__ - : j * u || 8? mttKA KOUSEpQWtRR m Vl? I Tg?? tfnirfiih ft ?nfclafarrl Kl Postoffios FhnnviB^N. C, ?? ' Early Christmas Hint: Send ft* FsrmrOle Enterprise to out-of-town nWN* We ha ve no quarrel with the man who doeant advertise in our columns; he's biting himaetf. Government seeks national well* being; business seeks profits. Na turally, a eanffidt often arises. Individuals who think for them selves never have to wait on other people to make op their minds. Every eituen of FKc county should, if poeaible, join the Bed Cross. It is a great organisation. ' People axe dying every day on the highway, trying to find out how fast a trip can be completed. Now that the professions are in the doghouse, you find business try ing to edge in on tiie professions. 'Life moves along; the family with two automobiles today couldn't afford a horse and bony yean ago. We hate to think of farm prices if the farmers of the United States go in for unlimited production of all crops. Well, now that the third term tradition has been broken, we will have to wait and see what happens to the nation. Education will be something when newspaper writers begin packing out the All-American English performer. VICHY CANT DELIVER Peace negotiations between Prance and Germany have been suspended until all fighting terminates. It appears that the efforts of Vice Premiere Pierre Laval to collaborate with Bekh Fuehrer Hitter hove been nullified by British resistance and by the Vichy Government's lack of con trol of French colonial posses sums With the "Free French forces" of General De Gaulle vigorously operat ing in French Equatorial Africa and with other evidences that French colonial forces have determined to resist any effort to tarn them over to Spain, Italy or Germany, the Vichy Government is unable to deliver the goods Hitler desires. This development should be en couraging to the British and to the Greeks. Moreover, if there da any truth in persistent rumors that Mar shal Weygand, who is in Africa, has definitely broken with the Vichy Government, there is the possibility of other good news for the fighting democracies. ^ A COMET TO BE VISIBLE A newly-discovered comet wiD I probably be risible m the western sky lata this month or early in De I cember and the ordinary obeenrer ought to be able to look iato the iky I at night and sea this most neaanal, startling and spectacular sight of toe I heavens. While in eariy tones comets were I taken se portents of famine, wars and the death ot kings, they are new I of the earth, bed, nsverthe T run '*???*?? ** ? ? * - -* I nOBQUBf bWC ftftp IwJQCv XO if toe earth elmold com* into colli sion with a comet. Astronomers say ?> jtoat so toe t^iswerned, to^to^l^eZ^a^waMUy I occurred in 1910 daring toe appari tion of Hallettoi comet. In no case we got into awrtact with the head <rf . a comet. If toe celestial visitor hep ___ . , ? _ M ^ _ *WW -? a SSSLII *v* ^ EF* ' lumowni rjliirmAdr Tttn ? " - ? ? j ,,, of ajtai|l:'ip|e^ ooe^lai with toe : > : | provedbytuMririitiin quotas. ' 4 Prices of dairy products rising on improved consumer demand. 5. Decrease in brooding for 1941 spring pig crop is prospect 4 Cotton mills busy as never be fore, bat cotton export outlook is bod. 7. Increased pfamtingB of truck crop* for fbll and winter. Production 8. Fbrm income in last quarter to top 1989 figuros. >'7>- ^ ; 4 Higher prifces for fed lsmbsj wool consumption increasing. 14 Supply of feed grains per animal on farms the largest . on record. U. New winter wheat crop in the gromrf; ?ta'll"-" last year. 12. About same number of cattle on feed this season as last 18. Supply of apples reduced. Production winter citrus largest on record. The Bureau of Agricultural Economics Reports: Fanner* axe bringing to a close another year of abundant production, price* of farm products have averag ed higher this year to date than in 11939, cash farm income for 1940? ; estimated ah 9 billion dollars?is the I second largest since 1929. Hie bureau said that domestic de mand for farm products continues good, and is expected to increase in >1941. In best position are farmers producing chiefly for the domestic market.- Exports continue to decline as continental European markets have been cut off by war blockades. Unit ed States exports of farm products will continue to be small through [1941. Plans for 1941 farm products are now being made, with prospects that the total output of agricultural prod ucts wiB be about the same as in 1940. Favorable price and income outlook for 1941 is contingent, the bureau said, upon maintenance of current agricultural adjustments by farmers in order to obtain maximum benefits from increased domestic de mand. Supplies of food, feed and fibers are fully adequate for current needs plus carryovers. The bureau reported that FARM CASH INCOME is declining seasonal ly, but that the total compares favor ably with 1939 figures. Income may be slightly larger than in the fourth quarter of 1939 when total from marketings and government pay ments was about 32,275,000,000. Prices of practically all farm prod ucts except hogs and chickens aver aged higher in the first 10 months of this year compared with last STOPPED War in Europe has virtually para ryzed the cotton textile industry of France, thus shutting off what was the second heat European market for United States cotton. m- . ? _ . TIE SMOKE OF SLOWER- BUM! IMP ' CAMELS GIVES YOU TTTTTmjM^ ? v ? fe fy State ?f Nor*i? Carolina I T. H. Rouse ami wife Blanche L_ I TS J M. te ** " " IM I dh^hk ana Town of Sarmville- ? ? i | Under authority vested in the un drnmgned commissioner by virtue of above entitled cause dated 14tb day commlssiener will offer for sale at! bouse door in Greenville, N. C., on Monday; 9th day of December, 1940,1 at twelve o'clock Noon, the herein-1 after described real estate, subject | to confirmation by the Court 1 That certain lot in Town of Eann vflle, North Carolina, being located) on Contentnea Street and being the same lot listed for taxation by T. H. | Rouse. I This.7t!h day of November, 1940. I M. K. BLOUNT, | * Commissioner. 5|| ,, J Want Ads! | TURKEYS FOR SALE-DRESSED or undressed?Dial 212-3 and give! | order now. ? Pecan Grove Dairy,) Farmville, N. C. N-15-4tj FOR RENT?SHOE APARTMENTS, East Wilson SL Will be completed and reedy for occupancy December | 1. Apply to J. W. Joyner, Dial 257-1. N-22-2t j . - f] FOB RENT: ? FURNISHED OB unfurnished: A newly remodeled and redecorated apartment Decem ber L Apply to Mrs. J. L. Shackle ford, City. FOB SALE? Building loto-Three | 57x208 kfe on George St Excellent residential locations. See me for fl | one of these bargains. D. L. Tunmge; Phone 2715, Green ville^ N. C. N-15-3t FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Pet Plants, Cut Flowers, Oonages and Funeral Designs. Say It* with Flowers. Farmvilk Flower Shop,)] f ' Myrtle Sutton, Owner. Phone*; | Day 467-1; Night 203-1. tfc ???J??_ J | FOR SALE?House and Lot, Farm- J N. C. on Pine St. Two-atory, 7-1 room house painted and remodeled. II 4 bedrooms. All conveniences. lot 50x150. Price very reasonable. I D. L. Tankage, Phone 2715, Green- I rille, N. C. N-15-3t COME TO SEE US for your battery [ and Bicycle Repair Work. Prompt) Service. Reasonable Charges. West ern Ante Associate Store, Farm-1 I ville, N. C. tfc ? i?r?n?I PURINA FATTENED TURKEYS C. E. Splvey ? Leave J?our Order At Davis Supply Co. Defiyeries Monday and Tuesday ??? i ' mi i iV ii'i.mw We Have Baby Clucks Almost Every Day S Now. 11 ,'| FanttviBe^ N. C. W ATI - W IlAPW" _ I ~l r 11' ?'. -" 4 IU , . . . ' || Carolina, and beginning at a bridge and runs thence N. 70 E. 191.4 feet E. 1442 feet to the canal at an elm; thence S. 19-80 E. 453 feet to a stake, thence a 84-80 E. 413 feet to a stake, thence & '? R 861 feet to r stake near Brewer's line; thence 8, 55-45 W. with Brewer's line to'said road, thence with said road to the begin ning and containing 48.8 acres more or less. v - Also one other parcel of land be ginning at the, crossing on said road, and Bensboro Canal in the center of the bridge and runs with said road S, 21 W. 400 feet to a stake in the road, thence a 89-80 W. 2120 feet to the Bank ok Tar Biver; thence down Tar River about 310 feet to a sycamore; thence N. 54 E. 1214 feet to the canal; thence with the ,canal its various cources to the beginning and containing 16 acres more or leas, ex cepting therefrom one acre commenc ing at the bridge thence up the road to a stake, thence Westerly to the canal, thence bade to the bridge. Ait I the above described lands being thh I same this day conveyed to L. E. Brewer by K. R. Wooten. This the 20th day of November, I 1940. WOODROW WOOTEN, Trustee. John Hill Baylor, Atfr. N-2fr4t I "Build-Up" for Women Hclpt Avoid Distress Do you suite periodically from htartirtiw. twMMi ity, crampJike pain? * If 10, hare's good ami These may be symptoms ?f functional dysmenorrhea due to often helped by CAKDUL CABDUI usually increases appe tite and the flow of gastric Juice; eo aids digestion and helps build up strength, energy, physical resist distress. Oryou may And this also helps ease your periodic discomfort: Take CABDUI a few days betes and during '?the time" 60 years of use and popularity invito your confidence in CAHDUL Advice iB easy to give but it is Just as easy not to take. "LONE W01i?MKETS lADV 1 I H? tium iHkfa^j I Abo another Chapter, .*^1 I "DRUMS OF PIT MANCHU" I I 0180SDAY.MONDA^i| I "DOWN ARGENTINE WAY" SkPIKP with I P^Awche aaJBMfr ! I J? TUESDAY ~~~| "CHEROKEE STRIP" S ? o; _ with ?. Richard Dix and Florence Rice Also Pete Smith and Novelty WEDNESDAY "CROSS COUNTRY ROMANCE" -with- " . ' Gene Raymond aadWendie Barrfe Plue another Chapter I "JUNIOR G-MEN" A CARTOON ~ i 1 1 ; THURSDAY-FRIDAY "THE MARK OF ZORRO" ? with ? Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell ?? Plus ? LATEST NEWS and CARTOON. ? ?COMING HITS? "YOU'LL FIND OUT" TIN PAN ALLEYS ? "SPRING PARADE" j luicber] Farmville Retail Lumber Yard il ? Phone 802-1 ? }| Located Near Norfolk Saathma j Depot ? Fannville, N. C. ? LUMBER, MOULDINGS, ROUGH and DRESSED1 SCREEN DOOR STOCK. ReepeclfqHy Solicited. I ->>B?"T"-1j m| -v-' ^^ 4 ? B11 I ^ f*^H & I SAMPLE LOW FARES j From FARMVILLE One Bodnd TOj?- W?jr Trip WUaon, N. C. ..$ .40 $ .75 Iteldgli, N. C. ... ... 1.10 *.00 Kington, N. C. ........ .60 L10 - Rocky Meant, N. C. .65 1J0 Richmond, V*. 2^0 4J50 ?? Hp grab ' :' X ? ? ? . .. . II B ^css% ? B;- '>W ? . E .HI I Make your living room J the envy of your friends with an ALEXANDER SMITH FLOOR-PLAN RUG I TMADI HARK 38 SIZES TO FFT ANY ROOM ?' * . Floor-Plan Rugs ere wove* of imported wools, en tirely without seams, and are in the famous Tru-Tone J colors that don't go murky under night light Every rug bears the famous Good Housekeeping guaranty. Flxmi the many new decorating colors, overall oatterns. luscious-plain tones and tone-on-tooe effects you are sure to find just what your room needs. Come in and see them today addle our assor tment is complete, Thtst an th famous Fttor- ? Plan Ru& advertised in tkl* I PLAIN COLORS I PATTERNS I TONE-ON-TONE EFFECTS I I mmmrnmmm - yyia ALEXANDER SMITH. MMMimn ? 1 MW-MMttlHIW mmmmmmmI Firnville Furniture Co. ' i * 4 j "FURNITURE IS TOUR EEtff INVESTMENT" FARMVILLE, N. C. "" " " " ""* ?-' ?- -?*???'- ?? ? ???- ~"S" ?-'? '?*-'-iV"i +-:',???*?? V. i .?* *' ?STS '; "'?>,'i*il ? Cart's Grocery FIIMY aai SAYIRMY OUT , ? ; ;v CRANBERRY SAUCE 17 oz. can Ocean Spray II * ' i > JELLQ PUDDING 3 Packages 16c Jim 16c | MAXWELL HOUSE VOTIW 1 lb. can I*; - ??" MAXWELL HOUSE it Coffee 2 lb. can ' 45? || feted** - ? ! PRATTLOW KWareOCKTAIL ?Cr I j 2 No. lama In Htmvy Syrnp | ; Log Cabin Syrup 12 or 18c | I Tomatoes .....:.. 3 No. 2 cans 17c | : May Field Corn... 3 No. 2 cans 25c 1 : Sugar5 lb. paper bag...... 23c X : aiaar ... 10lb.lWtbw . _ ?. j Sugar .....25 lb. bag (limit)...... ..... $1.15 | ? ?' . ? ? ? L ? .ii i I 'I' ? Oxodol ... Ui?? atet With 2 Cnlien P. & G. Soy 26c | Winner Oleomarine 1 lb. pkg.10c I .. r?, 11 ftg. ?. ? ------ ... ? I A loyal would certainly deposit his sxney in I

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