I ^Mr.C S.' TouoItm ipeM tbe week-eod with bis family here. Eton to Mr- and Mrs. Geo. S. Williams, a daughter; Nov. 5th. Wanted?A few more milk Icu&nmers.?Mrs. T. E. Joyner. Rev. C. A. Lawrence is spend : io* this week ? Phidelphia^Pa. We regret to learn thai Mis. R. A. Fields is on the sick Ijsfr week;!: >.v-; Ask about our Prise Conle& and gef ^ coupon ?Mrs. J. Wells j? Loyd Hortoo spent the weekend here with his family. 1 ?? ^ I >"? jfre Travis Hooker, of Green v^v^HoF^ We are glad to note that Mr. J. R. Newton is out again - after a few da^f illness. |i Mrs. J. Stanley Smith of Vk1 gjnia Beads, spent Wednesday with |dadves here. I I Mr. and Hn. J. I. Morgan ?pent Sunday with Mr. Morgan's parents in Nash county. % For Rent?One nicely furnish* ed room, with or jvithout board.! ?Mrs. F. & Dupree, Farmville. . ,\v' -.s>m Mr. Ifcp. Horton returned Monday night from a short bust* nets trip io U&er Manor. " 1 Mist Nadkae Simons of Aydea, spent the week-end here, the gned of Miss Julia Wilbon, vystli hi$- oico^ Hr^J d*/_.- . ? ? . . kv ^ 2jjnSw*jj R* Di*on \?od aon, kfi y .?? ' # S^irtwmb?rw^fetDd a*d JuvG. Smith. Jt? Magmraes and Style Book*.: W^ try . to on hand. Le^t me renew your will attend the Methodic Oft k^pVeaiDgm^^. - 4., . .? ^w- ^ '.*. ' ? ??'^'? ???*?! . . . \ ^ I H Q frati* AT . jfjAfthnrfl /HtvAfl* flftflM "I /?-nf !AOn IUYtlttflf ? i;;? V;p- ^-VTj^gy4^'^>, Y&'**J 04 ???* "s ? 1 til1 J[ ? ? r WPC M" L/GOrS^ 11 llluUnK ?*lw .;,^y*?-->??'*-'?-"?????'~f*x- :~^? W|..** ? - -???c '' ^ *J<^*. ".?'ft*'' "r '?''','< '"jBwfe w ^*S^?"' ^tS^SP^*^Cy ^ - I y, -fll*C ^iQQ~ L/O.08* < ;\ * ? C ? ' .. . J ^ ^ ' ? 1 * J ' "'.^? m ?'? * w x TJ% a#!?A 'SJ^ ? ii ^ . arc no "losts di9^j|dcijids y^^ P ' * fSi",-;'' A'' VAff flPnflSil Y vlll 'llllfllyj ? fl ** ~" s**. * iff f ?* ** . ? '? MsHMHt iwg. i ? ? .? '"?'f5 ?i*J!sI l'fi" ',:*3cr*' ff>'^??43iS?t'V*5r ,|" fvr fl^TiTff ncSto^ih^< f ???.-'.J jft . ]Weu3ji,- iVl -. ? iMMMk *B jj 0 ? ?' >