?PF""""' ' wr-.* VT_- ?? Mr. Moses Moye is visiting friends in Kendridge, Va. *v ? Mrs. A. S. BynuA.is visiting friends in Tarboro tide week. ? ? ? ? - > ' s Mr. J. J. Sellers, of Richmond, Va^ visited Farravflle this week. ' ? ? ? Mrs. W. C. Asks* and party mo tored to Washington Monday. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey is visiting relatives in Goidsboie. ? * ? ? Mr. R. R. Carr suffered severe in jury to his ribs in a fall this week. ? ? ? ? Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nwpwan on Tuesday, July 16th, a daughter. ? ? ? ? Miss Olzie Dance, of Washington, D. C., is visiting Miss Nelle Moye. ? ? ? ? s Mrs. D. E. Oglesby an dchildren are visiting relatives at Columbia^ ? ? ? ? Mrs. Leslie Smith is visiting friends at Bethel and Rocky Mount this week. ? ? ? ? Messrs. L. M. Cox and J. L. Shack leford spent Thursday and Friday at Seven Springs. ? ? '? ? Master James Wheless is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fearee in Spring Hope this week. eve* Mrs. Mary Patterson and children have just returned from a ten days' visit In liberty. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barrett, of Wil son, are guests of -Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Pollard this week. * . ? . Messrs. Patrick Baker and WilKe) Bollard are spending their vacation at Morebead City. ? ? v-j. Sfc?" :*&?\ 4JJ?- v H Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Moore, of Green ville, were guests of Mr. and- Mrs. J; M. Wheless Sunday. . ? ? * ? Little Misses Rath and Ann Barium : of Henderson are visiting their aunt, Mrs. B. 0. Turnage. j> ? ? ? ? \ j Mrs. V. W. DeParley, of Richmond. ? Va., spent several days this week with -1 Mrs. J. M. Whriess. Sept. and Mrs. G, B. Wheeler areL I ; y JrrJp Q t - - * Tr-n ?"?? ? * * ? ' J', Miss Odessa Tahner has returned te her home at Dacular, Ga., after at visit to Mrs. D. R. Morgan. fi - ? ? * ? Mrs. Frank. Cappa spent Sunday I; night in FarrnvRle enroute to Raleigh , after a visit to Morebead City. a ?? ? . L Miss Olivia Rasherry returned Wed-1, nesday from Oriental where she at-1 tended the Seaside Summer School. * ? * * I Mrs. L. Cebb wOl return to her home at Pinetepe Sunday after visit ing her daughter, Mrs. ?, A. Bynum. { t Misses Ellen Lewis and Nannie Bryan Parker have returned after a J visit to Mis* Irene Taylor of Shew! *,* ? ? .- j. ':f Miss Henrietta Me^e has just re-1, . turned from a six weeku1 stay at the! G. C. C. W. Summer School at Greens r Misses Jeaa Bishop, of Petersburg J Va, and Dril Polled, of Washington, were recent guests of Miss Goilla , Askew. ' * I~ ^ ? : MrmrhTWu L. W Xancaster. oi Hal I wh. and Chan. GaurBtt. of Soxboro. V^M, M4U V'W* *' , I jfcWttwjBlHMifc? TtfL" fti MNWP* i natUi viA. . N " K""i. # ?***!?& -v-EJ***-' i ' Ifw^. m.tu Both Mud who fa ^?-. "\ ^ || - |{? |M tkmT^ P A I v? John H. Dsviaand naicee Mibm^ I Miss JoMphine Sykes is "visiting in Swansboro this week. .v.; Dr.M. L. Carr, oi LaGrange, visited his parents here Sunday. ? ? ? ? .? - ? Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gates a daughter, Monday July 41st ? ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Newton and son have returned after a visit to Durham. * ? * * Mr. J. Y. Monk and family returned Sunday froma visit to Morehead City. * ? * ? Messrs. Jno. T. Thome and T. E. Joyaer were Raleigh visitors this week. ? * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warren are home after several weeks' stay at Morehead City. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes return ed Tuesday from a visit to Virginia Beach. ? ? ? ? Mrs. J. E. Waters returned to Snow Hill Sunday after a week's visit to her sister, Mrs. E. C. Beaman. ? ? ? ? Misses Julia Willsm and Lidy Ty son have returned after a trip to Wrightsville Beach. ?: * * * ? Mr. F M. Davis, and family motored to Morehead City Sunday, returning to this city Wednesday. ' ... , Mrs. Walter J. Newton and Miss Elisabeth KittreB have returned after a visit to friends in Ayden. * * * * Master John Croom Hunter return .s r*\ ed Monday to Magnolia after a visit to his aunt, Mrs. Jno. T. Thome. ? ? ? ? Mr. Chas. S. Roiintree. returned to CUrksviUe, Vat, Monday after spend ing the week-end here with his family. K.S' m * * *:* -iC Miss Vera Hamilton, of Burlington, left Saturday after a visit-to Miss Annie Laurie Lang and other friends in Farmville. ? * * ? * Miss Beulah Keel and small neiee, Pencie Keel Lang, returned Wednes day from several weeks' stay at Morehead City, i v " * * * * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tunutge, of At- ? lanta, Ga., are visiting Mr. Turaage's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Turnage Mr and Mrs PascaJ S. Boyd and two daughters, Misses Sarah and Vir ginia, of Mooresville, are guests of Editor and Mrs. G. A. Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Holden. Mrs. Walter C. Jones had as recent guests her mother, Mrs. J. H. Hardy, of Hookerton, her sisters, Mrs. D. L. Dail and Mrs. L, E. Newell, of Snow Hill, and Mrs. C. L. Whitfield, of Hookerton. t SOCIAL CALENDAR, Monday, July 28th. 4:00 p. m.?Woman's Missionary So ciety, Baptbt, meets in church. 8 .-00 p. m.?Y. P. S. L. meets in Epis copal choreh. ' 'vy ? 8:00 p. m.?Odd Fellows meet in Ma sonic HalL " . -0:- '% ^ v Tuesday, July 29th. 7 :00 p. m.?Rotary Club jpeets Wits Chih rooms, i ? ? t Wednesday, July SOth. 8:00 p. m.?Christian Endeavor, Pres byterien, meets with Mrs. W, H. j Moore. V fr*!;; r T5S5rBST=r?| HTosaB and Adnoid to be hJld ^H^Scho^ building^ For ? -^ ? ? . ',.. ?r Mrs. R. O. Laag won the prize for { M * ?. M - ??? WW W. | i ? An in?6f6stin^ soqi&I 6V6iit ox of s&tionary, and the honor guest was presented with a lovely string,of I !|wj' Delicious refreshments consisted of I ftepe frapp* decorated with a single petunia of the same tint and violet whs assisted in serving byMre.G.M. Holden and Miss Mary Barrett ?f-.%] ? ;; The Yonng Peoples' Service League met Monday evening in the vestibule | of the Episcopal ehurdL. ^- f II I Rufus Gibbe, as leader, read the | Sefrfpture lesson after the singing of "Softly Now the light of Day", .and a circle of praters was offered. ? Thre$ Interesting papers were ylear as follows: "What Influence has Chris tianity on the Community?", by John Hhrris, Jr.j "What Influence of Evil anil There in the Community?", by Miss Erelyn Horton, and "What Dif ference has our Church Made in the Betterment of the Community?", by Jonas Warren, the topic fo* the evening was, "What Sort of a Com munity Would This Be If There Were ? No Churches ?", and an interesting round table discussion was led by the rector, Rev. J. W. Heyes. I IM ? ?? , ? jl CIRCLE I. PRESBYTERIAN. I Circle, No. I, of the Presbyterian I Auxiliary, met with Mrs. W. H. Moore I on Monday afternoon. . I Mrs. W. G: Sheppard led the devo tional and literary program, having as subject of "the latter "The Ameri can Indian." Interesting papers on ? the habits, customs, conditions of the Indian and Missionary endeavors of I the Presbyterian church were read by Mesdames Sarah Hassell and N. N. Fleming, Jr. ? ? M ?? I A delicious iced drink and cakes were served after the meeting. i I ??? ? , . I1/1 ' ? ?'??"?. ;? FOB BETTER PRINTD% : v The Ronse Printery, Farntville, N. C. ? :? ,?a'j&ss-H 1 " - i' 1 J m dies in-various shades and these we* woa by Mesdames ? T^bixon, C. & Rountree, W. M. Willis, P. M Edgsf to^ MfaswNeHoKeer^iGui?a Ax K;i.Aiter the gameh yellow .lape*s in pinj&Blips, supported by silver hoKP aw, were placed on each table and de licious orange ice in pink rose raps and blocks bf cake with tin? yellow candies gleaming thereon were served in dainty pbtfe baskets carrying out I a pink ted yellow color most rats ess fully. - * ? PROGRESSIVE BRIDGE CLUB. m-. ^~1 Mrs. Paul E. Jones was hostess to the Progressive Bridge dub Saturday afternoon at her borne on North Main Iptreet. Fragrant summer flowers filled bas kets and. vases in fhe Jivjag room where thieetablesFere arranged for Ae games. Mrs. Jones was assisted by Mrs. R. O. Lang and Miss Tabitha DeVisconti in serving a tempting'ice course. "? " ? ' I GRADUATES OF FARMVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CHOOSE A VARIETY OF COLLEGES. Graduates of the Farmville High I School show a marked love of variety In their choice of colleges in which to complete their education. Next year. Farmville High School I Alumni will be enrolled in the student I bodies of University of Virginia, Dav idson, Meredith, Salem, Trinity, Car olina, Flora McDonald, Queens, State, Wake Forest, N. C. C. W., A, C. C., E. C. T. C., and Louisburg. -The Boose WayTW Right Way" FOR BETTER PRINTING [ ? .. , 'iVi.;.;? I ? * -I L' I A V v""-' rP- ' ' . * " , P I 111 XT '' 0 _? , %? ? 1 ik i-4 ? > - J ;- ? ^ ????. ?_ punctuality on Jhe part of members and ft renewal and revival of interest wtth sake was served her gueetolw I the hostess^^^^;:^^^/-||S I v G. E. Beckmftn, Freak I Dupree^Jr., Mio^jLou ^Ellen and bers. ??? II Vyv,. fV.?Tf~ !?.. NOTICE-BOY SCOUTS. tenaiaed that we take n& Boy Scout Camping trip this summer. There will be no further meetings during the summer until a revival of interest is shown and the boys.attentf the meetinga?: ' ? ,>?" j' WALTER G. SHEP^ARB, Scout Master, BUSINESS LOCALS ? y< POTATOES?PotATO^S? Only 25c i peck, $2.00 barrC^t Smith Grocery ! Co.'s Store, Farmv&Je,.N. C. . . ? < LOST?A?to^fci?nm^Place Number j 15S-445 and t^ark. Finder wlU ; pleaae return tfO. STWarren, Farm- j ?iUe,N. C. / i ? " rjT < PROLIFIC HILL FARM/fias only a ; few thorouehbreb BiaHlone Poland 1 China plgm bred efoeofelly for breed- ' mg purposes on hw, which are xea- j dy to sell. See of write McD. Hor- ; ton or Roy Bowling, Fanyille, N. C. < MAKE JOUR | r , i! y ? ^ ^ ^ ' jg * okI ZMTzilc v $Z^. '. 0 ; i ?l Good Grade Con Corn, can 15c j :: Morris & Co.'s Supreme Hams, lb. 28c | :; Good Grade Canned Peaches, can 30c f Pure Creamery Butter in Blocks, lb. 55c f MARKET GOODS f J : Pure Pork Sausage in links, lb. 25c I j Smok^ Sausage, in Links, lb. 25c j I 30c I I WE DELIVER THE GOODS AT YOUR j PRfE^J I "THE OLDEST^ Sgt VICE GROCERY IN ! fgt JV rvmn v%v tv|# v^i J 9 fl l 9 Hf 9-*9 2-S9 .91 x i ? H H. V--' : ? H'S'V ft ?. H ? n J K S H J ? -? *5 JL .^p t ?t _ ^ . i BH J X JI ^ j .. C"MI'SS^^^S,. , Mif There are those who are unconcerned ' f|; as to the future for so Ihngjhat finally I Kn?f?yXT"e W?r,d ?WeS thei" " | ' ) This is demonstrated in varioua ways- ?' i ? , i I attempts at Government subsidy; time- ,' | liability; shiftlessness; happy-go-lucky ! j jpy rides; jaga^d ja |;5 ? i"' b-mh' Finaily the day of accounting comes- : ' and with it comes conseiencerand cow- | ; ardice, 4 * ; ? -i&m :.',r ii ? Uf! Btit YOU have ti ne and opportunity to \ ; make a different record! ' \U ; l\$\ \ May we help! ill! ;: >1 ? \/ ' 'P? Whether it is an 'hveritiiht trip or a- yaotion jaunt that i.-.; U?-; s:# will trkeyoi* to Europe, we ' " ' : w yw ? -j' yy':'ji~: ? ? ?