and Winter If you thought thai the shoe styles of the earlier seasons were beautiful, you should see ibe elegance and gracc of advance models for Fall and Winter wean ; ? ' > V Never before have you bad the opportunity to dress your feet so attractively and comfortably as now. The models allow considerable latitude for tb? use.oiyour per sonal tastes ia the selediofi of footwear that wilt dress your feet in keeping with tile times. > V > > There's a style for erery need? a color to satisfy every taste aad a shape for every toot If you want to see the very late& in eyerpleasing foot gracing shoes, just come in and look over the showing. " ' ' ?? I FarmviUe Shoes For PAY FARMVILLE, N LOCALS AND OF FarmviUe and Friday. Nov, 2l?, 10:30 A. M. Miss Willie Finch, of Header son, is the house guest of Miss Marguerite Christman. For Sale? One S-room house $2,500, cash, balance terms.? P. T. Atkinson. Farmville, N. C If you know anything worth publishing tell the editor, for that's the only way we have of finding it out. ? ?_ Note the change in the half page advertisement of the At: lantic Coast Realty Go. in f&isl issue. Smoked walls .and curtain jK*1 A large number from Farm - ville went to' Greenville Wed nesday night to see "Experi ence," which is considered one of the best and strongest plays coming this way this season. There will be a subscription dance in Farmville Wednesday night Nov. 19?h. Music by Gar ber Davis Orchestra. Every body invited. adv. Don't forget the big turkey din ner and supper to be served at the Annual Methodist Bazaar, to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, at Smith &" Parker's new garage. Friday, Nov. 21$, 10:30 A.M. J Remember that you and your friesds are cordially invited to attend the Revival Services which begin at (he Baptist church Sunday. November f6th. Rev. Braxton Craig will do thepreach ing and Mr. Samuel Raborn, the Evangelist singe r from Texas, will conduct the song services. ^Construction and qualify of nraterials determine the service your range gives. Cole's Down Draft Ranges are serviceable and economical. Friday, Nov. 21&, 10:30 A. M The editor ? indeed grateful as this from oUr farmer friends we will be able to face the win ter. and its high food prices all o. k. Again we thank you. LOST? Open face watch with small piece of chain attached, also lost Trombone mouthpiece, smalt reward for return to North American Land Co., Farmville. Don't forget that big Turkey Dinner lo be served by the ladies of the M. E. Church at their an nual bazaar on Wednesday Nov. 19th, at Smith & Parker's new garage. They will also have for sale a large selection of handiwork and other articles -?**** -- - - - - ' iis - ?? , 4'* M ? -"i v . rill 13ve Exhibition for North Anerican Land Co.; of r TWsGity, at Their. Auction Sale of the Jim Lang Farm Near Town. ?' : v . ? The North:jAmerica? Land Co, of this- city, will on Friday of next weelf, November 2 1&, at 10:30 a. m; sell qX auction the lim Lang farm, |?efttetf only one mile North of Farmville. This is considered one of the best and surely one of the most desirably located tracts <5f land in this section to be offered this year, or any other year as for that, as they are not to be fouod> And furthermore^ which is of great importance to the fellow wishing to buy himself a nice small farm, this company has subdivided this farm into several ideal small tracts and will sell them on terms that anybody with any energy whatever can easily meet? one-third cash, and &e balance in ten equal annual' payments. Could you ask . for better? Now, to make the day a pleas ant and enjoyable one for all attending this sale the North American Land Co., has engag ed Lieut. Bishop, with bis big Curtis Aeroplane, to give several daring exhibits. In addition to this a big old time barbecue din ner will be served, and there frill be enough for every one attend ing the sale to gef ail be or she wishes. McHagao's Junevile band, of Kinstori, will furnish music for the occasion and many valuable prizes will be given away. Make your plans now to at tend this sale. . Whether you wfeh to buy or not, you and your entire fai^^are cordially and band concert? it's all free. Tefi your neighbors about it. several months, Mrs. Maggie Pierce died at her home in Falk land November Iq&^anckivas buried in the cemetery at this place the day following. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor Rev- Mr. Flem ming of the Presbyterian church of which she was a, true and loyal member, assisted fey Rev, Mr. Morton of Farmville. She was in her fifty seventh year, and though suffering with a? incurable disease, was patient Irf.lhe cud. g She. is suvived by three sons, viz: Mr. L. T. Pierce, Of Farm vine; Mr. Clancence Pierce, of ^pring Hope, and^ Mr Preston Mr^Addie ^L^ea^Vor' : Ai the^aby^show held by the ladies'of thp ""Episcopal church Thursday ipv conncction will? their Doll'* Bazaar^ one of the twin daughters of Mr. and Mi?, j. HT'Harris' came out with all- ttie honors as well as the prize offered. There were a .good number of other fine lock ing and well developed ehildreb present however, and everybody enjoyed the show. Mr. J. W. Parker, one of Farm ville's capitalists and big land owners, had to lots of tobacco on the Farmville market Thurs day which brought htm a hand some price. One lot of 904 lbs. brought 11,170.06, and the other lot of 1,588 pounds brought f 1,984.28. The sale was made with Monk & Hobgood. . - ; ???? *: Another evidence of Farmville selling high tobacco isftomthe fact that Mr. Tom Hughes sold some with Knott &' Newton Thursday at $1.50 a hundred. Just bring it to Farmville if you want more money for it. Either of the three houses here will more than satisfy you. drove's TMtdwc chill Tonic restores vitality end cnerjty by purifying -and en richintftfre blood. Yon can soon foeliu Strength enitja. Invl*?mtins Effect Price 60c. fff. HPmfVji ?gan nineteen hundred - and nineteen ^ ; > r^g; - at-twelvc o'clock noon "hrrty two hundred 8nd twenty :| ? three Floyd Ave., Rich . . - ... mood, Virginia || published once in each : four successive weeks as rcquir ed by The Municipal Finance Act. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take-effect thirty days after its first publication unless in the " meantime a petition ' for its sub ? mission to the voters is filed un der The Municipal Finance Act, in which event it shall take ef fect when approved by the vot 6r s of Ihe Town of Farm yilie at i at election as provided ii| said act. It is .hereby ; determined that all expenses to be defrayed :? by means of the bonds hereby;: authorized art necessary ex- . penses of the Town within the ; , meaningfbf Section 7 of Article