? ??.. iii.-' .r ?n"1 : '? i i ? i i i ii . LOCALS AND PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO Fannville and Surrounding Sections ? ( v-: t ;. ^\\ . Mrs. R. A. Bynum spent Tuesday in Rocky Mount * * * * Mr. J. W. Joyner paid Norfolk a business visit this week. ? ? * ? . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones visited relatives in Roxboro recently. ? * * * Judge J. Loyd Horton is holding court in Snow Hill this week. ? * # * Manhattan Shirts?Ideal Christmas Gilts. Get them at Joyner-Cox Co. I ? ? * . Mr. A. C. Monk left Sunday on a business trip to Louisville, Ky. * * * * We are glad to report that James Smith is improving after a recent ill ness. * * * * Mrs. C. T. Dixon returned Sunday from a visit to her sister at New Bern. ? * * * Mr. F. W. Scarboro, of Wilson, spent the week end here with his family. * * * * Remember the "Parent - Teacher" meet ing Thursday afternoon, Decem ber 20th. * * * * Manhattan Shirts?Ideal Christmas Gilts. Get them at Joyner-Cox Co. * * * * Messrs. Frank Reeze and Claude Willialns, of Wilson, were Farmville visitors Sunday. * * * * Mrs. W. M. Willis and two small sons returned Monday evening from a irioJt frt Citv. * m ? # Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Eagles and Mr. "Bill" Bass, of the Fountain section, were in town shopping Wednesday. * m * * The local order of the Eastern Star mets Tuesday evening in the Masonic hall. All members are urged to be present. * * * ? Mrs. J. W. Holmes returned Thurs day from Richmond, Va.f where she has been under treatment for some time. She is improving. * * * * Have you seen the beautiful display of Christmas Cards at the office of The Rouse Printery? Just what you want at very reasonable prices. ? * ? * Mesdames E. C. Beaman, R. A. Fields, J. M. Hobgood and J. Loyd Horton accompanied Mrs. Hattie White on a motor trip to Wilson Wednesday. ? ? # * Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shackleford, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shackleford and Mr. H. N. Batton and family spent Sun day at the home of Mr. W. S. Shack leford in Fieldsboro. * * ? * Have you seen the beautiful display of Christmas Cards at the office of The Bouse Printery? Just what you waufht very reasonable prices. ? * * * Mrs. Annie R. Lang left Thursday for Tryon for a visit to her daughter, Miss Annie Laurie. Miss Lang is im proving and will return with her mother to spend the holidays at home. * ? * * The Messrs. Waasted, of Copenha gen, who have been spending some time here the guests of Mr. A. C. Monk, left Sunday for Danville, Va? to observe the marketing of tobacco in that city. * * ? * Hare you seen the beautiful display of Christmas Cards at the office of The Souse Printery? Just what you want at very reasonable prices. Messrs. J. M. Wheless and ? R. A. Fields returned Wednesday from Cur rituck Sound where they enjoyed hunting for several days. They brought back right much game, but whether they killed it ,or bought (Tf it, we "din'na care to say." ? ? ? ? Master Billy Morton leaves Sunday for Rocky Mount as the result of an invitation which he received this week to lay th? comer stone of Morton church. The church, which is three miles from Rocky Mount, is named for Dr. W.'D. Morton of Rocky Mount, its organizer, and the grandfather of Billy. ? ? * ? Have you seen the beautiful displaj of Christmas Cards at the office ol The Have Printery? Just what jm wait at very reasonable prices."* " ^ AUTO OWNERS NOTICE On and after January 1st all aufa owners in the town wiU be Tequizet to display the city license plates 01 their ears. You ean secure same no a at my office at Joyner-Cox Ca.'i ztoru, jPrice $1.00. 1 h. T. PIERCE, Treas. " - ?? ? - . APPLES AND OBANGES IN BUL! Con* to see as for apples and or I get. Apples 50c peek, fl-SO buafi [* o?>*? aec <*>??., ?k pedi ?'.?"?'t Ml |J liV A-'^KlQfcTMPrfVfcr ,? amv* 1-i-' ? ? iwivji Vvii, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, December 16. Sunday j school 10:46; preaching service 11:00. ! The public is cordially invited to at* j tend. SANS SOUCI The girls of the younger set met With Miss Sarah Mewborn Saturday afternoon and a beautiful Christmas party was planned for the members of the San Souci and a few extra guests. Delicious fruit salad was served be fore the meeting adjourned. J. FLANAGAN SERIOUSLY ILL Mr. J. Flanagan is seriously ill at his home on Church street Mr. Flan agan has been in failing health for i the past few years and suffered a stroke of paralysis Tuesday evening. PRES. H. S. HILLY TO PREACH AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH President H. S. Hilly of A. C. Col lege will preach at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Hilly is an able man and will bring geod strong messages. The nublic is cordially invited, _ ,\ RELIGIOUS CENSUS QF FARMVILLE Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 it is requested that everybody stay' at home. Let us all co-operate in this enterprise, that it may work for the good of the town and community. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. EPISCOPAL AUXILIARY The Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church met Monday afterv noon with Mrs. W. C. Askew. The devotional services were con ducted by the president, Mrs. G. A. Jones, and a study of the Philippines was enjoyed under her direction also. After the program a short business session was held, during which dues were paid up for the year. The last meeting of 1923 -will be a social one, and Mrs. J. E. Warren is the hostess. The Rainy Day hags will be turned in at this meeting arid Monday, December 31, is the date. MERRY MATRONS Mrs. J. Loyd Horton was hostess to the Merry Matrons Tuesday after noon. The meeting was a strictly busi ness one and various matters of in terest to the group were brought up. A bit of welfare work which this club has undertaken for the past month is the nourishing of a sickly infant in the rural district. Mrs. J. I. Mor gan reported that this endeavor had gone forward and that a marked im provement had r been noted in the child. The pounding of a needy fam ily wxs decided upon and a motion as to the sending of Christmas stock ings to Oteen soldiers was carried unanimously. These packages are to be sent to the home of the president, Mrs. J. Ix)yd Horton and a commit tee, composed of Mesdames R. A. Fields and B. 0. Tumage, is to at tend to packing and mailing same. The treasurer was instructed to send ten dollars to the State Endowment Fund. The hostess served delicious fruit before the meeting adjourned. business'locals BUY your Christmas Cards at the Farmville Electric Shop. Manhattan Shirts?Ideal Christmas Gilts. Get them at Joyner-Cox Co. NOTHING better than Electrical Christmas Gifts. Get them from the Farmville Electric Shop) : FOR RENT?One 2-horse farm of t good tobacco, cotton and corn land. J. D. Thome, Walstonburg, N. C. FOR RENT?A Good 2-Horse I Crop with Team.?W. Leslie ?y Smith, Farmville, N. C. FOR SALE?House and Lot en Wilson Street, with six rooms. Apply to E. F. Gainor at J. H. Harris' store, ; Farmville, N. G. i FOR SALE?Jersey Milch Cow four years old, moBring from 3 to4 gal lons a day. Good butter cow. See ' or write C. N. ALLEN, Route 3 Farmville, N. C. > WANTED?Men and wpmen to take I orders for genuine guaranteed hos i ieiy for men, women, and children ' Eleminates darning. Salary $75 e I week full time. Cottons, heathers silks.?International Stocking Mills, Nortistown, Pa. ' ll-D-'JK _____________ [[buy your lettuce greek s:'%1 - Headed nicely ar you wish " pome and select for yourself if yrn '? Rewe Way, The Right Way' | PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIA ! TION TO MEET THURSDAY ' ? ? The local Parent-Teaehgf associa- ; tion will hold its regular December ; meeting on Thursday, December 20, * instead of the usual date which falls ( | on the day when the high school fafc ' ulty will be preparing to leave for ? the holidays. I This meeting promises to be really j the best yet for the shrubbery is not ] on the way, but is here and part of j the playground equipment has also arrived. So every member is urged t to be present at this time as an inter- j esting meeting is planned. j ?: ? v AN ATTRACTIVE PARTY c Among the feted affairs of the past Y week was a most enjoyable bridge party given by Mrs. J. W. Joyner on v Saturday afternoon to the members of her card club and a few other guests. The home was beautifully decorat ed tlfcoughout with holly and mistle toe and six tables were arranged in v the reception and living rooms where o auction was enthusiastically enjoyed, a Mrs. R. A. Bynum was winner of the n high score prize, a vogue set, and miniature Christmas trees as table C prizes were won by Mesdames E4;|^lTR^ii?5LE CLUB^H^ >.-?? ?'? '?frfti-'i iiMi-nl '.?$? p- ^ j?.V- v? I2? f?, *??'?d' (i, <^A^' .arty in honor of Messrs. -Arthur Tones and Sammy Bundy -who will be tome for the holidays. Delightful sandwiches and hot hocolate were later served by the iostess. The club was invited to meet next vith Miss Mildred Barrett. DINNER PARTY M. __ ; ^ : '? ' *? ?',*. ** Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gates, who -?ere recently married were the hon rees at a dinner party given by Mr. nd Mrs. Walter Jones on Friday eve ing. The dining room was lovely in -'hristmas greens and a vase of white eraiiiums and fern formed a centre iece for the table where covers were lid for eight. - A four course dinner was served nd beautiful red roses" were given as avors. Mr. and Mrs. Jones' guests includ d Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gates, Mr. nd Mrs. M. V. Jones and Mr. and Irs. H. W. Turnage. YOUNG PEOPLES' SOCIETY ? " i - * ? ??; ? wif >., ;y-.- ? ? Mrs. C. W. Shackleford was hos ess Monday to a social meeting \of tie Young Peoples' Missionary so iety of the Methodist church. Christmas decorations added a heerful note to the festivities. After the arrival of the members a ew book of study for the coming ear was agreed upon. Various games and contests were njoyed. Among these were a Chi ese spelling match, a laughing ame and a contest on Biblical char cters. A delicious fruit salad, saltines, andwiches and pickles were served y the hostess at the close of the lerry evening. ^?"'17:?': "The Rouse Way?The Rijfht Way" " PRINTING ?g ? not the cheap kind I but the good kind done here I ? WWWW WWW WW WW WW www W xa | Fifteen Beautiful, Unbreakable il jTalking DOJ.I.S ! GIVEN "AWAY II At Your Rexall Store i> ? < > ? ' '** L- 4 > These Dolls Retails from $2.25 up to $15.00 j iWe are going to give them away to the fifteen i . i little girls receiving the largest number of : I votes between Dec. 5th and 10 o'clock Mon- : I day evening, Dec. 24th. The awards will be j I made Christmas morning at 10 o'clock. < For each penny spent with our store dur- : Wkg the period stated above, each customer < will be allowed a vote. Ask all your friends 5 to save the voting coupons for you or to put ; them in the Ballot Box in our store. . SHE EXPECTS IT? ? ?and of course she will get it. No Christ- I mas is complete without a box of nice, j rich, appetizing and tasty cand3 JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT FARMVIL LED RUG? CO M PAN YI "The REXALL Stow" - - - C. jQbpI ? ? #? BI , ^B ^ 'J^HV' - .- ~?* ^Bj'?-H? .IH Ho SB - lv y / / .^ i? s.-v ? * "Easy come, easy go" explains the failure of thous ands of well paid workers to get ahead in the world, to , ? better their condition, to own a home, provide for old age and give their children a better chance than they had. Start a "Savings" account with at least one-tenth of your earnings deposited on every pay day. You can . easily adjust your expenditures so that you will never miss this amount. It is all a question of depositing it and letting it stay in the bank. Many-great fortunes were originated in this way? by saving a certain percentage of earnings and putting it to work for you day and night and on holidays. It in creases your capital, and the return is steadily growing. Start a "SAVINGS" account now and watch it grow. \ I THE BANK OF FARMVILLE "4 per cent interest on savings" ? ? NOTICE OF SALE a By virture of the power contained s in a certain mortgage executed by Sim Bruton and wife, Effie Bruton, t; to Ed Barnes, on the 25th day of v January, 1922, duly recorded .in the o registry' of Pitt county in book K-14, s page 16, default having been made a in the payment of the notes secured tl I therein, the undersigned will sell at vi public sale before the court house o: door in the town of Greenville, N. C., li to the. highest bidder for cash on Mon- ? day, jihe 17th day of December, 1923, oi ? - -?/ ? : r '? * I 11 11 Mi.1 - ???r ~T t 12 o'clock noon, the following,'de cribed tract of land: ? ' In the town of Farmville, Pitt coun y, N. C., beginning at a stake on the rest side of Bennett street, corner f Henry McKenzey's line, running outh 60 feet with Bennett street to stake with Emma iGrimsley's line; aence west seventy-five (75) feet dth Emma Grimsley's line to a stake n the Free Will Baptist church ne; thence north CO feet with Free rill Baptist church line to a stake n Henry McKinzey's line; thence ?**+ ? ?? ?. west with Henry McKinzey's line to the beginning. Said sale made to satisfy said in debtedness secured by said mortgage. This the 14th day of November, 1928. E. D. BARNES, Mortgagee. J. R. DAVIS, Owner of Debt. "The Rouse Way, The Right Way" FOR BETTER PRINTING a , ..Send all orders to? THE ROUSE PRINTER Y Farmville, N. C. or Greeavflle, N. C. . iv.'.:'. .rrr;::::::: i:: i::::;: C lot king for Men and Boys CLOTHING serves further than as a mere covering for the body and a protection against the winteryr winds. It stands as an index to the public of per sonality. More than that it furnishes a "look the part" p feeing. Bad and the boys should dress up fdr the Christmas season. An unusually broad choice of new fabrics and models are to be had here?semi-conservative models, with the proper dash of style. 1 ? i '' ? ?'" ' "1 $' ' A complete line of Manhattan Nowhere can a large? or mote SUrto f.r younj ??. and men e^plefe u?e .f ladies, treats or who art older. Wo have them t t v ? A either with or without collar. children s shoes can be he had^ AN IDEAL AU the new styles and shades. I CHRISTMAS GIFT Hwlw t? ,