(concluded from first page) come Mi UfAmrable Citiien When you. Wl Average Cm, zen, tell the Irath about your property, it wM? your neighbor, Mr. Uodesira6le Citizen, to fcH Slie abool property, because when the books show tnrty what the pro perty o?;Mr. Ayerase Cm?? o worth, Hj? erkJeoce will cleariy and coocfcsivefcsbow ?batlhe property of MrJBfl<fes?able Citi zen is wofth. jThe local and dis trie! assessors, when they caaae to fix tbe Value d property, wffl be govenfed bjr ihe sworn state meet o? Ur. Average Citizen. And w ikn M Mr. Average Citizen, tell the unvarnished truth about yOur property, that truth wW wipe out every ine quality in ttkftioa in North Carolina. > Tru* values are al ways eQual vatmSi hot Ihe great est expert )caoHot equafiie a ser ies ot frlsehoofc. - When al the property til the State shall he ^placet on the books at its fcir value, many benefits wflTaqtrue to you, Mr. Average (Jitizen, 1. Yei?. wtttYhave the great sitirfJcUOS of knowioe'tbat the record written all the people of the State is a.tfue record and not a ItaWe Milhe comeaon wealth. - ^hisf knowledge. *dl wonderfnBy srteagthen the mor al fiber ofSpur &ple. 2. YowwHl*aow that evfiy discrimination i: in taxation is wiped ^ am*tbat every citizen is carrying bis*Jmr part ol the burden. ? * i. As she art"* go BP the rate oftaxatioh'will go down. - M. Jtt ?L. and will of taxation instead of a poor state witha highrate of taxatwn. 4 Th&Jpenerirf Assembly has made * under the #opw?i fc?e dura tion ot BMpertjf#evenues greater than ten percent in excess o I the revenues ?colieded under the present iajfe values. This means thaftbe?*af Wvenue*^ collected bytiheSttiesh^ oorbe greater than total the ^ ihcveto pay tewa in excess of ten per W - :he bas here ' ir citizen DRY LAW ADVOCATES KNOCK OUT STRONG . ; B?ER ELEMENTS . v*- ? ' ? r-* ? ?o'-;' J (concluded from page 1) "wets" asserting that it wduld merely permit the very thing the President as commander in chief of the army had said was best for the nexl six teenths. After two and thsee quarters per cent beer had been bowed over by a record vote of 151 to 9?? and this was tboot the rela live division on ail amendments ?the prohibitionists went after another amendment by Repre sentative Igoe, Democrat, of Mobile, which would "have stricken. ou^aU definition of . in toxicants. killing the proposal 128 to 83. /' ? J There was the utmost confu sion at times, despite vigorous whacks with a gave), and some of the prohibition leaders ap plauded every move in their favor, The galleries, filled large ly with women, and officers of acti-liquor organizations broke into applaus when the House roared its disapproval of two and three quarter per cent beer. And then* when it seemed the majority wa**veary of voting down eVery proposal by the other side, point of order were raised, nid some motions, de. signed to make the law less drastic, wete picked ?p by the nape of the neck, as members expressed it and bodily threwit ?*? '.-Mm ? ram was in full vent PARS CELEBRATES THE COMING OF PEACE ? v ? , . ? ? ?> 1 11 ? (concluded tVom page 1) tbem are camping is the Caftps Elysees and around the Pjrisce; da l'Etoile, where they are keep in* company with the special night guards over the Ceno taph to the dead in the war. In all the squares of the line of march the gaiety which wat 7 The Rest & Sfeoce. ^ j"*** * * * "Why it it Sam, thai one never hears of a darky commilliog sui cide?*1 inquired the Northerner "Wei*, you tee. it's cNsattey, boss: When a white pusson has any trouble he set down an' gits to study in* 1>out it an' worryinV Then tin* thing- yon know he's done killed hissc'f But n$en? negro sets down to think , *bou! his troubles, why, he jes' nacher Jy goes to sleep."? Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. ? 1 ' ?????? scene of loveliness Wednesday 9:30 p. m., when Miss Bessie Mae Cason was wedded to Mr. Jones Wellington Boomer. -The cotor scheme, jwbich were the Rainbow colors, was carried out very effectively- Thedl&h being decorated in cut- flowers and peas. As the strains of Lohengrin's Weddcng chorus was beautifully playect by Mis. Morton and Soft ly sung by ifa^ Gamp Jire Girls, the two cousins, little MisSes Lonnie Rasberry and Thelmii Jones, entered strowing flowers as they went. Next came Kins Isabelle Boomer from Lake Landing, N. C, sister of the groon^ wearing *blue evening dress with a blue tulle bair dress carrying-*:- fan with sweet pea s&iowers and Miss Emily. Mitchell of Washington, N. C, dressed in bhie and gold with gold hair dress ain^ fan with sweet pea shower. Then Messrs. Angus Cox, of Wttbififctbo, and Sam Flanagan of Farmville, came. Following were Miss SaHie Jack son of Greenville, Ni G, wear ing pink and green with pink fcair-dressandfan shower*, and Miss Olivia Rasberry of Farm ville in deep pink With pink tulle bow on hair and fan with show ers of sweet peas. Then enter, * ste*ra', Farmville, and Ariel Case*. Next came ttye little ringbearer, Andy Noe, carrying the ring tin a staff of valuable holly hocks. The dame of honor followed, wjio was Mrs. J. N. Payne of Washington, N. C? dressed in white and gold wearing half feostlLveil. Miss Katie Cason, maid of honor, followed dressed in Orchid with orchid tulle ha.it bow atift fan with showers. The bride then entered on the arm of her dressed in wWie o?riiai?#i tor tfce irao | Alter the I Our idea of a well bre is one who never boasts the heart. u* sign that you don'< ' mudi i*stoi,SUiink youj erous . not wEat they w crack is a broken promise. | A genius is usually eccentric I but. as eccentric person isn't] genius. Experience is the acid test that ,v?btes us to distinguish between *>oda _L_ ? *" -Skinnum is always _ of his popularity. He s h^is much sought after." Wagg?Mso is an escaped con vict. ? Lambs rush in Wall Slaeetj r to tread. | : >. ' -r-fr H NOUCfc QF DISSOLUTION. Notice is herebyfciven that J. F. Harris has sold bis interest io the firm of Tyson & Harris to C> ^ Tyson, who assumes alt debts and; liabilities created by said partnership, and all debts due to and* owing by the said firm will received land paid re spectively .by -G. A.!" Tyson, ex cept $125.00 due -The Princi coia Co. which is assumed b$ J. F. Harris. This the 10th. day July, 1919. C. A. TYSON, J. F. HARRIS. Stele of North Carolina, County of Pill. In the Superior Gwrt, menced in the Superior CourC of fctf county for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce; and the defendant wilt further tUke nptice that she is required Court of Pitt County to be held on the 18th day of August 1919, at the Court house ? said coun ty, Greenville, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action or This the 23 day Ju?m s JFHARRINGTON, Clerk of Superior Court By E. F, Tucker, Df C. Martin & SbeppJUd, lot hesitate to call on Mrs for the public ?y epergy is direct i free to all who is September 24th, formation address, * Secret ?tf.Wl*-.. Tiiej overflow .. -r,Tr, ,M,n.r, n

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