< - &ottal anil personals | John D. Dixon spent the week end here. ? * * Cecil Dixon was a business visitor here Wednesday. 1 ? ? ? Gilbert Wheless spent the week end with his parents, here. ? * ? Mrs. J. W. Dixon of Raleigh, is visiting relatives here. ? * ? Mr. Buck Fields has returned after a trip to Myrtle Beach. 9 0 9 The D. E. Oglesbys are vacationing at Morehead this week. 9 9 + Mr. and Mrs. Alec Allen are visit ing relatives in Tennessee. 9 9 9 Mrs. J. W. Parker is some better following a recent illness. 9 9 9 Miss Evelyn Brawn of Edenton is visiting Miss Helen Willis. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Fisher left Sunday for Arizona, on a vacation tour. 9 9 9 . Miss Natalie Vought is spending the week with her parents. 9 9 9 Mi -s Mary Harrison Benson spent Monday with Mrs. B. 0. Turnage. ? * * Miss Edith Pell of Chapel Hill is the guest of Miss Dorothy Clarke. t ? ? Miss Roseland Gaylord, of Roper, is visiting Miss Virginia Atkinson. 9 9.9 Miss Ruth Mordgan is the guest of Miss Gera.dine Gardner this week. 9 9 9 Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., and Mrs. L. ( B. Johnson spent Monday in Raleigh.! Miss Eva Mae Turnage and guest. Miss Sara Hines spent the week end here. ? * ? George Buchann was the week end guest of his aunt, Mrs. B. 0. Turn age. 9 9 9 Mrs. Harry Cooke and daughter! are guests of Mrs. B. S. Smith this week. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. BilHe Burke and' young son have returned from Rich- ? mond. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cobb and son, J. K. Jr., spent Sunday at Minniesotj Beach. ? * ? .1 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr and sons spent Sunday and Monday at Minnie- j sott Beach. ? ? ? I Mrs. R. H. Knott and Mrs. Irvin > Morgan, Jr., were Kinston visitors ? Tuesday. 9 9 9 Hume Paschal, Jr., is spending; some time in Johnston County with relatives. 9 9 9 Mrs. Cooper of Columbia is the j guest of her daughter, Mrs. D. E. \ Oglesby. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Barrett and; son, Claude, Jr.. were Kinston visi-! tors Sunday. * ? * Mrs. Eli Joyner and Miss Verona Lee Joyner were Greenyille visitors Wednesday. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., spent the week end at Morehead aboard the Lady M. 9 9 9 Miss Mary Frances Russell spent last week with friends and relatives in Snow Hill. * * ? Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. J. T. Bundy is improving from recent illness. ? ? ? Mrs. Carrie Benny, of Asheville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Forbes at King's Cross Roads. ? ? ? Miss Mary Elizabeth Barrett re turned Monday from a visit of sev eral days to Manteo. ? ? ? Prayer meeting will be held at the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. ? ? ? Bob Morgan has returned from Kinston where he underwent a tonsil operation on Tuesday. * * ? Miss Annie Daniel Lewis has re turned to her home after a week's visit in Petersburg, Va. ? * ? Mrs. Pearl Johnston, Mrs. C. A. Lilly and Mrs. Louise Tugwell were Greenville visitors Monday. ? ? ? Mrs. J. K. Cobb spent Monday in Greenville where she attended the funeral of Mrs. S. B. Law. 9 9 9 Mrs. M. V. Horton and son, Marvin, have returned after visiting relatives in Edenton and Hertford. ? . ? - Mrs. Agues Blount of Ayden was the guest of her daughter, Mrs- Frank Davis, Jr., on Wednesday. ? ? ? Mrs. Nat Henry of Chapel Hill was the week end guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Joyner. ? * 9 Vernon Forbes^ of Fararville was ifcpr*# Tuesday afternoon Jo Mias Hazel Edgeton, of Goldaboro. v Mrs. W. R. WUlis and daughter, Miss Helen, have returned from a visit in Hertford and Edenton. ? * ? Mrs. L. E. Flowers, Mrs. George Windham, Miss Emily Gayle and Charles B. Gayle, were Pinehurst visitors Saturday. ? * ? Mrs. Blanche Paschal has returned from a week's visit to relatives in Johnston County and Goldsboro. ? ? * Clarence Bennett Tugwell, of Foun tain, spent the past week end with his mother, Mrs. Louise Tugwell. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Skinner and sons, Rufus and Bruce, spent the fourth in New Bern with friends. . . ? ? ? Miss Nathlie Johnson, Willie, Car ley Ann and Flora Dean Johnson, are spending the week at Virginia Beach. ? * * Lieutenant Ben Turnage of Fort Moultrie, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Turnage. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jones and daughters, Misses Anne and Betsy spent several days of this week at j Morehead. ? ? ? Miss Alice Jean Johnson, of Ayden, spent last week in Farmville the guest of Miss Agnes Virginia Quinerly. ? ? ? Miss Marguerite Johnson left Mon day to begin her studies at Miss Hardbarger's Secretarial School in Raleigh. * * * Miss Mary Lorraine Home of Greenville, and Miss Evelyn Webb of Pinetops were guests of Miss Helen Willis last week. * ? 9 Mrs. E. L. Russell and children spent last week with Mrs. C. A. Brooks and Mrs. C. T. Westbrooks of near Walstonburg. * 9 m Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy have returned to their home in Leggetts after spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bundy* 9 9 9 Miss Alice Ruth Bundy has return ed to her home in Greenville after a week's visit to her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bundy. * * 9 Friends of Miss Alice Wooten will be glad to learn that she is recuperat ing, after an appendectomy in Green ville Hospital on Monday. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Smith and children, Yvonne and Bobby, have returned from a visit to relatives in Winston-Salem and Sparta. * * * Mrs. P. E. Jones returned Wednes day from Morehead City where she has been the guest of Mrs. S. A. Roebuck at her summer cottage. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gates, Miss Nancy Gates and Sterling, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Willis and son, Jack, were Morehead visitors, Sunday. ? ? a Mrs. J. L. Shackleford and sister, Miss Evelyn Horton, of Washington, D. C., and Edward Harris are spend ing the week at Virginia Beach, Va. 9 9 9 Miss Dora Rountree, Mrs. Frank Capps and Miss Novella Capps left Thursday for Virginia Beach after spending some time with Mrs. Dora Keel. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, Misses Elizabeth and Janie Davis and Mr. Bobbie Davis have returned from a trip to New York, West Point, Mon tieal, Quebec and Baltimore. 9 9 9J' t Miss Nellie Holloman, Mrs. Floyd Jeffreys and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. ; Barfield of Durham were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holloman, Monday. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Franklin, of Portsmouth, Va., spent Wednesday and Thursday here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cobb. They were accontpanied home by Miss Martha Cobb who will spend some time visit ing her aunt. LUNCHEON SHOWER Mrs. Albert Coy Monk, Jr., graci ously entertained on Monday at a luncheon shower, honoring Mrs. Gaorge Moore, Jr., a recent bride. Tables were laid for forty guests whose places were marked with mini ature baskets of mints in yellow and rose. At one o'clock, a barbecue luncheon was served by Misses Ruth Hayes Turnage and Anne Buchailn. The dessert course consisted of ice cream with angel cake in green and white motif. Following this, Mrs. Moore, \he honoree received a telegram telling of the many lovely showers of bless ings awaiting her in the music room. The gifts were attractively arranged on a table under a tiny blue silk um brella suspended from the center; of the room and showered with white ribbons. Miss Serene Turnage played during the opening of the gifts. ?" * "m As a good American why not try^ to understand the problems of other" areas and thus help the nation, as a whole, solve its problems? v ? ? 4 " " ? ? 1 11 I ENTERTAINS FOR GUESTS - ? ' Miss Helen Willis delightfully en tertained her house guests, Miss Mary Lorraine Home of Greenville, and Miss Evelyn Webb of Pinetops, at ' 4 tables of bridge on Thursday after noon. The house was beautifully decorat ed with summer flowers. [ Hose were presented to the guests of honor and Dusting powder went to Mi38 Frances Joyner for high score, and a handkerchief to Miss Betty Lytten for low score. Ice drinks and nuts were served while bridge was being played. At the conclusion, ice cream and cake were served. Guests were Misses Home, Webb, Joyner, Betty Lytten of Wilmington, Elizabeth Eason, Gene Horton, Nellie Butler of Milledgeville, Ga., Lucille Parker Virginia Spell, Jean Rey nolds of Elizabeth City, Meta Moore, Iona Greene, Eva Mae Hardy, Elsie Carraway, Jean Cannon of Ayden, Frances Joyner and Hazel Bass. JOHNSON-COCKRELL The wedding of Miss Jaunita John son and Robert Lee Cockrell was solemnized Sunday morning, July 14, at the home of the bride's uncle, F. M. Davis, Jr., with only relatives of Che bride in attendance. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. B. Mashburn of the Christian Church. The living room was beautifully decorated with summer flowers, and the improvised alta was arranged with trailing ivy and gladiolas. The bride wore a going-away suit of midnight blue faille with matching accessories and a shoulder corsage of talesman roses. Mrs. Cockrell is the beautiful and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson, formerly of Columbia, S. C., but now of Farmville, while Mr. Cockrell is a young business man of Columbia, S. C. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for a wedding trip to unannounced points. They will be at home after the 30th of July, Columbia, S. C. HONORS HOUSE-GUEST Miss Dorothy Clarke was the charming hostess to a number of her friends on Tuesday evening, in honor of her house-guest, Miss Edith Pell of Chapel Hill. After playing a num ber .of interesting gamles the guests were served lemonade and tiny wafers. WANTED ? SMALL SIZE IRON SAFE ? Address ENTERPRISE, Farmville, N. C. MAURY NEWS (By Elizabeth Sugg) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barber visited relatives in Winterville, Sunday. Mrs. Carl May of Wilmington is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. R. E. Mayo made a business trip to South Carolina last week; Mrs. Herbert Sugg and daughter, Elizabeth, were in Kinston, Tuesday A. M. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mayo and house guest spent Monday at Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buffaloe and little son spent the week end with Mr. J. Ed Sugg. Mrs. Willie B. Everette of Rober sonville visited Miss Elizabeth Sugg this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hardy left Mon day on a fishing trip at Morehead for a few days. Mr. and Mrs.,R. A. Collier of Lin den spent Sunday night with their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Moye. The Maury Free Will Baptist Church will broadcast over W.F.T.C. Sunday afternoon at one o'clock. : The Clara Granger Missionary So ciety met with Mrs. Leslie Eason in Snow Hill, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Hardy Albritton and daughter Esther Lou, left Sunday for Harts ville, Tenn., where they will visit relatives for a week. ? :,V< Mrs. Lawrence Moye and daugh ters, Jean, and Ruby, and Mrs. Clar ence Moye were Goldsboro visitors Sautrday. Misses Weitta and Ruth Elliott, Mr. James Mathews of Elkin are spending some time with Mrs. R. E. Mayo. Miss Clara Fussell of Rose Hill, Miss Maggie McPherson of Haw River, are visiting in the home of Mrs. L. L. Hardy. \ ? . I SPIVEY-COBB / , | The marriage of Miss Zelota Cobb of Pinetops and Wilson, and Clarence Eugene Spivey of Maury was solemn ized Thursday, June 24, in the Method dist Church in Louisburg with the Rev. J. G. Phillips officiating. The bride wore a costume of dar% blue crepe with matching accessories and her flowers were a shoulder cor sage of talisman roses. She is a graduate of Eastern Carolina Teach ers College, Greenville, ? also is ? graduate nurse of Carolina General hospital, Wilson. Mr. Spivey is a farmer of Mauryj Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Spivey left for Lake Junaluska and other points hi western North Garolina. They will b? at home in Maury. 1 .. ? . ...... WAL3TGNBURG NEWS - ' g ? Mrs. Bffl Ellis of Wilson spent ! Wednesday with her parents. Burton Taylor has returned after } a visit to relatives in jDuifcam. Friends will regret to learn that W. L Shackleford is ill at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Marlowe and children span* Monday at Atlantic Beach. C, T. Batman, Ben Wheeler and W. E. Lang, Jr., spent thaweek end at Manteo. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hicks and children are spending this week at) Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fields left Saturday for a visit with friends in Morahead City. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jenkins and sons spent the week end with Mr. Jenkins' mother near Fairmont A number of the people hare at tended the funeral of Mrs. Whitley in Saratoga, Monday. The people of the town and com munity are glad to welcome Dr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald to our town. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft and Paul Craft left Tuesday night for Atkinson, Ga., where they were called on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Craft's mother. fa meeting with Mi*. Ed S. Taylor on Wednesday afternoon. # After:.;the conclusion of the program a tempt ing lee course wae served. MEETING POSTPONED We have been repeated to ah uounce that the meeting of the Pttti County Ministeral UWon which was to have been held in Farmville on Monday, July 12th, has been post poned to October, doe to the fact that many of the Ministers are now on their summer vacations. ? - Up in the Morning Feeling Fine! The refreshing relief ao many folks ny titof get hp taking Black-Draught for eon- . stipation makes thfin enthu siastic about this famous, purely vegetable laxative. Black-Draught puts the digestifs traet in better ocstdiUnn to act regu larly. every day, without your oon thwmlly having to take medtatne to move the bowels. Next tone, he sore to fe| A POOD LAXAHVM ????MMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM | Attention!? We are pleased to announce that i: ARCH J. FLANAGAN i: j; wiO be associated with us beginning July 15, : i: 1937, as our Field Representative. o <> || The Turnage Co., Inc. || !; T. C. TURNAGE, President. j| ?ooooooo#?oo+#o#MMeoeM##eeeeoeoeeeMQ<>oooooeooeoeo Announcement! I wish to announce that I have moved my Beauty o * I Parlor from my residence to the office building on Main JI < I Street opposite the new Paramount Theatre and will appre- ;; J; ciate your patronage. < > :: LATEST MODERN EQUIPMENT j; I! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS \\ i| Quality Beauty Parlor :; Mrs. Chas. Shackleford, Owner. < ? OPERATORS . j; !I Miss Mamie Stancill Miss Edna Hamilton. <; J: PHONE 280-1 J; ? 1 ? DON'T ay TOO HIGH Tktveliloney ["LYING/too high . ? ? putting a mortgage on your I future with INSTALLMENT debts ... will be sure j j \' to lead to a CRASH when your gas . . . your MONEY a ;; ... gives out. I ;; Yes, Buy and enjoy life . . . but FIRST have the Z \ \ money and be sure you can AFFORD it. Z l| | START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business r . ; SAFETY of our Deposits Is INSURED ;; - ? ' :i ' ,? by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $5,000 for '< > \ \ Each Depositor I , ? ' ?!! I THDQQ i o HAVE MONEY I \\ f The Bank of Farmville Pannville, N. C. THPnci X . HAVE MONEY! i ^ Member Federal Depoeit Insurance Corporation | FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE - %. ii NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ii i i SCHEDULE C ANGED i i ii VIA RAIL BUS ii < ? o o effective sunday,-une 6th. o I; ?daily? i: o ? 6:55 AM Lv. Washington o 7:82 AM Lv. Greenville ;; 7:51 AM Lv. Farmville o 8:27 AM Lv. Wilson o 9:11 AM Lv. Zebulon \\ 9:20 AM Lv. Wendell ;; 10:00 AM Ar. Raleigh Ar. 7:25 PM ;; Lv. 6:40 PM