imimiiumbih ii ii I - '. -?- <. *?- ?v .- ' t@ a ' E .tt ? -to ? ???8'WBBIVgft^^fc'al^^Wgf^.^HlilSjfftv JK^gF?. -(&.- Sis ? VaJalBl^K&i^v9B3y^BgE\-r::irW:'?flfc38r. - r. L . , K~'" * ' & .*?. -Stff Br-',--. ^ r. JS^S^r> - ?- '? < > ???I. UMP MP ? \-hiA ' < ? . _ . _ m mm T ? " ??????? >>umuji put tiMum. sm CAROLINA. fVSAT, JANUARY i IW NUMBER THIRTY-F} volume THurr ^Ma~1T: ffJ?.. - :> <?. ** ? :?:. Bra:-. ;Hj And New Tax to Finance Defence Made By President . i - Says U. S. May Lead To Peace; Declares, How ever, That Tikis Coun try Must Be Prepared To Take Care of Itself If like World Can Not Attain Peace; Suggests Sufficient Additional Taxes Washington, Jan. 3. ?? President Roosevelt coupled an emphatic plea for national unity in the fact of war born disintegration abroad today with a recommendation that Congress vote new taxes to finance "emergency spending" for a "common sense" na tional defense. But, he said in his aaanal message, "the permanent security of America in* the present crisis does not lie in armed force alone." He continued: "What we face is a set of world wide forces of diniitagnstiun?vici ous, ruthless, destructive of all the moral, religious and political stand ards which mankind, after centuries of struggle, has come to cherish." ?. Washington, Jan. 1 ? Here in brief is the program recommended to congress by President Boose veft today: 1?Additional taxes to finance "emergency expenditures for na tions] defense. 2?Extension of the reciprocal trade agreement act as an 'in dispensable part of the founda tion of any stable and desirable peace." 3?Increased appropriations for national defense, bat redactions in practically all other Important items of the federal budget. 4?Can tinned search for a so lution of the unemployment problem. 5?Development of a spirit of national unity in Congress and out. 1 ? To this he added that "national unity is in a very real and deep sense the fundamental safeguard of all democracies." Personally delivering his annual message before a joint session of the House and Senate, the chief execu tive called for extension of the reci procal trade treaty program?al ready under fire from Republicans and some Democrats?"as an indes pensible part of the foundation of any stable and desirable peace". He disclosed that his budget mes sage to be submitted to the new session of Congress tomorrow would call for reductions in "practically all other important items" except national defense. He asked for special taxes to meet that extra cost "in the hope that we can continue in these days of in creasing economic prosperity to re duce the federal deficit." And he declared that an answer must be found "in terms of work and opportunity" for the unemploy ment problem because "we have not yet found a way to employ the sur plus of our labor which the effi ciency of our industrial processes has created." ? ? To Receive Bids On I Road Project In Pitt _______ ? ^ft^^inetodad as following: I Johnston and Wilson counties, I STirfarfwg 10.62 miles of route 42; T i ? ~ - _ ; ^T w ? FwMrim A. Joyfter Kenday Highly Esteemed Citi zen Laid To Rest Fol lowing Services At the Home Here Abraas A. Joynar, 76, one of oldest and * highly esteemed citizen of Farmville, succumbed to a brief illness Sunday afternoon at 3:4$ o'clock. Funeral set vices ^eea conducted from his lata home here on Monday at three o'clock by Bee. E. CL Salter, pastor of the Bell Arthur Methodist Church, of which he bad been a mem ber since early manhood, gad by Bar. R. A. Clarke, of the Farmvflk Metho dist Church. Tntwmenl eras mads bt* neath a large and hemdsoafe floral tnoute. rseonts nymns ware .wr dered by Mrs. M. V. Josms, Mrs. C. N. Bostic, Xra A. W. Bohbitt, Elbert C. and John D. Holmes. Mr. Joyner was the son of the lata Abram and Mrs. Allie Wilkes Joy | ner, and the last member of his im mediate family. A native ft Pitt ? county and a well known pfctatar of this section, he retired from active fanning operations and moved to ' Farmville 12 years ago. AffiaWe and genial, Mr. Joyner had a large circle of friends. He was a member of the Septnagenian Society. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Anna Forbes, three daughters, Mrs. Arnold F. Lee, of Colnmhia, S. C* Mrs. L. L. Mewborn, of Grifton, and Miss Bertha Rae Joyner; three sank Arthur F., Elbert A, and Leonard L. Joyner, and six grandchildren. Active pallbearers were; W. E., C. Hubert, and Joe Joyner, Joseph, Al fred and Vernon Forbes. Honorary; William Forbes, J. W., Dr. C. R. A., and Lyman Joyner, Bert Watkins, cf Washington, D. C., Bob Willoughby, John Sing, F. G., Haywood, Loyd, B. and Jade Smith, C. A. Tyson, C. L. Beaman, W. D . fields, J. H. Harris, Dr. D. S. Morrill, Dr. W. M. Willis, J. L Baker, W. Gurganus, R. T. NorviHe, G. W. Davis, J. H. Moore, M. Liles, T. C. Turnage, John Wilkerson, J. T. Thorne, S. A. Roebuck, E. C. Carr, Garry Bergeron, F. G. Copeland, C. H. Edwards, of Greenville, Lath Mor riss, Edison Moore, Lawrence White, ?Oscar Lb Erwin, George Burnetfce, M. P. McConnell, R. E. Belcher, M. V. Jones, R. T. Martin, J. H. Payior, M. V. Horton, W. C. Woo ten, S. A. Gar ris, R. N. Freeman, John and C. L? Barrett, Dr. P. E. Jones, B. 0. 00tr ior, D. F. Lang, R. R. Newton, Arthur Gay, T. M. Dail, J. M. Stansffl, Dr. J. P. Butler, Dick Garrison, of Green [ ville, Jim Cash, Thad Nichols, H. W. Kemp, Watt Parker, W. J. Rasberry, and R. LeRoy Rollins. ? I ?. ^ _ ?r Tifiow or ZD6 crop control pofB0% t^-ssgsfia portioned among- farmers on the ba-I _;l -m _ ? ? ? ?- ? t_ H , ^ 1 sis ox a formula ptwiaeu m toe farm ldoeed oo bis scwsge sIktoBit Seles m excess of tl*^ ^ j I ? I I ___ __; 1 i | WMhimitoPy Jmi* ^""^Sccrstftry pf ^!u?!ry.^y?t*n ntff Dw cratic nomination >:?. "? >:l.;^|J The 68rjw-oid Cabinet member, who is about to start the fight of his lift for Us reciprocal trade program, took thia stand on the Presidential DlMflQAT) k.11 a TWIftM Uju ^|VWWiVU WW M ? ??*' ?| a short time later an aide zeiih w??* the stead by declaring that Wnii ?es iwt of politicfl ?wd wanted no politics intermingled in State De partment ******* H?tw?w? aome members of Con gress felt that the Bull name would continue to bulk large in the great fliissahtg game about the best Demo cratic nominee. Chairman Bloom) <R-N. Y.>, of tha House foreign af fairs committee took the view that tha Hull italTtrmnt did imt elixni - w 1 ? w s t *1 " * ? 1 ,,p. nate the Secretary from the poa of gsing to the White House. -If a one of the best statements Pve evsr heard of by a prospective candidate," said Bloom. "It shows thft if ha received tha nomination and waa elected that he would make tha ***** kind of President." At a press conference Preaide||lt Roosevelt spoofed the authors of news dispatches saying Hull was the Roosevelt choice, the President said the (timitrhoi wtre written In 1939, and he hoped the authors had turn ed over a new leaf for 1940. That ought to hold somebody, he addttftl with a laugh. lurnro Drouin UUIUIO ufflWII For ?January Duly Lists Revealed For Civic and Criminal Sessions ???? Greenville,,Jan. 3.?Lists of jurors | to serve ait the civil and criminal | terms of Pitt Sojmrior court begin* 1 ning January lb and January 22, re spectively, have bean drawn and re leased. Thirty-nix jurors were drawn to | serve during the civil session, while 58 were drawn for the criminal term. : A new grand jury will be eboaen from the names drawn for crbpoinaP court duty. Judge Walter J. Bone of Nashville will preside over the spring term, beginning with the January 15 session. . Following is the list of jurors drawn to serve daring the civil term beginning January 16: W. A. Weathington, WinterviHe township; B. L. Spivey, Farmvilje; Hade Allan, Ayden; John 6. CoU ville, Greenville; L. J. Smith, Green ville; ?."W. Majette, Chiood; Mack Harrington, Ayden; Haywood Bod gers, Behroir; H. C. Outland, Faim ville; H. J. Brown, Swift Creek; A. Hunter Cox, Ayden; A. C. Fletch er, Falkland; Joah T. Dixon, Farm nan, Greenville; Jessie Severs, Chi cod; Scott Bade, Chicod; Walter Lewis, fountain; Baymond A. Cox, Ayden; W; Adam Cerbett* Falkland; J. W. James, Psctolus; L Ai Joyner, dark, "Swift Greek; W. C. Wootgp, & Carolina; H. L. Carr, Greenville; Clifton Bullock, GreenviBe; B. C. Carr, Fsrmville; E. A. ftnith, Ay wock> EqMetaUy do I wish to .art the tot* of Ewmville, which ttwogh Mr. M-S5S. ? * WSw??#i ??? DPDTTttV TP A IS ? VnttlliTPQ I SIo^ ^r^n^SiTlSSr ~7~11C Cw* ? mm 3-1 maW TAaaS FUK vvAW***k'M* I I ? FIGHT HULL PROGRAMi j ^ tl NOBBIS PLANS TO BETIBE. third tans, than is general iaaatunp-j i*At% i. ?,,iifi.,I i? a?_-a v jj. f uon m ponucai circles mat ne Goes j not wfrh to ran again. ? Although thia iaformattai it regarded aa defi ocrats that it la an irrevocable dec:- i ?? ."I I ~ i The belief pexsista that the inter national aHliaUon and A popular^de mand at homo may persuade^|She president to accept a lenomination. II Inthis case, there is little doubt bat that the President trill be nominated j by the Democratic Convention. With ! the President out of the running, how-1 ever, Secretary of State Corddl Hull is certain to be a strong candidate, with Vice-President Garner and Post nuuster-Generai Farley also active. In ad^tioi^ then wffl be a number ofrjl ? " ? ' j The scramble which will develop in the Democratic Convention in the event that Mr. Roosevelt removes himself from the Qcene, will be match*] ed by(a similar scramble in the Re publican Convention. Just now, Dis trict Attorney Thomas B. Dewey, Senator Arthur H. Vandenburg, of Jfidtigap, and Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, are the leading candi dates, but the general expectation is that the first ballot will show a num ber of candidates receiving the votes. Former President Hoover, it is ex pected, will receive some support and ?a-number of favorite sons will be presented to the Convention. Just When the Convention will be held not known at this time, but meetings of the national committee, early b \9% will consider the times and places for the Convention. ? I News that the President has vir tually completed his preliminary study of the budget for the fiscal . year running from July lBt, 1940 to , June 30, 1941, caUs forth many ru mora of draitir changes to ba re- 1 quested by the President. There is no way to tell how much truth the rumors contain, but it is expsctod that the Chief Executive will 1st Con-- - gress decide whether to cut expend-. tures., continue heavy borrowing, or levy the taxes necessary to improve , the Government's financial affairs. ???j Space In this eplwnn does not per- , mit us to ssmteaiise the Tumors or : to explain the reaaHH' SSiigned. With > the present statutory debt lintft at an* the debt at about 442^00,000,000, with aix months to , go in the current fiscal year, it will be necessary for Congress to provide new borrowing power if the budget for tfcf 'next fiscal year contemplates \ a deficit of more than |2,000,000,000. for Ttfff tow to TI.W " V-x*'," - 7' ?? v"vvJrVr.c*^7'-.: , or Tanous (Mpftrnnciiis is certain. .. The recent Insistence of Secretary Peder^ t^OTry^^dT timt jT ^LuS^aSS^^1 >wb!! ?Wmii fl.rtjr infflnftnW -f.n^,,QItt rl f ~ ? "-?? ? ' zx_: | nllnhyiAnfi niiilflT ft* -a mtlAtiltrMl Conservation. f?m?^ by E. Y. Floyd, AAA ex:ecntive offi ?M? coming - productK?H"ye?3r. - and to, pre p^1"1 ^ ton"et <*es ^rSle^.lSM 3$fhe national acreage- allotment la ' 749,660 acre*, expected^ jtold'668r 1 568,000 pound#. Commenting on the -1940 quote? J and allotments, the AAA affker said: ] "ThelWO crop is now estimated to be more than 1,000,000,000 pounds, which is moje than 100 million pounds Uxq# Vlhen the estimated , size of the crop when the national marketing qppt? was proclaimed in ^ ? -? l-mV n m lift Lt. beptemoer. TVitn worm consumption between 750 million and 800 million, pounds, the suxpiua Irmn the '1939 If normal ootttittons prevailf it is expected that between ono-1hird and one-half of this surplus win be dt mated in 1940. "In view of the large surplus of flue-cured tobacco, it will be to the I advantage of growers If their planting 1940 are kept we*: wifttt or own ? Uta. below their aerugo oUo&oeote." J k jfwhEWJi ' ^ ^ , ??!? ?:> ?; " . Wwhl^ftTIlTlM Old An i . ? ? ? rr* ?.. TTwy Security plan, rated as the wid'a largest insurance system 9 vwent into ? TTwpWJIftr ]? JM* .J I" v A" ? ? ? - TyfT- r"^S 4 ippar. P ' workers, thate::i|53Wwi sorvirorSt j covered by the syatexxx'Tio ^rT65 1 or older may beein dr&winit the first , * p P -1 monthly benefit* of a vast project j b^in to 1 and rhnrkU? 4am. ?> retired ' :. J~ insurance pay-off for wliich tko eMyfrflity?1 shewed an increase o/ $l,118,576w36 ?fa^er^ At the halfway mark last yen; ,1 collections wen running $14,641,- J '-?jS:?*.y^ u.* ? :vj*f/ffyw ffw Tyffcirttf of Highway Commission. The citizens of-Bell Arthur and ? - . ? - 1.,,. .. ,, ? | mii |. m(i an III ?! fii II & oaroecuft luncheon to representative business groups of Fvm*m* ud greeinville where Bomatofchundred gathered, enjoyed a boanarul^jnMMl^ ' -1.1 f.,|. ? 1..1 t. I. J i-il-j' renewed old mendsaips and joined wholeheartedly fa the *$ole purpose of obtaining anew link in the State varwpxwp ? ? - - - and National highway system,; con necting Farmville and Greenville with anWmvted and far shorte* route ^ Bell Arthur,Sieving a tisteace of approximately five milea between the two point* For more than two' 'FMW * - -- '-1.^ J'? V m ? '_r. .' *???. _.'-WiT - 'I . interested citizens of tra section have been talking'this project, hot from this gathering a united front will be presented with the hope tluit some immediate action will be taken by the State Highway Commission to not only greatly improve this section of its system of Midways, use prqviat 'txnis ncn agricultural immunity with a paved outlet badly seeded, and vphidi ft deserve after extending a cordial welcome to invjted guests, called on Col. Ed. G. Flanagan, of Greenville, to act m Col. Flanagan, after extending the people, of Bell A rthur and 'eoiftm^^ for such a delightful meal and the forward step taken by them for this ppw highway called o^many of those present for opinions and short talks. Without a dis^a^r voice this sagrd as favortog this proposed If there is any cqupty in the State that deserves consideration at the landl of the State Highway Qom ?" Jv ? ftr" -t. <*'' ' . nisaion it is Pitt, and we hope the sfforto pijt forth at this meeting will irinsf the desired results. ;**.*% . I 1^ I 1.1 S? -A m .-IgJL ?? nan sources iet it be known jonignt that the Reich is keeping a cloig ieye J-1"* ?, "T^? impression ?* (taiy night actively support Soviet Eussia ^Stl' L >2?-k'. n ^ irtf ??' ~" * ~. ;? li Rwre to atedthat Germany might go vig<^ pf [pfee N?dfl ww^'tfe stand on ; the MiXM a# f*r ** th^ ftj^^nn feey-yo be^niS to mapect that the W*tern Alhe?w*ofc to ?$?; mm kin* of help she gave toj^jnd, to the western war, D, N.^ .^ ar % briefWtteow He^oJaa^ BaMrylr^fl admitted tftflU \ ' /,v'. <,<w~ j hliA <v? * minldiMf .' tj [ ^elainki, Jan. ^3.?Finnish military division north of Sucanusalmi. have dWveb TT.^i' M. days, reinforced Russian troopf ware said to hove abandoned their ?? ing blo^anTTbTfSJvW said the EntifittiSj angered hy spa* SSsEilK! Tonight's military communique ftti^nnnf?<d that the Finnish troops, en. i^m ?f tw lake Kottf fad eiMii aamAM' d a >ai ^ a M d _. me drmng upon the frontier town s^af There is a Lake Kokko about 20 miles across the Russian tariff* northeast of Kiantajaervi, but mili tary leaders explained that the Finns ma notyet en Ruaian soil in the Suomusalmi sector. In the vicinity of Raate in tha Suomusalmi sector, tile communique ??' said, five Russian tanks and two armored can were destroyed in fighting yesterday. i Along tne Aitto ttiver (Aitcojoia;, Iwfaere last night's communique re ported the capture of a Russian army base, the defeat of a Red ramy company was described. ?(^Several counter-attacks by the Soviets, who were strengthened fay mArhiTpit guns, were said to been repulsed in the Aittojoki battle. On the KtwHitn Isthmus, the Finns claimed to hifeethrown bade ;, two powerful Russian infantry at tacks Tuesday along the Awfode; river, outlet for Lake Suvanto '"jp? the side of the isthmus by a monrfng4ong artillery faem bardment ? against tW* JWy Mam i$ neriuim Line, is was widjand after, I J*** of the isthmus. The Hatjananlahta attach alio was throu^>ad2^B Finns ' - war.thus far, said the Red army lia??i J? digging in on the fl"jbs|iMi Isthmhpt- '? ;?}. after the Finns broke up another imn been shot kwhWtliat about ? j 40 Russian tanks have been destroyed , and daptured on all I 0n the? Karelian Isthmus. ate*fe-; - it waa stot^ - Bumlahs twed , - war in addition to other large motor ft M * ' \ ' AV V'V ' observers believed to be Irtish or ^ .T-y po nave jocuute a fltxK^pjC- ^tfwiiOit. wOoBiy'' -- > ' -?. :*?*?..' "i" t. * ? "fwi

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