? -- >. - ..... : " ,M> - I ? ri t# vt vf * ?? I." .* 1 i>BB^. ..??.'-^ . 8 S. m Kp 4 V^B^ BW| J^^Mr |;? i % ^ ^nL I |^H 1 -^BWP ^/B^y VA" I Bf : ~J[ '^B* ?" ' A B ' m' . flr^v^sS -; H -4 . II L^R lA^" V'J| .By'""""^*--'' .^B ? J ^K~ 1 ^ -'? ^.: ' ..:' V "'\ " J : : . ?' ' : ? '?? ? , ' -" : "'?'?? '"?-- ': ' " 'r"": '"^ vTL ^tTXTWv xT^n ^>Wt^a ?^&*\4r ^vTZT^f " ' ~ ViT? wt xvm PARMV1LLE, HTT CQUN1T, >?ORTH CAROIJNA, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, t927 A-- " ? ??'??? ' - l".|p^?mm I u l| l,im ? ^ II? i . . . I I . I 1^ IWP^? " I " ? 9 S'?B??? ? *? * Un ^fcP ~^B?S^ wr B B * 3 ,3? ^ j -l.BA vSF i-A ^ ? W fW Ihtt With ftnaen : j E. Y. Floyd, Extention Tobacco Specialist, and County Agent E. F. Arnold; invites the farmers of Pitt County t^joeet them at the Cox Euro owned ?y%. C. Cannon and Sffcu about two bAbs'east of Aydes, July 1st, at 1:40 P. M. If you do net know the way to this farm, go- to R. C. Can non's More at Ay den for direction. A demonstration in the use of fer tiliser on tobacco is being conducted on this farm along with a variety test in wh?h Cash Totw icco is being tested along With local varieties. A demon- ; stratfin m the ridge method of culti vating tobacco, will -alao be .given at this time. It is worth while to use the right*variety, have the proper ferti-, 7 User and td cultivate properly. Ton J may-be awMly busy, but yew may get information at this meeting that I ' idn Enable you to turn a loss into, a '? profit next year. Mr; Arnold stated yesterday that. the yeHow cast, showing up in. tobacco fields indicated .that the nitrogen in the fertilizer used was not properly MKfMHgp fee & anxious 10 na?? the farmers come and see the effects oi a properly b danced fertiliser which j I it is hoped that farmers from aH I oyer Pitt Coanty will attend. this | den^bstration since it is perhaps one 1 ?{1r most important pieces of ex . teuion work to be conducted in Pitt |l:0#ty tins year in connection with j tha; production^ gfXqoality tobacco. Last year farmers |n and amund New Ben increased their yield *125.00 per aa* by the uso of the cash variety I alone. We cant afford, says j County Af?nt Arnold, to put all the labor we A tobacco and then use an inferior w?jrith fortiMser^at does not get ?maximum yield arid, cultivate in a. I way that does not get best results. We are asking the fanners to use I ta&r heads. It will not cost a penny p^ojHagtion over a. few minutes, it will make you more than several of plowing. Exchange ideas with -year brother fanner, and if yon ami got any new ideas from him joi- aught to be good at giving a few xffeiek after all would make your trip worth whiteik They are looking for meatM th* movement U raise f-i^U I lorthe erection of a Protestant chape* ?t Fort Bragg; has-been given by Qov. * t?le^r-to ^ M/ Btirs" esr "cs^Npsly * " Flight To Honolulu Devclopesl rlnto Ra* Between l Navy and Civilians I- - . >, ? cSan Francisco, June 21.?The im pending aerial conquest of the Pacific resolved itself into, a race, among avi ators today as well as a challenge to the elements whenta ieheck.up reveal* erf that fifty flight^ over its expanses are in prospect. ?RL'" ? 4 * ^ "w-t ' 5 * I /San Francisco, to Honolulu; Dallas to Hong Kong and Seattle to-Tokyo, were the routes tjfo birdmen selected to conquer, while tire Army and Navy showed signs Of vieing^with civilians The Citizens' flight comraittee in be possible only when the books are opened in the near future, and th# aviators are allowed to post bonds as evidence of good faith. \ jgBSi W. E. Easterwoorf, Jr., of Dalhufr Texas, who offered a prize of $25,4ff for the first aviator to fty an airplani from Dallas to Hong Kong announced UL-4- ?*?*? ??AtArs had contracted to I make the'attempt -I" ? B. Hr- Griffin, of Qlfjahoma ;?tji < lias announced "pans fur hopping off ?Sere tie latter-Art of Juljfcon'a flight ;o Honolulu, whieh he said might end ?ilC Japan. Griffin's/flight antedatta. ?he time set for the mainland-toi ? SawSi, has , offered $35,000. prizes. * and Lieaij -Albert Hagenb^ger. army |>i loto, just^ arrived^ at, San Diego, de f ? . , ? * V?pWWi* >JvUigc n? t " 1 C2. Si? ^fckfent" ?Ssse?it^pS^8 ? il L On Wednesday night during th* 22nd annual ' session of.*the Grand Chapter of North Carolina O. E. S., in Salisbury, Mrs, Alice Harper Parker, wasjnstalled as Worthy Grand Matron by the installing officer, Mrs. Eliza*' beth Bergman, Aot" Winston-Salem,1 Past Grand Matron, Mrs. Ruby Jones, Worthy Matron of Farmville Chapter, war insalled as Grand Marshal. j ' > . ?? ^ . * --? :*s;/-~*i The~ beauty of the installation ser-; which is always elaborate attrfl impressive, was enhance! by a march af members of the ocal chapter form ing jftt initials ok fhe newly .fleeted Matron, A. H. P., ,aqd closing with the presentation of an armful of lovely ?ro'ses. The badge of office was pre sented- by the retiring Grand Matron^ I Mrs. Maude Hester, pf Reidsville, and was pinned on by the Grand Husband, In,. J. W. Parker. Many handsome ?gifts were also presented to Mrs. Par ker by members of the local chapter and otter fiends. Her inaugural address was a gem of eloquence, and sparkled with wit a? die related ?fe. story of how ajf be came interested in Maspnry as a ? child' and formefcwhat she called ajlasonic U>dge; of how the girls would become angry and reveal the secrets keeping h*r the Worshipful M#te^ busy get ting up new secret work. She became [eligible to thetrStar family only five years ago, and since that, time has fill ed the f * meet-ef ficient manner: 1922. charter member ail Farmville Chapter No. 146, and3?g* I stalled Associate Matron; 1928 install ed Worthy Matron and Grand Warden District; 1924, elected Secretary of the Farmville Chapter 146, .which she has held ever since;-appointed Grand Representative, of South Dakota? re appointed M.?f 4thDi strict, treks of North Carolina dt Greensboro; 1925 installed Grand Conductress-of the State at Wilmington; 19S6 instaU-1 *f Associate Grand ^Matron of the > State at Winston-Sklem; -wrveft jo | fraternal Correspondent of the Grand dent of' the5loi ehpp^r U il C.j J 2nd vke president and historian of j Her daughter, little Miss Alice Har- i ?perParker* w mascot of the Grand Chapter, :but wayonabte to Jtteg^ on ^ * * fW ??1 BI:^*! ' ' ^., ^Tv aS> -r" ^flE^KjEBjHHrVv.^SfyS^i ^z^xLu---?.???f-^'-1. J* -?: ? . . ? ?? - >; 1 !Wm 4^' U Jft % be: discussed, I Clark, of Wilooor N^, E. b&Britn, JKr of Louisville,? ^ | V- fiwynn, of Richmond, are vice-ptes ideets-. I legates arriving today saw the fjjlt!.bf^htJlffi"H"^Ut tlrh^ I seethe ocean's shay?* ^though until T^M^iirs. none was produced in the^lt^ ^ ^^ * l 4t T Jr i a ? -> Anrr ?n J ? , - ?a_?" ? - ..T: \ ' ? ?- J*i -' I y~m . t ? v? ? i i i ? ? "ij JV%" .'iW^ I i ^nvfl ? Trtkrt T 'i'li nlfA?? T*ir? l*\r?t in?? P A j iWivtj 4 ? I/J'-aLIi WttllV JllCj ? ? A? || The Other Mother ^ |j. ace?and now holder of the fong distance flying record,. New York ' to Otrmanj* f tgjS **??.: .? -j .1 J.. ; . . '.n^J .-^ I four Persoasl! DieluFlmei I:. ? ' ??? ?-??? Thr^ Firemen : Also Injured ^^69 Fire Destroyes Home mi. In Boston. J.- r;f' y '.?.c -u-: * A -?>*?? - - ?V??\ < ? j Boston, June-22?Two women'tmd two giris were burned to death and three firemen injured in a fire which swept the home of William L. Shear er, Jr., vice president of a large fur niture company in the back district this morning.- -JS The dead were Janet Shearer,: .13 daughter of Mr. Shearer, Hettie Hew* es, 16, Alice Scott, 52, a house-maid and & cook named Helen McLaughlin; Mrs." Annie Dickerson, a governess, the fire, was the only other person in th4 building. She was rescued^ parti ally overceifte while clinging to a bal' The two girls and the cook were burned to'death. Alice Scott was kill-? eojwhen she jumped >^apm % fourth The fife smarted in the basement from an electric iron which had been j It was apparent that tbe^fire- had spread so rapidly that the women an^ girls had no chance to" escape! \ V Wna sWrd hft r Oiieaici <,uu JBL JfPf I gg&fe Paprika la4rt%W f#ra- muii4 and Miss Howes, p frien^ikd con* | | time/being Joseph Kitchin McLaw porn, o^Ayden, son of former sheriff 11928 appointment as.prinrip^Ja^ napoUs. The first alternate-is Lonnie A, Squires, of ,Washington, the seconc alternate is William Hackett, of ?al haven, and the third alternate is Wi! Determined ^ Qlady^K^d, 15-Year-OW MM . .. ' 4 I c, ? ? ? Morganton, Jane 22.?Deputies and civilian posses art reported to have su rrounded Broad us . Miller, negro, chargefi with' clubbing to death 1 year-old Gladys Kincaid late y According to the reports reaching here the iwgro has been coined ha ed'officers. It was regardedPas likely that an effort to arrest tfio negwg ? woeld not be made tonight; as it is. - sairc^L.of the "'?>>?? Gladvs brought to thO fftmily jiuri a thousand m#? of Burk< county I Negro, who beatthe giri to. <|sath with I an iron pipe-and threw her body in. ?ja iriar patch late yesterday after |rawm ?[.. This summarized the actual devel- I opments .of two ofthe most exciting days in the history of Merganfcm and Borke County. It does nortake hit? account rumors, the false afirais, tho I Repeated" forays of determined men , I {into the wilds of the rouhfcf farf on * liter heels of likely clues' It. doe*I 1^ that thus far NorthI th^^T.^ I jarat the discovery of a bldpd*o?k4d l i [ rain-coat in, his room byre-', isi IsjflnH stonpi^dence. srssiasp^ I [?-1/l ^ , ' ?*?'l ? ? ? . ? _ _ ,? I .-. - of tli6 r6V6lations th^y 9ld(. aj. W?c fiCgiO 5ii*}Uiu Oc *%ftpCQI9Q ? in ftAfato pvfln Kv rtij. ji-nr 5 ?'- 1^1 1 R*? jpOooyS W'HK^ IEIL vC1 wdSp^miT * .t.'PS sinw wny iRvSiuy inij mal Wisw*r in "the eowt hotwo to aBSik '