^?::^iite'55'v' I ^M. Lo? the people of the earth do me homage, f I am the herald o^success of men, mer-1 v _v>*- ^ ?, ??- ifr ?- ' " < - ?** '"V?? ."? ji?- . ?*? %',f' chants, manufacturers, municipalities and? K I go forth to tell the world the message of | service and sound merchandise. And the f ? . fJj j^vA v . y 'C ," ?/ " -r * - l'" ? A world listens when I speak. 5 * K There was a day long ago, when by sheer f weight of superior merit, a business could ? rise above the common level without me, but f that day Has passed into oblivion. 1 For those who have used me as their ser-? yant I have gathered untold millions into a their coffers. I Sell More MerchattffiSe f p* 4, - m B . V per dollar of salary paid me than any i other salesman on the face of the earth. The ? fabled lamp of Aladdin never called to the j of th1 seasons in tke hollow of my hand, i f command the legious of fashion, mold the1? ?Styles and lead the world withersoever I go. I I drive unprincipled business to cover, and f sound the death-knell of inferior merchan? I use. Frauds are afraid of me because I e llnarch in the broad light of day. | Whoever Makes Me I Their Serveot: - i for life takes no chances on drawing doWni dividends from my untold treasures bestow- f ed with a lavish hand. L, 0 ft l['^3, ip T I ? 9^ JPB Though, fortune hires cs up I or down?we cant forget "The i. Old Home Town." The town that nursed our boyhood years ? thaf shared cur joya - an' p.. quenched Our tears; that-put the ? . notion in our head, that life's | no-count unites it's spread. She | fiddled through ambition's hour r i -?we danced our way to ma&v & j i hood's power. If tny spot de | serves renown, let's hand it to M 1 h our Old Home Townlp^ v \ > g j J. mX reckon we have all agn#d,. tOld Home Town w?hbi/& irfor speed; in spite of that, filled the bill, and won the m>;: setting atiiu 1 ? The new-paved rood don't pwrcq her breaist, but whirls on madly, one iteile' west. . There's newer burgs?but I insist the traveller don't know what he's missed. Whatever virtues some -* may hold, the Old Home Town 4 :?? virgiii^old;'bjluoughta&fe* |: - moved ffom Fashigns-track, ;. I " her lovin' sperit charms us : back,--and; When fond memo- , K ry*s sun goqs dotfh, we'll seek | PV. in dreams?the Old, Home Town! . ?? . . ? ' ? | Of street wear. The vestee efleet ffia the blouse and the smartly pleated skirt are features easily harried oat -C; $ ? : h ,fOr best results, we advise a fall t. material, such as jersey. > Jcwka, wool crepe or one ot % lofw eoft-. tweeds. .All of these. , would, be wecidedly goad-looking > PST the n'fw fall shades of beige, ?* brown, gray or even the dark reds * qf JlitMit However, "in black satiti or faille sillfrmth a white flower apd patent leather belt this style is >1 -isftttSag. M II A qNo dressmaking experience is needed to make this design. A per fect "fit jfl every size is guaranteed. - Jjiy be obtained in sizes 16 to 44 vS6t? 36requires 2& yards of 54 ^Practically all of the sea-Island cot j theftneat corning trom the chnlii of ial- j if :i jto'* ( 2* tW'-' ?gg&| '?, '_? fr :'"JSR I ,'" ' - ? 27 years ?ldl' S^ma Meiflraier. i^^rrison.^^, j Mid nave frequently recommended I I 1; to otW for it is a splendid n^cine and I am glad, to give pteo- 1 I I r9?f8 a^anave often come in con- j ? j i?.-s. .'imPBwfty: -^eTT lUtmSam ? il. - ?m Pitt flinty, being the same lots con veyed to B. E. Albtition, by B. S. Sheppard and wife, Sae May Shop pard, by deed datedJanuary 9th, 1917, which de^t is recorded to Book Q-ll! page 2^t%of the Pitt County Registry. - I HI " V.- ! ??? ^ -? ' T ? ??? ?-r-.?r- ?r Power and Performance?Size and Roominess with- i l out Umyieldiness ? Steady Riding without useless 4 ? Weight 50 miles; an hour all day long?and far greater speed when wanted?Riding Ease Like Glie? ing' Economy of Price, Operation and Maintenance. ? \h Ifoye# a/one combines them all wajfiMir .....> ,-?. . ?-? V-,.cw.. HT* ~ *"" ? \ :y ' Miotof Service GompanY ? r ?r B. 0. TAYLOR, Safes Mgr. ? FWilfe, N. C. Ui,p-.-. ?.-. ( ,4 ,.-r-v. .. '?' .v^-:.;** ?? ; ;..? -x .:-ts'r ?. ' .V"V ?. "?_ . - .'? " .,V*? - Vrk ? ? , - ? kv- ' - ' ? ... , ? ' ^ ; ; "'v'- ' v y- " ' * ;. ? __ - , cfc-iS?-T'-jT *' "??' ? ? !.i'2*>^> ;u.- , ifri^Svti^^*1'')* ^ .'+\^~- .'?%? sv't*,'-' - - . ????. ~ .jg - J ' --^;, ^,. B^B bb ' xar ? * m J^B *BB f^^r- BB ABB .jBt n 9': "??' Hk- 3Bb b n v ggj ? febs^* Wf ?"' V &=?sjr r?;--' : .-_- *../-U!:" ?^ *5-'->^ ^ ^ ' ? gMMB'i '? >!: Wli ?' ' ' 'fla^MMM| ?? flflHHB -_ _-; , ^r-?>, ? ?:- "?? . - "_.. - ?' .- ; - r ;? y~ : ? ~- S|j 111' JjSL m -?b .bb ion w JBk- SBBBl - |ji II |j 1 11? ? _, __,*, it ?*? ?? :|0 *f Jfe Uk T#T?i t<9 2 in ? FOR Y?UK~ jlj fi .^SS I S ? I lm V Vi