? ?T? Farmville Enterprise FAMnrnxn N. C. G. ALEX BOUSE, Omar ft Mgr. Eva Hortoa Sharktefard Associate Editor THE BOUSE PRINTERY Snbstrlptiaa Print One Year *L*0 ? Six Months 75e ADVERTISING RATES: Display (Miaiaaa) 30c Per Inch All Legal adu. 5a a fine per week Published weekly and entered Uf Second Oa? Mail Matter at the Pottoffice at Farmville, N. C., un der act at March 3rd, 1878. There can be no certain answer to many of life's puzzles; just get all the information you can acquire and then follow your best judgment. The foreign markets for agricul ture are being lost as a result of war; this makes it important for farmers to live at home, as far as possible. Maybe this war will teach the dem ocratic nations of the world to co operate in times of peace in order to prevent times of war. ^ i ' Trading at home is a good prin ciple to practice but there is no harm in buying abroad if you have goods to sell abroad. The economic set-up of the world, as well as its political condition, will be revolutionized if the totalitarian philosophy triumphs. Cattle To Be Tested For Bang's Disease Dr. J. E. Klein of the Bureau of Animal Industry, in cooperation with the Pitt County authorities and the Department of Agriculture, has ar rived in the county to test cattle for Bang's disease. It is required that all cattle, male and female?six months and over, be tested for this disease. Dr. Klein will call on the owners of cattle to arrange for a date at which time the test can be made. This Bang's disease eradication program is important to the citizens j of Pitt County from the standpoint of health as well as from the eco nomic point of view since animals so affected may not reproduce. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT Thomas Cecil Rollins Once again a Comrade, having completed his time here on Earth, has passed through the portals of Eternity and entered the country known to us as the New Jerusaleum and hath received his reward, the white stone with the new name writ ten thereon. And whereas, the all wise and mer ciful Ruler of the Universe has re moved, from our midst ou# beloved Comrade, and he having been a true, and faithful member of The Ameri can Legion; Therefore, be it resolved That Farmville Post 151- of the American Legion, in testimony of its loss, tenders the family of our de ceased Comrade our sincere condol ence in tjbeir deep affliction and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, one to the Farmville Enterprise for publication, and a copy by spread upon the minutes of the Farmville American Legion Post. John Hill Paylor, Joe Henry Bynum, A. W. Bobbitt, Committee. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the authoi ty granted in a certain Deed of Trust executed by L. A. Fulford and wife, S. F. Fulford 4o John Hill Paylor. Trustee, dated November 24, 1928, aad duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Pitt Coun ty, in Book N-17, at page 306, de . fault having been made in the par meat of the indebtedness thereby se cured, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the Court House Door of Pitt County, to the highest bidder for cafh on Monday, July 1, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of FarmviHe, County of Pitt, State of North Caro line, and more fully described as fol SHuated on the Beet aide of Main Street and beginning at an alley ?a Tyson Street and running with Ty * sen Street SOU* feet to Contateea tooonar ofbtNo! HMtaace with the line of Lot No. 16, 202.70 feet to an alley; thence with said alley 100 feel to the beginning, being lots Nos. 14 aad IS of a certain plat^which to ' WALSTONBURG |i' NEWS ' Mr. and Mrs. Levi Walston of Farmville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Pierce of St. Augustine, FLa., have returned after a few days visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Ray West. Miss Kathleen Hicks of Rocking ham spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Oarl T. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft were Greenville visitors Monday afternoon. Mrs. Wayne Boyette of Wilson spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Marlowe. Mr. and Mrs. William Uzzell of Stantonsburg visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beaman, Sunday. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Jesse Gay is better after a recent illness. The Rev. Yar bo rough, pastor of the local Methodist Church was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Lewis, Sunday. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Nannie Bass continues quite ill at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chandler and lit tle daughter, Betsey Ray, Miss Alice Talley and Miss Fannie Mae Smith were dinner guests of Miss Ruby Burch, Sunday. Mrs. Chas. H. Floyd, of Roper, and Miss Eloise Burch of Windsor, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Burch. Mrs. G. W. Bailey visited her mo ther, Mrs. Smithy Smith, of Prince ton, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Her daughter, Rayonel, re turned with her after spending some time with relatives there. Stewart McKeel left Sunday with the Farmville troop of Boy Scouts to spend this week at Camp Charles. Several of our town people attend ed the funeral of Mr. R. E. Beaman in Stantonsburg, Monday. Miss Clara Jenkins and Sam Lewis Jenkins left Wednesday for a few days visit with relatives in Raleigh. AMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. A. Mewborn, de ceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned in Farmville, N. C., on or before the 11th day of June, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar I of their recovery. All persons in-1 debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th day of June, 1940. MRS. J. A. MEWBORN, Administratrix of 6wks. J. A. Mewborn, deceased. MONEY-BACK 1 KIDNEY DHIRETIC Svnry penny w? to paid todk to yoa If malts bom KIDANS are not ptoariiur. Thaf* Most peal tin we are ttot DDAN8 to an* ?f tha tort remadiea known for tho nU af nan ecynlf Utor troahtoa. Yea, to, nsy proro this to yoarentlra satis KmANS, in conTsnisnt palkt form, to flM product af n tomans laboratory. It csntains a diaretk sttoalant and other toaradtonto which act directly hpen the I kidneys and nrinary ajdia. does not in dads harmtol or hahlt-ferminx drays and to nod a laxatirs. I Bach dtounafmto and ditnin ad Get tbr-Up-Nlshfc. Backache. Lor Pains. ; Koroma Bmdarhis. Dtosinam and Laos of Saarsy are treqmently dtopallad to lees than one week if the symptoms ara attrito ! ?ted to tonettoaal kidney troahlse. Ton awe It to' jomrmU and family to toy KIDANS?the tomans Udnaydlnretlc. iaiJB^ to aato^mtdJteBahto.^ ^toasands aU#lJi dbactkn* KmANS wffll gtoa splen rsaahs. Try DDAN8, Bay it at ear | Spatial Price OAr am two toxaa. Use ana toe. If net aatbSad. retam mpmii tor I tad GBT TOUB X0NK7 BACK. Leading Druggists Everywhere WHELESS DRUG COMPANY FARMVILiEr N.TJ. BUY?THE NEW 1940 FLORENCE-MAYO THE WORLD'S BEST TOBACCO CURER Over 5,000 In Use Maury, N. C. Turkay, Iraq Sip . Defense Agreement < Londan.?An agreement between Turkey and Iraq for the joint de fense of Iraq and Frenchmandated Syria in collabration with Great Britain was concluded Wednesday at ] Anakar, exchange Telegraph (British news agency) reported Wednesday in a dispatch from Istanbul. The accord was the fruit of con cultations between the Iraq ministers of foreign affairs and justice, now in Anakara, and Turkish cabinet mem bers. Fear Italian Move. Since France surrendered to. the axis powers both Iraq, which main tains close treaty relations with Britain, and Turkey, which had mu tual assistance pacts with France and Britain, have shown increasing anxiety lest Syria become a battle ground. The Turks have feared that Italy might attempt to succeed France as the occupying power in Syria and make it a base for further expansion in the Near East The United States, it seems, would prefer to send supplies to Europe now than to rush troops abroad later. GARDENS ' , j Home gardens in Graham County J j ire the best they have been in manyjj years,, due largely to the. small AAA J payment provided for growing home j vegetables^ reports Assistant Parm l Agent P. E. Correll', Jr. i DR. V. H. MEWBORN ? OPTOMETRIST ? NEXT VISIT Farmville?Office at Fields' Jewelry ! Store, MONDAY, JULY 8th. Eyes Examined ?Glasses Fitted ?Tarbore Every Saturday? Need Laxative? Take All-Vegetable One Dont let impatience lead you into I harsh measures for the relief of constipation! j There's no use, for a little spicy, I all-vegetable BLACK - DRAUGHT, taken by simple directions, will gently persuade your bowels. Taken at bedtime, it generally allows time for a good night's rest, j * Morning usually brings punctual, j satisfying relief from constipation and its symptoms such as head aches, biliousness, sour stomach, no appetite or energy. BLACK-DRAUGHT'S main in gredient is an "intestinal tonic-lax ative" which helps tone intestinal muscles. 25 to 40 doses, only 25c. SUBSCRIBE to THE ENTERPRISE I "Quick-Fix-Foods" I ? For Hearty Outdoor Appetites! ? Southern Manor N I Delicious Fruit II TaU O Cc I COCKTAIL L LO I Armour's Corned Beef can 18c I I Armour's Vienna Sausage 2 cans 15c I I Armour's Treet.. Ready to Eat, 12 oz. can 19c I I Armour's Corned Beef Hash.. 11 oz. can.. 11c I I Tuna Fish ar 2 ys 27* I I Par-T-Jcl -2 5* I I Fresh Picnics ?? 16* I I Skinless Franks - 17* I FRESH EGGS i= 21*1 I jWESSON OIL : 21*|| I Colonial Blended Juice .. 3 13J oz. cans .. 19(b I I Aunt Betsy Blackeye Peas ... No. 2 can .... 9c I Pender Layer Cakes .... 1 lb. varieties .... 19c OUR PRIDE?18 oz. LOAF I Triple .Fresh Bread 2 for 15c I I BUTTER 33* I ^^^^MAY^ffeTMY I I Sincere Thanks I I TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF I I PITT COUNTY WHO NOMINATED I I ME FOR THE HIGH OFFICE OF I I Register of Deeds I I In The Second Primary Last Saturday I I !? Hi H I I shall use the high honor and influence of this office to promote the I I best interest of Pitt County at ail times. And in all matters that are of HI I vital interest to our people and wherein the office of Register of Deeds is I || concerned. I shell seek in all sections of the County, your counsel and H (H advice* II | Sa'^Bfe jd?r "'W Vf V OVU UP II H ? :.M;;M/ * ? ? M U B H ' HJ -. ^ggS^^Hs? w.? A;V ?'. '' :?"*?.?? KV*.''* "-? _m ig* ^H* H / H ? .A {? MM ? BBb .mBm_- mtm A ? iRHI ' I Mm I L ^ I j^- M' GREATER JAVINGS - II Cool Summer Frocks I ? Hundreds of cool sheers for long wear ... I easily washed ... always cool and dressy ? I select them now from our complete stock ... I Sizes for all ages ?? 98C-$198-$29?I New Hats ?A wonderful collection of new wide brim straws in whites and colors ? 97c ?JUNE SALE! I Summer sheers, batistes, muslins, H lawns and organdies ... all new I patterns. 110$ I Special! I I ? 1,000 YARDS FINE ? I I Curtain Goods I ? A big selection in white and pastel colors ? Values to 2?c. yard ? I 9^ it I I # OUT YOU GO ? I 8 ? F*OR I I COOL RECREATION I I IN BELK-TYLER'S I ? H I Beach Togs I ? A complete stock lastex swim ' I I suits?hew styles and colors 1*1*-"?? I Play Suits I I I I .Novelty cottons . . . seersuckers? I I spun rayon and printed crepes. All Budget Silk Hose I Ringless all Silk Chiffons in all New Shades . ? ' JUNE SALE ! ? I 48c SltK & RAYON HOSE 10c, Sale! Summer Shoes! Ladies' Dress Shoes?Whites - and Combinations Values to $3.00 Men's Wash Pants | Just arrived?Cool wash pants ^for men ? ducks, shantungs and assorted , stripes and checks. A ? JUNE SALE ! ? U 97 c; v *? ? MEN'S . . . I Dress Shirts 59^1 ? SUMMER ... I Work Shirts J9C | ? BLOODHOUND... |g _ _ I Overalls .. 79*1 SHIRTS ^ QfA