?-? 121 *w*e_ ? _ . FAKXVILLH It C h i ..'?. - Q. ALEX BOUSE. Owner 4 Mgr. ? ii II II i I I !?'? THE BOUSE PRBiTSBT Mwiptiw Prise: One Year jLW - g? Months We ADVERTISING KATES) Display (Miaunna) Sk hr tack Readers Per Line-St AM Legal adhra. 5e a fiae per weak Published weekly and entered at Second Claai Hatter at the Fostoffice at FaramHe, N. CL, aa dsr act at March 3rd. 187S. Few people who inquire after pour health are interested in your symp toms. The invasion of Great Britain, it seems, has been postponed indefinite ly. ? : ?' Church collections do not, as yet, indicate any great prosperity in the land. The American League has just end ed what one might call a real pen nant race. Rumania has a German guarantee of its borders ,whatever the guaran tee is worth. The more money the avenge fam ily has to spend the more it wants to spend. For every man who seeks the troth there are a hundred who want to prove that they are right. Farmers who plan to live at home and do so will find that they make more money in the long ran. If everybody who expects to write a book would buy one, the booksellers would enjoy a big spurt in sales. Beatfty contests are still being held all over the country but the idea has about exhausted its possibilities. If there is anything that the Unit ed States can do that Hitler wont like, we are for it. PEACE ? "Peace on the continent" is said to be the watchword of the German for eign office. To get the so-called peace the Germans have ruthlessly attacked their neighbors, disregarded pledges and run roughshod over natural rights of individuals. Suppose that peace is made, under the impact of the German military triumph. How long will it last? Does Germany expect all peoples of Europe to acquiesce in Teutonic su premacy and be content forever with the humble role of servant to the superior Germany? CAREFUL HUNTERS Now that hunting season is about to get under way throughout the United States it might he well to readers of The Enterprise of the dan gers inherent in hunting vowon,' Scores of nimrods are cut down every year through the premature discharge of weapons, carelessly handled. Other victims fall a prey to the nervous hunter who shoots at the bushes that move rather than at game in full view. Those who hunt this fall and win ter might save their own Uvea by rigorously observing safety codes. In addition, they might spare innocent bystanders. ?_ PLANES TO THE BRITISH It is somewhat .^-'V '-'v ? BENEFIT BINGO PABTT Every" one is invited to attend the Pn ,. j. f*f i *-?-,-. -r j i 'in M1 ,. m ? 1l f ii ?1 n 11*?? isenent omgo mty ?s v. J5aiiey s old store building, Tuesday night, November 5th. The party being sponsored hy the Woman's Mission ary Society of th? Christian Church. Come and enjoy an evening of fttn. SHELL VICTIMS ? Athens, Oct 80.?Information from usually reliable sources in the Dode canese Islands said today that some 600 Italian solders had been killed or wounded in a "recent" British naval shelling of the Italian-fortified Is land of Skarpanto. The soldiers were taken by sur prise while sleeping in barracks, the report said, and only 800 escaped. The barracks and a wireless station were reported destroyed. I The dead, it was said, were buried | hastily in a long ditch. Looking at Washington (Continued from page oae) This is the sole justification of a democracy. The minority, beaten in a fair election, must patriotically ac cept the will of the majority and co operate in behalf of the common weal. Unless the minority is willing to do this, democratic government will in evitably perish from the face of the earth. Federal Loan Administrator Jesse H. Jones recently conferred with T. V. Soong, president v ? -. '.. ?%'.' ? ? ?'-. Located Near Norfolk Soothers Lm^MrarnGs, ?t?a I'" T" .1 'Mi I 1 Save With SING'S HI-TEST GAS Secular First Grade 191 Gallon 1st Grade Kerosene 10c GaL Motor OH 10c Qt and Up :. 800 80PTH MAIN ST. ' . W. RAT SMITH Civil Engineer?Surveyor OFFICE Old Citizen* Bank Building Tel 483-0 . ' , s' . j "... ?-? FOB^ ^LBt^CQW^Ayi) CALF? WANTED &???** %?; | ^Pori^and fog* '? P ** f: I S *?*? -ilK J ?- &y ??:???:? -. F1X)W^S FOR ALL OCCASIONS! ifrrtla*SattonTotraerFi?^on?^ ; Day 467-1; Night 203-1. ^ tfe i ; COME TO 8KB US far year bettory and Bicycle Repair Work.Prompt fl?-l. , ta a t. *ms W- i 3vTk9i KfaMBlDW UMugCI* VftSHm I are Auto AaooHite Store, Farm tflhfc N. aN tfe FOR RENT: ? FURNISHED OR ?nforniahed: A newly remodeled and redecorated apartment Decem ber L Apply to lira. J. L. Shackle ford, Qty. ' i I,, WANTED: by the Reel Silk Hosiery MUb, a lady over 21 years old, as local representative. Applicants write jP* O. Box 804, Rocky Mount, N. (X, and give qualifications, ltp FOR SALE: 8 Bean Harvesters, small type and polls easier. If Interested see L. D. Parks, Leggett. Demonstration at Tom Lawrence's store, Leggett, N. C. ltp ^^BTf-;? -*v ,-? ^?* ^ i? 7^ 1^ 1^ g g 88 Bv~3''ijaa^QMdMHRaBp?afi||?Bairibi|f?-. jjPiT ?tr^flftfwv?-*L.? -.?',*"'-? ?'-? ? **5L?*,:**.'tvj.????'?* ?' IIft "?-'*i ? - uUUJ5Lfc"r Kbon? uvyilSri oLiaJWJLi B ? MBBBEBftflHH flRSB BB HI * n- - ^ - '^t>r>'viir A Ba?l' *'-*-:j itiJp^B ' f>/*" ? I i, .|1 r