? 1 ' '' * ' ' 11 - . ." ? a ALSX K0U8B, Owner k Xft. ? _???~^^"? I I thb bop** rvsnmt 1^^ l APVOTffl^ 1^1 I Published weekly end *wd *? I I Pi ? d** M*A V?tt?r ?t the ? I pmf^* St Ihnanrflk, N. C, *?* I WELCOME SANTA CLAUS Santa CUM, inevitable master of jl childish hearts, it shout to pay MaW gnaual yi?t to the homes of Farm- I I Children ere elresdy writing their I letter, to the good I known their dream desires, mam I counting the days and he makes his magic entrance iatoH I their' homes. . H What man or woman can bear xne ? thought of disappointed faith; r> the I I hearts of little children? Whatone| I of us would not give *tfl * I an effort to help fulfill juvenile ? I make the heart of every^d H I in Fannville glad for one CtaistmM ? day. Let's see that very^cMM,* U I our community, has at **?? I I ?f ^rd ^?9aT, *j?L tteirl and gladness, a day when tarnr | dreams shaft come true. I GERMANY FIGHTS THE H WORLD I Following up the peace of Munich I I the German government has kcreas- I I ed the Reich steading ?*** g ??!H I million men, making it th? laz?^ I I peacetime army i? tha worid, with ? I the exception of Russia. . I I Moreorer, tk. G?m? I i, u^C Wf of ?. ? I a- r*?- * ^ I nation is regimented for s, smg m porpeae, that is, to make effective I warfare. _;i.ntinn I I Of com ft. ?*?rf I I in Ormwj ft fti ? *? I I to a barter tjMmI I trade, not beeaase of preference, w? ? I because it cannot finance ***** *"* I oSrway. I cial wisard, admits tide and caDa I I upon other nations to mak*JVP?!~ I sible for Germany to go J** * I I former trading I I fK. rwbw system was forced upon bar- ? I many hy "Americen andBr^tai^ ? I una and the French quota ays- ? I "swy sensible I r.m11nT jo with Its lot ? I ^TJorid and I determined to use ^eecum sd-| l 2?^?5S I rearming in order to I Hitter aid hfc I allies, will net he able to take by ? I force what thay potetes. II I AN BVW-GB0W1NG I I PB0BLE"J^^^W I ^.^IT6D iwd ^ ^ I I WffWiTintm! was to hnild a given | ? ^J^o^Sniar for. definite ? minority perty to write the G. G. P. record during A* next year ?# ? half. Thar *> ?* gtoa a W *gto rating to the policy committee. The meeting in Washington. in the latter part of November, not only adver tised the Hbrnat and no?errtttfa d8r fmnuT, but by allowing a conserve tive of the old school to seoro a ?g* tory orer a liberal, gave aid and comfort 'to th3 Democrats, who want nothing more than ? Republican to oppose their candidate in 1M0. - li'jt is too early to try/to ri* didates for either party. President Roosevelt has not announced his eourse and until he does the faithful will lay tow.* despite theMeN^ mad Garner talk. If and when, the riosiitont says he wffl not be a can didate and that is probably what he win say, there wont ba modi time for the Democratic rivals to stage ?*%>* The are that the J&ministr^b tion wffl hand-pick the nominee be fore the mat of the ?owd ~>%*tu+ to line up any opposition that would stand a chance. I On the Republican side, Dewey and Tsft, et at, to Jecflledy premature. No one can' ttjT party member might develop leader ship during the next twenty months, or who will capture popular fancy by sound political strategy. An that we, can do is to watch developments. It is not yet apparent ?wfa?th tor- . I ~r mm ? ie y:, ^ i.-. ??inaailltlli itgMll : "i 1 .. ?.. jLUM^awn. . Hsi "d.yw,s^' i?ll?lpl P?SisrJ Mr*. BayWeet, kJE$hI?h? taS^Wta*^Nto jr.?..": agd Ik th. dbtaf rwm a Chrlatmaa two cortMwt *0 ?jitaj and Contract bridge waa enjojpaanuj after the P*M tbevho^J1lS^ ed Mis* Wa%*** ^,^1.^221 sSSht bridT^ww kjrt, wta*r, w? ?* T ^ %K* cr?m *tf Mvt^a <* ariU, Christmas *aig? *? ."~l m tints, WHO wssdltojh. roasts. CtVK SHOWWt FOB BWDE paaBSgga agts^tstA <\ n?r&?*?"?> """sls were thrown *n ?2ito-'T5? nf rhrist the iteire ? lighted Chrto^J^ thraw * chorry flow 0Ver t^\?J" Mm Carlo. Walrton tes-ssassSV*? raraas. ^. ?? tosew . . J janie Maitowe then pderefl *|| musical. i**dft>f. j Wh^lUwj'.^ Ure,^ySS Little Mies Emma Jean ;peaaic* l Nssssct mon mttrod U, ? mintoWr. hp?M?9 I groom. Tho UtBo bndo wm stemd] towuto. mfrz&sm ^""^l lv?il nf tulle end orange &loesom% 4 I Holding the I l.i'Sm'^Ta.U ro^twhm n* J* """ Lam Mgl I upon as a section of beaehee, neh-1 My'bfiS as a -wStitute for all the dried milk products, owk half the $eh meal.'Ind one-half the cieat meat recommended In the mash reqpiriid for 100 hehs. ttoe gallon may batted!? ptt* Of****** milk producto each^day fog^ge. f depend upon the regularity of stitutions should be made. Won: ^Tiould lettoc. plants be set in the field? Answer: For the early spring ?tbp la Eastern North Carolina the plants should he set in Jtanuury am| narfy they giw in the bed. Do not cover Is necessary ai lettuc* that does not mature before hot weather Is usually of poor quall^' and often does not mwmmmmm turned it under In1 tfce spring; and this year the number of farmers Blair" says this ean be aeeounted for by; stkh demonst^ons as the BtoSi Harbor*in Dare County. Lastfatt Jfr.Sawyer Jewed half of his field to vetdr ahd left the other half without a legume. Th$ yield of com where no vefch *as pishtad was but where Vetch . was turned the vield was S2 bushNs to the acnfc o^%kttfe^^i!tae m tura fertility. The corn planted WM; a local white variety, and it.'was all fertilised with 400 pounds of 4-8-4 ? ?li? ^.SD C ^ ^ ^.n?*p*.?Mg? Newspaper* will raport better ?eipr ^^itt ,.,. T^-T?? ? ' ^ ? Lionel Barrymore an/ Lew ^OTpj^DB; KILDAWf^ ^fcjDAY^pPTODjtiES >111 r>'fr. >?i*~ Miijih^^ TS?*iti;' lllliallll afe^yfrgaa S^Sirsill Jflyyp{ ?nm M" Comp sssas EXPERT BEAUTY CARE TOR* EVERY ^ NEED ^ ^ . yf ^8 V a S7 If AA A /^ifc>,~'"'~ mcl | ' ;'^fl|-I IV mmjf&i'; ??:?^ U..1," -?-/ s ? -^? I -j .'? -\ a K I L^] j If J'VAAAA j?WV>, ??'?,- ^^fy Iwl 144 flll^lff |m|||V||n i V^M^aKn j^l m ?.? ? M f T* ?// ' jj|f w AnllAAn Tfl %| y Qk Jn "^vH O XTLU ITU^V k/IUIiDJ 1 VuUvvU , w y*WIV il pj| ''"' . ?'jVpah'.f ;" ? -it'- ? ? . -? 9^S^??T. fi ' 1 C lUi>?). A ll tlTono Oa?!^a. - - - *-- - - *^ ..'. Mf A? V 1 19 iH?ll H All IVAVr HIITTm PPnlirM i/l SI'S IIf\ m *" ?*vit o mi "" *" V OtUUh lvUUvvU w . ... Ullllt/U EC 41 13 RnW Suits, f^ducfid 1a si .' "Tr^fW*'' v,*''tv'*1 W** WVtl/V BE* ;. - ?..??.???"?? y. ... .:.- '. .? . ,' :? .. ?. " ? " .? ? V.' ?..'- ' Cj -S Bovs* Suits, reduced to Si OS ? ?^fi 1M yinFfaJJ^HMB3giWC3^?FMfffi;^:3rT7W -v ? ?-??"?'? -N - irvV** - * -V ' . v ?. ?- -?|Er > ? ?/ ; -? xx xjOjS 9UHS) reaucea iu $o?5/0 55