Farmyille Eaterprist - FABHTOIJl M. CL :( /. GL AUK BOOM; Owaer kM*. ?' ' ?? ? 111 fiva Horton flhaekkAnd TBS ROUSB PRINTERY ?[ - Prtcs$ One Year |L50 ? Months 76c ADVERTISING RATES: Display (MUau) Ms Per lack Intel Par Mae 6c AH Legal adra. te a las par week Published weekly ted entered ee Second Gtese Mail Batter at the Hidiifflw at Pnailte N. CL, nn der act erf March 3rd, 187& Fottie of 1940: Trying to predict election results. -L -v- ? ? . - ?- * V ^ . ?? ' s The only way to get anything done is to start doing it. : An expert is sn individual willing to venture an opinion. ? Going to church is a good habit, even if we are the ones to say so. It is up to the fault-finder to pro pose a remedy for the ilia he discov ers. What has become of all those peo ple who were worrying about techno cracy? The plague of columnists is sweep ing over the nation like the locusts of old. The way to get publicity is to seek it and insist upon it; there is no other way! When people fight over religion it is a good sign that there isn't much 1940 is only one-third gone but most of the year's resolutions are 100 per cent gone. Adults who expect children to ex ercise their caution are as foolish as their children. This newspaper, like all others, makes some mistakes; how do you manage to avoid them? Parmville will be a better place to live in when you become a better neighbor. Nearly every reader knows a sub ject that the editor should discuss; well, tell us about it. Almost everybody plans to do some kindness, sooner or later, but most of us die sooner. The average individual thinks his problems could be easily solved if his income increased enough. The late spring has nipped many budding poets in the bud, where they ought to be nipped. Nearly every American thinks he is a writer except the man and wo man who have to make their living writing. A PREDICTION Predictions are interesting to the public if dangerous to the prophet Col. Frank Knox, editor oiV the Chicago Daily Mail, predicts that every nation in Europe will be in the war by May 23rd. This is a statement that yon can check np. It won't be long before we will know just how to rank the Chicago editor as a sooth-sayer. TANKS AND GUNS FOR SALE The army's latest tanks, guns and weapons are available for export, says Secretary of War Hairy H. Wooding, if substantial orders are given American plants. The idea is that foreign orders will assist our armament industries to expand. This will make them ready to provide greater quantities of equipmeid. for the United Skates upon ? need arising. Tim is nothing wrong with the . idea behind this policy. If the Uni ted States should happen to need 1,000 heavy tanks it would take in ; dustry some time to make than.-' If ! production is speedd- up by war or ders then American industry will be ready to supply American needs much fast*. This strengthens our natton ?. 1 : : ? v ? ? BACK^^F^SALES dSa combined and Is the only pw* ?__ V^TuBS XHOT0 ITH^H rTlfFv/Bv?y suu QjOTv ri ~i ? lint i 1an m- i n i i IN MEMORIUM ; . ; ?S.'.i T - Lumberton, N. C., May 4,1940 [ In ? special meetinf of the Lum berton Tobacco Board of Trade, Inc., the following resolutions were pass ed: WHEREAS, God in his infinite mercy has removed from our midst one of our beloved brothers and busi ness associates and; WHEREAS, James Madison Hob good was a leader among us and an outstanding tobacconist mid for sdven years an active member of our orga nization, and WHEREAS, Be it resolved by the Lumberton Tobacco Board of Trade, Inc. First: We pease with bowed heads in solemn tribute and record our deepest sense of grief and irrepara ble loss in the passing of our beloved friend. Second: Realizing that the life of James Madison Hobgood was beyond repsoach or criticism and that we deeply appreciate such a noble life and we give thanks to God that is was our privilege to have b^en asso ciated with him in our daily work. Third: That we are mindful that this Board, City and Community has lost a worthwhile member whose loy alty, far-sight and guiding influence will be sorely missed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these resolutions be come a part of the minutes and a copy be given to the press and a copy be forwarded to the bereaved family. lumbertOn tobacco board OF TRADE, Inc. W. E. Elmore, J. W. Priddy, Jr., J. E. Johnson, Committee. Lamb Shipping Season In State Starts Soon' It's almost time tx> start shipping spring lambs, and L. I. Case, Exten sion animal husbandman of N. C. State College, says that the next few weeks will be the period when the wise farmer increases his income by fattening and finishing his lambs well. He will do it with an adequate and balanced feed program. "Of first importance in feeding lambs," Case says, "1b milk and plenty of it See that the ewes are fed for milk production. A bounti ful supply of green winter cover crops, preferably crimson clover, sup plemented by a mixture of corn and oats should take care of this. "Creep feeding the lambs usually pays well. Partition off a bright corner of the barn or shed and leave a small opening or two that will ex clude the ewes but admit the lands. I A good ration to use in .the creep is: Seven parts of ground corn, two parts of wheat bran, and one part of either cottonseed meal or soybean meal. In addition to the grain, a small rack full of choice hay should be kept where the lambs can nibble it as they please." Last year the State College Ex tension Service cooperated in conduct ing lamb pop la which netted farmers $26,082.61 for 4,373 animals weighing 317,950 pounds. Case estimates that these lambs brought fully one cent per pound more through grading and cooperative selling than they would have brought under the usual method of selling. "This means," the specialist de clared, "a total of $3,179.50 increased returns to the produoers. Further, It is logical that other lambs sold in the territory where cooperative mark eting was done brought a higher price than they would have other wise." ; The lamb pools will be continued this year. , J EEC WINS IN A MCE, BUT\ OKA MMNfNG WINS MY *OTE IN A CIGARETTE. I MOKE CAMELS. CAMELS f EXTRA M(U>, EXTRA COOL. D THBR SHOWER BURNING ES ME EXTRA SMOKJNC ?? Tfg T JEMMIE KBILY, Dariag Spmd Ace of Mtt^-Cyck tsthg | . 1 1 "? 1 l _ . ... ?- y In recent iMontorjr teste, CAMELS bumed25% ???y- ?-.''5 You Want to See Farmyille's Newest \ I Enterprise WE WANT TO MEET YOU! ? ... ?? f Wis I \nin tni^rrT^ I] I \FOOPS TASTE BETTER 4b* inltaMc* 2 QUART SAUCE PAN . ) ? '149 ^ ONLY I ? P L A N WAS ST.IS AT FORMER vJOME DEMONSTRATION ' * " Come m ... see (u ne pieces ^ Build a Nt.... a pioco of a tin*. .. Hilt oasy, raonoy* ?aving way. AND, for o wort' appreciated gift MafotHc Cookwore h iho porfoc* omwm for mothcn and bridw. THIS OFFER IS FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY ASK FOR YOUR CREDIT CARD '*? - : PENDER ZZ . . ? . '? ? ?. ; ? .J. .. L ^KmA^^B B I BB B ? \ ilB B V IUOT| frJH^J K: <^B - .? ? v? . ? I. - h H' B H I, B B ? |V-Bf ,'; B llk^ i\V\l\U PB BmuJmill B? 1 I ^B - I H^^B B II11 n 11 w i Kiifl^^B^lMji B?eB B B> -' ?'^^g You save money by getting your used car at those i low pricesl ? ?,'v**' ? ? ?mmW:1 QECAUSE we've got such o complete variety of mokes and models offering at rock-bottom clearance pric^sl ' ' "''" | "' ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ' '" I ' ^ ^ i ^ '*' 1 ^ ^ ' r?: . ; HaveMoney FOR MOTHER DO something for "Mother" who has done so much for you. Give her a nice home . . . Bank enough money to keep her in comfort during her declining years. This is a DUTY you owe to her and to your children. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business SAFETY of our Deposits Is INSURED by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $5,000 for Each Depositor. THINK! v ii m ?! HAVE MONBVI The Bank of Farmville Farmville, N. C. think;!. HAVE MONEY! Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. ft i ft ft AAAAAAA A AA A ^ A A Ijwjxuibdi/ouk life MY horn. Is painted with ATHEY'S 100% PURE PAINT because!! 1. "It's the longest-lasting protective coat that I could buy. 2. Cheap paint soon cracks, blisters and peels off?gives destruction the foothold it needs with unprotected wood. 3. Season and weath&r have little effect upon ^ VA the lasting beauty of Athens 100% Pure Paint. < 4. It's made in 24 glorious shades and Athey's White?the whitest of all white paints. 5. Figured over a period of time, Athey's 100% . Pure Faint is the most economical paint that v I can buy." \ " Protect your home?hold your property value ?; high by painting this season with Athey's 100% Pure Paint. Manufactured by C. M. ATHEY PAINT CO. ' ? K - _?: J. 1 ;? ? Baltiam, Ml. '^^^VJi;S;i J|B~; j[p^ ^P Bj bL ?V rWWJWf^M H ? m -jj .9 ? ^ f g|fl|H ? j^F V n "9 a I vI vlml :v I L^ 'i*^B:lMkTTW ? k, |;^| I*