?y. ^ ^ witii for-! rlllSm ^SS^ the fleet ""rV~- ;^j ' .?_f y:rr ships. ? The Shipping Bond woxmd up the World War with 2,S1? ships of which, about, 2.0QO had been sold, scrapped, lost at sea ctr written off in one way or another. The Maritime Gouimia < sion had about 107 cargo ships on hand last year. Fifty of these have , been sold and the chances era that the rest will probably be disposed of to Great Britain. CONSTRUCTION ? Private construction in 1940 is estimated to be ibout 19^000^)00, This is the largest figure sines 1930 aad represents an Increase of two and one-half per cent, over 1939. Of the total, $2,050,000,000 represents residential building. WACTKWAl^^gS Announcement by Presides* that he will seek early Senate ap proval at a treaty with Canada tp complete the Great %ataa?-S^L?W renee Seaway and power project, as duetion, indicates that this vexatious question will probably lead to another prolonged battle. WARSHIPS The Navy, it is pointed out, is re ceiving new fighting ships at the rats of one every twelve days. The N?rt tional Defense Advisory Commission says that ship production is being, stepped up and the forty-month build ing period for a cruiser has been cut by ope-eighth, submarines are being prodooed in twenty-four instead of thirty months, and destroyers are be ing completed three months ahead of schedule. While a new ship every twelve days looks like fast work, it should be remembered that die Navy [_3EST^ MintiirI iV 1 nnrta I ? ??? ' * ,?-? ^ . __. _ *}*'?' ?." ? ^;rmff|!?* ADA a iv, * omd -llll mYIMR|UN oiH/AI/vilbi2j '? ' ' *>2^SL 5 representee on tne. i?7)u current \ytm\vly -TJP"v ^ma ^ *f|> ni.iio|> Tjaptak OTwt ,~> Q|| /. ' i ff* ' | ? I. I. iVf? i ?'? '1iw\nffh firrsm iTItTV traveling wnrougn Jawary lrt teT D^eibw Ut, 4,646 ocean-going veesels pass#Through the Canal as compared with 5,489 in the corresponding period of 1939. special defense fund of $200,000,000 at the disposal of tile President. Twv thirds of the fond has,.been spent, it is said, and the President plans to , request an iWdfBbri* appropriation. Included in recent allocafions" were scsk new Atlantic bases received sfrom Great Britain in trade for fifty old Navy destroyers. Another allocation : rv tfi . n although Congress later appropriated regular fund? for these purposes. Economists of il? Apartment of Xgricultnfe estimate that the nation ?] - ri(.>r^.i.ii ii?' V VP.' .n ??n tviv-i inn+ft.1 al defense program, nov?, projected, wdl involve an expenditure of $35, 000,000,000 in" thenext five years. Thepeak outlay will tie in 1P42, when $9,000,000,000 will be spent. The esthnaieis based upon the iwsump Son that the United States will not ' ,uyLro< .V '" 1 ' ? %? V'*&'?'*>?1" ' ' become directly involved in war. " " " ' "" ?*?. FOUNTAE^NEWS (ly.Mm M. P. YBLYEBTOJO Miss 'Ann Marie Jefferson is visit ing relatives in Washington, D. C. Mrs. F. L. Eagles spent Wednes day in Raleigh with Mrs. R. L. Eagles. James Lane Jefferson is spend ing the weekend in Morehead City rflth Jesse Staten a class mate of Campbell Colleger "?Mfcifc W. E. Lang and aim, Tru ett Lang, of Waistonburg, spent Sun day with Mr. and Ms. F. L. Eagles. Students HOmeTor Holidays A Students home for the Christmas holidays are, Hisses Hazel, Eloise and Jean Owens, Mary Emma and Helen Brown Jefferson and Maude Emily Smith, of E.C.T.C., Miss Lina1 Mae Edwards, of Atlantic Christian College; James. Lane Jefferson, of*! ?-r ? Campbel College; Edgar Case and Franklin Lewis, of N. C. State Col lege; Miss Fxna Estelle Yelverton, of Meerdith; Ferebee Beasly and Diftglet Johnson, of U.N.C.; Frank Owens and William Eagles, of Duke University; Gibbs Johnson, of Max ton j Earl Trevathan, of Fork Union; 'and Carol Yelverton, of W.C.U.N.C. ?* a*~v - ? ? ' - ? - Entertains Coffee Club. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Trevathan entertained the Couple Club at bridge Wednesday evening. Attractive decorations sugestive of the hoild&y season were used throUghuot the home. High score prizes were awarded to L. f Eagles and Mrs. J. A. Mer cer. - The hostess served egg -nog with fruit cake and salted nuts, /, ... . ?v II. 41 .'IJLO'1 THE ANSWERS ? 1. Marshal Petro Badoglio, re cently retired. 8. Best opinion; about one-half. 8. It'la generally so regarded. i September 12-13,1847. 5. Twenty-one guns. " 6. The son of a Union veteran, who lost a leg in the Batttebf Kene I saw Mountain,'the Judge was named in lienor of the battle. 7. The former are German diver bombers; the latter are British dive bombers. 8. No meaning; the letters are *??' e is n/JimuMft i?iiil!/.* A used solely because of their simplicity ?three .dots, three dashes, three dots. ~9. Special Committee to Investi gate Un-Aineriesn Activities. 10. Siam and Persia, respectively. ?t SEQUOIA J. Lyman Stewart, of Norton, a Jackson Comity farmer, says the new j Irish potato variety Sequoia is smoother, the vines stay green much ! longer, and yields are 40 to 50 per- < cent better than other varieties. <' 11 1 ? ?n 111 ? i One Utf that hasn't worked: ? the Neutrality Act * l ..? ? - ?" - DEFENSE . ? - 'Experts now believe that National defense orders awarded up to No vember 1 will result in the employ ment of 4,000,000 persons in this coufitry by the middle of 1941. . ?- : > ?# - You can understand the British problem by remembering that when the World War ended there .were 59 British, capital ships; when the pret end war-began there were 15. " Debate; "Resolved, That the World Qwes-.More to Guinea Pigfe Than Guinea Pigs Owe the World." to)? ?-Hi' nun REDUCED ?'Mr ^*v -? r-rwv?r*??5^. W ' . Present indications are that hog slaughter will be reduced materially in the first quarter of 1941, accord ing to the U. S. Bureau of A^rfctl tural Economics. 1 -Nobody knftws what the next twelve months hold in store for the people of th* .Untied states, but it is safe to assume that there sacrifice ahead for every loyal American. . " .!HcO Oil j j.< 7 ??+-7 4 ^ :vtt- *zrs- ??? - \ # ti- . . . . ~ & ' V^*-Un\ ?- ?? v' f . x K u Hi^bgB^A^p t #?? I. ^ 1 ^ sM I ?&??> ? ^r if *!*? . j. i B |rf*n I ? i I H X ; ct_' '/* i w ?Tiy'?st^.^: '^^** ? B E r~jic finnhg tiTniw ? ?* ? IMfvfbfl I H