1Wtdav iRvnoay March 7th \\ jgk B^ V>>? lt*wl ]?\\v ijfl B ^ ^ B. Vc^J^Jm] \ v| Jl^j F^H |^d^pl Mv ; i \1 ?7/ Ail WJ Si^ |TyA| ^ i fr^\ \M \1 U\ mv/ ^gL-_5l I/ v 4 l\ ^Jl B ri A ^?BOT^3H^inp\B\ 111 i irgjsi ;^WPO^I \M\ \M\ "? /??* '"_ 11 _,^^^B;ri '-j^^^^Pfci. ^^^Br^''i':'% } V ?BBi Wl both ? vH 1 JL^t W^ v ?B^^Sfin lv m 1^1 \^B\ /J wS^VS? HR^fl ?. ?";^B|^^mJiI ftr ^8 ^ IV 1 \ F ^ ? Bp m-2S ^ ^ ; i ? I -_; . ^ ^ ^ Luge TttUStt TOWELS . REGULAR PRICE 25c r6for . . $1.00 | REGULAR PUCE 15e 9 for ? ? $1.00 I".' '?? -.fi " Ha W H - ,f ? ? Ruffled, Tailored and Cottage Curtain* I Regular Price 79c I 2 pairs$1.00 I ? S, ? ????? i m\ | a Slwets BraHe Bed She.Our (' Famous Miller Brand. M Bcfiiar price 89c* "J 4 tar S31 . Ladies' Print ??* ^ "-*? ? i 80 SQUARE Fast Colors ?? ' ?' **"? .%-v-* ??-' ../ .-/?*? V '-"? ? i#"*'' Regular Price 69c ? * ?.?"?' ? ? - . ?? ?'{?'>f- -i *..' 2,,r S1 BED SPREADS Ltxge Size and Fast Q PRINTS I rIIIn 10 $ Yard Wide _ kl Fast Colors ff) Regular pries 16c ^lu 1 Mat's Dress SHIRTS Rtfularlj Sold tor 79c tnd 97c 2 for $1 Men's Dress Socks I Fancy Patterns Regular price 15c ^ kj>'' 9 pairs for Sf.M __i Men's Neddies I /^Mfe I * WOOLS and SILKS Regular price 48c S ?W $1 mm?mmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmm Men's Shaftsand Shirts ' Regular 25c Value . 5 Shortt. $1.00 Mtt*.$1.00 ?? ? ??;!, r dEKSHA! ': J- 'I V ^p5|iPr^^'* j Formerly ScM Up To 12.95 lUS,': - xr-- *?' * ^? ?'vijK^ ? ^TJSI?'*v 'Tj "7: ?*-^>" * ' ^L. & fflffifr jjfe dS? 8 jj?jpQHV ;,-? ^1.' y ? * M m "mm m ' M fSiSflm3i '? ? ? ? - ' ' " ? ^ ^ ! : ' Z Fairs?7 ft. j-y. *? <*> : Trace '. V, ftiaiiyt '' ' '? f' v^flr* Alarm Ck>ck? ' ^V Mala Collar Pad* 1 2 for $1.00 I Tie Out Coir Chains 1 1 2 for $1.00 1 \ RFD Mall Bona \ \ m " ? m f EXTRA HKSVT GUANO PAILS 2 FQE $1.00 ATHErS Flatwa WALL PAINT <1.00 JAPAN SILK FISH LINE j.:. > - V#*'V 2 SPOOLS $1'?? SHOVEL HANDLES, AXE HANDLES FORE HANDLES 3 for $1.00 i ? JIL bI^dp^p JIL JL ^LhIeJL SelecTGarden Seed, Beans,TeasTcorn, Cabbage Plants, Onion Sets, Lawn and Pasture Grasses, Rape and Tender Greens, Flower Seeds, Etc. Time To Start A Garden. ? 1 Quart ATBBTS I KBY8T - LAC M ENAMEL J and One j 1-INCH BSUSafl $1.00 ? . WESHNGHOUSE ELECTRIC J IRONS Regular price $3.00 $2i00 ? EACH ? ? Don't Miss fids ? 2 GALLONS MOTOR OIL $1.00 ? GULF 9 SINCLAIR NEW PERFECTION ~ STOVEWICKS llllj HHHHH^K^ ? - I - i 2 ijflWft ~ I I ?k 2 ' - ' ' . 1/^iSKr^ - 3 v^rX/vT' t ml\TTWJ^^HWW ' . ? i /M 9' __ _ I iif ''*' ?'?"?S&-1' 1U- i ~ ?'* y^fs-4jBs?^ a* ? A .. j'j. _ ? utTjiJi JE!6wPe lr:^''~^V- JL*^ - VMUi ~ ;? ? ^ ^