tf llllf TI i i i ' w rwjr -i" ( ~ . " ~-r- 4" ? . ^ ? OC? SUJifi i! * . -lL -. . ?.Iimttifc, '^A* i?ni44iiiU fc* J Mitt Eastsr Mtt G?y was a Dw him visitor Friday. ? ? ? and with film ik in ^ Mill Dm Liles spent the week end I at her home iS Darlington, S. C. ? ? ? I Mrs. W. A. McAdama spent Tues day with relatives in Greenville. 3 . * Mr. and Mrs. W. a Moom, Jr., were Greenville visitors, Tuesday. ??? . Say Smith, of Camp Bragg, spent I the week mid with his family here. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Gates spent thai week end at their home in Oates, S. C. I ? ? ? Mrs. a L. Walston, of Wilson,] spent the week end with Miss Lillaj Gaynor. ? e 9 John B. Wright, Jr., "of Greensboro, j is spending the week end with rela- J tives here. * * ? Edward Harris, student at State! College, spent the week end at his home here. ? ? ? Friends will regret to learn that T. W. Twif ord is critically ill at a Green ville hospital. ? ? ? Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr. of Greens boro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Shackleford. I ? ? ? Mrs. Charles M. Griffin, of Wilson, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis. ? ? ? Mrs. Tommie Vinson, Miss Iris, and Cordelia Vinson left last week to make their home in Durham, N. C. ? * ? Miss Louise Harris, record librarian at the Sanatarium in Rocky Mount, is spending this week end at her home here. ? ? ?L Miss Dora DeGrace Boon tree, of Washington, D. C., is spending the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. * ? ? Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. J. K Cobb's sister-in-law, Mrs. S. M. B .oks, of Portsmouth, Va., died suddenly Sunday evening. * ? ? Robert Barrett, Jr., of the United States Marine Corp, with headquar ters at Indian Head, M?. J I mumty rnvnaa to artencL I 7:00 ?. M.?Red Men. f J 8:00 P. M.?Couple Club meets I with Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur F. I Joyner. Tuesday, 12 I 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. B. & Smith. I 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. I 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 18 I 2:30 P. M?New Deal Club meets. with Mrs. D. B. Morgan. I 3:00 P. M. ? Wednesday After ! noon Club meets with Mrs. John B. Lewis. Thuaday, 14 I 11:00 A. Mr-Masons. J 2:30 P. M.?Farmville Home Dem onstration Club meets at the club house. I 3:00 P. M.?-Progressive Bridge Club. Friday, 15 j 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. I 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 1 ? " " 1 ,3 .-y i'.J* ? r- ?> Soci&i this ,wiH5lc faAV? flSf honored Miss Monk at one of the loveliest parties of the entire season an Wednesday at the D. Ai Jt^Cbapter House, the event taking the farm of a combined bridge party handkerchief show er, with fcyenty-five guests in at tendance. Tallies in the cornucopia design directed guests to their places at the bridge tables, arranged in the 'Chapter House hall room in a setting [of handsome bronze, yellow and white chrysanthemums. Following several progressions, the high score prize, a bridge table cover, was awarded Mr?. Robert Lee Sinith; Mrs. P. ?. Jones was present ed with a box of toiletries as low score prize, add the player getting the soore between these, Mrs. Fred Oates, received a framed picture The honor guest was presented with a lamp by the hostess. Following this, Mrs., Arthur . F. Joyner played the wedding march and little Miss Betsy Willis Jones, daughter of the hostess, in Junior bridesmaid's dress, descended the stair, carrying a satin handkerchief case filled with a shower of lovely handkerchiefs for Miss Monk. Guests were invited to the banquet room for refreshments, where decora tions were particularly lovely. The colonial banquet table was centered with a crystal bowl of yellow chry santhemums flanked by antique crys tal candelabra bearing yellow tapers. On either side were floral cornucopias filled with fruits. < Mrs. J. Y. Monk, mother, and Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Wilson, sister of the bride elect, were seated at either end of the table serv ing ices in fruit molds. Angel cake, mints and salted nuts were on the table. ? ? - .= ?' ? Mrs. Plato Monk, of WilsoR, served demi tasse, cheese straws and biscuit from a beautifully appointed table. 'Mr. and Mrs. W.'S. Royster and Mr. and Mrs., R. E. Pickett were hosts at a dance, honoring Miss Monk and Mr. FIser at the Country Club, which presented a beautiful scene with decorations of ivy and chrysan themums. The punch table bore an arrangement of white flowers and candles. Serving punch were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields. The dance was attended by fifty oouples. Assisting the hosts in receiving were the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Monk, parents of the bride elect, her sister, Mrs. H. L. Watson, and Mr. Watson, of Wilson, and her brother, J. Y. Monk, Jr. Miss Monk, Mr. Fiser and members of the bridal party were delightfully entertained at a dinner party and dance by Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Copen h^ver and Mr. and Mro. W. R. Hodges at the Country Club. The mantels were arranged with pumpkins, au tumn leaves and vegetables. The table was centered with a crystal bowl of white chrysanthe mums flanked by white candles. Covers-were laid for fourteen with place cards bearing the bridal motifs and shouiderettes and boutonnieres marking each place. A four course 1 turkey dinner was served. Miss Monk was presented with a silver gravy boat by the hostesses. Danc ing was enjoyed after dinner. Membera of group 4 of the Wom an's Council of the Christian Church, complimented Miss Monk, a member, at a lovely handkerchief shower giv en at the home of Mrs. C. B. Mash burn, Jr., with Miss Veria Williams as joint hostess. Miss Monk was the recipient of many beautiful handker chiefs, presented in an attractive basket. A variety of sandwiches, cookies and tea were served, j Miss Monk and Mr. Fiser were honored by the Lamrad Club, ?? which Misg Monk is a member, with a steak sapper at Bonnie's Place, The table in the private dining room was decorated with yellow >and white chrysanthemum* and tapers. Sixteen guests were in attendance. (hie of the most delightful social functions of the week was the lovely bridge party given at the home of Mrs. W. Leslie Smith with Mrs. James ja. Smith as Joint hostess. Handsome chrysanthemums in the ?shades of yellow, white and pink w# used in lovely arrangements through out the spacious Smith home on Church street. Members of the card dubs of the hostesses, the Gontraet and Ace groups, and additional friends played at thirteen tub1*? I &&BS HasM Lang Monk, bride elect, won the crystal cigarette container, n,,tn M.l m i| f 1. i^V II M ii awarded tor nigh score, and was pre sented with a crystal vase as a gift from the hostesses. Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst won the Contract Club prize of blue pottery, and Mrs. David T. Harris received novel smoking ac tesroriee aa^tihe Ace Club award for | MUIWU MI IX U*v UColyly 1 Uvmi T u Hfirrig vpoo KAgf/wo fa | ? ' lATOWDO 'w. I | - * w , ^ life of Cesar Rite, the man who de veloped theluxury hotel and enriched the vocabulary of the American cit izen with word "Rite" and "Ritey." Upon adjournment a ritey salad plate, ^^^^.^^tlc color were Mrl John T. Thorhe and Miss Bettie Joyner.|^|| heST drnpttt, ?U.ID. % was held with Mrs. P. E. Jones as hostess and Mrs. G. M. Holden pre siding. Mrs. J. W. Parker reported the recent state U. B. C., convention held in Goldsboro. A delicious sweet ?*"?? was .served.^ *:y | FARMYILLE LIBRARY Recent additions to the shelves of the FaraviDe Public libraryare as follows: Birds of the South?Trees of the South ? Charlotte Hilton Green; Here in Carolina?Lawrence; When Boston Braved the King?Wm. T. Barton; Prise Winners Books of Model Airplanes?Claudy; This is Petra?Dungan; Representative Men ?Emerson; The Family?Nina Fedo rova; The White Captain?Frasar; The Boy's Life of Bobby Jones?0. B. Keeler; The Best Bird Stories 11 Know ? Minot; Etiquette ? Emily Post; Troupers of the Gold Coast? Rourke; Two Poets, a Dog and a Boy ?Russell; The Grapes of Wmth I Steinbeck; Mrs. Miniver?Jan Struth er; English Short Stories?E. Boys; You Cant Go Home Again?Thomas I Wolfe; But Who Wakes the Bugler** I Peter DeVries; Madame Dorthea? Sigrid Undset. " ' ? - I SENIORS TO COMPETE ( IN COUNTY CONTEST ^ - The Senior Dramatic Club will pre sent "Swamp Outlaw" In Pactolua Friday night, November 8t at 7:80. This is the county play contest with Farmville, Chiood, and Bethel com peting. "Swamp Outlaw" is a Carolina Folk Play, "written by Clare. Johnson Marley of Lumberton. The play de picts the struggle between the Croa tans and the whites in Robeson coun ty during the war with the Scotch settlers. Tommy Lang has charge of the lighting, And William Our has charge of the sound effects. : * > The characters are as follows: Rhoda Strong, Anisa Ramey; Henry Berry Lowrie, Bobby Rouse;. Steve Lofrie, Bill Ruberry; Braat Harris, Lester Tumage; Shoemaker John, Boots Thomas; Owen Wright, John Parker. PROFITABLE Records kept by Onslow County demonstration poultrymen during the past four yearg show that a substan tial profit can be made from chickens, says Assistant Farm Agent Jack Kelley. SUBSCRIBE to THE ENTERPRISE - ^ I ? ' , , ' n.. . DARA1HUNT Y THEATRE 1 j I FARMVII LE. N. C. 1 ? ? ? ? Week of Nov 9th SATURDAY Doable Feature j "Stagecoach Wars" ! ? with ? j HOPALONG CASSIDY | tad "Leather Pushers" I i Richard Arien - Andy Devine I Pt? Another Chapter U% "DRUMS of FU MANCHIT I SUNDAY-MONDAY. ^ "ARISE MYLOVE* I ?With? I, I I Claudett Colbert ft Roy I : I Plus Movietone News I TURSDAY^^lii I "Melody and^ Moon Johnny Downs?Vera Vague ; 0us Crime Doee ^ ? Skv" 1 II with II I Bi i* j n, z;_ ? [| I Plnq "JTTNTTftli il I AIU9 V ATX ^ dii tl I Chanter No. 2. E&d Act ? II I || II * |l gravity of the' situation that now ?a n gMI, M I ,g jum >. I A/TAtflfll ^WlAil ' %?.? ? conrronts our country, occmiomq oy .tifauBf citfiflict ? jftow x*8^iny iti other culcate a sens* of duty ar^j patriotism in those, who may be called upon to serve this Nation in the ftrture, we deem it fitting that Armistice Day n "?*! r, n S ri!i ^ nMn-n ah' snouia oe ffflpTopnateiy observed. NOW, THEREFOR!#,, be it reviv ed by the Pitt County Board of Com missioners, in regular meeting assem bled on Monday, November 4, 1940, that in fader that proper observance of Armistice Day may be $ad by the various county employees, that alt offices of Pitt County Courthouse flon, anH remain closed throughout the entire day of November!!, 1940, and that a copy of .'thede resolutions be furnished the newspapers publish ed in Pitt County, and a copy spread upon the minutes and filed with the records of this Board. J. N. Williams, Chairman D. T. House, Jr. G. S. Porter G. H. Pittman If P TTn rtirag I m. 2>. Jaouges* ?. I ST- I ? I NOTE OP APPRECIATION ' ? ^ '/v/ ' *? :v.**s'" " For the past twelve months I have served as chairman of the local Red Cross Chapter. Last fall we conducted the annual Roll Call, and and this apring we gave you an op portunity to oontributs to the War Relief Fund. Both times the people of Farmville responded whole heart edly. It has been impossible for me or the local committee to thank each of you who assisted in either of these campaigns or those who assisted in the production of war garments. Therefore I would like th thank each of you for whatever service you have rendered to the American Red Cross during the past twelve months. It has been genuine pltesura to work with you and I.greatly appreciate the splendid cooperation and enthusi asm manifested by all the local Red Cross Workers. Eli Joynsr, BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ? Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Patrick, of 110 Greene street, announce the birth of a son, George Calaway Patrick, Jr., on Saturday, November 2, 1840. / " . 1 'i' . ? The reason some people talk while others sing is that without the con venation they could hear the sing ing, - ? . ' ' . A Gentle Laxative Good For Children Host any child who takes tide tasty laxative once wiD welcome ft the he's constipated y* Mm httdsfhy. im> Hitliaij ?MIAL Mill PEKit ffrBftUli COBuCu WQJiQv yf littleappetfteu Syrup of Black-Draught is a tasty liquid companion to the famous BLACK-DRAUGHT. The principal ingredient is the sane in both product*; helps flhpert tone to lasy bowel muscles. The forty's flavor sppeele to most ddldren? and, given by the rfmpia Spf^)wif) its action is' usually gtntle, but thorough. Bo member Syrup of Black-Draught next time. Two sixes: 60c and 25c. ,?us?' ? ,i ;u^..'? .. - Save With SING'S HI-TEST GAS Regular First Grade . 19? Gallon 1st Grade Kerosene 10c GeL Motor 0813c Qt and Up 300 SOUTH MAIN ST. LUMBER Farnmlle RetaiF Lumber Yard ? Phone 302-1 ? Located Near Norfolk Southern ; Depoi - Farmvilte, N. C. LUMBER, MOULDINGS, ROUGH and DRESSED SCREEN DOOR STOCK. . Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited 5 SUBSCRIBE to THE ENTERPRISE ?a??1 ? to fUi/ffd 0 mm 5^ fl| S yfrI?jfc ''"jfeti- ?*? *?'-'? ? '>,'-f^B H 1 _ ^ B ft iffc. ^Ajlll B -*? -fh? pilot Htft to wad hat K68UIIR?Hmple m tunriagadial. Qtaes you all the .&&&sas, off. o? milder daya. J mcist "VASTC- ' llSfW?ftcwau " heat froa^uthing np^e ?EITMIiES?-Circulate the bait; evenly. No oeld spots. . mi FLMmm laaOy against the skUsat the beater, circulates more beat into the bouse. Gives you "more heat per gaflon,k. Duo-Therm heaters are SAFE .. .listed as standard by the Underwriters' Labo Let us show you the new Duo-Therm oil-burn- ?, ing circulating heat er*. There M9 eight model? ? three fin ithes. Inexpensive.' too. Farnville Furaitare Co. "FURNITURE IS YOUR BEST INVESTMENT" . ? . . PHONE 383-1 FARMVTLLE. N. G. K ?. . ; . _J ^ _ ? AMthir "BIG SCOOT at Belk-Tyler's I ^ ? I 300 Special New I I Again we hare made another big purchase I tromaines, spun raytms and washable crepes. I ? These materials sefl by the yard op to 7le. I