181 f ? Occasion SltftiiftlE NICHOLAS '' '?*&! V:i - {':% ?-;*? '-?< ?E&*< --r >? ???' J^'', , pg^iv-. ? ' ,_^__jj 1 I t^tflpdtoR ^|^ ''Save dreamed oT ft generation ftfio^** I*-* ?ours. lace registers as dependably .vearuhle and chic. Then, too, one ?f the tuoa^.faBcInutlng chapters be I ?K written Into the story of fash I .ons present and coming has to do vlth shoea^; handbags and gloves which are Ingeniously styled of lace. 'lie as cobwebs [litter of sequin embelllshimsnt # 07v.: less Informal occa 8lon. The lines are as smart and new ad the taces.wblcb fash ion thettS&H1 To the left in the group we have a trig HtUe blouse, smart, ""Ctatlored and youths '? fui.:? Interesting, too. because of the very new fabriclike lace ?gold shot metal sepbyr tace knit ?and It comes In ih wide cboiee ? of colors such as candy beige, clay rust. Chinese coral and mahogany Drown, - waM The lace blouse with the polka dot pattern gives just the right ac cent when yon don't eara'-Jn look ' ? too tailored. Soft feminine and : quite new Ip line and medium Is this woolette lace blouse^ ')y^~ If yon want a blouse to dress up ? your suit for an afternoon bridge - or a matinee or three o'clock musl cate. here's the very thing centered In the pic*ure-f-a fine; Alencon taee In a thoroughly wearable style. ? , The newf lace tunics are wonder- ' fully good looking. Whether in the 1 modish dark colored laces, wine, hunter's green, rnst brown or in the 1 delectable. Ice blue, blush pink or 1 pale champagne tints, these \knee- ' length blouses - are ? fascinating. I Wear them" over a velvet or crepe Skirt or that which Is the last- word in chic?a sheerskirt knife pleated ' all around, for evening. . . J If you want to be assured of ah. ways looking beautifully gowned, during the formal after-live hours enrich your wardrobe to the extent of one exquisite black ipce gowid The filmy Chantilly black laces are' \ competing with the heavier gran diose Spanish types at present To vary the appearance of the black lace dress of your Aoice have It made with a neckline which iehda Itself to Jeweled clips, also to the wearing of flowers across the front neckline. MBII ? MiTrwrn FASHION'S FANCIES Blsct jiloWs are worn with black Tunica l ave turned the corner Into the Bpotllght of winter styles. New evening coat hy >Jenny U of velvet with feather sleeves In as A bracelet maae^ of Inlaid woods ; features the natural grain and color tones. American beauty red Is a /Jolor much seen In knitted costumes at present i ' A great effort Is being made In Paris to revive the custom of car- i rying fans. Woolen dresses with matching, fur-trimmed Jackets are newer than tWo-plece suits. 'f' ' ni . ? 11 "..7? p yi>. i.i j ^ 111/^ JAUNTY LOOK IN THIS TWO-PIECE MODISH DESIGN . *. ? ^ wfe-* >1^ A i ?. ' A PATTER!J tiro No wonder the young lady sketched here Is ao jaunty! WUb buttons up the blouse-front in a military man ner, neat sleeves carrying out the button motif in their unusual cuffs, and a slenderizing paneled skirt? who wouldn't be In a high mood? The tabs at the neck are the latest Idea in -what a snappy neckline should be. So la the triangular scarf which slips unuerneath then and ties In a perky knot at the back. The Bntall view shows a scarf and bow of ribbon. Make it up In ribbed or nubby wool and wear It with a Tyr olean felt hat. It*4 a high-gplrtted frock for a high-spirited girl?or woman. Pattern 0170 may be ordered only In sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 30, 18, 40, and 42. Size 18 requires 2% Inch contrasting. Send FIFTEEN vCENTS In coins of stamps' (coins are preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plain ly your NAME. ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. Send your order to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 282 West Eight eenth Street, New York. l#? a /f m _ ? _ ? Jt ft , M, ,, ? fM ? ,? ? Mxuncaima as an jxiterattvQ tn I the Treatment of [ RKEUHATO FEVERlGOUT, I Simple NewalfMbiictilar I Aches and Pains I At All Druggists I jtl. B*3y A 8m, WhoUtalt Distributor! WNU?4 51?84 ?v ?<-?'?? j.:: TX/i..L-1/ly Jlay |XHROUGH a ? WOMAN'S 1 Ieyes*^ THE CHILD'S MIND AND OURS THE child's mind Is as complex as the adult's. That pronouncement came out at the recent meeting of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. Dr. James S. I'lant,;dlrector of the New ark. (N. J.) Juvenile Clinic, told the assembled doctors psychiatry has Just learned that the child mind is no simpler to understand, than the adult mind, and that their fullure to realise this moy he responsible for the appalling number of delin quent and maladjusted chljglren. Well?we shouldn't be surprised. Only, whut a pity that the experts In this field didn't long ago consult ! a few ordinary .mothers, or pome teachers who knew their Jobs. Had they even paged enough Imagina tion to recall their own childhood, they need not have bpen so late in j discovering what to all who under stand children Is an obvious fact. The child mind as complex as the adult's?7 It would be safer to call It more compldx. In many lanes of knowledge and thought that are fa miliar and well charted to .the grown-up, the child moves In a con stant fog. He has hardly catalogued a thing in his mind when something happens to upset his theory and. leave him In the dark about what It Js all about. Scarcely have doubts on an Important principle of life re solved themselves Into definite knowledge, than an adult contra diction in action or speech, an adult bint or patronising smile, sends htm floundering again. A child has so many Ideals, so many hopes, so many Wonders and questions on which be forms con clusions which bring disappoint ments and doubts and disillusion, that he Is In a constant labyrinth of thought,' up one alley and down the next?usually, It must be said, after some adult who doesn't know where be Is going, but doesn't care so much, as the child 1 For the child's very world de|>ends on the answer to these thoughts. The adult's world Is formed?and how ever well or badly he may be adjust ed to It, he at least knows what h<>' k Is up against. Fur be It from me to palut adults as sure of life or ourselves. But there are many things we know, about which the child can only won der and guess. And about the things ty*at leave us as flounderlm and helpless as the child, we hi least know that we cannot know: And we have two weapons which he still lacks, to keep us on our fee' In the maze. They are philosoplo and a sense of humor. ?>, Ball Byndlcat*,?WNU Service. Employ Leather and Wool to Make Versatile Frock One minute It's a skirt, then ? knee rug, and then a throw-about the-neck. That's a feature of a new squaw sports suit of pig grain leath ier and blanket plaid wool. The pig grain and blanket plaid Jacket Is gay and Interesting, with a fringe bottom. There {ire pig grain alteeves and details, such as colalr edging and pocket welting that makes this sports suit smart and serviceable. ? - 1 , jjBKPp '"?' A Few Drops Every Night and Morning Will Promote a Glean, Healthy Condition! At Ail Drug, Stores WrtoMnrine Co..Dpt.W,ChioMo Jor Free Book OLD AGE PENSION INFORMATION ?Ncnuora stamp JUDGE LGHMAK, HOUBOLDT, KAN8 GIRLS WANTED To take Beauty Culture training. Pay ae you learn. Kara as Vou learn. Special Prices for limited time to limited pumber of students. Write at once for Information. MABSHAT.1,'8 HCIIOOI. OF - ^HBKAUTY CULTURE IN New Jteproe Bids. f Norfolk, ?a. ? 1 1 . 1 ' I Malllnsr Secretaries Wanted. Experience unnecessary. Pay- weekly, part advanced. Contract, details. 10c. and 3c stamp. 9. Y. Morse. 1009 Oak St.. Blmlra. N. Y. t ' 1 ' '? Do You Need Xmaa- Money? You buy "nothing: I buy from yon. Details free. J. Dona, UU Webster St.. PUla.. Pa. ? ? 11' ' \ 1 ' IFor Coughs due to CotdsTMInoM Bronchial and Throat Irritations I JAg. BAlLY a BON. Baltimore, Md. | a . f " ? 0 Yosr owe druggist is authorized to cheerfully refund your money on the' sppt If veu are net relieved bv Creomulsion . Hands Would Swell and Crack with Eczema Healed by Cutlcura "Eczema started on myv hands li blisters and then spread to my face My bands would itch and 1 woult rub them and they would get in flamed and burn terribly. They woul ?pain and crack open and would swe' until my hands were almost twlc their else. I could not sleep. "J saw an advertisement for Out cura Soap and Ointment and ser for a free sample. The first appl cation was soothing so I bougl more and after using two cakes c Cutlcura iSoap and three boxes o Cutlcura Ointment I was healed. (Signed) hfra Wm. Twomey, 2 Brookslde Ave., Jamaica Plain, Ma Soap 26c. Ointment 25c" and 60 Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere., Pr< prletors: Potter Drug & Ohtemler Corp., Maiden, Mass.?Adv. WATCH YOUR KIDNEYS! ?? . Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood YOUR kidneys are constantly 111 tering impurities from the blood stream. But kidneys get function ally disturbed?lag in their work? full to remove the poisonous body wastes. - Then you may suffer nagging backache, attacks of dizziness, burning, scanty or too .frequent urination, getting up at night, swollen feet and ankles, rheumatic pains; feel "all worn out," Don't delay! For the quicker you get rid of these poisons, the better your chances of good health. Use Boon's Pills. Doan's are for the kidneys only. They tend to pro mote normal functioning of the kidneys; should help them pass off the irritating poisonB. Boon's are recommended by users the country over. Get them from any druggist. DOAN'S PILLS