? K^E V XT I- B B B * j S. C., Bill and Charts. Carr war* in Norfolk, Va^ Friday. F. G. Smith spent Thursday in Kfnafnsy Mrs. W. A. Mritdma spent Friday in GreenviHe with friadi, J. T. Bandy spent the past week end with relative* a Leggett .. ? ? ? L Rev. J. R. Rouotree, of Kinston, was a visitor here Thursday. iggHE?L Shirley Ann Newton is visiting relatives in Snow Hill this week, e ? ? Mrs. J. T. Bandy returned Tues day from a visit to relatives in Dor ham. ? e ? Mrs. Tom Herring, of Kinston, spent the week end with Mrs. F. G. Smith. - ? ? ?- .... Miss Ruby Heath and Bennie Bell; attended the Fair in Goldsboro, Wed nesday. ? . Mrs. Harvey Winsttead and Mrs. J. W. Hardy were Kinston visitors Wed nesday. ? ? ? . ? Mrs. Arnold Lee, of Columbia, S. C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Abe Joyner. ? ?? W. B. Merring, of LaGrange, spent Sunday with His sister, Mrs. Have Darden. ? : E. C. Carr, student at Louisburg College spent Sunday with his pa rents here. ^ ' ? ? ? Miss Eva Mae Hardy, of Kinston, visited friends in Parmville during the week end. ? ? ? [| Mrs. J. W. Bass, Mrs. Howard and Miss Georgia Howard were Raleigh visitors, Thursday. - ? a m Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carraway spent Tuesday night with Mr. and -Mrs. A. C. Carraway. , ? ? ? Miss Bertha Joyner, teacher in the Pink Hill school, ?pent the week end at her home here. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, Jr., and daughter, Mary Lou, were Green ville visitors, Sunday. ? ? ? Bill Hardy, who has been on the Darlington, S. C., tobacco market for several weeks, has returned. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Skinner and son, Gene, of Greenville, were week end guests of Mrs. J. D. Owens. * ? s Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Darden and guest, W. B. Herring, of LaGrange were Tarboro visitors, Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hassell and son, Fleetwood, spent the week end with relatives in Waverly, Va. ? a ? Mr. and Mrs. Earl Forbes, and children of Norfolk, Va^ spent the i week end with relative? here. ?c ? Mrs. Addie Meeks and Mrs. B. M. Whitehurst, of Greenville, spent the week end with Mm. W. J. Rollins. ? ?_? Mrs. T. H. Clark* of Douglas, Ga., is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. James R. Lang. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Carey Upchurch and L. L. Allen, of Ralfttgh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr, Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Foster, of Norfolk, Va^ spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc Adams. / " I ? ? ? Mra. T. C. Turnage, Mrs. J. O. Pollard and lbs. Joel Move attended the Cape Pear Festival, held in Fay etteville, this weak. ? ? *? Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Albert Bell, of Fountain, is recuperating from a recent operation in a Kington hospital. Friends will be glad to learn that John Russell Joyaer is improving after a recent illness and is able to be oat again. -- m 9 m ? Friends wiQ be glad to learn that Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner is reported as recuperating from a recent opera* tion in a Greenville hospital. m ,.JE% I,ii? week end Mp respective hniWi Mrs. J. T. Sfehmer, ' I think in this time of strife and turmoil it is fitting to bring to you, bur patrons, a picture that needs no mention other than its name "Knnte Bockne ? All American." Knnte Rocknefe life story is relived in a very simple form as Pat O'Brien'with the assistance of "Bonnie SkOes Rockne, his widow, endeavor to bring to the screen of the American thea tres a picture, whose fame will match that of the name it proudly bears. This picture is one that I feel each of you will not want to miss, there fore I am happy to announce that it will, appear here in Farmville at the Paramount Theatre two days begin ning Sunday, October 20. Perry Reivis, Jr., Manager. FARMVILLE BED DEVILS v DEFEATS AYDEN 20-0 ? ? ' A spirited Farmville eleven plough led under an outclassed Ayden team I - |tolwin by the score of 20-0. ? The first score same when Bouse ?passed to Turnage, which was good for 80 yds. and a touchdown. The at tempt to run tile ball over for the point after touchdown was not suc cessful. The second score was set up by I Turnage who on a wide end nm went deep into Ayden territory. Two plays later Bouse took the bell over on an off -tackle slant. Turnagfs attempt ?at conversion from placement was successful. The score was now 18-8 in favor of Farmville. The third touchdown came when Boq86 ft pass to Turnagsi on the visitor's 20- yard line and Turnsge took the'fcall down the side line to go over standing up. Brattbn kicked tike point after touchdown from placement The score was now 20-0 in flwor of Farmville. -y. ? This was the last ?bore and the I gpM ended with neither tram hav ing furnished another scoring threat Gregory, Parker, Jones, Lffly, and Spell starred in defense for Farm ville. Tripp and little starred for Ayden. i Tr. 1 GARDEN CLUBS TO HOLD ^ 1-1 REGIONAL MEET TODAY of Grc^nvlH " xvx ? - IS?, T T>11 n - n Cf i>rrr Jvf a*UU &Xc AT9t. v? DUicil oiuUUl j "* WUfnlitff^nH flfof* rtngilhtl pltik !11V>Q1 I 1_. #W J. ? .JI ? - a I %L ? o ? ? ? * n A * [ gf?? - .. J* 1 VJ TT 4 * m "? ^ ,__ : side &t tho n^etangs* _ __ __ _ _ _ ???? ^ < fioita Larouna muluifig ana iioan Boque, President of the Federal Home Loam Bank of Winston-Salem; ine arternocn meeting wnicn is in the form of a round table discussion, starting at 4:8a o'clock, will be do TOM to ?bjKt. I ;,- Democracy, (Lccordm* to tb&JoUU-1 tarian boys, is On its lait legs; b Taken at Mfaa It ganaralhr ?Hows tlmofor ? mod night's rest Morning twiaUspTbringa punctoaL ^ satisfying relief from constipation and its symptoms soehas hqad nrhtt. biliousness, soar stomachy do appetite or energy. BLACK-DRAUGHT'S main In gradient it an "intestinal tonic-lap* I ativa" which ^r* intestinal muscles. 25 to 40 dosss, only 25c. Want Ada! T? ? : ? COMFORTS AND QUILTS iude new with a new cover. Dial 171-5, Mrs. Lula Forbes, Farmville, N. C. f ? S -L.fi:' - >' ?I 1 I Ml 0 FOR RENT-fSlX ROOM HOUSE? One and a half blocks frost school. [ 202 Grimmersburf St, Farmville, ft>- N. C.?Mrs. J. T. Nelson. ltp I- a..'c ? - *'? i FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Fat Plants, Cat Jlowcra, Corsages and Funeral Designs. Say "It" with Flowers. FamviRci Flews* Shop, ! Myrtle Sutton, Owner. Phones-? Day 457-1; Night 203-1. tfc COMS TO SER US for your battery and Bkycfe Repair Work. Prompt Service. Reasonable Charges. West ern Ante Associate Store. Farm ville, N. C. . tfc _ ' - FOR RENT; ? FURNISHED OR unfurnished: A newly remodeled and redecorated apartment Decem ber 1. Apply to Mrs. J. Li Shackle ford, City. + ' WRAMOIII# 1 THEATRE I FARKYILL& N. C. ? " . , Weekof Octlfth SATURDAY ? HIT Nfc 1 ? "TRIPLE JUSTICE" ? HIT No. 2 ? I "?*zsfrr" "Knat^Rockne - An I ^ American" II A lg. orvrj MaitaItV 1 I **nf'nA ? t*AQT ] I l t JriOrSfi KfijCijKr 1 'II * . ill ' ?ar^ yry* ? ' MMMS T? mBfMB I "i A y_ti-i __.'3 - _i__ Ca - ? ' L'~'xr^ K& ? , - * 1 " ^ Tw-i . '^v?>?ry :v~-.y*Tfc1 ? '?vj~ > :v. ?. .or Cost of ournational defense is put 000 .\ yM?~ .1 of sale contained in tlutt certain deed of trust executed and delivered hy H. C. Nichols and wife Fannie Senile Nichols, under dale of Jtme 80, 1938, '*J- '? -i---- - -?- ' - - ' -'V '- L ___ flffllfp Ap Pitt fllSTfif rfitTirr /if Dy J U p^yjgjj lot runs with Pitt Newton and wife Mattie A. Newton B-14, page 492, and fnmvMarA. Smith to P. G. Dupteei aid 7. B. ? I ?Ta.f>,i.a - J ?1 I_ B__t, 10 - ? - I ?Newton, recorded in rfooK-io, page., .. I 316, Pitt Gomrtr Registry. This is the identical property acquired: Jtay of the firrt pert from F. G; Dupree, Jr. md wife, - . I Thia the 7th day of October, 1940. DINK JAMES Trartee. ?- I ? Representing ? Bigelow carpet wo. WILL BE HERE ? '4 ' '? ?? * ," - . ? . ? ALL DAY With a full line of... NEW PALL RUG SAMPLES. ? - ? If you have a rug problem or are inter ested in buying new \ ? , ? rugs you are invited to see him here at our Store, .... ' .*>-?/ FarmviUe Furniture Co. PHONE 383-X FARMVILLE, N. C. JII ?? I ^ -*?:? |A|i|A ? ?val H Qfl if A'-'.' '41 ' ? -?- J; Ill#' 1 ' M' (S9PMV7 JlwBV #^JU JW4UU^R7 ? 2 1(2 I v \ v. t-hX-TTaE.:1. ;m_7>sg' ^ - . ? X -??????. _ /?: f ?J ! ^ X IWF' A | Co^-ad^Werful^^MJU^^ | If 2ZZ ffSTr' I X powerful ^Tocuscj^Htit^ wkklcis 'bmoccs* n? jootny ovens Z I x T^ith fock Wool nyifl fiifprtffl} Pptfftlp ? Hftit t I fix trofy flwto the new- Florence Ranges the value it Z If ct> ^our nm*san<* pockttfrook. f I f fBmrn iMUt i m i ? ? *\ 4 i ? if ? B i ;?' Xv-' > .? fix i? /ffymiifffi? H tfip#tfF]|4^/I ? i j| * uwiMiviiuz i wr#iuurv uit | it NorthC&tf&fra : * z