Farmville Enterprise FABMYILl* N. & G. ALEX ROUSE* Owner k Mgr. Eva Horton Skacklefard Associate Editor PoMUkad hy THE ROUSE PRENTWtT Subecripti? Price: One Tear $L50 ? Six Mentha 75c ADVERTISING 'RATES: Display (Minimum) Me Per Ipch All Legal adra. 5C a Hue per week Published weekly aad entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Poatoffice at Farmrille, N. CL, un der act of March Srd, 1878. FAMINE TO DESTROY GERMANY We have reached a stage, person ally, where we endorse the neutrality of the Texan who proclaimed his neu- j trality by declaring that he didn't care who licked Hitler and, more over, we don't care how it is accom plished. Raymond Leslie Buell, editor of the Fortune Round Table, expresses our sentiments when he says that the. only means of saving this country from active belligerency is to pro vide aid that will enable the British to withstand German onslaughts un til bad weather sets in in September. Because we agree with Mr. Buell that this alone will prevent our na tion from becoming actively involved, we support his suggestions that the United States sell 100 destroyers and 50 flying fortresses to Great Britain and, if necessary, use naval convoys to carry food to the British. If this program is effective, he thinks, a famine in Continental Eu rope will "destroy the Nazi war ma chine before the end of winter." This prediction is in line with re ports from London which declare that Europe is facing a major famine, that the plight of Germany is worse than it was ever expected to be and the countries overrun by the Nazis are in a more serious condition. The British expect an appeal from the Germans for help from the world in feeding starving millions and are prepared to resist such an appeal on the ground that if the people of Ger many are starving it is because they preferred "guns to butter." FIVE CENT TAX LEVIED IS ON THEATRE PASSES The management of the Paramount Theatre announces that in accordance with the Federal Defense Tax, which makes it necessary for theatres to charge the amount of tax set by the government on every admission, there will be a 5c tax put on all passes issued by this theatre. Paramount Theatre, Farmville, N. C. BRIGHTENED The National defense program has brightened the domestic demand for farm products, since increased in dustrial production should mean larg er consumer incomes during the last half of this year. Indo-China is greatly increasing defenses, fearing Japan. \ WALSTONBURG I , NEWS Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hicks were Goldaboro visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Bass of Wilson is spend ing this week with her daughter, Mrs. Jason Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morton of Rocky Mount visited Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Mann, Sunday. 'a Ruby and Janie Marlowe spent, last week with their aunt, Mrs. Lewi Woodard, in Kenly. Mrs. W. E. Lang and Mrs. W. E. , Lang, Jr., were Greenville shoppers Wapt Ads! FOB SALE?Cord Wood for tobacco I FOB SALB?75 Barret? at Cora, I ia ud om Kfcvh So I perfer OB^Cro^wli eared 2 I ^ * c? * *?s? I /;? MBIT: Two Beoe^JNndehed '*wf* iMxiifi Store. FifB* I ???' Monday. Miss Katheryn Matthews of Smith field is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Loraine FutrelL Mrs. Ray West and Mrs. Ray West, Jr., were Wilson visitors Wednesday. Mrs. W. A. Marlowe, Mrs. James Gardner %nd Miss Lillian Corbett were among those who attended the funeral of Mr. Oscar Bailey in Wil son. " ? ?' ' '.] Mrs. Mertice M. Griffin and Mr. Joe Giles of Miami, Fla., were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft. They were enroute to join a party of friends in New York and | attend the World's Fair. ' j BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Malcolm Gay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay celebrated his second birthday at a party Tuesday afternoon, July 16, from four until six o'clock. His party friends gath ered in time to listen to his birthday announced on Uncle Scottie's Birth day Party from WPTF. Afterwards they were taken to the yard where Reyonelle Bailey assisted Mrs. Gay in playing games to entertain each boy and girl. During the time of fun and pleasure Reyonelle served each boy and girl a candy sucker dressed in crepe paper to represent a baby. At the conclusion of the party, pic tunes were made of the groupe and then ice cream and cakes were serv- ? ed. Those enjoying the party were: Bobby and Fonny Hicks, Betsy Bouse, Charles Shirley, Boone and Hortense , Clay, Carl Gay, Betpy Ray Chandler, ( Bingo and Sam Lewis Jenkins, Jim mie Futrell, Tommy Burch, Doris Dixon and Neta Marie Sutton. *" Mrs, Gay then presented each guest a favor a^vthey told Malcolm "Bye." .' ? .? -J/ ? ? ? Vegetable Laxatiye Has Important Points Most people want a laxative to do three things: (1) act punctually, (2) act thoroughly, (S) act gently. Here's one that usually fills all three requirements when the easy directions are.followed. It's an all vegetable product whose principal ingredient has medical recognition as an "intestinal tonic-laxative." That's the ingredient which en ables BLACK-DRAUGHT to help tone lazy bowel muscles. It is the main reason for the satisfying re lief from constipation that gener ally follows next morning when BLACK-DRAUGHT is taken at bedtime. The millions of packages used are proof of its merit, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA At the Close of business on June 29, 1940 ? * I m. ? ASSETS 1. Loan and discounts (including no overdrafts) $ 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed | 3. Obligations of States and political subdivions 5. Corporate stocks (including $ none stock of Federal Reserve bank) 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, - and cash balances in process of collection 7. Banking premises owned $2,301.20, furniture and fixtures $1.00 ? 1L Other assets ... 12. TOTAL ASSETS L $ * _ LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $ 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, ?nd corporations 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) . 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $113,109.96 23. Other liabilities 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including obligations shown in item 33) $ 1 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital ? $ 26. Surplus 27. Undivided profits ? 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital)., 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT ? 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNT ???$ : * This bank's capital consists of common stock with total par $25,000.00. MEMORANDA 31. Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposits and other lia bilities (including notes and bills ^discounted and securities sold under repurcKSse agreement) (e) ffOTAL . 32. Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured, by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law a (e) TOTAL 34. (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against deposits of Jus bank was : (b) Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to 92,227.11 5,069.50 11,894.24 8,000.00 44,205.78 \ 2,302.20 -248.97 163,947.80 47,753.05 37,633.90 9.85 24,327.24 3,385.92 2,091.31 .15,201.27 25,000.00 17,500.00 3,838.16 2,408.37 48,746.53 163,947.80 value of 1,319.50 11,894.24 13,213.74 13,450.00 13,450.00 12,965.40 44,205.78 I, J. M. BLorton, Cashier, of the above-named bank,' do solemnly swear i that the above statement is true, and that it folly and correctly represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. Correct*?Attest: J. H. HORTON. Cashier. R. A. FOUNTAIN, Director, DR E. B. BEASLEY, Director, G. W. JEFFERSON, Director. State of North Carolina, County of Pitt Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of July, 1940. and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. (SEAL) H. D. JEFFERSON, Notary Public. My commission expires January 11,1941. t New Thra Bus Service To Richmond, Va. Carolina Trailways has added an additional schedule be tween Richmond, Va. and Kinston, N. C., Thru service on all schedules is now available, with no change of bus. New GipperyBuses on all schedules. BUSES LEA\ne FARMV1LLE - ? ' n mm | , Nin tiiiiiiida Bt 1 > Southboqrf - at A?M? I 10:05 I 10:00 ^mS> 5:20 I I 0WU , M ? 1 ? 1'i thI311 Summary of Tentative Budget for Year 1940-41 Appropriations 1989-40 1940-41 General Fund 320.89 834,587.97 * Sewers, Salstfes^Fire Dept^and . ment ? ?? 3,000.00 " $35,320.39 $37,537.97 ?" ' I . ^ v ' Debt Service . Maturing Bond & Interest??. $24,060.00 - $21,602.50 Sinking Fund ??? ; 8,000.00 To pay principal on bonds matur- . , ing $11,000.00' & interest on total 1 bond debt. To set lip $3,000.00 for . sinking fund bonds. $24,060.00 $24,602.50 Water & Light Department Operating Expense ? ?^..$36,000.00 $33,406.84 Extension to i Water & Electric System 13,453.24 7,000'.00 . . x _________ - $49,458.24 $40,406.84 REA Lines Operating Expense 6,200.00 ? ? ? ? ' . ' ? t -. ? ,i .. .. v ? ? f . ? $ 6,200.00 Total tax Levy $27,015.56 $26,985.47 Tax Rate 1.20 .* 1.15 .An Itemized Budget May Estimated Revenue ivuv-hv x^w-tj. ,v Estimated Revenue other than current tax levy $21,374.42 $23,103.66 Current Tax Levy 12,600.00 12,515.00 Surplus - 845.97' 1,919.31 / " ? $35,320.89 $37,537.97 Estimated Revenue other than current tax levy ?$13,505.00 $15,529.50 Current Tax Levy 10,5554)0 9,073.00 v-.' ; v ''?**&;' ? '*? ? * '? ? k ?' " ; f ' ' . - ' ? _ ? ? ? ' ' : : % % ? - / >.? t, l- ,? ' ' ' i > - ? ? V $24,060.00 $24,602.50 Estimated Revenue from sale of water & current ? : $65,000.00 $67,000.00 - Other Revenue Estimated _ 7,000.00 840.00 $72,000.00 $67,840.00 Less amount transferred to General & Debt Service Fund. 22,546.76 ' 27,433.16 .. , $49,453.24 $40,406.84 Estimated Revenue $ 6,800.00 Less amount transferred to . General Fund 600.00 / -' * ? ' $ 6,200.00 r Valuation 1939-40 $2,188,663.00 Valuation 1940-41 $2,268,302.00 Be Seen at Clerk's Office. PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE ? OF DISSOLUTION i v ' - * State of North Carolina, c Department of State. * e t To all to whom these presents may I come?Greeting': Whereas, it appears to my satis- r faction, by duly authenticated record ( of the proceedings for the voluntary s dissolution thereof by the unanimous < consent of all the stockholders, de- ( posited in my office, that the Knott's \ Warehouse, Incorporated, a corpora- j tion of this State, whose principal 1 office is situated at ,No. West i Wilson Street, in the City of Farm-' t ville, County of Pitt, State of North c Carolina (R. H. Knott' being the * igent therein and in charge thereof, i ipon whom process may be served), 1 tas complied with the requirements < >f Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, mtitled "Corporation'', preliminary i o the issuing of this Certificate of ? dissolution:. > . . ... ?. \ ? . ~ Now Therefore, I, Thad Eure, Sec etary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the 1 laid corporation did, on the 10th day >f July, 1940, file in my office a duly sxecuted and attested consent in vriting to the dissolution of said' cor )oration, executed by all the stock lolders, thereof, which said consent tnd the record of the proceedings iforesaid are now on file in my said ( iffice as provided by law. < In Testimony Whereof, I have here- < into set my hand and affixed my of- hi ficial seal at Raleigh, this 10th day s< it July, A. D. 1940. ? u: THAD EURE, 01 (SEAL). ? Secretary of State, oi ? . . v oJ DR. V. a MEWBORN d< ? OPTOMETRIST ? . ? NEXT VISIT Farmville?Office at Fields' Jewelry Store, MONDAY, JULY 29th. | < - f Eyes Examined ? Glasses Fitted ?Tar bore Every Saturday? AMINISTRATRIX NOTICE t ? 4 Having qualified as administratrix it the estate of J. A. Mewbom, de ceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons ? ? f % 1 ? ? * aving claims against the estate of iid deceased to exhibit them to the ndersigned in Farmville, N. C., on r before the 11th day of June, 1941, r this notice will be pleaded in bar f their recovery/ All persons in ebted to said estate will please make nmediate ~ payment. Ibis the 11th day of June, 1940. MRS. J. A. MEWBORN, Administratrix of wks. J. A. Mewborn, deceased. w.ray smith: ? / ? Civil Engineer?Surveyor OFFICE Old Citizens Bank Building TeL 483-6 ^ Friday and Saturday Specials at Belk-Tyler's I JULY Clearance SALE I ? . y . ? . ? t SALE! 100 SMART COTTON Dresses Smart NEW cotton ? . ? ,, . dresses In all the lat ? est styles and colors.. Sale Friday and Sat urday. ? ; $1.69 ? ? SPECIAL SALE! ? 75 Silk Dresses Fine silk dresses that sold >4| Jfc up to three doOars. f | Women's Rayon ^ MITIES IOC Women's Rayon SLIPS ISO Women's White BAGS 37C1 Extra Special Sale! I Assorted Dress Goodsl Short, .lengths of all kinds of I materials ? assorted prints ? I solids and novelties?SALE? gC -1 New Summer Hats Assorted white and natural straws, wide ^ .'?' " l i T brims and matron styles. 48c \ ?">. .. SALE! I ? i- , Dress Prints I Fine count dress print priced for quick ? sale ? all new patents ? SALE Friday I and Saturday? io* yd I I ? ?. _ ___ . SALE! ? 300 PAIRS LADIES' DRESS SHOES CfAA Whites and combination lp ? W ? sport oxfords ? values to *3.00 ? SALE ___ SALE! I ? 175 PAIRS LADIES' SUMMER I SANDALS AAf I One Rack odds and ends of I Summer Sandals that sold mm Mm up to $1.00?SALE? ? 1 , ^9SB B' BBBH| VB| VC ' ' B [^-"ipi^jjli|!l 'Jttdfcj^Lr jL-.^i W *:"' C'Tv' ? ,'vV - -J^BL *" ?'. !^B. KEii ; ' 'V I ^jp^jjy ^B^Dpy BHp pBBB vflB ISBBF ? fl - C^JmJEv JB 93F I "" . fU ? jg'-v Ej4jkMI ^Myy, . ? ~*jj*^~- . ... ,? n

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