^Br ^L 4J,3 B m ^LLm |LLI^9 .. f J. T. Thome spent Tuesday in Ral * * * Bill Satterfield is visiting relatives in Durham. Mn.Mac (^j " ^ ^ friends is Tartoro. ? ? ? Miss Nita Lee Townsend is visit ing friends in Greenville. >'? ? ? ? , L. T. Pierce left Friday to spend a few. days in Atlanta, Ga. *t i .. ? * * .Miss Tabitha Devisconti spent Tnesday in Raleigh. ? ? ? - Mrs. J. G. Smith of Kinston is visit ing friends here this week. M 9 * * Mr. and Mrs. George Holston visit ed friends here Sunday. ?5 ? ? ? ? Xz-* ~ Mr. and Mrs. Branch Bobbitt were Myeenville visitors Wednesday. ? ? ? ' Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck spent several days of this week in Raleigh. ?!?; ~ ? * ? Mrs. Melissa Tyson spent this wedk with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tyson. ?v': ? * ? * r Miss' Etta Gray Carraway is visit friends in Greenville this week. - Miss Susie Gay spent the past week with relatives at Walstonburg. .9 * ? , Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Hendricks and children sepnt Thursday in Raleigh. . 9 9 * -Mrs. J. 6. Batts of Wilson spent the week end with Mrs. G. H. Eurnett. ? * ? Miss Elsie Mae Carraway is spend ing this week in Pinetops with friends. .'-r ? ? ? f Hr. and Mrs. J. N. Gregory are pending this week in Richmond, Va. ? ? ? < Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jones and son, Fred, were Raleigh visitors Wednes day. ?>,-/ ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Branch Bobbitt and A.W. Bobbitt were Warrenton visitors Saaday. *?}. ? ? ? \0x. and Mrs. Carl Tyson and Mrs. Melissa Tyson were Kinston visitors ? * ? and Mrs. Jim Carr of Green-1 viBe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1 &Q. Pollard. && ? ? ? ? Miss Eloise Hendricks spent the! aiiek with friends at E. C. T. C. in Greenville. ? Fanny Cooper has returned to I Gkamville after-a visit to Miss Nifal tJfm Tcwnsend. 5^ ? ? ? Miss Padge Boy kin returned to Tar b&o Wednesday after a visit to Mrs. Mas Carraway. V? f %* ' ?Mrs. Manley Lilies and Mrs. W. A. MfeAdams were Raleigh and Sanford yMo? this week. - - ? Miss Virgin* fcamrof Walstonburg was the gpeat of Miss Mary Alice Misses Ida Cowan and Sarah Mc Dtininin of Durham are guests of '?|p J. H. Darden. ??_. ? ? > Ht. and Mrs. Hugh Barrett of BSM*at*s Creek spent the week end adm relatives here. ? ? ? Friends of Frank Dupree, Sr., will xqjift to leant that ha has bean IB. foe'the past few days. "?'? ? jlir. and Mrs. C. G. RoHin*; and daughter, Joan, spent Sends?' with' friends in Rocky Mount. .lHhaes Marvel Sanders and Meta S*||ffer of Four Oaks are visiting M^pJ. Sterling Gates. jlUf Mary Friar Rothes itahirt at I ^ ^ M , . | [ - J - -? ? '- - ??** M|nu weeas wka nuuvtfl acre. and Bffl Morm tha aaoitiiia Jcara?' boro, 'Ala., were Raleigh visitors Tues day. j ' . Miss Rosalind'Tyson, student 'at s is spending this week at her home here. ? - * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. L E. Satterfield and sons, Rill and Jim, and Charles Ray Townsend were Raleigh visitors Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. li* lamb and daugh ter of Fort Myers, Fla., spent Friday with Mra. Lamb's uncles, B. R. and?. L. Collins. ? ? ? - Miss Best Dail has returned to Snow Hill after a visit to her sister, [Mrs^ G. A. Rouse, who is improving after a -recent illness. ! ? ? ? Gilbert Wheless and Taylor Bar row, Jr., students at State College, returned Friday to spend the summer months at their homes here. ? * * Mary Alice Beam&n and Miss Virginia Idling of Walstonburg have returned from a visit to friends in Albemarle and Winston-Salem. I * * * Mrs. M. G. Brown and daughter, { Miss Katherine, returned to Eden ton , Friday after a visit to Mrs. Wesley R. Willis and Mrs. M. V. Horton. t Thomas Tyson Swain of Hender son and Melvin McCloud of Troy, students at State College, spent the ' week end with Taylor Barrow, Jr. j Mrs. B. S, Smith and daughter, Miss j Louise, Miss Edna Foust Harris, Mrs. | W. M. Willis and Mrs. J. H Harris were Raleigh visitors Wednesday. ? ? ? We are glad to report that Miss Alice Dail, who, underwent an opera- , tion for appendicitis at a Rocky Mount hospital this week, is improving. ? ? * Mrs. J. 0. Pollard and son, BiQ, Mrs. Z. M. Wbitehurst, Jr., Mrs. Joel Moye, Mrs. C. T. Dixon, and daughter, Miss Daisy Barohart, spent Wednes day in Raleigh. < ? ? ? .( Mrs. J. H. Darden and children and 1 guests Misses Ida Cowan and Sazmh ] McDearman of Durham are spending j thee week end in Wilmington and | Wrightsville. 1 ? * ? Milton Eason,' Jr., entertained four- 1 teen of his friends at his home on f Monday evening. Following various games and contests, ices and cakes* 1 were served. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. G, Robert Smith and 1 daughter, Miss JTvoime, and son, Bob bie, left Sunday for Western Carolina ' .for a viait to relatives at Spaziie. ' Mrs. M. L. Eason, Mrs. C. G. Rol lins and daughter, M?s Joe&i Mrs. Mac Carraway, and. guest, Miss Boy kin of Tarboro, Miss Malette Greene and Mrs. La Verne Greene were Greenville visitors Tuesday. ? *?" * * ?? u. motor for points in Georgia^?; M<s.t IbiE . Joynor and Mrs. L?wli(nr? ^(p I ^ ^Jan^ to the^Uni^ I SOCIAL CALENDAR I ??? Monday, June 12 3:80 p. m.?Circle No. 4, Methodist 7:80 p. m.?Bdy Seouta.; ; ^ Tuesday, 13 4:00 p. m?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs., W. M. Willis. 6:45 p. m?Rotary Club. 7:80 p. m.?Spanish-American Vet- ?< erans meet 8:00 p. m?Junior Order. - Thursday, 15 3:30 p. m.?American Legion Aux iliary meets with Mrs. George Gates and Mrs. Paul E. Jones. 7:30 p. m.?Modern Woodmen, i j tuagenarian Society, was honored on his 78th birthday, Monday, June 5, with a delightful outing had. a sump tuous dinner at Silver Lake by his children: Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Eaaon, Mr. and Mrs. W. f . JCan-away^ Of Farmvilie, and Mr. and Mrs. EL B. Barefoot of Wilson. Y. CONTRACT CLUB Mrs. i M. Whitehurst, Jr.', delight fully entertained the Contract Club on Tuesday at her home on Wilson street Larkspur, pink verbena and gladioli were in artistic arrangement in the living room, where three tables were placed. Mrs. Wesley R. Willis was winner of the high score prize, a dainty towel, and Mrs. Branch Bobbitt, who has recently moved her residence hen from Warrenton, and a guest of the hostess ai, this time, was remem bered with a lovely gift A frozen salad course was served after the usual number of progression* ?; - ?? ? .' ?? ? HISTORICAL PAGEANT FEA TURES U. D. C. MEETING . mmmammmmmmmm . A pageant, colorful and rich in his torical values, featured the program of the monthly meeting of the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which was held at the home of Mrs. C. L. Beaman, Fri day afternoon. The pageant present ed at this time, in observance of Jef ferson Davis' birthday, and relating to the Jefferson Davis highway, was written by Mrs. John H. Anderson of Raleigh and staged by 12 beautiful young ladies of Farmville, under the direction Of Mrs, W, M. Willis 'and Mrs. Chas, Mozingo. Mrs. J. W. Parker conducted the devotional program in the absence of the chaplain, Mrs. Nonie Barrett, and presided at the business session, At the conclusion of the pageant a frozen salad was served. The chapter then adjourned for the summer months. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT We, the members of the Wednes day Afternoon Club, wish to pay ten der tribute to one of our beloved mem bers, Mrs. C. S. McKeel, who passed to her Heavenly reward April 28, 1938. : Therefore be it reolved: first, That we deeply fed our loss and greatly miss her kind and helpful activities among us. _ Second, That we extend our most profound sympathy to her bereaved tiusband in his loss of a kind and loving companion, Third, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the husband, to the Standard Laconic, to the FarmviHe Enterprise and a copy be spread on 3ur minutes, \MRS. W. E. LANG, Chairman. MRS. A. J. CRAFT. MISS LILLIAN CORBETT, 1 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale captained in that certain deed of trust from Bettie Waddell and Vic toria Bergeron of record in Book F-17 page 185 m the office of the Register of Deeds of Pitt County, default hav ing been made in the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned will offer for* sale, and sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, before the courthouse door in Greenville, on Thursday, July 6th, 1938, between the hours of 12:Q$ o'clock NOW, and 1:00 o'clock P. M., the following described property: Adjoining the lands of Ed Hill on the North, the lands of Tom McLaw horn on the south, L. 0. Dixon lands mx the West and the Celia Garris lands on the East, containing 59 acres, more or less (the interest sold being one-half undivided). This 5th day of June, 1933. ARTHUR B. COREY, Trustee. ? * ? Nash street, Wilson, Saturday after noon, June 10, at 3:45 o'clock. / ? NO SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL ? gp CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE II There will be no services held at Emmanuel Episcopal church on Sun day, June 11, on account of renova tion and painting of the building, which will be completed, it is thought by the following Sunday. Rev. J. Q. Beckvdth, Jr., Rector. - REVIVAL AT THE ; PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A series of meetings will be held at the Presbyterian Church, beginning 'Sunday evening, June 11th. The pas tor will be assisted in these meetings by Rev. E. E. Gillespie, D. D., of Greensboro, N. C. There will be a service each evening at eight o'clock. The members of the other churches, and the people of the town and com munity are cordially invited to attend these services.. CLASS PARTY Mra. Dameron Fields and Mrs. C. L. Beaman were joint hostesses to the Fidelia class of the Baptist Sun day School on Thursday evening at the home of the former. Mrs. C. L. Beaman presided over the business session, and Mrs. J, M. Wheless had charge of the program of entertain ment- were served after adjournment PROGRESSIVE BRIDGE CLUB The Progressive Bridge Club held a delightful meeting with Mrs. J. N. Gregory as hostess at her home on Contentnea street, Thursday after noon. Attractive bowls of mixed flowers were used in, the living room, where contract waa placed at four tables, Mrs, J, W? Joyner, winner of top scqro, was presented with dusting powder. A delightful sweet coarse was served when cards were laid aside, In addition to the club memebrs the hostess had as guests, Mrs. J. W. Joy ner, Mrs. Lath ttorrlas, and Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree. MRS. KNOTT HOSTESS Mrs. R. H. Knott graciously enter tained at one of the loveliest parties of the season at her home on Church street Thursday. Summer flowers carried a' color scheme of pink and blue in the living room, with shades of yellow and orange noted in those of the library. Six tables bore lovely appointments for the games of contract bridge in the morning and five were .arranged for the afternoon, at which time the hostess entertained members of her card club. Miss Mae Knott, daughter of the hostess, assisted her mother, in greeting the guests and passing the attractive tallies. High score awards, hobnail com ports and cake plates were won by Mrs. Harry Lang and Mrs. J. Y. Monk, and the consolations, bon bon dishes, went to Mrs. R, C. Thornton and Mrs. G. A. _Jonea A delicious plate with tomato salad, slaw, com sticks and iced tea, follow ed by lemon custard and cakes, were served after the games on both occa sions by the hostess, Mrs. J. I. Mor gan and Mrs. fr^M. Holden. . POLLARD-HUPREE . > . . A wedding of interest to Jheir many friends m North Carolina and Virginia took place Saturday, June 3 in Law renceville, Virginia, when Miss Mary Elisabeth Dupree became the bride of Mr. Mabrey Eugene Pollard. The ceremony was performed in the Methodist parsonage with Rev. B, T. Candler officiating, using the beauti ful and impressive ring ceremony. The bride, an attractive blonde, was becomingly attired and was lovely in a traveling ensemble of navy blue treple sheer crepe with corresponding blue accessories.'. Mrs. Pollard is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Dupree, Sr? of Farmville, and is a graduate of East Carolina Teachers - College, Greenville, North Carolina, and for the past year was a member of the faculty ofltfce Pact?|# consolidated school Pactohu, N, C. . Mr. Pollard is the youngest son of iiri.1V. A. Pol&^?SM<tf Farmville. He Js >a graduate of jBingha?|^!ilitary!j,iehool, Ashevflle, North Carolina and-iEpfcman Busi ness .College, Poughkeepsie, New vAifB AfI? . luildUp Health I WOMEN who ratter from wrak ^SS? whS T ? i$?S3k pwWtei. 4;?$j f VflMjl wra condition abooU y that baatoon iBUMfor aw 60 ywa p- ?Wu> C%dul to tape*** the giant!. * . torn ?t the arstem to cmm of na OoiRiTlMlto >rn "**?* g Women faava found, to rack crara go? Try it! VcAJjliu ARE F* H "7 i | \\ lyilllBMPW" I ' 1 ? iUee?jmt CLJi mI&h-Uum TOWN OF FARMVILEE ? J 1 Receipts and Disbursements for The Month of May,4933. > ; Balance on hand May 1, 1988 $ 512.03 * RECEIPTS Water and light Collection -$2,424.88 Water and Light Deposit 16.00 1982 Tax H 271.86 1981 Tax ? ^ 72.41 1980 Tax 28.10 1929 Tax ?? 14.00 License Tax ?s 10.00 Street Paving Assessments^ Principal ?? "573.43 Street Paving Assessments, Interest 226.98 Street Paving Assessments, Court Co?. 67.52 Court Cost ? ? 108.30 Merchandise ? 12.23 i t 3,816.66 ?- ' ? : 4.328.69 DISBURSEMENTS . Water and Light, Labor $ 421.55 Water and Light, Rep. and Supplies 124.60 Water and Light, Freight __ 971.80 Water and Light, Fuel - 205,29 Water and Light, Auto Expense 41.31 Water and Light, Federal Tax 41.15 Water and Light, Deposit Refund ? 2.50 Water and Light, Improvements 162.15 Water and Light, Insurance 62.35 Street Labor 230.69 Street Supplies i 29.95 \ General Office Expense . 66.65 Bond Interest 723.00 Merchandise _ : : 85.90 Police Salary i ? 58.34" Health Department -. 75.00 Salary Fire Department ? 40.00 Election Expense , ? 6.00 Fire Department Expense 77.70 Motor. Vehicle Street . 109.34 Bank Exchange ; .80 Tax Discount 6.90 3,542.87 Balance on hand June 1, 1933 $ 785.82 [stateT Greenville, N. C. MON.-TUES. JUNE 12-13 Romance Eternal? t * 'THE WHITE SISTERS" with Helen Hayes?Clark Gable ^ Wei. A1 Jolsotl UHAU?^TbVm" ThiirQ/iav "SONG OF THE EAGLE" in "rag dy? Richard Arien?tajtry Brian ?? Friday?KAY FRANCIS in "KEY HOLE" tl I J ? . FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE Mr. R. C. KING TELLS A WONDERFUL STORY ABOUT RATS. READ IT. ??i . y For months my place was alive with rats and I was loosing eggs, feed and chickens, when a friend told me to try BEST-YET. ( did and was somewhat disappointed at first by not seeing many dead rata, but in a few - days didnt see a live one. What were not killed are not,around my place. . BEST-YET kills rats and mice only and leaves no smell from the dead rat Comes in two sizes, 4 oz. size for the home 50c, 6 oz. size for the farm 75c. * Will not hurt your cat* dog or chickens. Sold and guaranteed by THE TURN AGE COMPANY, Ine* Farmville, N. C. FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE : i i .. ^ * {*' II I FOR'EXPERT BEAUTY SERVICE j | MRS. CHAS. W. SHACKLEPORD I Thone 215-W Far Appointmient f f; X ?Prices In Keeping: With The Times:? | |: -?PERMANENTS I If Special Prices - Eugene $5.00 - (Ml $3.eo {

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