Beautiful & Durable Production of the Fvniture Makers Sho\vn by Bostic&Sugg . - - ?? r in - t 1 GnwrriBe's Newest And Most Mod ify Located At WE. Fifth Street 4 Mr.Bastie, Forawrty With Quian Hpsr, Invitee Hie FtM Aad ^ , ' OvHIH|IHir?vrB ITIvQ i3iHHipillj^? ' Here, conveniently located for the people of this end surrounding ter ritory, is the piece to furnish year home, at a reel saving. Their stock tOshpfat snniything that toe modern Before you furnish your home let Bostic & Sugg Furniture Co. show you those home outfits. You will be> delighted at the variety and beauty aa well as with the price. This modern and well conducted establishment is a store of the peo ple and for the people?a store built en the plan that aims to give mutual pleasure, satisfaction and benefit, for it is the aim of the management to make happy, satisfied customer! by supplying at reasonable prices the necessities, comforts, conveniences and the luxuries. The various articles have been se lected with a view to perfection ir three things: comfort, beauty and durability, and -embrace as a whole the most beautiful and durable pro ductions of the furniture makers' art T ' : ' Keeping in close touch with the fur ^ niture centers, they are able to boy ? when the market is right at priocs i that enable them to pass on to their i [ customers real money saving values. , Bostic & Sugg's Furniture store now ; has in stock many newdesigns, and t the manager invites people from this > section to make the store headquart i ers when in town shopping. There is however, no obligation to buy, of ? course, and the many modefe dis t played will prove very interesting. [ When one goes to their attractive i and complete store, they know in ad ? vance they will get value rfeceived . for their money. WHITE'S STORE/GREENVILLE'S LEADING DmmTMENT STORE The White Stores, Located at SJ9 { DickliiMn, 'With 'Telephone 628, Hoeing- Completed IbAsrgement of Their 'Store Three-Weeks Ago, 'Is Half Again As Large Aft The Origf nal Store. They Now Hare The Largest Floor Space of Any Store In Eastern Carolina, Thereby As suring Patrons of Plenty of Shop ping Boom. They Have Installed A Complete And Up-To-Date Mar ket, Carrying Prime Cuts of Both Native and Western Meats. They Also IshirgfiiTThrii Grocery De partment, And Now Carry A Com plete Line of Heavy Groceries. This popular institution has grown with hardly a pause in its rapid de velopment That much discussed word "Service" finds true expression 1 ' ? I in the friendly atmosphere that de velops every customer in this pop- 1 -ular store because service is inter- i pre ted in so many ways, that it may well be said to be the sign manual of ; the institution. It has maintained an air of calm, friendly dignity which i j can be associated only with institu-' tions of standing and sure positions. J ? Every customer of this store knows ; that the management has before it always the record of the institution's rapid growth and treasures the con fidence people have come to place in its every statement This reliable organization with its wide ramification of style-fashion in- j formation and merchandise offerings is always conscious of'its reputation, and anxious to preserve and improve it by carefully checking and recheck- < ing its statements to make sure that hhe public is well served in informa tion, as well as in merchandise. Each department of the White Store is superintended by those well trained in the needs of the depart ment and the merchandise that -is handled so that all goods will be of the latest styfe-design, material and highest quality that the market af fords. We call the attention of all the readers to the advantage of having a metropolitan store -at-their very door which has maintained/inviolate ser vice to the public. This policy should guide you to transact business with this reliable firm who has your in terest at heart. Be sure to make White's Store your headquarters in Greenville shopping. GUARANTY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY GREAT COMMERCIAL ASSET TO Tiff ENTIRE SECTION - 1 '? ?? -"?????? Conveniently Located For People of This and Surrounding; Terri tory In Greenville, Belhaven, Bethel, Elizabeth City, Roberson ville. Snow Hill, Washington, Williamston. THE GUARANTY BANK AND COMPANY, established in 1901, is a financial pillar of unsurpassed strength in this section of the state. Its methods are up to date and effi cient. Its management is able and fully competent to cope with every financial problem that may come to it for solution. An important factor in the development of this section. As a factor in the upbuilding of this section, this bank has played a prominent and honorable part. It is known as a bank of superlative in tegrity and one that can be co raited on to carry its share of the load in any forward-looking and progressive ? movement. The policy of this bank is one of accomodation and convenience to its customers. It is liberal without be ing careless, conservative without be ing hide-bound. This policy has drawn to this institution a~ large clientele of friends, whom it serves. The Guaranty Bank and Trust Com pany of course conducts a general banking business. Its service and ad vice are sought by the largest corpo rations as well as by the humblest individual, and in every instance the same courteous treatment is extend ed, and the same careful attention given to the problems presented. Sav ings and checking accounts are car ried as a part of the hank's regular business. Collections are promtply made, and every assistance in the. way of loans to deserving enterprises is rendered. ' - , It is a member of the Federal De posit Insurance Corporation, and each depositor is insured up to $6,000.00. It is under the supervision of the. Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora tion, and State Banking Department. Its soundness has never been ques-, tioned. Its officers are men of high est standing in their community, and of irresproachable character and un assailable repute. They have always; adhered to the soundest principles of. banking, and are well deserving of' the magnificent patronage that has been extended to their ably managed) institution. The Guaranty Bank and Trust Company has a capital, surplus and profit in excess of $760,000, and total assets of $7,500,000. We take < this opportunity in thje review to heartily recommend this financial leader to our readers. Greeville Beauty Shop Section's Newest ant Mosf Modern : \. Conveniently Located For The Ladies Of The Somniiqt Territory At 4th and Washington With Phone . . --WL : Graduate Masseuse, Cosmetiste and Done, Hair Dyeing and all work scientifically done. , The Greenville Shanty Shop is under professional di rection, specializing in marcelling, -shampooing, facials, permanent wav ing and all beauty culture, uses the hast preparations; one of the lesmng beauty shops in this community, they -specialize in the most advanced sys tems of-beauty culture and merits it is favored by the discriminating pub " 'A V^n a shop of this nature, the de twmds of each customer varies to an thi? shop to wants and seeds of its customers is tile cause j of its ever increasing popularity. In addition to these characteristics it is reliable, and their advice/ the out igrowth of study and experience, can be- relied upon like the_treatments given here. - Marcelling, manicuring, facial mas sages, hair dressing are some of the specialties of this shop, and the wo men who wish the advanced methods, of beauty culture, her desire can be attained at this establishment Here the style of a coiffure ia considered too important a part of your appear- ' ance to be governed by some whim of the moment- and because of this the individual type is considered and their work emphasizes youth in the young er woman and dignity and good grooming in the mature. Healthy lair is a necessary quality for iyvefl appearing coiffure and jt-this shop unhealthy hair is treated after the '?*?* ? \ \*' ' ?" .*'*>;'/* " ? ' * ' -V ? ? - 1 ???>*'. ! " ? i ? quaint but successful methods of long ago days, the whole system be ing based on the correct use of tonics that stimulate and heal. It is openly admitted by skin specialists everywhere that activity of the body lends brightness to the face and makes one appear young, still there are unmistakable signs of age that appear even with a healthy, active body and at this simp the give away lines and flabby muscles are remedied. At this shop the treat ment chosen in facial work is the one which is the best suited to the cases in hand. Women cannot be too careful of their personal appearance and the most uncomely woman could be at tractive if she would try. At *Phe Greenville Beauty Shop the treat ments and advise given is to make the most of your good points and the least of your bad ones. /, ?.?? ^ T n f , im n n, I ? "vtk. nr.i| jsanwiMm I erntory wou wei J ? Al /tIf-. ?_ < -? . ?-?. A L? _ _ .^A. u v^ox Mamiiaccarifig yoropaivy " ~4. - ??^'v ?" ?" ? ?t and operated by the son of the' founder, Mr. Boy T. Cox who g*ew with ** bOfflHeaH. ;? This firm manufactures the follow ing- farm implements: The fitmoor TOX COTTON PLANTER, THE THB -COX ECONOMIC BACKBAND the . . FLUES. done'for this section. It has become ! [such an, every daypart of the com- ] raunity that many have come to re- ] [gerd it as a matter of coarse. It is ; well to pause occasionally and con-; J j ?,'ptoe of the most convenient things i housewife can have for the dining roam and kitchen is'a tea wagon, or wheel tray, said Mi*? Mammie N. Whisnant, State Coo liege assistant extension specialist in home manage ment and house furnishings. These wagons, which can be made at home or purchased for a moderate Bum, not only save steps but also en able the hostess to Bervd more gra ciously, Miss Whisnant pointed out Carrying food into the dining room and taking empty dishes back to the kitchen is much easier with a tea wagon. Housewives also find it nice, to have the coffee or tea service placed on a wheel tray beside the hos tess rather than on the dining .table. As dishes are emptied during the course of a meal, they may be set on the bottom shelf of the wagon where they will be out of sight until they are rolled into the kitchen. , * Another advantage, Miss Whisnant said,' is that an entire course, such as soup or the > dessert, may be brought in from the kitchen one dish at a time. At a meeting of home demonstra tion club women at Trenton in the Jones County agricultural building a few days ago, Miss Whisnant demon strated the use of a tea wagon, and practically all women present an nounced that they wanted to get wagons for themselves. Directions for making wheel trays at home may be obtained free from; the home demonstration department, at State College, Raleigh, in home management circular No. 5. Or knocked-down wagons, complete, with all equipment and full directions for assembling,' can be bought inexpen sively, Miss Whisnant added. v \:.v r Advice: When you meet a man or a woman who is thoroughly convinced on any issue, pass on. Il ?~"l Our Hobby Is ?o?d ft??1 Printing vmples of I I our rusi- ; ? ness cards, ; ????? visiting 1 M ctrdi. wedding , and other invitations. pam phlets. folders, letter heads, statements, shipping tags. 5 envelopes,-etc, eonstandy ?3 carried in stock-for your accommodation. Oct our figures on that printing yon have been thinking of. New Vjvfeliatest Style Faces j i ; i U Double Service With Modern And Sanitary Bottling Plant Located At 1117 Evane St. They have a very modern plant fit ted for the production of beverages that are bottled under the most sani tary conditions. Discriminating peo ple would always'rather drink from one of their bottles than frofa an open .container-that is mined, by the aver age place, as the botttes are all sterilized and there is no chance for dust to get into the products. Double Coin; Bottling Go. use the very best of materials and .all their beverages yjj . are rich in flavor and sparkle wfch } the famous carbonized water which has been highly recommended by well 1 known health authorities. Always < deniand the product of this plant, i Look at the . label arid see that you i get what you order as the products j are the result of superior recipes that are only known to the management When you buy carbonated bever- 1 ages of any sort or soft drinks frqm., i this- bottling works you may be sure that you. are getting the purest of products for a two-fold reason. Finst and foremost the works are under' the personal direction of an able . ?- L ... , ;? ii uiinm^n w i ?niiyi mw i. ppfw nanagement and that fot "in jures the ftoolutp jnigity of the bev iWgfsa. In addition .they.ftre bp&kd under the pore food and drag act and ire. inspected at frequent intervals by the State .board of hihimn Uii Doable Cola Bottling Co. offerrJdhe very beat of service in the way of de livery,, always keeping ?a Jarge..sup ply on.hand. One nan.rtrire-uaihere and secure as much as he despNatnr if you don't happen/to be going to town write .or call thami oyer, th? phone. ? All nrdera are- filled prompt ly. Men and Young Now Patronize BalcftelorCIoth- . ing Store-Greenville's Leading Clothing Store . . <ii w ? ii ? ? ? mi ? ??? ? ? ii ?nmnii mi ? imIi i ii ???-V - - X Conveniently located For. People of I, The Surrounding Territory at 417 ) Evans Street. t 1 I Many stores handle men's1 clothes,, j and quite a number, of these- special- i ize in extremely low prices. The trade has learned that the class of goods . handled by many of these Arms is ?: of inferior quality and wffl not hold j their shape through one season. Therefore it is with a feeling of - satisfaction that the customer enters Bstchelor Clothing Store realizing i service and quality extending this i year wili be considered when the next' season approaches. i This well known house has-chosen its stocks with, a view to giving, its customers the "(greatest Value Pos ^ .y ?. , V<-'. ' ? rible" when it comes to Ready Made Clothing they have only the Brands that are high class and which are so complete as to Sty4e Cloth and Prices that the most. particular can find something suitable. Rut the success of a dealer in this line rests not alone with the price which he payB for his garment?. Re must be an efficient buyer well versed in the styles of the day and with a knowledge of the demands of' his customers. It is this feature of the trade that has made Batchelor Clothing Store so popular with the men of this section. Batchelor Cloth ing Store's full- line of clothing .is HIGH-CLASS..and givea the wearer the "cast of a gentleman." Selecting their stock with the most extreme ' care they have secured aii ?ttiy bf the Most Exclusive Designs in Shirts, Ties, Underwture, Hats, .Caps, Hosiery and other Clotlung essentials. This stock is made up-of'represen tative goods, articles of national repu tation. The totan who is- particular as to his personal appearance can find what he needsjbX this store. And now we come to the matter of prices. ! It has always been the endeavor of Batchelor Clothing Store to secure- a fair and honest profit but-their'busi ness principles never permit an ex horbifcant one. They have provided [the trade with a representative-stock of goods in which you can have every confidence and articles of dress. that render the character of your attire individual. ? \ GREENVILLE EQUIPMENT COMPANY J. A. BOWEN, Manager ? ? Located at 105 East Fifth Street in-Greenville, N. C., Phone 216. At the -above address will be found a full line of the worlds famous Mc Cormick Deering farm machinery. All materized farm machinery equip ment operates on No. 1 distilled oil,1 commonly caifed furnace and fuel oil, and sometimes crude oil, which 1 is much cheaper than kerosene or gasoline. . ^ This is the home of the McCormick- ' Deering Farm Machinery. They are specializing in the enclosed-gear mowing machine, the finest machine of its kind ever built and the Mo Cormick-Deering F-12 Farmall Trac tor for medium farm uses. /When you purchase the F-12 Farm- ! all Tractor be sure it is equipped witji FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS GROUND GRIP TIRES as they increase the power 30 per cent and cut fuel cost, 4 20 per cents. Don't forget to use the- j FIRESTONE GROUND GRIP TIRES - on your tractor. The FIRESTONE GROUND GRIP j TIRES can be purchased through the. i Greenville Equipment Copipany. They also have roller bearing j double disc grain drill, Crimp center, steel heated disc harrow, and the- i Diesel Power Unit. Drop in and see Mr. Bowen for a demonstration. They operate an ^establishment which ~ is j known far and wide for they are the. foremost dealers in McCormick-Deer- i ing farm equipment in this section and handle the best lines known 1 throughout the world under the di- a rection of experienced management j who knoWB this business thoroughly. In this part of the state there is < not an establishment that surpasses ? that of this well known establish - ment in , point of diversity of articles carried for. the -fanner. They maintain a service depart ment carrying ail kinds of mparts; 'Un der (the ;diroctipn of a prominent business man, thia is truly a metro politan establishment. When you want a truck, try jUm In ternational first. Their pick-up. truck is the finest on the market, and/if you need a larger size this firm can have it for you onshortnotice. \ > ? In-this review we are glad to eom-' pliment Greenville Equipment/ Com pany upon the very'large display of modern farm machinery and'-tractors at this establishment and ^e excel - lent service they are giving: and the part they are playing in the rapid development of the faarming section of tbis .-pdrt of the tstatei If it wasn't for the details almost [ every business man would be a ] Wizard _ j 1 1 1 . * Life is impeded by people who want the benefits without the obli- i gations. - i .?I. -, - tj . " Job-hunting is not altogether un known among those who hold high places. Every once in a while life presents a surprise; some good and .some not : jo good. i The dream that was walking is not to-be compared to the nightmare - that was talking. .. !-.)?. :t ? g-.A-' vtj'i . \ i* i The expression of personality is not synomous with oddity or ihsaoi ? ? ? 1 ? GARRIS-EVANS LUMBER CO. Located In Greenville on Corner Of Houses and Short -Streets, - With Telephone 202. Has Seen Furnish* ing Section With The Best of 'Building Materials For Over Twen - ty Years. _ This is one .of ibe firms in this section that offers the -best of ser vice and prices that are so reason able as to encourage buildyag of new homes and enterprises. They will be I glad to submit estimates. They of fer a very large stock and prompt delivery so that no work will be de layed. Guaranteed satisfaction ? "Uniformity in Quality and Price." With a vision of a greater statd and community always in mind-this popular firm which operates .one. of the best mipply establishments in this section of the sta^'has become an important factor in the develop-i ment of this section. While it has I been their object to obtain a fair and | honest (profit fromtheir extensive dealings in lumber and building ma- ' terials, the guiding influence of this company: has always been the deter mination to furnish the highest grade goods-at prices so reasonable that the ?extension,-and beautification of the j City and section could .progress rapid- i ly and in great leaps and bounds. j Lumber, ^lath shingles, roofing, j moulding -and ail other denumds of i< the builder are furnished by this < progressive firm. By purchasing to i advantage when the , market is right i and employing only the most exper- j ienced help they are able to offer < these high grade goods at prices so i reasonable as to encourage the ex- i tension and beautification of hofhes i and enterprises. 1 In making this review of the com- 1 mrarity we are glad to compliment the < Gams and Evans Lumber Co., upon 1 their excellent service in all depart- < mente.and.refer them to all our read- i ' i'w '-v- . ; . 11 ? DR. P. F. BATCHELOR?SECTION'S MOOT PROMINENT OSTEOPATHIC I-'**: 1 1 1 " .-fo.f.i; ?: Located in Greenville with office# I n the State Bank Building.telephone 20<J, is a well known progressive practioneer of Osteopathy has kept pace with the times, and is noWenrj ioying a large and increasing patron ige from the city and the fu^rotmd-1 ng territory.2; j There is not snother urtft of thr field of research that has made great *r progress thanthe modern science >f osteopathy. ' She greater profes sional scientific minds of the world he iMidenta oftfcV aprfcin TrSi I ? ,m 1,11 "'-i 11 u'i' 'r-i-.j-'j ?ij'm'ih a is tie high degree of general satis faction expressed by His numerous > patients among whom arepeople of CWffinu back in .13M; the stience of OsteoBethjr was dlKovered.' Eighteen. ' yeen liter, in 18?2, the tint oeteo- , ?thle nilt Kiriu- n WU-UUgUUUw vlio * ? . t , ? 1 8j STATES IN Th K UNION- I \n directing* yout attention to Dr? P. R rp T*> ? ints/y ? ire. i J, ? | PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COMPANY RENDERS BEST OF SERVICE With Modern And . Sanitary Plant Located At 1809-11 Dickerson Ave nue. Phone 180. ' - : They have, a very modern plant fitted for the production of beverages that are bottled under the most .sani tary conditions: Discriminating peo ple would always rather drink from >ne of their bottles than from jpejncontainer that is mixed by the average place as the bottles are all iteralized and there is no chance for hut to get .into the products. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. use tlie very besj of naterials and all their beverages are rich in flavor and sparkle with the famous carbonized water which has jeep highly recommended by well mown health authorities. Always lemand the product of this plant Liook at the label and see that you ret what you order as the products ue the result of- superior recipes ? ?'i t ' i ? m< . . j ?? ?. I.I F --v that are only known to the manage ment. ' When "you buy carbonated 'hater ages of any sort or totord&iAmJrow this bottling works you may ^e sure that you are getting the purest of products for a two-fold reason. First -and- foremost the works are under - the personal direction of an-able man agement and that fact sbim- {nfcipep the absolute purity of the beverages. ^ In addition they are bottled under the pure food mjkf'urug act and are inspec.J at -Sequent intervals ; by the state board of health inspector. NJBepsi Cola Bottljpg Co.. offer the very best ,of service jn the way of der livery, always keeping alarge sup ply on hand. One can drive.19 here and secure as tpmeh as he desires, or . if you don't happen to beting to town write or call them aver the phone. ^ ,/Jl orders are filled.jjrompt vtfics Lcfldliijj v.'-.' ' . Maturing The Beit In; Mta's ;%ndi Young Men's Wear. '.Conveniently Located At 414 Brans St., Phone* jf9.. ' - v j he? has ftter been) ".This establishment has a^'4nged a; i&twr wn3v may dg your rctjuirc" ? j ?_ ? 7^ : : = ; . ' greeted with a smile and tha.aales-. jaeooare ready to be of the slightest ' toetfo-wn.- .They- wfli make wig g^ntmna what you;ahould. acear 'l IHjWMP i ********V - /w? . and If(.certain.articles do not .become - you they- will nci he?t?te..ta<^iyon hut will show you another that Jb more complimentary to your type. jn^Store ^ - ja. ? fritooninff' for- map ? : - "P ^JWvBJWlwu-, KkmumUl;' ?mi

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