh tomorrow. Price 25c. a package? One cent a dose . ? -S. ? ; ? ? 7.v 7 production this line. 7' ? -/vv ^ i ??> L & Ml SEMI PAINTS BEST tSAT CAM,BE MADE Crist to you $325 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from <rar Agentt or^ LONOMAN * MARTINEZ New York L V From this on we will be jpermahently located in Green* ville. We now have on hand 500 acres in Pitt county that, will be sold in small farms, and several hundred acres in adjoining counties. We Conduct Sales Both PRIVATE and at AUCTION. LANE LAND COMPANY, BOX 306, GftEEt&VIIAe, N. C Headquarters af Proctor Hotel.

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