Farmville Enterprise FARMYILLH K. C. Q. at.ict ROUST Owner 4 Mgr. Eva Hortoa Shackkford Associate Editor THE ROUSE PRIKTEBY ' Subscription Price: One Year $1.50 ? Six Months 76c ( ADVERTISING RATES: J Display (Minimum) Stc Per Inch Readers?Per line?5c ( Afl Legal sdvs. 5e a Hue per week Published weekly and entered as 1 Second Class Mail Matter at the ] Poetoffice at Farmville, N. C., un der act of March 3rd, 1878. . t j Willy's preview features cheaper : four-cylinder car. 1 < Weather Bureau issues first long * range forecast. Southern Dobruja is ceeded to ! Bulgaria by Rumania. j 4 United States shortage of charcoal * for gas masks to end soon. j United States aid to Canada by naval patrol studied. Under-Secretary Wickard named to succeed Secretary Wallace. Mexico, bunting gun-runners, halts, then frees J. S. freighter. 5,170 national banks made high < record for assets on June 2. < 4 4 Britain fights spy peril grimly; < worst danger is believed found. < 4 * 4 Tbe average church collection plate < would stand up and sing if somebody 4 deposited a ten dollar bill in it. 3 4 NO BUSINESS ABOVE j GOVERNMENT < 4 There are individuals in this coun- 5 Cakes fbr 19c \ I < > ?> II 3 for 14c ;; OCTAGON FLAKES 3 for ...25c j; < > <, Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for 14c ;; Octagon Soap SpeciaL _..10 for 24c j I ? ? < > < > SAVE THE COUPONS I " ' ? I ? ID D 8*E|iiSS- jiS^; A 1 I r^^8*"'?v v ;jg^K.~ Vffll| -' 3 -. ?. IB ?' "'?' H Hf -' ^ - ??^m .' ... ? p B I B SB 88 ? 8 ? I T ?? ? "S o | # ?? IB 3 3 ^B B Lft?X6 lo 0B? INK ? H IB ' B fifl - v.v ' ,\W '-in-'-; Blount-Harvey's Defense Plan In our effort to co-operate with our government in building up the U. S. defense, against foreign inva ? ? ? 1 . / sioiL We have worked out this plan of financial protection for alj men of draft age. Here's The Plan If you buy your clothes from BLOUNT-HARVEY, and are drafted before January 1st, we will... (1) Refund the entire purchase price and take back the clothes. (2) Refund one half- the purchase price and allow you to keep the clothes. ? V- .\ X c ? NOTE?This holds good no matter how long or how hard you have worn the clothes.1 BUY NOW BEFORE DRAFT SELECTIONS BEGIN Blount - Harvey Greenville, North Carolina ' - I v ? In some ypars, some airs take a big jump ahead. The ? Ford does that for 1941. It hai jumped ahead in site. It's the biggest Ford we've ever built, inside and out. It's wider. It has a longer wheelbase. Its seating room is wider by as much as 7 inches. It has new wide doors and semi-concealed running boards. You'll notice also a new c beauty, achieved by.a skilful blending of mass with longer flowing lines. Larger wind shield and windows give bet* ter vision all around. One of its biggest advan ' tages is the new soft ridei New, slower-action springs give a slow, gentle, gliding 5iovement. A newly designed tabilizer helps absorb road shocks, and Maintains bal ance on sharp curves and in cross winds. More rapid acceleration to match its familiar speed and ' power makes this new Ford an even livelier car to drive. t ' These are only a few of this new car's outstanding features. It represents all the rich experience gained in building more than 28 mil lion motor cars. 4 * Any Ford dealer can give you many good reasons for making this your 1941 car. * ? ? ? 1 . Tacts ? WE WILL HAVE TWO OP THE NEW FORDS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW ROOMS ? I ? . - ' .:?/??, ?'. ' ?'??? -:' v. : ? ?;?/ - ^ I (MfA