| Social anb personate j i Mrs. C. L. Beaman spent Thursday in Snow Hill. ? ? ? Dr. P. E. Jones was a Raleigh visitor Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. Coates of Plymouth was a visi tor here, Sunday. ? ? ? Dr. Butler of Portsmouth was a visitor here, Sunday." ? * ? We regret to report that Master Charles Hotchkiss is on the sick list. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ryon were Durham visitors during the week end. ? ? ? J. T. Keel, of New York, spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. R O. Lang. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes are spending this week in New York City. * ? ? Miss Margaret Lewis and Miss Edna Robinson were Raleigh visitors on Saturday. ? ? ? Mrs. Ted Albritton and Mrs. Rus sell Moore were Rocky Mount visitors Wednesday. ? ? ? Miss Valeria Taylor of Richmond, Va., is spending this week with Mrs. C. L. Beaman. * ? ? We regret to report that Mrs. Will Moore, Jr., has been sick several days of this week. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis and Mrs. M. P. McConnell were 'Raleigh visitors Thursday. ? ? ? Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. ? * * . Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Mrs. Leslie Smith and Mrs. Rex Hodges were Greenville visitors Tuesday. ? ? 9 Miss Frances Joyner, of Raleigh, is spending the week end with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Joyner. ? ? ? Lonnie Pierce, Jr., student at King's Business College in Raleigh, spent the week end at his home' here. * * * Rev. F. A. Burns of Fuquay Springs spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Whe less. .. . L . ** ? ? ? Miss Geraldine Gardner spent the week end with friends in Durham, at- ( tending the Duke-V. M. I. football game. v ? * ? Mrs. M. G. Brown and Miss Evelyn Brown of Edenton and Mrs. Marvin Horton were Durham visitors for the week end. ? ? e Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Deans and Miss Phoebe Deans of Daytona Beach, Florida, are spending a few days with Mrs. C. L. Beaman. ? ? ? Miss Dorothy Turner of Raleigh, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Shearin, this week, returned to her home on Thursday. ? ? ? Mrs. Howard Moye who has been confined to her home on account of ilhiess during the past week is now able to receive visitors. 9 9 ? Mrs. R H. Knott has returned from Duke hospital, where she re ceived treatment for several weeks, and is reported convalescing. ? ? ? Migg Faye" Mewborn returned to her home here Thursday, following a visit to her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mewborn, of Snow Hill. ? ? ? Mrs. Will D. Simpson <?f Norfolk, and Mrs. C. C Satterfield of Rich mond, Va., are spending this week with their mother, Mrs. J. D. Gates. ? ? ? Mrs. Knott Proctor and daughter, Louise Harris were guests of Mrs. T ipqies Karris were guests of Mrs. Cecil Dixon in Wilson, on Wednes day. ? ? ? Miwff Frances W instead was a Dur ham visitor Wednesday. She was ac companied by her brother, Ashby Winstead, who returned to Duke Uni versity. ? ? ? Vernice Lang Jones will at tend the wadding of Miss Mary Her ring pud W. T. .Pond in Wilson on Saturday. Miss Jones will receive at the reception, following the ceremony. ? ? ? ' Mr. ?d Mrs. W. J. Rasberry re turned home from Greenville Thurs day afternoon after attending the mwUp of Mil Martha Alberta Gflsaon to Mr. Stanley Paul Katka veck. ? * ? ? Mrs. Edgar Barrett, Mrs. Frank Harper, Mrs. E. C. Garr, Mrs. G. M Holden and Miss Betty Joyner at tended the funeral of Mr. J. Rufu. Canon. of Mrs. Sidney Carr, taBethrimi Thursday, m gamet on rauraosy. Mr. and Mrs. Gffl^JE.^Lee^jg ? -y . ' SOCIAL CALENDAR <V '? ? ''?J .' J Monday, October 7 3.00 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Mrs. Brace "Ragles at her home in Fountain. 3:00 P. M. ? Baptist Missionary Society meets with Mrs. U- Le Roy Rollins. ? 3:00 P. M.?Presbyterian Auxili ary, Circle No. 1, meets with Mrs. Mabrey R>llard. 3:00 P. M.?Woman's Council of the Christian Church meets in the Church. 3:30 P. M.?Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist Church, meets in the Church. 7:00 P. M.?Red Men. 8:00 P. M.?Presbyterian Auxili ary, Circle No. 2, meets with Mrs. H. M. Wilson. Tuesday, 8 3:80 P. M.-r-Merry Matrons meet at the Major Benjamin May Chapter House with Mrs. J. 0. Pollard as hostess. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 9 10:30 A. M.?Wednesday After noon Club meets at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden, with Mrs. John Ring- as hostess. 3:00 P. M.?New Deal Club meets at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden, with Mrs. S. A. Garris as hostess. Thursday, 10 11:00 A. M.?Masons. 3:00 P. M.?Progressive Bridge Club meets with Miss Tabitha DeVisconti. 3:00 P. M.?Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr. 3:00 P. M.?Farmville Home Dem onstration Club meets at the Club House. Friday, 11 3:30 P. M.?The Woman's Club meets at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood with Mesdames J. D. Holmes, J. M. Wheless, E. C. Carr and C. W. Wellons. , | 7:30 P. M?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. Saturday, 12 Luncheon?Major Benjamin May ? Chapter, D. A. R., will meet at the Chapter House with Mrs. T. C. Turnage and Mrs. Archie W. McLean as hostesses/ NOTICE! BIRD CLUB MEMBERS The Bird Club will meet at 10 A. M., on Saturday at the home of Miss Tabitha M. DeVisconti. ATTEND THE TUCKER PORTRAIT UNVAILING Dr. and Mrs. John M. Mewborn at tended the unveiling of Dr. Tucker's portrait which took place at Tucker's Sanatorium in Richmond during the week end. The portrait was present ed by the ex-resident physicians of the Sanatorium, Dr. Mewborn being a member of this group. He was a resident physician in 1932-33. DONT FORGET THE BABY PARADE, FRIDAY All parents and friends are cordial ly invited to the "Baby Parade, which will be held on Friday after noon, October 4, at four o'clock in the school auditorium, when the babies will be on parade with their sponsors, and the cutest boy and girl will be. selected by out of town judges, ,and prizes will be awarded. Everybody come! ENJOY BARBECUE SUPPER The members of the W. O. W. Lodge of Farmville enjoyed a barbe cue supper Friday night served at the lodge hall. Also enjoyed the meeting after the supper. Gifts were presented by the lodge to four of the members as follows: Marvin Hinson, Johnnie May, Herbert P. Bundy and Robert Holloman, who are members of the National Guard leaving for one year's service in the defense pro gram. We also had a visiting mem ber, Mr. Rawis. ? ??? ? HOME ECONOMICS DEPT. TO HAVE EXHIBIT AT Nf C. STATE FAIR ' The Home Economics Department of the Farmville School is among the seven departments chosen from the State to have exhibits at the State Fair. Verona Lee Joyner, who is teacher of the local department, accompanied by Miss Fainer were ttaiftigh visitors on Wednesday, mak ing arrangements for the local ex hibit ' ' '? ? ATTEND GROUP CONFERENCE . : - ? .. ? - . Mesdames J. M. Hobgood, Leroy Parker, John Stansill, Charles Bau com, J. C. Corbett, George Beckman and H. M. Wilson attended the group conference, No. 2, <rf the Albemarle Prwbytey, which wm held in WB SB | "" - . vAT; ? Regardlea^ of when Thanksgiving Day arrives, we ean be thankful thai this nation is not experiencing aeria Early Fall Flowers Make Lovely Settings For Meetings ? - . The Mayfair Club held it0 fall dance on Friday evening, September 27, in the school gymnasium from 10:30 until 2:30. Music for the af fair was furnished by Ted Ross and his orchestra from the University at Chapel HilL A large number of out-of-t^svn guests were in attendance. Chaperones attending were: Mr. I and Mrs. B. 0. Turnage, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie! Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moore and I Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Jones. Mina Hazel Monk delightfully en-1 tertained the members of the Lamrad Bridge Club and additional guests on Thursday afternoon. Between pro-1 gressions, the hostess served a varie ty of delicious sandwiches and pickles I with an iced beverage. Members scores were recorded and Mrs. Rex Hodges received the guest prize, a set of bridge score pads and pencils. Special guests were; Mrs. R. C. Cop enhaver, Mrs. James Lang and Mrs. Rex Hodges. Mrs. G. M. Holdan was gracious hostess to the members of the Pro gressive Bridge Club and guest, Mrs. Henrietta Williamson, on Thursday afternoon. Scoring high for the afternoon, Mrs. J. H. Darden was presented an attractive ivy bowl. Following the play, the hostess serv ed delicious cookies with hot tea. The members of the Ace Club and guest, Mrs. Leroy Parker enjoyed a delightful afternoon of bridge on Tuesday with Mrs. John Mewborn as hostess. Mrs. R. T. Williams, scor ing high, revived a nest of bowls, and Mrs. Lyman Joyner, for cut prize, received a novel memorandum pad. Following play, the hostess serv-1 ed ' a delicious sweet course with coffee. Mrs. D. R. Morgan and Mrs. S. A. Roebuck were gracious hostesses to the Fine Arts Department of # the Woman's Club on Friday afternoon at the home of the former. Mrs. Will Moore, Jr., chairman, presided. The devotional was given by Mrs. Buford Fordham who used as her subject, "Religion, the Finest of Fine I Arts." _ I Continuing the program, Mrs. Le roy Parker, Junior Club President, gave a talk on the relationship of the Junior Club to the Woman's Club. .Mrs. J. H. Moore lead an open discussion on the purpose and aims of the Woman's Club. I Mrs. J. H. Harris, program chair man announced plans for the year's program which is to be developed as a study tour to South America. During a delightful social hour, the hostesses served a variety of sandwiches and cookies with hot tea. I Mrs. Roy Lasitter, who is to move to Greenville soon was a special guest and received a lovely blue pot tery vase as a grift. Miss Elizabeth Davis graciously entertained the Literary Club and I other guests on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Joyner, president, pre sided over a brief business session I during which Mrs. J. B. Joyner, gave a report of the recent Council Meet-1 ing held in Raleigh. All members were urged to attend the District Meeting to be held in Greenville on October 15th. Miss Tabitha DeVisconti, program chairman for the afternoon gave an interesting review of "My Memories," by Edith Boiling Wilson. During a pleasant social hour the hostess, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Frank Davis and Mrs. Alex Allen, I served a delicious sweet course with I coffee. Special guests were Miss Edna Robinson and Mrs. Allen. P.-T. Council ofPilt Meets In Greenville Greenville, Oct. 1?A very en thusiastic meeting of the Pitt Coun-1 ty Council of Parents and Teachers I was held at Sheppard Memorial li brary last jPriday morning at ten thirty o'clock. The meeting was call ed to order by the President, Mrs. J. C. Parker, of Fountain, and then turned over to the pro^tam commit tee, Mrs. Ed Batchelor, of Greenville. The program began with a prayer by Mrs. J. H. Waldrop, followed by a very beautiful solo by Mrs. Helene Higgs Kirkpatrick. The speaker, Mrs. D; M. Clark, was then introduc ed to the group by Mrs. Batchelor. Mrs. Clark's theme was, the crying need for better moral'training, better play facilities, stricter attention paid to proper food for the children in the elementary grades of our schools in Pitt County. Mrs. Clark drew very aptly her illustrations of larger amounts of money spent .in the city i .of Greenville for so many recrea tional and civic projects, yet not one playground has been provided for the email children through the element tary grades. She .vividly portrayed the not impossible ideal of supervis ; ed playgrounds fori the child through t the years most important m deveiop l ing a foundation of fine ideals mad dm child out of evory too chil't? . undernourished. This T*? . SO often to lb* p?iw?* uot taurmnf . orc^whrtlwrtkiforf?"^;1, able for the oMld's growth de velopment, rather-thm the inebihty to furnish food. Our democracy needs strong children mentally, mor ally, and physically. Our work as Parents and Teachers is to see that , our conditions in our own communi ty ere adequate and useful. A discussion of adequate play ground space was taken up by the group. Only three schools out of the group felt that they had adequate playground space, for their children. Some were pitifully meager. All agreed that Parents' and" Teachers Organizations would do all in their power to relieve these conditions. Another problem was discussed. Who of the children1 should be given free lunches from the school lunch rooms? All schools seem to have the problem of those parents who are able financially to furnish adequate hxnches, but send the child to school without providing a lunch for him. j All agreed that the child must be fed. Some very good suggestions were given to relieve this situation, in our school luschrooms. 1 A short business session was held, at the end of which Mrs. Fuson, our State Director of Parents and Teach ers gave us helpful suggestions, and announced that the District Meeting would be held in Greenville on No vember thirteenth. This wiU bring Parents and Teachers from .all of Eastern North Carolina to our town. These District Meetings are sensa tional in the reports each organiza tion brings of the work accomplished each year for the good of the chil dren. Pitt County Parents and Teachers would like to have a good number present at this meeting to greet these people, at that time. The Pitt County Council of Pa rent? and Teachers adjourned to meet again April 22, 1941. Wake Laxy Inside* All-Vegetable Way | Thousands turn to this wayto get , relief when they're lazy hitestmahy and it has them headachy, bilious, irritable, listless: A quarter to a haM-tcaspoonful aronm^, all-vegetable BLAOL--DRAUGHT on your tongue tonight, a dnnk of ( water, and there you usually allows time for a mghts rest; acts gently, thorougMy next morning, so relieving headaches, biliousness, bad breath. black-DRAUGHT'S main in gredient is an'^ntest^ai tcnk-la^ Itive," which helps impart tone to lazy bowel muscles. of packages used prove its merit. Economical, too; 25 to 40 doses, 25c. M" ? -f-" S. RUFUS CARSON ? i - Bethel.?J. Rufus Carson, 86, one of Martin .County's most prominsnt citizens, died at his home near here Wednesday. In ill hatfth / several years, he had been confined only a ferw days when 'death came. Funeral services were conducted from the home Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Rev. M. 7. Self, pastor of Bethel Methodist Church, end the Rev. M. M. Johnson, pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church, burial was in Bethel cemetery. < Mr. Canon is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mamie Ward Canon; a daugh ter, Mrs. Sidney Caxr of Fannville; three sons, D. C. and R. R. Carson of Bethel and Robert L. Carson, of Houston, Tex., and five grandchil dren. ' Life would be much better, per haps, if pay day came ten times as fast as collection days. PARAMOUNT I J THEATRE I FARMVILLE, N.G Week of Oct 5th SATURDAY Triple Hit Program HIT No. 1?"ROCKY MOUN TAIN RANGERS" with?rThree Mesquiteers HIT No. 2?"QUEEN OF THE MOB" with?Jean Oagney HIT No. 3?"DRUMS OF FU MANCHU" Chapter 7 SUNDAY?MONDAY ' "HIRED WIFE" ? with ? ? ? Rosalind Russell and Brian Aherne Latest News - March of Time TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY LUM & ABNER in 'Dreaming Out Loud' World Fair Variety-Another Chapter of "The Shadow" THURSDAY & FRIDAY "FLOWING GOLD" ? with ? Pat O'Brien?John Garfield Latest News and Selected Short Subjects "BOOM TOWN" IS NEXT | ? ??? Subscribe To THE ENTERPRISE. 1 1 I ??? WEISNER-feELL NUPTIALS Miss Bertha Bell, of Fountain, be came the bride of Mr. Sim Weisned, Jr., of Greensboro, in a private and impressive ceremony Saturday eve ning, September 28th at nine o'clock, rhe vows were spoken, by Rev. J. D. Williams in the First Baptist Church )f Tarboro, before an altar decorated ivith baskets of mixed fall flowers, rhe ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a Juniper green 0 fur trimmed costume suit wiuh brown accessories. Mrs. Weisner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bell, of Fountain and Goldsboro. Mr. Weisner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Weisner, of Greensboro. The bride and' bridegroom left im mediately after the ceremony for Port Royal, South Carolina, where Mr. Weisner is connected with the C. I. Martin Contractor firm. c I??? - -? I rALL lAILUKINu UrEHIHti We would like for 70a to meet Mr. H. E. Kimel?"The Globe Man"?who will be at our store MONDAY, October 7th, to show 700 the Latest Woolens for your FALL and WINTER SUIT and TOPCOAT. J:H. HARRIS FARMVTLLE, N. C. ? ( , ? - ' OVERSEAS RECEPTION!/ ??0 New 1941 PHILCO Model 295X 100 YES, the popular new 1941 Philco gives you the finest overseas reception you've ever heard! New kind of Overseas Wave-Band brings in Europe direct 5 times easier, stronger, dearer! And you enjoy glorious new tone and sensitivity on both American and overseas stations! "? ** Other features indude brand new Radio Qrcuit, new Built-in American and Overseas Aerial System, more tubes for the money, Electric Push-Button Tuning and many others! Plug in anywhere and play! Exquisite Walnut ? cabinet Come in?see the many sensational new models! Farmville Furniture Co. PHONE 383-1 FARMVILLE. NL C. , ' ? . ^ i ' ' ANOTHER FALL JUBILEE ? - ? SPECIAL * ~ * A Three Piece - Overstuffed Suite Sofa end 2 chairs in colorful tapestry?good looking?comfortable, and will give long wear?a regular $50.00 value. THE FALL JUBILEE PRICE is only = See it in our window ! ? RUGS - ? ? r'--. ' ? "i. * * . A 9x12 Marvel in varied colors, fr^' _A?' ' ' ' * datable, soft and warm. - Will K. '- N CKm" ?* ' ? " ' * give your living room new life r- a - ?' ' ' and charm?Jubilee Price \ \U-> ; . ? END TABLES Two sedtion, round front, Ma hogany finish Hnd Table ? a necessary part of your living room group ? at ms 'SEE THIS 6R0JP and remember that each cash dollar purchase or paid on ac count entitles you to ope chance , *t the...- . ' FLOORLAMP iWvf .ir--'- ??ir.,'i -*?- ^ ? * .?( . ? . ? ? ? . Six way Junior Floor Lamp . . . including indirect, bulb and i candles . . . The FaH Jubilee Frfon-Only IP? fffc HI ^1 Bl ?B || IS ?? M r ^r. CH I I ?M^r.-^MMjj^My^^p??? yfflKpEl iWIIBffi^ ySllZS^K " MM 41 -1 ?bA I ^CB Bt fl I p V WH^^R J?P .?^V'^^HflLKI :J*

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