?r,r~ _ . _. Welcome To 1F**J*TUXE yatim City With Bit hostilities. I > VJeR ? ? * - x ^ ' . v. - ? in 1 ?MU.JUIJ ..MAS WfH by. Ti?e Rouse Prmtery ' / s T . ?; :-u . . ; * ?. ; : ? .4 .zu-u -' Subscription $1.50 a Year In Advance VOL. 14 FAfek^toE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, PEC. 14th, 1923 M>22 ' Intits. Mn Allen Killed InsklntlyIn Auto Wreck on Farmville-Greenville Road Feur-Year-OM Daughter and Mr ABeo Also Injured in Accident Little Baby and Another Girl Uninjured?Willie Hines and Chester Nobles Arrested and , Lodged in Jail. . Greenville, Dec. 12.?Mrs. John Al len is dead; her husband is in a local hospital in an unconscious condition, and their four-year-old daughter is suffering from njinor injuries as the result of the automobile in which they were riding on the Greenville Farmville road, being crowded off the road and causing Mr. Allen who was j driving the machine to lose fcontrol, i the car going into a ditch and turn- i ing over. The accident happened about two ! miies from here on the Greenville- I Farmville highway. It is said that a I car driven by Willie Hines, negro, . coming in an opposite direction, [ crowded Mr. Allen's machine off the ; road. After the car turned over, j Hines is said to have stopped his car, went back, helped t> turn the wreck ed car off Mrs. Allen, and then pro- i r#n?d< The husbartd goer to his 67 acres < of land in Chatham county, to start life over. They couldn't get alohg, the deed of separation died here giv ing as reason "absolute incompati bility." Hester was up before a High Point magistrate recently on the charge of beating his daughter, and was given, ?' a suspended sentence, and the deed of separation came upon the heels of that. CHRISTMAS , SERVICE AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH This year's Christmas- service at the Presbyterian church will be held on Sunday night, December 23d, at 7:30 o'clock. It will be a white'gifts service, the children of the Sunday school having voted for this in pref- . erence to a tree. In addition to the presentation of gifts and the talk by the pastor there will be several spe cial musical numbers. The public gonerally ib invited to join with the members of the church and Sunday school in this service. ? Lksf: Meeting FulT of Pep and Enthusiasm-?Officers for the Year Elected, and Plank for Big Things Put in Motion. The American Legion held its regu lar monthly meeting on Friday night the seventh, at which time a lively nee ting was held. It was election light and a good membership was present to enjoy the supper, as well as have a voice in the election of afficers for the coming year. The fol lowing officers were elected for,the :oming year i924: John Hill Paylor, Post Commander; Harvey W. Turn1 age, Vice Post Commander; Wv D. Dildy, Adjutant; A; W. Bobbitt, Fi nance Officer;' Fred Wiltiams, Ser geant at Arms; John iflll Paylor, Historian. This was one of ihe .best meetings of the year, and all members \yere very enthusiastic over the election. The Post went on record as endors ing certain movements which are to be launched during the coming year, and are-making plans to do big things during the coming year. All mem bers present voted that the Tost should have a "Ladies' Night" on the 20th of December, and:each buddy who is a member of the Farmville Post; No. 151, is "invited to notify the Adjutant immediately if he wit! be present for the occasion with his #ife, mother, sister or lady friend, td-ehjoy a turkey supper at the Graded School building, which will be followed by a dance in the Sheppard building. Colonel Wiley C. Rodman has ac cepted an invitation to address the Legioh On this occasion, and' it is urgently requested that all members of the Post come out and eoioy. the pyenang. . . . ; ; - ^ , ? ~ ? :j* ' fr f OPIYAAT' fonnikiiT school grounds it' might'have been. The work on the ban*iv > school grounds started . its transformation early in.the morhing with the arrival of the shrubs. . r . c; The Parent-Teacher association has charge of beautifying thegropnds and Messrs. Green and Rice of Rocky Mount representing Van Lindley Co., of Greensboro, transplanted the spi rea, magnolias, forsythia, statice and othei' beautiful plants into which the clipped'te^rtibs will eventually ? grow. Fertilizer was donated by Messrs. McIJ; Hbrton, J; I: Morgan and B. S. Sihith. Water oaks wilt he-set in February by Mr. J. I. Morgan who kindly offered his services. The handsome school 'building -is two stories -with a- basement," is of red brick and is a splendid ? back ground for all the greenery and shade that was planted around it Friday. But; in' transforming the front of grounds into a place of beatity, tl?? children have not been forgotten. Be hind the building will be a ball'field, basket ball "courts, swings and other equipment to make it a wohderful playground. PRESBYTERIAN BAZAAR - WAS A SUCCESS Sincere thanks is tendered by the ladies of the Presbyterian Auxiliary to friends and patrons who helped make their bazaar asuceess. About two hundred .dollars was realized. This jjazaar was,held on Thursday, December 6th, and was a scene of beautiful Christmas decorations and good cheer. The fancy work display was lovely and the meals served at noon and 6:00 o'clock were every thing that could be desired. 1 . .. ?? - Hot Tamalc King /> - oipwy *, iS3