:?7?L? ~~ ~"7. - p , Progressive Business Firms of Fountain I Bid For a Share oYotir Patronage R. A. FOUNTAIN & SONS FOUNTAIN, N. C. This is one of the largest mercan- ; tile establishments in the County, and was founded 38 yean ago by Mr. R. A. Fountain, one of the county's mo3t widely known business men and fi nanciers. You will find at this mam moth store, everything in dry goods. R. A. FOUNTAIN, Sr. Business man and financier shoes for the family, groceries, feed, ' seed, fertilizers, farm supplies, farm , tools and implements, men's work clothing and furnishings, ladies and children's wear, hardware of all kinds, furniture and home furnish- j ings, They are also buyers of cotton on a large scale, and operate a live stock business in connection. Associ ated with the founder are his two sons, R. A. Fountain, Jr., J. N. Foun tain, E. W. Hunt and Roderick Har ris, all young men of prominence in the community, and very active in the operation of this business. .As everyone knows, the farmer is the backbone of the country, when he fails to make a good crop, the whole | country goes into a depression, first j he must have the proper seed, feed, fertilizer, farm tools, implements, clothing, food, etc., and thanks to the R. A. Fountain & Sons store for carrying just these needed necessi ties, which are sold at the most mod erate prices. Mr. Fountain also operates the Fountain Warehouse in Farraville, which is one of the largest and most progressive Tobacco ware- 1 houses in the bright leaf belt, and 1 enjoy a patronage second to none, J1 and they solicit your tobacco business i1 next fall, and assure you a fair and i1 square deal at all times. '' People of Fountain are fortunate,J in having a concern like this in their.! midst, for they can obtain, all under;1 one roof, most everything from a box , ' of tacks to a large tractor, and as j1 they are buyers in large quantities, j ^ they are able to meet all competitive j' prices, and if you will trade at this j1 store, you will save many dollars on 1 your clothing, grocery and farm re quirement bills. The Stores slogan 1 is?"If you can't find it here?it's 1' hard to find," and this slogan has ( been lived up to 100 per cent. We ' are pleased to list the R. A. Fountain & Sons store with the many Foun- 1 tain business concerns who have co operated in this trade at home drive, 1 and wish years of continued success and prosperity for the owners and I store, and for a fair and square deal,j1 plus dependable merchandise, trade J at this store, which has rendered a [ faithful service to the people of j fny rho najtt .18 vears. adv j UUilfcOJU KMV ELLIS DRUG STORE FOUNTAIN, N. C. A good drug store is a town's most necessary and essential establishment, and the Ellis Drug Store is no ex ception. This store was first estab lished 20 years ago by Mr. C. L. Owens, known then as the Owens Drug Store, and about one year ago, was purchased by Mr. E. E. Ellis, who has successfully operated it since. This store carries a com plete line of staple drugs, sundries, rubber goods, toilet goods, stationery, candies, school supplies, patent medi cines, all kinds of tobaccos and cigar ettes, sad other every day drug store necessities, and from the soda foun tain, the most delicious drings, ice creams, etc., are served, amidst the most sanitary conditions. Folks, you should patronize your home drug store, remember, he has in some instances as much as $25.00 invested in just one small bottle of & certain drug, which is probably used only once a year, but he ia forced to carry same, never knowing when the occasion will arrive for its use, he ia cm the job all during the day, many boon at night, and on emergencies at anytime, he banks at home, pays taxes, helps in the support of home schools, churches, etc., and cooperates an all progressive movements made tfcaf lead to the general uplift of the team and county. Many times yon m$ a staple drug store item adver tised by some out of town drug store alt a few cents cheaper than your hoos druggist sells it, but the time dni|g|^aJo has his money invest ed the first opportunity to sell you. This store is modern and up-to date, attractive and appropriate fix tures are installed, and comfortable seats and tables are there where one i may go and relax, and enjoy a deli cious drink, such as served by the store. The United States Post Of fice is convenient to the store, being connected by a door which leads from the store to the lobby of the post office. We are pleased to list the Ellis Drug Store in this trade at home edition and urge the people of Foun tain and vicinity to give Mr. Ellis a part or all of their Drug Store busi ness. adv BANK OF FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN, N. C. This is the Financial Pillar of Fountain and community and was established here many years ago. The President of this bank is Mr. Henry Clark Bridges; Vice-President, Mr. G. W. Jefferson; and Cashier, Mr. J. M. Horton, all prominent citizens of the community, who have won the good will and confidence of the peo ple by their straight forward busi ness dealings, and their every endeav our to serve the public with the very best banking facilities. Upon the shoulders of Mr. J. M. Horton, the major operation of the bank depends, and he is to be congratulated for the splendid success made by this institu tion, and for the splendid service they render to the public. 'The Bank of Fountain is a strong and firm institution, they are mem bers of the F. D. I. C. which guaran J. M. HORTON Cashier Bank of Fountain' tees all deposits up to $5,000.00 and when you entrust your savings to their vaults, you can rest assured that they will be safe and sound and it your command at anytime. They gladly make loans to deserving and reliable people, where desirable and sufficient collateral is obtainable, and j their rate of interest for same is very liberal. Whether you be a big busi ness man, large land owner, Doctor, Lawyer, Financier, or just a plain, everyday, humble individual, you are accorded the same courteous service, and always welcomed at this bank, rhe people of Fountain and vicinity are fortunate in having a reliable bank like this in their midst, and. have rertainly merited the patronage of home people. People should pause a few minutes and realize what an institution of this kind means to ones home section, as without a bank in your communi ty, the merchants would have no safe place to deposit their days receipts after the day's business is over, they would have no place to secure i change during the day, and when you pay your bills by "check, you have a bonifide receipt that stands up in any court, so be loyal to your home town bank, and give them your pa tronage, which they have merited 100 per cent Do your banking business with the Bank of Fountain, which has rendered a faithful and honora ble service to the people of Fountain and vicinity for many years, and where a royal welcome await you at all times. The Officials and stockholders of this Bank are citizens of the highest standing in their home community, who take a personal interest in every patron of the Bank, and upon a solid rock foundation of honorable and ef ficient banking dealings, ,they solicit your banking business. adv THE SMITH & YELVERTON CO. FOUNTAIN, N. C. Way back in 1911, when Fountain was just a small country cross-road community, this prominent and pro gressive concern was founded by M. jD. Yelverton and D. F. Lang, known [then as the Lang-Yelverton Co., and in 1915, Mr. C. M. Smith became ? partner in the business, and the firm name changed to Smith & Yelverton Co., and has operated successfully ever since. The proprietors today are Mr. C. M. Smith, Mr. M. D. Yel verton and Mr. L. P. Yelverton, three very prominent business men of Fountain, who long ago have won the good wQl and confidence of the people by their fair and square busi ness dealings, and by carrying a stock of dependable merchandise, of fered at prices to meet the most humblest pocket-book. This store carries in abundance dry goods, shoes, ladies and childrens wear, men's work clothes sad furnishings, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, farm sup zenf, sad are buyers of cottofa and country produce. Mr. M. D. Yelverton of the firm served as Mayor of Fountain for sev eral terms, and made the town a splendid official, many improvements being: made while he was in office. < Mr. C. M. Smith of the firm is a di rector in the Bank of Fountain, serv- 1 ed on the town council for several, terms, and is a deacon in the Mis-1 ?' sionary Baptist Church. Mr. L. P. | Yelverton, junior member of the firm I is a member of the Town Board at J' present, has served on the School 11 Board for 12 years and is Superin-1 tendent of the Sunday School of hiS-J church. When ydur cotton is ready! for market this fall, beforfe you sell,! get in touch with these people, they J have made a careful study of the! cotton business, and do the very best ' for all their patrons, they see to it 11 that your cotton is graded right, weighed right, and do their best to I get the very highest price, and if you ' will entrust your cotton business to this firm, we assure you that you will I be pleased and satisfied, and get the] high dollar fdr your crop. Trafcie in Fountain, and with the ] Smith & Yelverton Co., their stock is now complete, they have courteous employees to serve, and you will save ] many dollars on your every need by J patronizing this well known and pro gressive concern, which has been do-]' ing business with the people of this]: section since 1911, and are ever ready ] to serve you courteously and effi ciently. adv ] REDICK SERVICE I, STATION 1 FOUNTAIN, N. C. \ I -* I ' This is one of the most modern I and progressive Service Stations inj, the County and was established in J 1919 by Mr. J. V{. Redick, who for r the past 20 years has been wholesale j distributor for the Standard Oil Co., 11 in the Fountain territory. Mr. Redick is ably assisted in his business by his ' brother, W. C. Redick, who this writer thinks is one of the most courteous and efficient service station attend ents I have ever known, as hfe takes a personal interest in every patron of the station, the minute you drive r your car in this station, Mr. Re<Jick ^ is at your car before you can bat your eye, he carefully checks your j gas and oil, your battery and tires, I, fills your radiator with clean water, ( cleans your windshield, and does it I j himself, and does not wait for some- j one else to give his assistance, he ( has made a careful study of the ser vice station, business, and takes an ' extreme pleasure in satisfying all patrons of the station. In the repair ; department is Mr. Vernon Baker, an . expert mechanic on all make cars, I i! J. W. REDICK j Distributor of Standard Oil products ] and when you entrust your car to ] him to be repaired, you can rest as- i sured that it will be done right, and | your car returned >to you, running j like new, and at a most moderate < cost. j This Station sells Esso gasoline and 1 motor oils, Goodyear tires and tubes, ' Williard batteries, fan belts for ell j make cars, cold drinks, etc:, andjright ] now is thb right time po buy your 1 tires for the hot summer weather, < for slick and worn tires blowout i quickly in hot weather, and you sure ? want your car to be a safety car by ! having dependable tires installed, so drop by the Redick Service Station : and let Mr. Redick make you an al lowance price on your old tires to apply on purchase price of a hew set i of Goodyears. .j Mr. Redick, the proprietor, is a man well known and well liked by ,] the peopl^ in his home community, he formerly served on the town coun cil, is a member of the Board of Di rectors of the Bank of Fountain, and is also on the executive committee of same. Trade with the Redick Service Station in Fountain, which is tpodern and up-to-date inr every re spect, has rest rooms for both ladies and gentlemen, and renders a service not excelled by any other station in the community. adv I 11 ' 11 When a man gets the fever' for political office there is no predict ing the remedy that he will try. It's about time for some ambitious student to insist that schools remain pen during the vacation months. QnM. -?-? ' - - ' ,?Viof V Ve. lUv TfVIm ' MWPilPi ! JoeSSPx ?. .v <5. w FOUNTAIN, N. C. - . New stores have come and gone, Borne replaced by others, gone out of business forever, but this pioneer old store has stood the test of vyaars, through good times, and de pressions, and today has many of its first customers, (even their children and grandchildren still doing business there,) for they long ago were con vinced that they could always do bet ter at this store, hence they sceked no further market. You will find at frhjg progressive store, which was founded 36 years ago by Mr. G. W. Jefferson and his brother, R. L. Jtf ferson, two of the County's promi nent business men, who's every en deavour is to sell dependable mer chandise, at the closest margin of profit. At this progressive store, you will find staple and fancy groceries of all kinds, feeds, seed, farm sup plies, farm tools, implements, shoes for every member of the family, hard ware, dry goods, and other every day necessities, and as the owner has the financial backing to go out in the market and buy his goods in large quantities, he is able to meet the prices offered by the larger stores in the larger towns, and if you will trade there exclusively, you will save many dollars on your grocery, cloth ing and farm supply bills. Way back in 1904, the Jeffersons began their successful business career in a small way, with little cash, but with a willing and ambitious heart to make good in the business world, they opened a little store in Foun tain, and by fair and square business dealings, by selling dependable mer chandise at fair prices, and by al ways giving full dollar for dollar value, their business expanded by leaps and bounds, and today, they not only enjoy a nice patronage from, the people of Fountain, but their business has extended to adjoining towns, and from all parts of the rural sections of the community. ? Besides selling general merchan dise, they are buyers of cotton and sell high grade fertilizers, and by carrying a stock of fertilizer in Foun tain, they save transportation costs for their patrons, and also time, for they can deliver any quantity at any time, and at a price all fanners can afford to pay. Mr. G. W. Jefferson, besides operating this large ptore is Vice-President of the Bank of Foun tain, and a faithful church member, being an elder in his church, and takes part in all affairs' sponsored by this institution. He is ably assisted in his business by his brother's two sons, H. D. and R. D. Jefferson, two prominent young business men of the town, who have made many new friends for the store by their courte ous and efficient service! Trade at borne with this progressive store, which has rendered a faithful and efficient service to the people of Fountain and community for the past 36 years. ac*v B. H. OWENS FOUNTAIN, N. C. Nine years ago, this thrifty and progressive store was established by Mr. B. H. Owens, a wide awake and progressive merchant of Fountain, who's every aim is to sell quality merchandise at fair prices, and to treat every patron courteously, and to render an efficient service. You will find at this nice store, most everything in Staple and fancy gro :eries, men's work clothing, country .ured meats, country produce, no tions, dry goods, patent medicines, plow points, harness, feed, seed, hardware and many other every day lecessitie. The owner of this estab lishment,. Mr. B. H. Owens, is a na tive of the County, a faithful mem ber of the Free Will Baptist Church, and has borne his share of the burden sn improvements made in his home town. Mr. Owens is ably assisted in the operation of his store by Mr. Tony Gay, a popular young business man of Fountain, who greets every patron with a smile when they enter r the store, lends his aid and experi ence in helping one make selections that fills their requirements best, and to make them feel right at home, and has made'many new friends and pa trons for the store by his courteous and efficient service. .? This store is conveniently located, right. in the center of the business district of the town, is always neat and attractive, and sanitation about the place is strictly A. 1. Mr. Owens buys all possible country cured meats and other country products raised by the farmers of his home section, pay ing at all times, the highest market prices and re-selling in hit store at] a close margin of pnfit You will | enjoy trading at B. E. Owens store in Fountain, all merchandise is con veniently arranged for the quick shopping of all patrons; the stock is always complete and fresh, you never find any old shop-worn goods [ there, as the proprietor is a shrew buyer, knows the,kind of merchandise demanded by the trading public pf.l his home section, and keeps new merchandise coming to the store at .all times. He has extended many favors to the people of his home sec tion, by selling to responsible citi zens on 80 day time accounts, and this has been highly appreciated by the ones who find it necessary to trade on this batii. This is ? loyal I w.r:-I? ? i ? y*.4-V? ^?iwxvfiw">2m ?:???' , - w?r ? ? . by . ?/ '?? MAIN STREET OF FOUNTAIN, N. C., LOOKING EAST. home owned store, and have merited the patronage of home people, and Mr. Owena will appreciate a part of all of your trade. We wish yean of continued success and prosperity for B. H. Owens and his store. adv THE J. L. PEELE GROCERY FOUNTAIN, N. C. This is one of the most modern and progressive gores in the Coun ty, and was established four years J. L. PEELE Leading Grocer and Merchant ago by Mr. J. L. Peele, a prominent citizen and business man of Fountain, who's ever aim is to serve his pa trons with the very highest quality food products on the market, and al ways at "Live and Let Live Prices." You will observe in abundance, the minute you enter the store, fancy 1 I ?' ? 1 ' bottled, and canned goods, fine floors, coffees, fresh fruits and vegetables, all hinds of country produce, men's work clothing and Shoes, notions, feeds, seed and farm supplies, and in the market section, the choic est of fresh meats, kept pure and sanitary at all times through modem refrigeration facilities, including a modern and up-to-date electric food counter, where all fresh meats and other perishables go the minute they enter the store, and remain there un til sold, thereby assuring every pa tron of getting nothing but the best at all times. Mr. Peele and his business mean much to the every day business life of the town, as he is not only a leader in the business field, but has served his home town as councilman for sev eral terms, and did so for the benefit of all concerned instead of just a few individuals or to gain personal bene fits, and has borne his share of the burden-on all progressive movements made that have lead to the general uplift of the town and county. ' He lis also a Deacon in the Presbyterian church, and was Superintendent of | the Sunday School for many years. As everyone knows, the independent merchant has had a hard uphill fight during recent years, by strong com petition given to them by the large out of town owned stores, but by certain regulations made by the gov ernment, the independent merchant can buy his merchandise now as cheaply as his larger competitor, which affords him meeting all com petitive prices. Mr. Peele has also got into the Livestock business on a large scale, and is one of the largest dealers in the county, and if yon have any hogs, or cows to sell, phone 871, and Mr. Peele will come out to your farm, and make you a liberal offer for your stock. Trade with your home owned stores and help build a better community, Mr. Peele will appreciate any business given to . him, whether you come in the store to buy a box of matches or a truck load. Mr. Peele has cooperated 100 per cent in this Trade in Fountain Drive, and we congratulate him for the splendid stock carried, for the ideal manner in which he conducts his business, and for the splendid success made in the business world. adv 9 One of these days somebody is go ing to discover the truth and it will probably surprise all of us. i? 7 . Ax*.*'*-':! ^5regter iT'al uc fc r . PotZflu The Superior Tobacco Cure*: mads in Maury, North Caroline, , by the <X L. Hardy Curiny Corporation ie one of , the most economical jad sac ? ? ?- ? m - - ^r> n * ? ,, ^ , * ?ininmira J CMsrui carers every nsfitzrictiireiL It is manufactured in a modern, twentieth century plant, where skilled and experienced workmen are employed, aU tinder supervision of Mr. G. C. Leonard, who is Secretary and Treasurer of the plant, and who has had six years'experience In the manufacture of Oil burning carers, being connected with one of the largest concerns in the United States for many years, and he brings this experience to his present fhrtn,\ who are now enjoying a nice patro nage from tobacco plasters all over j the territory. This plant was or ganized by Mr. C. L. Hardy, one of the County's most prominent busi ness men, who operates a huge mercantile business in Maury, as well' as some of the largest farms in the state. The Superior Curing System is de signed not only with-regard for simple operation, but for long and continued use. JThe material is ALL NEW and of the highest quality. The workmanship is unsurpassed and closely supervised. The same type , of control valve used in the Superior System is also used by other leading manufacturers of oil burning equip ment This is an exclusive 'Superior" feature. It is dependable yet simple to operate. The user of the Su perior Curing System is assured of many f years of uninterrupted and satisfactory service. if happy birthday to .... !! i: the farmville enterprise || i; gn their thirtieth anniversary! ;i , , i . ..V- . ? / . < ' | CURE THIS YEAR the... Superior Curing System i: ?? for ? -.if Economy ? (Simplicity and Uniformity ? ;; .. . . ; c ? v Tlii is the 'Tobacco Sutat you, 'v* ufanted . . . its % The SUPERIOR With the EXCLUSIVE Heat-Directing jjf' Hood and Positive Oil Control! ' I > ! J Think what that meant to YOU! Acreage re> ; ! ductions means that you most GET THE . . | , ? MOST PROFIT from what you can plant . . . and this It the curer that will do It for yon! i i ? The adjustable hood with finger-tip control ;' , works on a ball and socket. It permits you to direct the heat Where it It wedded instantly and easily. Uniformity it the result?even . curing and no curling - Positive oil control using the some type valve '1 used by leading manufacturers of oil burning < 1 ( I i equipment is dependable, simple to operate 1 ? and effecting greater economy in q!1 consump* . tion. This is an exdusiveJSUPERIOR feature ^ * - ( I in tobacco carers. i >: Numerous testimonials ffom successful farm* ers tell honestly of its efficiency and economy. . Drop a card for complete details. ? ' . j I I C. L. HARDY CURING CORPORATION I I MAURY, M. O. PHONK-8NOW HILL 2730 | X. : . _ J. . <f

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