H IPs the Best and Busiest Town Yoii're Log^jt w^citl to Locate?Then Come to Farmvllte, N;:C ^IBBB^^BlV11 E N T' E ^BB?^^ $ $ Published by The Rouse Printery ... "WATCH FARMVILMj PUSH FORWARP" .*'_ Subscription $1.50 a Year in Advance VOL. 13 FABMVILLE. PITT COUNTY, yOj^B QABOLTNA. NOVEMBER 'jfr;W22 XO. 29 ' COUNTY BOYS ORGAWIEA CLUBatSTA Club Begins Its Operation With Fourteen Members?Its )fain Objeds are to Have Banquets, and to Aid pad Assid all Pitt County Boys on Their Enter ance Into College. . r ' Correspondent . ; AU of the boys from, Pitt County attending school at State College met and organized a County Club, there being twelve charter members and two more having entered College since the Club was organized, making a total membership of fourteen, rj Heretofore there has not been a Pitt County Club at Slate Col lege, hut as Pitt County has such a large representation at State tbtt yeaT, we hope to make the Club amounfto something wotfh while. . This club has two main objeds in view: fiid, to give banquets and to bring the boys from Pitt County, who are in school now, together in a social way, thus creating t friendly, spirit, and emphasizing the imparlance of ^ " s I cooperation, seconu, 10 pui ue? lore the boys of oor county, who K* .rm.*bwi _*a' fmiri |Lav imtl ' ySROO iuv allVflia^wS.; <|Bvy,'f. w lii ^ f If ^ in well at to tboae who have not jet fuily^ decided where they ?hail so. Ij yotf have-decided, or if W have net decided to ^ come bere, and wish any infor h^mtion which you feel is not of Vbieet e&C?gk importance to be Vlfceo up with the Registrar, or ? y*>u P?fer corresponding with - m ipembefr of the Student Body, hesitate to write to any Jp&tBber of our Club, for they to jive you, in de ^ tail, any information you wish. Another important objed qf our Club H to ?et in touch with t&h boy* fcbni Pitt County who. are to enter here next fall, ? and hefpthemin every way we can, '? ^m_' ' - - M /JT" ''f%+ 7 ky t ^ X*5| Q|HT '??V^qPNB^FI ?v*J?. - ? v\.* ; [? _ J ' iT/reatb~For Our Dead in Francgfj ? when the American Steamship, George Washpvuug A&;\- k'i prow to" the East from New "York lastweeLit carried^a huge wreath $ to be placed on the grave of our soldier dead in Franco, Armistice Day. November llthf" . 7: . ? ; t Tfios. V. fields, representing, the-American Legion, was this year ^5 commissioned to make the annual pilgrimage, and place"the tribute on 3 the grave of America's Unknown fotd'r buried in Paris. Photo .shows Mrs. Shinahan of .the War Mo' ic / . association giving the wreath to 2 Fields on board-ship rt.sailipg tunc.' - ' ' a v * ? . . ' ? - --< ? ? - - S f '? "? k". * "N- ? ? ?c- '-7 ALLIED DEBTS 1 O J lilll/vliwf Washington, Nov. 23. (Capital lied debts, instead of being paid, be converted into tru? fund, thetti tefe& of which should be deft^ ed to the primary education; fmft of ^tbe. cfcadren of those: who wef? hiked or rendered unfit to earn < by the. AVoffd War, and later ?fdr the education of all children the world over, is re ceiving much favorable consider ation fppia legislators and ediica tors in the National Capital >;. It has bisen repeatedly said by those^tp authority in Congress that no proposal by which the United States would ''forgive* foreign 'debts would ever pass the electrate of this country. At |be rathe time^many edonotni&s kid financiers see no way, in this generation, at lea&, by . which Europe can possibly pay an J thing on the principal of the huge^sums ' Dr. r inT'&y'8^ pf0pO89l ? fl| I United States, has been;: , used ever since the E&xer uprising to educate seietfed Chinese stu spreading the gospel of civiliza tion and ideals ib^bughoutsalt China. , Ju& how much this gen erous use of this funtPbas been responsible for the awakening of China, it is not possible to say, but, it is unquestionably very large. Should it be possible to work puf a practical plan by which Dr. Fipley's proposal could be put into eftedt, the cause of educa tion add Amencanization would receive an impetps such as it bad never had. The interest pay ments of the allied debts svoulldl doubtless readh the huge sum of five hundred millioos yearly, which; deypted to# the children Of the wwid, would hayp in effect on the next generation im possildtorto cafculaie. * ~ J ] , 1 C ^ ^culart^of thore totwew thgake. over* ll! andfaid from the Department ol Rehabilitation la/ftrf pnOable ttr thane k*der 115; so that the Bureau of Cfeflp. Welfare may render ?aitia'ble WTfc*todMMrimbatweea thoseigoi jewlag treatment for crippled cMldrefe~tW Bureau of Child Ultt^ tareloeke towards theprerentipnifof the- der^pment of ^the^ crop ofjjjpk people ftp not know that mnch can be doa*Ht& crippled children,-? some times wen complete cure can *e ef fected, ' and frequently mark*|* lm prokemhnt of- their state of disability. < -:THal?.a chance for good Samaritan work op the part of public-spirited S?SlSS^g:-SSS 9f these to some one of the wow to2Srft?i ? ^ l? RtStJ?*Sits; Supf^ior^^e^DeparUnent of Vp? - V I v ' ' ' V ?? it and speed . ? - " . - *V ? 4 ' /?! *^^*7* j . 4 - flfr-"Hlfe, .-?/>?? Olfptv "?.. Tnn i?ncf . - ? " ..... ~' ?' ; " ' ? . eveo plead .o "Mdow?.f do slacken, much leas^to jstopv 'On Ac contrary, wt ^ !^P5^e NiSonSf^atf^y Gowtcil reports that the cafcu- . piled figures of-.prey. n table acridet-ts in 1920, show a death tol?j&4pb,uy people as hvc.in tine State ??&&& .^-s^.^'-arssi ^ "e. She nian-eatutK \|hraahtpg iihachat-e hs?.. gont-otit M fender jjnH for evcrv ccminuiuiv to promotlv -jjet rid I oii^yv'-' litrlfyp ? ? J m?r<*ietrola v' nf ?11 mva imnAc^ tVtA ( LVviiT /UU5C aPu Itlaj^JI8(rdie Wiii- l?yl Vvl*Vw*? Illy I itui pCHHlty 01 rrafl'?ff-jfIIfr. ?("??' ./v - ? Heiress True to Boy : t * Sweetheart Arid after everything Was sai-J and ,-done it happened just as it aJ , way? in the story hook, ar.d ! Dcllora is going to marry Lestc; hi tfcc spring and be happy cVcr after When Mrs. John G. Gates died; she Jeft the enormous Gaits fortune of $^8,000,000 to j^cilora AiijKH. who was just a sweet liufe gJrlxn St Charles* lib Delorra's father, R. F. Angell, was made ad* ministrator. While Dellora was in school at St. Charles She had a sweetheart whose name was Lester Norm. ,?oney or no money, Lester was wild about her, but Papa Aftgvil paid jDellora must h?ve her cHancr. So w-. took. Her iwagud she ix? : When* she had met t^rybSy tnd : lora iyW ?HJ>Loto' ?.iiss De.Jora and her fiances, Lester H orris, &, iwddii^ artist,. I.VJi1. ?'I'.j.ll |.')i14k"1.1 ? i' ? ? B PARMVILLE JOINS 5* IN SUPPORT OP ? CURB MARKET. ? Farmville Rotary >Club Pledges Support'to County Chamber of Commerce m the Establishing of Siicha Market >:? ? ?? * (Auspices Chamber of Commerce.) ? Tbat the curb market idea for assembling of country produce of,nll Muds is takrugjbold of jlheatj^mioiirQf Pitt,county folk ii evidenced by Farmvillo coin ing cominginto toe ranks; - V At ,the_ last meeting of to{3 Farmviile Rotaiy QuMftertte fatter, had been presented by per?cfl|^> operation and support wat pledg ed the; P;itt Couoty Chamber of Commerce as -tiiey put into oper ation a; curb market for Firm VlSEri. t. i - . n> . x-,.v 11 ^ s^ed V W* ^ h t of - Com THE P-TASSO'. T6 BEAVTIEY PLAY OROUNB X~~~~ ' Enthusiastic Meeting Held Lad Friday Afternoon, when Asso ciation was Entertained by 3rd Grade Pupils. Contra# Let 'tor "Mr. and Mrs. Polly-Tic" Tb.Appear Here in January.' The Parent-Teacher Associa tion met Friday, in the school auditorium. After a splendid Thanksgiving program given by the third grade, Mrs. Alex By nura, teacher. Mrs. j. M. Hot good, the capable President of the Association, called the meet; ibg, to order. ^ $ The reading of the minutes was "followed "by the Treasurer's report, who reported $42.50 col lected for dues and pledges since the lkd meeting. nJ 1. :1 Q.J ( rarems were requesieu tu ?ur nish costumes for the children in the Cbri&mas Pageant, of whidh Miss Lillian Fields has charge. It was announced that all the trees and shrubs for the campus will be qut before, the December meeting. f. The Play committer reported that acontrad with the Se\yellv^ - / Combany had been made and &>-. * that rMr. and Mrs. Polly-Tic" ^ehereon the evening of of 28 icontinues holding the pic* fltr& i :V V ?> '? : Sudt. Geo. R. Wlie^er then madeta short talk on contagious' diseases, urging the' parents to kcH?p^e^ejbildren; at home'if ?bey even susped them of 'hav ing any conlagious disease. un til they are entirely well.: The > progress of the school has been greatly retarded this fall by-child ren's diseases, and in order to it of tjiia condition the paretrta mud to operate with the teach- / ers, ? -> ? There were abqut 150 visitors presedt at this meeting and a largerjnuraber is eypectef next time. | Evei y person inlereded in the (future citizenship of our town qml community* (and who are oof?), should join this great organization which is doing sb ' much for our boys and girls, ? ' 1" _ ?. Flapper's Farewell X . **?? ! "l'i '? ? L . imr?mmmmmm> .