Mm T. C. Turnage wae a Raleigh visitor, Thnreday. Mm E. V. Bray, of Boxboro, *u a Farmvilie visitor, Thursday. Mrs. R. A. Parker and son, Martin, are visiting relatives {n Benson. Misses Elsie, Grey and Lena C*> raway were Raleigh, visitors Friday. Miss Doris Edgar, of Charlotte, spent the week end withMiss Gene Horton. Mm A. T. Griffin, of Goldsboro, spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. K. Cobb. Lowell Liles has returned to State College, after a visit to hi? home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Pollard and ion. Bill, were Greensboro visitors Wed nesday. Mrs. W. A. Barrett and Mrs. Hay wood A. Smith were Kins ton visitors, Tuesday. Miss Mae Knott, student at Salem College, has arrived for the Spring holidays. Mrs. L. E. Walston and Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. Miss Martha Cobb, teacher in the Pink HOI school, is st home for the Easter holidays. Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner and children > spent Tuesday in Wilson with rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watson, of Wilson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Monk. Dr. P. E. Jones has returned from Baltimore, Md., where he attended a Dental meeting. Miss Bettie Gallibranc has return ed to Wilmington after a visit to Mrs. G. A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray, of Sbel oyville, Ky., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickett. ?? v-? ? ? . ? .? Robert Windham, student at Atlan tic Christian College, is at home for the Blaster holidays. Emerson Smith, student at Ran dolph-Macon Academy, is at home for the Spring holidays. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Mac Carraway is improving after a recent illness. Graydon Liles, student at the Uni versity of North Carolina, is at home for the Spring holidays. Mrs. John D. Holmes left Thurs day with New Bern friends for a visit to New York City. Friends will be glad to learn that Miss Vernice Lang Jones is improv ing after a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pearce, of Raleigh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless, Thursday. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. John E. King, who has been ill for several days, is recuperating. Miss Hasel Baas, teacher in the Scotland Neck school, is spending the week end at her home here. Mrs. James Smith and young son an ei parted to return from More head Qty during the week end. Mrs. Madeline- Rountree, of Wash ington, D. C., spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Dora H. KeeL Lyman Bam, of York, Pa., is spending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bass. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Fields and son, and Mrs. W. J. Rollins are spending the week end with relatives in Ply month. Mn> R. LsSoy and iob, Robert, and Miaa Russell Ward wffl spend the week end with relatives in Sunbury. Miss Louise and i 9Q? Virginia Harris, students at Doha University, wiS vend die Eaatsr holidays at their home here. Mrs. Claries Pearee, of Charlotte, and Mrs. a M. Griffin, of Wilson, were diner guests of Miss Elisabeth Davis, Thursday. Bobby Davis, student at tits Uni versity of North Carolina, tea ar rived to spend the Spring holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley & Willie are spending Easter Sunday with their daughter, Miaa Helen, who is a stu aenx n inm uuvvfuiy* ? > - I Friends wQl be glad toiyrathat operation in a Wilson hospital this weak, is reported as recuperating^.. Lonnieand Robert Fierce, students ad Darlington, Some, Gsl, are re turning to tfcstr home here during flte^rsdi end to spend the Spcipg J."L? 8MWM, Mr. ^;'i^' Alan &r WferiMttOBi HMBt tiftft Wide ? ^--'- ''". ?? * '' -i> -S_ *. 1. . r,.^V. 1". JJ' ? ~ ing table. rived " - S *"'"f W*' l|n/wvA# r ggW ,? ' Virginia Spell, Mieaes Malatte and > Qreene^Miss Elisabeth Eliott "kwB.Mrs. D. S. Morrill were in the hall, and feceiv . ing here also were Mrs, Lester Turn t WvandSltoi.^ B. Jones. ifc I, r%. A. a Monk, Ji* and #lra. f Lath Morrisa directed the guesfeto j the register, which was presided over . by Mrs. C. pBost*.swt Miss Al r '"S?'?1L Tuma^ and Mhn vMihi, jgy? Mw Tumif6 ttod Mi88 Canalle Staton - badejf the guests goodbye. | One of the moat Ajoyable and de lightful social : events held by the ' young set here waa the dance of . Saturday evening, held at the Coun ! try Club with Miss Gene Horton and Miss Elsie Carraway as charming 1 hostesses, ;/ ? ' Spring flowers were used in mass effect on the mantles and the punch table bore beautiful arrangements of carnations, snapdragons and stocks. Guests, rnumberinfc ninety, enjoy ed the hospitality of the hostesses,; with a number of friends from Kins ton, Greenville, Washington, Tar , boro and. Wilson in attendance. One of the loveliest social events of the week was the bridge dinner, given by members of the Wednesday Afternoon Club, at which their hus bands and a number of friends were honored guests. The banquet room of the Chapter House was attractively decorated with arrangements of ivy and daffo dils on the mantels, and tfcte hand some, colonial banquet table, with covers laid for twenty-four, was cen tered with a large crystal bowl of snapdragons, forsythia, carnations and daffodils, flanked by crystal can delabra bearing yellow candles. Smaller bowls of the same flowers were at either end of the table, Place cards carried St Patrick motifs, and the chosen colore of white, yellow and green were again emphasized in the course dinner. W. Alex Allen offered the invoca tion and Miss Elisabeth Davis, presi dent of the club, extended a cordial welcome to the guests. Bridget was played after dinner, and when scores were compiled the ladies' prize, tea coasters, was pre sented to Mrs. W. Alex Allen, and the men's prize, of handkerchiefs, went to B. Edison Moore. Members and their guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Albritton, Mr and Mrs. W. Alex Allen, Mr.' and Mrs. H. H. Bradham, Mr. and lbs. John B. Lewis, Mr. am) Mrs, E. C. Copenhaver, Mr, and Mrs. John E. King, "Miss Elizabeth Davis, Mr. *nd Mrs. James R. Lang, Mrs. Prances Spencer, Mr. and Mn & L. Rmjth, Mr. and Mtb, B, Edison Moore, Miss Veraice Lang Jones, Miss Hazel Monk, Bob Piser and 9am Under wood, of Greenville, Mrs. R. H. Knott delightfully en tertained the Progressive Bridge Club at her home on Church street, Spring flowers made a oolorful set ting for the tables. Mrs. J. Y. Monk as winner of high score among mem* bers, received a refreshment set, and Mrs, J, H. Paylpr was given t&s guest prise, a vase. A delicious salad cqurse was served after play, Special guests of the hostess wen Mm, Pay lor, Mrs. Weeley R. Willis and Mn, C. Hubert Joyner. r ij Jew. The delidoof refreahmentscon of suiiwic|i6s and coif06) with the shamrock motif and Irish green be ing "harmingiy emphasized. K'imben of the Lamrad Club and; tomT'o^MJjw^Ha^*1Monk? The S^EIHfKi liainty nndwichM, cooldo in the servecL^^ ne rerreehmens^covers also LUNCHT^wmot H!LCH SS '- ToMd|i|faat croquetteig gravy, rice, raisin mufflns^appie, JOe. > Wednesday ? Turnip sided with smoked meet, slew, ri?e pudding, corn breed, 10c. Thursday ? Stew beef, potatoes, carrots, scalloped apples, slaw, hot biscuit, 10c. Fridays-Salmon croquettes, pork and beans, vegetable salad, graham biscuit, 10c, ? '-h ? Vegetable soup and crackers, sand wiches, ice cream, plain and chocolate milfc-aerved daily at 5c each. i ? 4 m OBSERVES BIRTHDAY ,;0: ???, v- 1 ] Master Joseph Haywood Smith, son ! of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood A. Smith, ; celebrated his seventh birthday on i Saturday, with a party, to which ! twenty-five of his little friends were- J invited. Games were played and do- < lidous refreshments, consisting of 1 ice cream and cake, were served in ' the dining room. Centering the: table; was the birthday cake, gleaming with nink candles. The ookm scheme was pink and white, nsing Easter favors of little bunny baskets. Guests ware: James Thome, John Russell Joyner, Robert Pollard, Doro thy Lucas, Jackie WWiford, PaachaU Barrett, Efctricia Corbett, Julia Sat terwhite, Ann and Jean Forbes, A. J: , Walston, Lee Parker, Bruce Skinner, Wilbur Morris, Beamont Hodge, Ruth Tyson, Max Melton, Helen, Mar guerite, . Joanne* Thomas, Sybil Crumpler and Donald Bryan. . 1 ADULT EDUCATION NOTES < ? 1 The assembly room in the Agricul- l\ tore Building is the work center for the Aduljt Education work here, ? The Home-making Class on Wed- 1 nesday afternoons and a Literary Class on Tuesdak and Friday morn ings will be held there. The other classes are held 4n homes In Firm villa and inilbrlboro, ? A schedule of all classes is posted n the Center end anyone desiring in- ( formation concerning these may refer There are still many persons in leed of this work. Will yon enroll c sow and take advantage! of your f >u?L-L?4??U|1.. o pportunlty 7 r I attended an In-Service meeting c 'or Adult Education teachers held in ^aahingtra W?dhe^. ( -/iS'- : tewiit^S. ??????? iV ANTED: TWO SMALL TAMELY WtfihlnzB by experienced laundress -? -i ip*1 ? .TTw ? 11 T.m-" ? ?? ...?? . wflk biMrt? rrfnencN u to* earefol b work and bounty. . Electric iron a HOOD FRIDAY SERVICE AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH A Good Friday sarrka will ba onducted in tha Episcopal Chareh rom two to threa o'clock by tha ector, Bar. J. R. Rountraa. Enry >na -is oordially invited to attMi iAKDEN CLUB TO HAV1 PLAJiT AMD SEED EXC. A Plant and Seed Exchange will e held by the Garden Club members In. C. S. Eagie8?wiIl be hoetau at he hone of Mrs. Henrietta M. WB maoTL- ' r?r 1";.1!''!?1!; ?? ?*: r ?? ? . I ?I SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, March 25 3:00 P. M.?Garden Club meets at the home of Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamsonv with Mrs. C. S. Eagles as hostess. Plant and Seed Exchange. 7:00 P. M.?Red Men. 8:00 P. M.?Couple Club meets with Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Willis. Tuesday, SS 2:30 P. M.?Ace of Clubs meets. with Mrs. S. A. Gams. |i 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. G. M. Holden. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 27 8:00 F. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mn. L. T. Reese. 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday After noon Club meets with Mrs. Frances Spencer. Thursday, 28 2:30 P. M.?Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. George Moore, Jr. 8:00 P. M.?Progressive Bridge Club meets with Mrs. L. T. Pierce. * 7:30 P. M.?Masons. ' 8:00 P. M.?Modern Woodmen. Friday, 29 7:30 P. M.?Parent-Teacher As sociation meets in Perkins Hall, with Dr. Ralph McDonald as guest speaker. The public is cordially invited. 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. I time you cm do tomething worthwhile with your money. ; START SAVING REGULARLY NOW ; We Welcome Your Bonking Bueinett 1 | SAFETY of 0nr Deporfts LUNSURED J ; by the Federtl Deposit Insurance Corporation up to |8?000 : ' fnr Rju?h DonnaMm* ^ ^ ( L ?' ' ' ' FarmviBe, N. C. j ? i > Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. ?MM#M *4M i ' '*' ??? ? ? ? ???? - ????? ? ? - ? ? I SNOW HILL HATCHERY I I ? Baby Chicks $7.00 Per 100 ? I I Custom Setting $3.00 Per Tray of 112 Eggs, j ? jm' |. jJ JLflLjfcM /- ' *-?' ? (:?' ;>'^i rMc.j;. i ?? "*; ? *vY*" Sttp 'jT/i __? ^__ w w j~i-i "B?? A V v,. i jinrSA- MA uill I ' ?? ?*? ?' - ? ?... v .v:/. ""T :, . . '' ' ' ? \>|H F3BT I WEEK OF MARCH 84th f| SUNDAY & MONDAY f MtekeyRooney, Gene Hey RAW AThf nVV CHIU5REN -10c {I Jimivof UKURm HUZBvll I j 4 . II ? ? a ;