IMS FARMVELLE ENTERPRISE Pabtiafced by THE ROUSE PRTNTEEY G. A. Rouse, Editor and Sole Owner. Subscription Price One Year Six Months ? Three Months ? -*?' Strictly Cash in Advance. Advertising Bates Furnished on Application to Manager Entered as second class mail natter May It, 191?, at the poatoffice at FanttriBe, North Carolina, under the Aefc Of March 3, 1373. * Friday, May 14, 192$ - j MAKING THE CARELESS MORE CARELESS Discussing the advisability of the state "Titgriwg into . the_ automobile casualty insurance business, and ?nrmlring it compulsory for all automo bile owners to carry such insurance, the Manufacturers News of Chicago, says: * ' " "There can be no question that the driver whose sense of personal re sponsibility is imperfect?and there are many such ? gains a certain amount of mental immunity and freedom from personal liability," when his car carries public liability insurance. "Liability insurance being, howev er, relatively expensive, those who voluntarily buy it usually have some sense of proportion and are not likely to abuse its protection. But make it compulsory make every car carry liability insurance as a mat ter of law, and there will be a de cline of personal responsibility, the results of which might be distressing in the extreme. "It should be obvious that acci dents cannot be reduced by permit ting the state, instead of the respon sible agent, to pay the cost. The as surance that a driver causing an ac cident would become the defendant in a criminal case would have a much more salutary effect. Such an expe rience is unpleasant even when ac quittal is certain,' and even the irre sponsible driver would use extreme care to avoid it." ?? FOR TREASURER. I am a candidate for re-election as County Treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. A T. MOORE. * *.. /" \. 1 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER \ \ hereby annoynce my candidacy for comity commissioner, subject to the democratic primary June 5, and wiH appreciate your support. , HEBER H. PORTER, Chicod Township. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby-announce myself a candi date for county commissioner, subject to the action 0# the democratic pri mary to be held in June. I would greatly appreciate your support. R. W. SMITH, Ayden, N. C. - FOR SHERIFF Dear Voter: I take tips method of informing, my many friends thropgfi out the county, and the geneptfvotr ing public, that I a^i&ndidate for re-election to thVoffme of Sheriff at Pitt County, in ye Democratic -jfrimaiT to be held Wynne. In addition to tjiIs anWncement I wish to expresa^hy sincetX^pprecia tioo for the h^nor conferred ajjon me by electing/ me to this office at^he last election, and, if again nomialfcqd ami elected, I promiaeyou a continu ance of my best services. ; Sincerely yours, ; r V A C. JACKSON. ?7 smi 9 i:'*jG^^C?U??? t -V'^B I ,Q^AgfAfcj^^ I I CD, fi* k I I'KVM xw BtiM^adache. JUjM ydar9*a ? 1 foy ffry J Bliick-Drtogkt S ^K jt ? ? i ~ ' m thing tW jtfvw xo6 so tm- S 1 HISTORY IN CA3C? [! This replica ofliitetoric Independ ence Hall in Philadelphia is a fine ex ample of the baker's art. It was made by the chef of one of Philadelphia's leading hotels to advertise the Sesqul Centennial International Exposition, which will open in that city June 1 and run to December 1 to celebrate the 160th anniversary of American In dependence. The "State House" stands on a table at the entrance to the main dining room of the hotel. . A REAL HEROINE ? I Edith May Adams of Barringtnn, N. J., the lint American School girl to ) be entered as a candidate for the ^ American Youth Award. The Ameri- ; can Yonth and Teacher Award was established by the Board of Directors of the SesquKJentennial International Exposition In Philadelphia as a tribute ? to the yonth and teachers of the na tion. . Miss Adams Is a candidate for the Golden Eaglette, the highest gift - in the hands of the Girl Scouts. She was cited recently for *excepfional bravery for remaining Inside a blaz ing hoSdlng helping physicians to give first aid treatment to Injured fire men. j .... Federal Commissioner L Bear Admiral H. 0. Sttckaey, re II tired, who bag been appointed by Sec I[ retaries Hoover and Kellogg as Fed i era! Commissioner to the Sesqul-Cen H tenaitl International Exposition com-' ;i memorating^tbe 150th anniversary^ I 1 to December L Admiral Stickney I win Q0 ']jj XQii CUSTKB Ol UOlwd I WYATT C. TUCKER * X I Stand For The Reasonable Enforcement of AD The Laws. j If you believe that the political phira should be passed; j around and that the Sheriff's office should have a new force, and \f you think 1 am the man for the place, I will highly [ appreciate your vote and influenced Should I be elected, I 1 will do my very best to measure up to your expectations. \ I do not believe in ah extreme or radical policy in any- I thing, for an extremist on any subject can never secure the co-operation of conservative people, which I realize is ah- ; solutely necessary to put over^rfccessfully any kind of a i program. However, I do stpfla for a reasonable enforce- I nient policy,Jbased upon safe, sane and sound principles. [ I hope, you will see fl?to eject me to the office of Sheriff > and permit me to nrove to you my worthiness as your [ humble servant. / | > Yours to serve, > -^7y WYATT C. TUCKfeH. We, the undersigned citizens of FarinVille Township, | Pitt County, knowing Wyatt C. Tucker tp be a man of good * moral character and business ability, heartily endorse his i > candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Pitt County: ! J - - . c. ? ,, A. W. Bobbitt R. R. Newton Joab B. Tyson C. A. Tyson J. S. Warren J. M. Stansill R. A. Joyner J. W. Holmes B. 0. Turnage W. H. Moore <1 C. Joyner, M. D. W.J. Turnage * Y.Jfonk G. MrAtwater G. Alex. Rouse I>. E. Ogfesby J. M. Hobgood W. C. Kolston W. J. Rasberry R,- H. TCnott ' R. A. Fields ?T. B. Joyner R. E. Tucker W. D. Bryan, Jr. W. M. Willis, M. D. G. M. Shirley T. C. Turnage F. M. Smith A. Horton E. S. Hobgood R. O. Lang C. R. Hardy W. G. "fiheppard E. F. Hufflnes G. E.JBecfc!han, Jr. J. It Davis R. L. Davis P. M. DavJ3 B. O. Taylor G. L. Fields G. E. Ballew J. A. Tngwell Manly liles C. A. Lilly ? J. L. Taylor R. E. Belcher mr Barre^. H. W. Turnage S. R, Hollo man E. F. Gainor L. M. Co* (E. A. Joyner T. E. Joyner C. L. Barrett J. T. Harris ^ W. C. Jones T. It McKee Edgar-Barrett It T. Martin M. G. Thorne Jno. T. Thome M. G. Barrett D. G. Gordon J. L Morgan J. H. Harris W. L. Smith G. M. Hoi den D. S. Morrill, M. D. If F. G. Dupree, Jr. I' J.T.Dixon - ,! C.H. Mozingo y -? Saa. A. Joyner T. W. .Lang I W. J. Turnage, Jr. /W. E, Joyner < | j-T. H. Rouse j I J D. R. Morgan 'f ? ( R. J. Wainwright I v- Jaroes^W. Jo^ner W. J. Newton . J- A. Tyson , > / J. S. Hooker, M. D. /. ? v _.. >v ' I* , ,y ???? ''^r.'' ' ?' ^ ^ 1^|Iffy If j f^ 2 |fc 2 . :^.S.48? B 7 X ^ S x r* 7 : S % BHHDBfflHwH|^|H|HMHfflH9B^iMMH I DI? \mr D 'c r llrl vU J\ j | LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONTS I A FEW REASONS FOR I Note the Prices?See the Qualities?Youll Find The Answer ; j I MATCHES, SAFE HOME, 6 For ;/l; 25c || if WESSON OIL, Qnart \.. 48c J j R1NSO SOAP FLAKES, ^ackq/es for? 13c jj i -CEREALS X D. P. SALT !l : Kellogg's Corn Flakes 10c :! ?; Reg. 10oz.Package 13c \Free Running :: i j. Puffed Wheat S........ /14c 1 ? - JS. 1ft ;; H Puffed Rice hlc 2 lb- Cartoits^ 10c ;; ^; Libbys or Del Monte FRUIT SALAD, No. 2 Can. 35c ! I ]| OLIVE OIL - SARDINES i: I; 1-2 Pint Can. - 32c Norwegians, 1-4's in Oil 15c J i !; N. B. C GRAHAM CRACKERS, Large Package 10c i: U _ i ? ;; i; TOMATOES CORN i; \f No. 2 Can, 3 for. ?25c No. 2 Can. .. 11c :: :: ' ? o D. P. TEA ? LAND0'LAKES "jl 1 Trtel pjSJS" lb. 21. Sweet Cream BUTTER ]f : 1-2 lb. 39c; 1 lb.. 73c Pound Cut from Tub 51c I ? ? ? ' ? ? : : ? ^ : ? ;