Social anb Itefamate j . _ . _ ^ * * * > a i > t ?- > i"> a % i % ? 1 1 I Aliifciii "fr** r > ? 0?? I A I [r. and Mrs. P. G. Smith were I .ston visitors, Thursday. >cil Dixon, of Wilson, spent Mon f heer. ? ? ? | Mr. and Mrs. John T. Thorne spent I ^dnesday in Magnolia. ff; ? ??? f <j 'Mrs. J. D. and Mis Neva Owens ere Fountain visitors, Wednesday. I ? ? ? , Mr. and Mrs. Flave Darden and nildren spent the week end in La I ? ? ? Mrs. Frank Davis Sr. and Miss I Elizabeth Davis were Wilson visit ors, Wdnesday. * * * Mrs. J. I. Morgan Jr. and daught er, Ann, spent Saturday in Wilson I with relatives. ? ? ? Mrs. R. F. Watson, of Tuskegee, ff I Ala., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ? John B. Joyner. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner and I children spent Sunday with rela tives in Wilson. m m m Miss Emily Gayle, teacher in the Whiteville school, is at home for the summer months. m ? m Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gregory Sunday morning, May 12th, a daught I er, Joan Francis. Miss Tabitha DeVisconti spent I Wednesday and Thursday in Wilson I and Rocky Mount. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herring, of Kinston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith. ? * ? Jim Joyner, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Joyner. * * * Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss and small son have returned from a visit to relatives in Virginia. ? * ? I Mrs. Alex Bynura and daughter, Lenora, of Charlotte, are visiting relatives near Farmville. * * * Mrs. Eunice Moseley, of Fayette ville, spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. Louise Harris. ? * * Miss Eva Mae Hardy, of Kinston, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hardy. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright Jr., of Greensboro, spent the week end with Mrs. J. L. Shackleford. ? ? ? John T. Thome and Roy Bowling attended a meeting of dairymen at State College, Raleigh, Tuesday. * * * Mrs. C. C. Joyner, Mrs. Frances | Spencer and Miss Sailie Norwood were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. ? ? * J. I. Morgan Sr. and J. I. Morgan Jr. are attending a Naional Cotton seed Convntion in New Orleans this week. ? ? ? I Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Clifton and son, Frank Jr., of Kinston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Baker. c ? * ? i Misses Louise and Virginia Harris, * students at Duke University, are 2 spending the week end at their home c here. c ? * * ~ c Mrs. John A. Moore, of Fayette- c villa, and Edward Dixon, of Wilson, " spen Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Louise Harris. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Acton and < small daughter, Martha Ann, of j Danville, Ky., are guests of Mr. and ; Mrs. R. H. Knott. ? ? ? * * # I Mrs. R. R. Newton, Mrs. Zadock Cobb, Mrs. R. R. Newton Jr. and daughter, Shirley Ann, spent Wed nesday in Raleigh. \ ? mm Mrs. D. E. Oglesby, Mrs. B. 0. Turnage, Mrs. John B. Joyner and Mrs. R. F. Watson were Greenville visitors, Tuesday. * * * Mrs. Flave Darden, Mrs. Fred Dar den, and Mrs. J. H. Alexander, of Kinaton, sprat Wednesday with .friends in Tarboro. ? ? ? Mrs. W. D. Brown and mother, Mrs. Brown, of Raaford, spent Wed nesday sad Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker. A. J. Mo ye in the Southwood School, near Kinaton, and Bill Moye, teacher in the Brttgeton School, are at home for the vacation months. * + * ~ Mr. and Mrs Harvey L. W instead hav*'ashamed from their wedding tom^ef Floridaand are making their j Mk Elbert Joyner and son, Don ald, hava returned from Benson, where Mrs. Joyner has been teach ware dinner Friends will be glad to learn that T. M. Dail, who underwent a recent ?>ve operation at Duke Hospital, re trrned to his home here Wednesday and is recuperating. * * * Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Mrs. L. E. Flowers and Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey spent Wednesday in Kin ston, where they attended the fun eral of Mrs. Rouse's uncle, R. F. Churchill. ? * ? I Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morgan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nash Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trevathan attended the District Rotary meeting, held in i Rocky Mount last week. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Skinner and son, Gene, and R. D. Tugwell, of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tug well Jr., Frances and Bruce Tug well, of Walstonburg, were guests of Mrs. J. D. Owens and Miss Neva Owens, Sunday. * * ? Miss Frances Newton, of Char lotte, spen the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrsl R. R. Newton. Friends heer will b interested to learn that Miss Newton was pro moted recently from the toll office to the accounting office of he South ern Bell and Telephone Co. in Char lotte. * ? ? A larg number of Farmville rela tives and friends, including Miss Tabitha DeVisconti, Mrs. T. C. Turn ageage, Mrs. A. C. Monk, Mrs. R. 0. Lang, Mrs. J. 0. PolJard, Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bynum attended the funeral of [ Mrs. Charles H. Arrinngton in ; Rocky Mount, Thursday afternoon. * ? ? Miss Seba Flanagan, who has been taking a post graduate course in pediatrics at Michael Reese Hos pital in Chicago for the past four months is visiting relataives ? near Farmville. Miss Flanagan i leav ing during the week end for Win ston-Salem where she has accepted a position in the Baptist Hospital. 4RS. JOYNER HONORED ON MOTHER'S DAY Mrs. Bertha Barrow Joyner, widow if the late R. L. Joyner, was honored it a dinner, given by' her son, R. A. md Mrs. Joyner on Mother's Day. Ifrs. Joyner's children and grand :hildren, numbering fifty and her inly brother, T. E. Barrow, of Greene lounty were present on this glad oc casion. - I U . jm\ WKAR.fCALED fK'nUii UA? &JL & fWii ?' ? ' lend Shade*. ? ? t i V ?? ? I I 1' 'TTTT T V T T t "i* r vt t ? ? I SOCIAL CALENDAR 3:30 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with' Mrs. Hubert Joyner. Presbyterian Auxiliary meet ing postponed, see Wednesday. 7:00 P. M.?Red Men. Tuesday, 21 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. M. V. Jones. 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 22 3:30 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. L. E. Walston. Thursday, 23 3:00 P. M.?Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. W. Alex Allen. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. 8:00 P. M.?Presbyterian Auxili ary celebrated birthday with special meeting in Church. Friday, 24 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the [ World. ; _ Mrs. Watson Entertained j \ cd AflEttir H Farmvifle Friends Ex tend Social Courtesies to Sister of Mrs. John B. Joyner; Clubs Have Splendid Programs Mrs. R. P. Watson, of Tuskegee, Ala., sister and house guest of Mrs. John B. Joyner, has been extended a number of lovely social courtesies during the week. . Mrs. Joyner entertained relataives "numbering twelve at a luncheon hon oring her sister, Mrs. Watson; On Monday morning, Mrs. J. H. Moore entertained at a Coca-Cola party with Mrs. Watson as special guest; in the afternoon Mrs. S. A. Roebuck gave a meatinee party; Mrs. D. R. Morgan entertained at a barbecue luncheon; Mrs. Henrietta M. Wil- 1 liamson gave a dinner party honor ing Mrs, Watson Tuesday, and with Mrs. G. M. Holden as. joint hostess entertained later in the eveing at an informal tea; Mrs. T. W. Lang and ; party, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Joyner, j Miss Elizabeth Lang and Mrs. H. M. Potter, of Snow Hill, had lunch in Goldsboro, Wednesday; Mrs. A. B. Moore honored Mrs. Watson at a luncheon on Thursday; Mrs. R. A. ?^1 Uftofnoa of o lunch tLrnkCx w itVk7wou M? ?? _ . eon today and Mrs. J. I. Morgan Sr. . and Mars. R. H. Knott also native of I Alabama will entertain in compli-1 ment to the home state friend at an outdoor supper tonight. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner were hostess at an enjoyable meet- | ing of the Couple Club this week. ! Spring flowers were arranged in pleasing effect throughout the home. In the interesting progressions of contract, Mrs. W. E. Joyner won the , ladies' prize, a blue water set, J. W. I Joyner was winner of the men's prize, L. E. Walston won the guest I award and Dr. W. M. Willis received . the consolation. I, The refreshment plates held a pear salad, dainty sandwiches, crax, . pickles and lemon tarts, and were accompanied by iced tea. Sharing I with members in the pleasures of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. I j Walston and Mrs. J. L. Shackleforii. ^ Members of the Ace Clubs played bridge at a delightful meeting of ' that group with Mrs. David T. Har- ' ris as hostess. Ragged robins,!, sweetpeas and iris made a colorful setting for the tabiee. Mrs. S. A. ' Garris compiled high score and was presented bridge accessories. Straw berry shortcake was served after play. Mrs. Lyman Joyner was a spe-1 rial guest at this time. . Mrs. W. R. Burke was a gracious , bridge hostess, entertaining friends for three tables at her home, in J which quantities of flowers made pleasing combination of the pastel shades. Mrs. H. ? Neal Howard won the high score award, a blue vace, and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith received the consolation, pepper and salts. Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver and Mrs. T.I S. Ryan, recent brides, were remem bered with crystal top hats. After the game the tables were , laid with refreshment covers and , centered with miniature springling pots filled with sweetpeas. Straw- ( berry mousse in ring molds, decorat ed. angel cake, nuts and mints and a 1 refershing fruit drink were served, j the favors, tiny wheelbarrows, fur ther emphasizing the flower garden suggestion. ! Mrs. Haywood Smith was hostess to the Literary Club at her home on Church Street. Tall vases of Paul's scarlet climber rose made lovely the . reception and music rooms of the Smith residence. ' Mrs. Jh*W. Joyner, club president, pWsfded over a brief business ses- I sion. Mrs. John B. Joyner, a delegate . to the 38th meeting of the State Federation of Women's Club, held J recently in Greensboro, gave an in- ' teresting report, in which she men- 1 tioned the fact that the three fed erated. of Farmville had places on on honor roll; the? Literary Club led all clubs in its do nation.-bo the Foundation Fund, Mrs. Joyner's excerpts from the various addresses were interesting, helpful and inspi]$tji&gind she summarized the thordghts brought out by the speakers, .making her hearers feel woman's opportunity at the present ?a mission both practical and force ful. After adjournment; the hostess were? Mrs, R. F. Watson^ of Tusk? gee, Ala., Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck and Mrs. F. M. Davis Sr. The May meeting of the Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R. was hehj in Chapter House \rith Mrs. J. E. Bgrrnkt, of Wilson, Mrs. C. H. Arlington, of Rocky Mounty, Mrs. I ~ ? "? 1 1 r <T u?_ I ts. S; gneppani nuu um. ?. nurn as joint hostesses. Red bervena, roses, blue iris, blue cornflowers, and white peonies were in effective arrangements carrying the national colors. A round table discussion of chap*, ter activities wgs led by the regent, Mrs. T. C. Turnage, and interesting reports of -the 49th 'Continental Con gress of the Daughters of ,tfc*Aperk can Revolution, held recently in WaafetogtM, ww >giyn <by re. U fcjiacjcieiora. xdutnf niibon&l 06 tion of the home were among the " ??^eta considered at the Congress j ?" ' ? ?? . chaper members at time by the dele- 1 chaper members at this time by he 1 delegates and visitors. ; Mm. Drexel Barrett, of Wilson, a < special guest of the 'hostesses, as- 1 slated in serving delicious strawberry ; lee ceam in green confection rings, ? topped with whipped cream and ao- ! rompanied by cakes, iced and dec- ; orated in the prevailing colors of ? green, pink and white. ! Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson en- \ tertained at a lovely dinner party on ? Wednesday evening. The dining | room table was spread with a lace ; cloth and centered-with a mixed ar- ? rangement of sweetpeas. Covers i were laid for seven. A course din ner was served at seven o'clock. Guests weer? Mrs. T. C. Turnage, Mrs. A C. Mbnk, Mrs. J. 0. Pol- | lard, Mrs. Joel Moye, Mrs. W. E. Edwards, of Snow Hill, and Mrs. J. ! L. Shackleford. Mrs. D. A. Clarke, Mrs. J. M. Christmas, Mrs. Cherry Easley and Mrs. W. J. Rasberry were joint ! hostesses at the May meeting of | the Woman's Club, held at the home ? of Mrs. Clarke. Lovely roses pre dominated in the floral decorations | of the home. Mrc J. H. Moore, the newly elect- ! ed president, presided over a busi- | ness session, in which the club de- f :ided to contribute $10 to the Sal- * lie Southall Cotton Loan Fund to | cooperate with town authorities in * the Clean Up Week campaign now 4 underway. | Miss Tabitha M. DeVisconti gave | plans for the holding of a Flower 4, Show in June, and the many civic 2 improvement projects, undertaken ? and carried out by the Gardening 4. Department in recent months, was J recounted by Mrs. T. E. Joyner. Mrs. + Mack Carraway was given a cordial + velcome as a new member. ? Mrs. Haywood Smith presented a + splendid program in observance of + National Music Week, discussing 4! ;he development of music Bince the t radio, sound pictures and recordings f tad made their advent, and intro- 4. luced a number of her piano pupils, ? vho rendered selections as follows: + Back, Mozard and Beethoven-num- 4. >ers by Donald Baucom; "The Doll's t Dream,"?Osten, by Betsy Willis ? Tones; "Lechatelaine,"?LeDuc, by 4* Mary Fay Smith; duet, "Roido Mili- J aire"?Diabelli, by Helen Rouse and + iTvonne Smith. Mrs. R. D. Rucker 4. Jr. brought the program to a close * rvith the reading of original sonnets. + Delicious sherbert, 'cake, mints and + in iced friut drink were served af- % ter adjournment. * Mrs. R. H., Khott delightfully en- + :ertained the Merry Matrons on 4! ruesday at her home on Church ? street, in which artistic floral ar- + rangements carried the'color note of 4. pink and blue. + Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins presided - - ? ? and conducted a business session, at, + ?vhich time the Merry Matrons voted * ? finance the tuning of one of the + ichool pianos. . I The program based on "The Eti- * juette of Dress," was featured with 4 i review of Margaret Byers' book, * 'Designing Women," by Mrs. Joel + tfoye. ? f A delectable salad course with ilced $ fruit juices was served during a J peasant social hour. * Special guests of the hostess were, * Mrs. John B. Joyner, and her sister, | Mrs. R. H. Watson, of Tuskegee, f Ala., Mrs. J. H. and Mrs. A. B. | Moore, Miss Edna Robinson, Miss | Bettie Joyner and Mrs. D. A. Clarke, f One of the loveliest parties-of the 4 week was that of Monday, when Miss | Hazel Bass entertained in compli- | ment to Miss Koma Lee Owens, of 4 Fountain, bride-elect, whose mar- | riage to Mr. William W. Walker, of | Washington, takes place this month. 4 Four tables were arranged for f bridge in a setting of lovely roses * and iris. Bridal tallies were used 4 and the place of the honoree was * marked with a corsage of pink roses. | Miss Nancy Lewis won the high f score prize, a vhse, and the traveling f prize, a potted plant went to the hon- | oree, who was presented with a gift | of lingerie by the hostess. Miss Dorothy Smith, of Walstonburg, and | Miss Miriam Torley, of Fountain; 4 brides-elect, were remembered with 4 lovely gifts. | Fruit juiies were served during 4 play and art ace course carrying the 4 colors--of yellow and white was en- 1 joyed when cards were laid aside. J The tables were centered with vases 4 of rosebuds and the bride's table bore | a miniature bride and bridegroom. | Mrs. J: W. Bass, mother of the hos- 4 tess, Mrs. L.: P. Yelverton, of Foun-~ 4 tain, sister of the honoree, Mrs. R. ;j C. Copenhaver, and Miss Elizabeth 4 Lang assisted in serving refresh- 4 ments. 1 A large number of friends -from j Fountain and Saratoga were in at- 4 tendance. jj It Is very hard to work effectively ! after* the dinner hell ringB. ILv -^ .Jj r ? The girls of todajr are either bet- 1 ter looking or we see more of them. ; ?? : The use of machinery in produc- ; tio may present difficulties but it ; aao- opens up; th? way to a more 1 abundant life. ! ; -? Ui... FOR SALE ? Choke Hereford Steers, Heifers, Calves and year!- ; Priced to sell direct from* ' llUflll IIHIIIMM ? A SHOWER For Your Kitchen I ? ? wii wrmwf* .'.. fHippi . ? <, An Amaztm Spcetat Offer for Womm i Who NeedKitchen Furniture k ? g | r"i Vi/.X ?. ' . ... ? . ? ..? ? ? ;.; - j :. , / If You Act Mow!... i ... during this OK NEK KITCHEN FURNITURE j: h . ;; W7 H-j '? ?> 4 ^ Begins Tnenlay i; A. M. May 21st | See the complete time of 'ca|>- ? + nets, dinettes and breakfast? t suites displayed on our floor. | 82 Pc. 1 Dinner Ware 1 Ensemble Tp^DTPTJi ? JD H riiri THIS WEEK '? ONLY! 1 '? 1111 FREE! 1 if you act now i . 11 A 32 Pc. DINNER SET in sctual $4.50 Value with iny Sellers Purchase of? ! I ? $34.95 ? : ? i 24 Pc. GLASS WARE SET i i < ?'" in actual $1.95 Value with ;; my Sellers Purchase of? ? $24.95 ? i: ?? ? ? ? 26 Pc. SILVERWARE SET J f. in actual $3.50 Value given vith any Sellers Purchase of ; ? $29.50 ? i See These Beautiful Gifts In Our Window! ? ???? isi ?All 82 Pieces with Any Sellers Purchase of $59.50? j ? BUY THIS WEEK AND GET FREE GIFTS ? * ' ?r * ' i . \\f LIBERAL TERMS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME ;; . Farmville Furniture Co. Is FURNITURE IS YOUR BEST INVESTMENT" ; |j ?x. *{': f^fl I L*^m Mf T ?" , sE :I ^# ? P(^ fl^JtBBWWPP ,^B.B.,J^B^^p?^B' B ^^^^BBWBH B BB BjBBRT ' BE?BB/B

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