Miss Add Bynum spent Monday ir Bath. -': " ? ? ? Mrs. J. H. Darden was a Greenville visitor Wednesday. Mrs. R. A. Fields is recuperating from a recent illness. -;. . ?.? ?? Miss Sally Norwood spent the week end at her home at Bullock. Miss Ellen Lewis* teacher at Chicod, spent the week end at her home. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. T: Thome were Raleig-h visitors Tuesday. ? ? * Mrs. Travis Hooker, of Greenville, was a visitor-here Saturday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell moved this week near Fountain. ? ? ? The Baptist Missionary Society met in the church Monday afternoon. ? * * ?> Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless were Spring Hope visitors Thursday. * * * Mrs. W. D. 'Bryan has returned after a visit to relatives in Oxford. ? ? ? Mrs. H. W. Turnage has returned after spending the past week in Troy. ? * ? MisseS" Elizabeth and Janie Davis, and F. M. Davis, were Durham visi tors Wednesday." * * * Dr. Frank Dean, of Wilmington, spent several hours here Monday en route to Baltimore. * * * Mr. aijjd Mrs. A. B. Baines of'War saw were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L E. Satterfield Monday. ? ? ? *" r1 . Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Horton attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Horton's aunt in Edentbn Tuesday. if ?*-.> ? Mrs. H. P. Moseiey and Mrs. W-. V. McRae, i>f Golcfeboro, visited friends here Friday. * ? * Mrs. Xaybelle . Yelverton, of the Washington Hospital spent Sunday with Mrs. Thomas Lewis. ? * * Mrs. Annie Anderson was hostess to the Episcopal Auxiliary at her home on .-Monday afternoon. Henry, Bynum, of Richmond, * and Dick Hayens, Jr., of Tarboro, were visitors Ifere Friday. ?i ? * * . Mr. and Mrs. H. D1. Brown daugh ter, of Wilson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. ]? Satterfield Sunday. ? V * Mr. and Mrs. _J. W: Parker and daughter, Miss Alice Harper, spent Sunday in Snow Hall with reatilves. ? . Misses Lurline Bass and Nancy I^ewis, students at Meredith, spent the week'end at- their homes here. * * * ? Mrs. W. R. Willis left Sunday to spend seVertri' days with her father who is ill at his home in Edenton. ? ? ? Be sure and' buy your seed from the Hub Hardware Company. They carry a full line of Wood's tested seeds, in both packages and loose. # ? ? Be sure and buy your seed from the Hub Hardware Company. They carry a full lihs of Wood's tested seeds, in both packages and loose. * ? * Mrs. B. G. Turnage and daughter, Miss Ruth Rayes, and Mrs. J. M. Christmah speint the week end in Hen derson. ,J"~:' Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Jones, Mrs. Branch Bobbitt, and Mrs. Petty of Greenville, were visitors here Tues day afternoon. ? ? * Mrs. J. W. Joynet*-returned Satur day from a visit or several weeks to her sister, Mrs. Bert McCullom in San Antonio, Texas. '/ ? * * ? Connell Gazp-enton and Wm. Bur roughs of Bethel, and Gene Barnes of Cullowhee, students at Wake Forest, were guest3 of Rev. Ford A. Burns for the week end. . ~ Mra John Dwight Holmes, of Ral eigh, is spending the week with Mrs. J. W. Holmes, who is recuperating from a recent illness. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris and fam ily, and other relatives and friends here attended the funeral of Mr. Har ris' brother, R. E. Harris, in Green ville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker, Mrs. T. W. Lang, and Mrs. A. C. Hodges at tended the funeral of Dr. /ohn S Wood, of Forest 'City, held at Reeky Mount Tuesday-afternoon. Dr. Wood was a past grand patron of the Order of the Eastern Star, ?. ... i ?i-mr Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Galloway and Mr. and Mrs. Tom-Gorman, of Green ville were guests of Mr. H. W. Tur nage, who recently accepted a position in Troy, but sport the week end ) at his home here, and Mi*. Turnage. It hds been reported to ns that I ? ? ? E. Satterfield, since the dosing of the tobacco market, has pitched his tent on the Greenville Chantry Club gofiF i SERVICES IN EPISCOPAL CHURCH SUNDAY MORNING > Dr. Prank Dean will preach at the Episcopal Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. You are invited* ? 1 BIRD TALK ? ; Said the Robin to the Sparrow, "I should really like to know > Why these anxious human beings Rush about and worry so." Said the Sparrow to the Robin, "Friend, I think that it must be That they have no Heavenly Father, Such as cares for you and me." ? s Fear not, therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. ? Luke 12:6-7. \ U. D. C. TO MEET The regular meeting of the U. D. C. will be held Friday afternoon at! 3:30 with Mrs. B. O. Turnage. TWO SMALL FIRES SAME DAY The local fire department was call ed out twice Wednesday. Early Wed nesday morning a small fire was dis covered in the office of Dr. E. M. Taylor, dentist, and in the afternoon a small blaze was discovered in the store of Juren's. Both fires were quickly extinguished and little damage done. ELECTED TO SERVE WOMEN'S CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS , FOR NEW YEAR At meetings of Women's Auxiliaries and Missionary Societies of the vari ous churches, held in the month of January, the following officers were elected to serve during 1931: Baptist: president, Mrs. J. M. jWhe less; vice-pres., Mrs. Sterling Gate3; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. L E. Satterfield; circle leaders not elected as yet Disciples: president, Mrs. Joel W. | Moye; vice-pres., Mrs. Louise Harris; secretary, Mrs. H. W. Turnage; treas- J urer, Mrs. W. J. Turnage. Episcopal: president, Mrs. C. T. I Dixon vice-pres., Mrs. J. N. Gregory; secretary, Mrs. G. A. Jones; treasur er, Mrs. W. C. Askew; United Thank Offering treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Dar den; Box secretary, Mrs. J. W. Joy ner; social service sec., Mrs. J. U. I Darden; birthday treas., Mrs. T. W. I Twiford, educational sec., Mrs. J. E. Shackleford._ Methodist: president, Mrs. B. 0. Turnage; vice-pres., Mrs. T. W. Lang; I recording secretary, Mrs. W. D. Bry- J an; cor. sac., Mrs. J. H. Harris; treas., Mrs. J. W. F^rker; local treasurer, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt; supt, young peo ple, Mrs. fW. H. Nance; Bright Jew-I els,-Miss Bettie Joyner; supply, Mrs.1 Fearl Johnston; agent Missionary Ji Voice, Mrs. J. M. Christman; local ( work, Mrs. R. A. Fields, social ser-1, vice, Mrs. J. Loyd Horton; missionary | study, Mrs. J. W> Lovelace; circle h leaders, Mrs. T. E. Joyner, Mrs. G. M. p Holden, Mrs. S. G. Gardner, Mrs. J. I] M. Christman. Presbyterian: president, Mrs. J. M. < Hobgood; vice-pres., Mrs. Plato ] Monk ;secretary, Mrs. W. C. Holston; I. treasurer, Mrs. John StanciL I < In spite of the financial depression I of the past' year, the reports of the I, above organizations showed splendid progress and excellent being done in I the Master's vineyard by His zealous handmaidens. NYE INTERROGATES WILMINGTON EDITOR 1 Wilmington, Feb. 4.?The editor of J the Wilmington Star is in receipt of i a letter from Senator Gerald S. Nye, 1 chairman of the Senate committee on Senatorial campaign expenditures asking questions as follows: 1.?Do you know of any violations * of the election laws in the primary or the" campaign prior thereto ? ?' 2.?Have you any knowledge of > any money spent on behalf of candi dates in the primary, and if so, how I much and how used. ' 3.?Do you know of any persons ' receiving money or other valuable considerations for services rendered 1 candidates, and if so, who and how much? . 1 . 4.?Do you know'of any fraudulent use of the absentee ballot, and if so, give details. 5.?Do you know of any person or persons voting who were not quali fied to vote? ? "V' ' "... ?v1 6.?Do you know of any violations i of the law by registrars by regfefbr tng persons not entitled to register? 7.?Have you any information of persons receiving money: for voting for any candidate ? 8.?Do you know of any leaps or contributions made for political pur poses? The Senator's inquiries pertained only to the Democratic primary of last June 7, and did not refer to the general election, of November 4th. . " ?. / ' When AAigt Seaborne haaled in his tine while fishing at ChingfOrd, Eng., be found his catch was a dead 'woman in whose shoe his Jux& bid cangbt . Five-year-old Lawrence Mnbier bagged himself across Several vacant ots to bis home in Fresno, CaL, after 'tis left foot was crushed off by it railway train. ~ r v ' CALL FINANCIERS IN BONUS BATHE Garner Sees Move * As Dilatory Effort f Signs Of Compromise Increasing; "A Wound Stripe For The Big Purse" Suggest ed by Rep. Rankin of Miss. Washington, Feb. 3. ? Owen D. Young and a half dozten other indus trials were called last night to coun sel the House ways and mleans com-, mittee on plans to pay cash on vet erans' bonus certificates. Chairman Hawley announced the heads of General Motors, the Ameri-i can Radiator Company, the Metro politan Life Insurance Company and others would appear in -prolonged I hearings, while Chairman Smoot call ed the Senate finance committee to meet in executive session tomorrow. Hawiey's action drew instant com plaint of "delay" -and "one-sidedness" from Minority Leader Garner. It came at the end of a day of new warnings, at both ends of the capi tol, that economic disaster would fol low the floating of a $3,500,000,000 bond issue to cover the cost. The House committee also heard advocat es forecast beneficial results to busi ness from enactment of the proposals. There was talk, meanwhile, of a compromise that would succeed at this session. Representative Patman, of Texas, a Democratic sponsor of immediate redemption, said Senator Vanderberg, Republican, Michigan, had expressed belief, after a visit to the White House that a 50 per cent increase in loans allowed on certifi cates and a reduction of interest would be acceptable to the adminis tration. Charles E. Mitchell, chairman of the National City Bank of New York, predicted before the Senate banking sub-committeiej that "hundreds" of small bank failures would follow a bond issue to pay the full value of the certificates. Alfred P. Sloan, president of Gen eral Motors, has been asked to tes tify tomorrow. He has not responded, hut is expected. W. H. George, of the v Metropolitan Life Insurance Company will be heard also. So will E. D. Duf field, of the Prudential Life Insur ance Company; Clarende W. .Woodley, of the American Radiator Company, and Samuel W. Reyburn, of Lord and Taylor, N6w York. Young, the chairman of the board of General Electric, has arranged to give his views later this week, with George E. Roberts, of the National City Bank, New York, and George Harrison, Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. "The hearings could have been j completed by tomorrow," said Gar- . her, author of one pending bill. "The ? chairman summoned this host of fin anciers. And I think that the delay is totally unnecessary. Of course, the financiers are against this legisla- - tion." < Representative Rankin, Democrat, of Mississippi, argued that the bonus could be paid by increasing the in come tax of individuals in the higher brackets. He suggested that "we put ^ a wound stripe on the purses" of the i wealthy citizens who, he said, profited , by the war. Representative Brand, Democrat, Georgia, told the committee that he 1 believed some small banks would fail ! if the legislation went through, but ^ that "they would recover" through the ? return of better business and indus try. WORLD WAR BOMB INVENTOR DIES IN LONDON London, Feb. 4.?Frederick Marten Hale, inventor of the Hale bomb, with which the first Zeppelin was des troyed, and the first U-boat sunk dur ing the World War, died here yester day at the age of 66. The Hale rifle grenade and the Hale aircraft bomb were the only weapons of that type available for the British and French forces when the World War began. One of the air craft bombs was dropped on a hangar at Duesseldorf, Germany, in October, 1914, destroying the ship sheltered there, and the same type of bomb brought down a Zeppelin in midair the next year. -A higji explosive Hale torpedo sank the firet U-boat during the war, and many hundreds of thousands of Hale bombs and more than ten million Hale rifle grenades were used di*d*g the war. Mr. Hale had beeil f|gn0fMB~the study and; manufacture of high ex plosives since 1896. He was the first to propose and invent the depth charge used against submarines. 1 '"W" When Barley Young, 65, of Concord, N. H., drove his automobile too close to a railway crossing, > speeding train clipped off tfrejfiritotcr, hood, motor, front wheels and headlights of the car and scpM^psd tfett over a quarter-mile aMU. Young, who re mained sitting in his decapitated automobile, wps uninjured. *? i k Rebuilding of the historic city of Williamsburg, Va., as a national shrine has been hutde.possible by a contribution of $10,00&#00 given to ward the project by John D. Rockefel ler, Jr. ' - ' A bunch, of Muscatel gnpes, weigh ing 99 pounds and measuring 41 in ches in length, jpawn near Brussels, Belgiusr, is on exhibition at a lwrtfc cultural show in Nowark, N. J. The bunch of grapes ii valued at $284. BETTER BUSINESS CHECKS / STIMULATING BUSINESS With the Mine id,ea in view, which served as the inspiration of the Round Robin Cheek, the Rotary- Club here is sponsoring the Better Business Cheek. These cheda are certified and are is sued from the Bank of Farmvilie fn $6 denominations, and a few of the 60 checks agreed upon are being put into circulation daily. The Better Business Check?is in tended to be used only in paying off obligations, and cannot be cashed un til it has been endorsed by ten people. Several instances-where it has passed through the same hands several times have been reported. When the 50 checks are returned! to the coffers of the bank again, $2,500.00 of debts'of persons in this .community will have been settled. The movement is widespread thru out the country, and is receiving daily impetus. We note a Greenville, Tenn., communication which states that the city has issued checks of $10 denomi nations, resniring 50 endorsements, which will pay of $500 indebtedness. Roger W. Babson, noted philosoph er and sage of the financial world is quoted as saying that $100 in such checks, if circulated fast enough will pay off a community's debts. Let us get busy and help circulate the Better Business Checks here in Farmvilie. , Weather forecasts at 7 cents eadi are supplied by the post office depart ment, to telephone subscribers in Ger many. Town of Farmville j Receipts and Disbursements for January, 1931. Receipts Water and Light Revenue $4,160.94 Tax Collections ? 1,757.741 Paving Assessments 2,095.641 Merchandise 137.s5 Auto Tags 77.00 $8,229.07 Disbursements Water & light Dept $2,421.05 Street Expenditures 486.141 General Office Exp. 41.161 Merchandise . 158.571 Police Salary 415.001 Police Expense 84.84 I Prisoner's Meals 20.80 Paving Assessment Suits 836.50 I Insurance 156.72 Fire Department 47.60 Charity , 250.00 Commissioners Salary 88.84 Vital Statistic 15.50 I Salary Mayor 50.001 Salary Clerk and Treas. __ 150.00 $4,717.22 An itimired statement may be seen ( at Clerk's Office." ? j( ? . FOR RENT?Seven-room house, form ' erly Occupied by Mrs. Mary Lewis Lang. See Ben Lang or John B. ' Lewis. * 2t j [T?EAM AND SKIMMED MILK?We 1 are at your service with Cream and 1 Skimmed milk.?Little Creek Dairy, * Phone 1421. 11 1 H. M. BONNER, M. D. ' L EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT s GLASSES FITTED M Office Second Floor ( National Bank Budding I Greenville, N. C. < r could not deep," write* Mrs. Mary J. Roberts, 117 West Franklin St, Raleigh, N. C. 1 would lie awake half the night I was dizzy and weak, suffered c frequently with pain* in my aide C and small part of my back. 1 "When I was a girl, my mother gave me Carded, and it did me r so much good, I thought I would try it again. I took five bottles, c and I fed like a new person. j 1 think it is fine. I would ad- c viae every woman who is weak i, to try Cardui, for it has cer- r Take Tbedford** BUck-Draught for Constipation, ; Jndl*B?tlojV BOlOTimw. Only 1 cent a do**. I .. - ... Uorrectiy Jtattea Classes Ti relieve Headache*, Eyeetralna and to ft* Clear VUoi^ m : J Drs. J. H. and V. H. Optomtrtat. HNSTON. N. C. 7 r : 7 longer enough. Gtfl^f /f ttoeja\ni conreniM* to || W ^Wl*ntjperform?c? *n^'JJ Vk all can afford. . - -Jm /f . Ofh?rnkvf iim.mmVi *ilUaiilvilj pi tail Special equipment extra. All pdctar. O. B. Detroit. Motor Service Co. Farmville, N. C. DR. E. T. DICKINSON OF WILSON, w!U maintain an office with Dr. P. E. Jones in Farmville, for the Electrical Elimination or Removal of Tonsils and other Electrical Surgery, especial ly that of the head and neck, daring the hoars 1 to S p. nt^ each Saturday. Only one short treatment each week being required. ? N NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having this day qualified as Administrator of the Es tate of G. WL Roberson, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims a gainst the estate of G. W. Roberson, deceased, to file same, duly verified, with said Administratrix at Farm ville, N. C.f R. F. D., No. 3, within twelve months from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate Settle ment This February 2, 1931. SUSAN ROBERSON,' Admx. Estate of G. W. Roberson Harding & Lee, Attorneys 6t 1 i NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power rf side contained in that-certain Deed rf Trust, executed by W.'L. Smith md wife, Jennie Smith, to John Hill Paylor, Trustee, under date of Feb :uary 6th, 1930, of record in Book H-18 at page 366, Pitt County Regis ry, default having been made in the layment of the indebtedness therein {escribed, the undersigned will sell 'or CASH, to the highest bidder, be 'ore the Courthouse door in the Town ?f Greenville, N. C., on Monday, February 23rd, 1931 it 12 o'clock Noon, the following de icribed tract of land, lying and beipg n the Town of Farmville, and further lescribed as follows: Located in the Town of Farmville, ying on the North side of Belcher Street; beginning at the Southwest :orner of J. T. Bynum's lot and run ling in Westerly direction with Bel :her Street to the curb line of Bar ett Street; thence with the curb line if Barrett Street 196 feet; tbenoe at ight angles to the Northwest corner if J. T. Bynum's lot, thence with the ine of J. T. Bynum 195 feet to the leginning. Said sale being made to satisfy the udebtedness secured by said deed of rust. This the 22nd day of January, 1931 John Hill Paylor, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale oiitained in Section No. 2435 of the Consolidated Statetes of North Caro ina, the undersigned, Motor Service Company, will on the 7th day of Feb uary, 1931, at 12 o'clock Noon, sell it public auction, to the highest bid ler, for cash,-in the garage now oc upied by the said Motor Sendee. Co., ocated on Wilson Street, in the Town f Farmville, North Carolina, the fol owing described personal property, tamely: ?? 1 ONE HUDSON SEDAN AUTOMO HLE, MOTOR NO. 52237A; SERIAL JO. 20292, beingv the property left rfth the Motor Service Company for epairs by the C. L T. Corporation nd being the car formerly purchased y W. R. Willis. Said sale is made for the purpose f paying for repairs made on said lutomobile. This the 20th day of January, 1931 MOTOR SERVICE COMPANY, By B. 0. Taylor, Managir L T. Martin, Atty. ?* ? . " : V-Vr.'.Vr .*? s ? >'. , 1 ?*. 1 ? ' s *y5 . _ ? .1.. Pi>HlB?iBlV IK lliffllllS?lWra$^H5 jinn rf I I|^<PH 1* Ml irtiaiTiianif Amvk*K UHWQI XV WH| I ?0-i *I?: IF YOU are like most people-^-you have important papers, securities or I U1 4-. 1 A other valuables tucked away in ' places they shouldn't be. And that is "S a causa for worry! . \ ' . > % ^ ^ ? . Get together your papers?insur ance policies, deeds, your will, -re ceipts, mortgages and all the rest of the vitally important ones. Then j- . ;? , ? .. . - . t,: * ; rent a box in our great steel and con ? erete vault. Get rid of worry?for here customers' valuables are safe, yet easily accessible when needed. The cost is less than a daily paper! The Bank of Farmville D. E. OGLESBY, Cashier City, County and State Depository SERVICE, SAFETY FOR RESULTS AD VERTBE IN THE ENTERPRISE I * ; Snow ?n Hatchery Under New Management NOW IN OPERATION o $3.25 for custom hatching. Chicks, 15c each. Will have chicks for sale in three weeks. Set every Tuesday, take off every Thursday. & BROWN, Manager ? Snow Hill, - - - - - North Carolina . FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE | EXTRA SPECIAL! ! A most considerate reduction in shoe repairing. o i! Prices reduced on all shoe repairing, with a guar- <I 11 antee of the same good work given hitherto. J | I NEW CASH PRICES i: RIGHT SHOE REPAIR SHOP |j J' Main Street FARMVILLE, N. C. || ' _ ? 1 . 1 1 ? v \/VV\ V~\/V^ A\ j SEEDS ;; We have just added a full line of WOOD'S jj |?: TESTES) SEED,?-Garden, Field, and Mower \; II ?and can supply your every want. <! : r ? Full line of Spray materials and VIGERO. 11 " Also Latham's Double Seed Corn i; TRY US FOR SERVICE AND PRICE. ;; HUB HARDWARE CO. I i Main Street FARMVILLE, N. C. f FOR RBIITS ADVERTISE IN IE ENTERPRISE ?' i : ^ Gfeat Novelist's Son~ ~7~)

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